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24 Cards in this Set

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dental anti-fungals are almost always directed at what?
infections caused by Candida albicans
mech, mj. clinical application, mj disadvantage
large polyene (antifungal)
1. binds ergosterol in fungi memB and then incorporates pore in memB altering Na, K, and H
2. NOT absorbed orally, ineffective systemic anti-fungal
3. bitter, foul taste (some have sucrose)
protocol for Nystatin (NY state) MYCOSTATIN) including suspension and other forms?
suspension - 2-3ml swished on ea. side of mouth 5min, then swallow. q6h for 48 hrs after remission
Lozenges - slowly dissolve 2 lozenges q6h (same time as above)
Clotrimazone (MYCELEX)
mech, mj. clinical application, mj disadvantage
an imidazole antifungal agent. broader spectrum than polyene
1. inhibits ergosterol synthesis (mostly misunderstood)
2. cause hepatitis (rare), better taste,
3. 10 mg troche, q5h/14 days, used with AIDS b/c broader spectrum`
Ketoconazole (NIZORAL)
mech, mj. clinical application, mj disadvantage
also imidazole.
1. absorbed readily orally, 1st choice when systemic needed, sometimes AIDS
2. significant systemic toxicities. liver monitored close. physician consult, a MUST
fluconazole (DIFLUCAN)
mech, mj. clinical application,
other "azole"
1. used as a backup systemic antifungal if ketoconazole not working
2. able to combat finger and toenail fungi
miconazole (MONISTAT)
clinical application
p 135
another "azole"
OTC product mainly used to treat vaginal candidiasis
ketoconazole (used systemically) associated with many drug interactions b/c inhibit cytochrome p450 system in liver (CYP3A4) contraindications?
warfarin (coumadin) ... anticoagulant
dofetilide (tikosyn) ... antiarrhythmic
"statin" antihyperlipodimic agents
Protease Inhibitors
PI (protease inhibitors) - using ketoconazole to treat candida in AIDS pt who also is taking PI, beware, why? do what?
consult physician since ketoconazole can cause increase in PI blood levels
Acylovir (ZOVIRAX)
mech, mj. normal cell vs. herpes cell
antiviral. inhibits DNA poly after bioactivation to acylovir triphosphate
normal: acylovir - cellular thymidine kinase - limited formation of acylovir monophosphate
herpes - a.monophosphat made - cell guanidylte kinase - acylovir triphosphate
how do you explain resistance to acylovir (2 mech's)?
1. loss of thymidine kinase activity by virus
2. production of thymidine kinase with altered substrate specificity
(host toxicity rare, would need 3000 fold concentration)
indications for therapeutic acyclovir?
herpes genitalis and mucocutaneous herpes in immunocompromised
2. systemic acylovir can be used phrophalatically to combat herpes in situations where predictable recurrance (ski in sunlight)
what is
ganciclovir (FOSCAVIR)
peniclovir (DENAVIR)
famciclovir (FAMVIR)?
other agents in acylovir family
ganciclovir (FOSCAVIR) more potent
penciclovir (DENAVIR) less potent, long t1/2
famciclovir (FAMVIR) prodrug for penciclovir
Foscarnet (CYTOVENE)
inhibit DNA olymerase through different mech as acylovir family and inhibit reverse transcriptase activity. when is this used?
as backup in acylovir resistant HSV infections, administered by IV only. permanent renal damage possible
hows retrovirus replicate?
virus in cell - loses envelope (Releases RNA & reverse transcriptase) - RNA to DNA - to host - mRNA - proteins (incl. reverse transcriptases) - virus assembled
Zidovudine (RETROVIR): azidothymidine, AZT ... first AIDS drug approved by FDA. Mechanism of action?
prevents elongation of viral cDNA, after phosphorlation it is incorporated into cDNA by reverse transcriptase of HIV which stops further base addition
2. promotes regeneration of CD+ lymphocytes (somehow)
RETROVIR (AZT) resistance (host)?
after 6 mo. effectiveness drops, agents can be substituted
what do you do if infected with HIV as health care worker?
AZT cannot clear HIV from body, used prophylatically to prevent neonatal infection, and 80% effective in preventing conversion in health workers.
what drug interaction should one be aware of when taking AZT?
acetaminophen - it inhibits the metabolism of AZT, increasing the risk of toxicity (myopathy - weakness)
Nevirapine (VIRAMUNE) is the FIRST non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. how does mech. work?
binds to the RT and noncompetetively inhibits cDNA synthesis (doesn't act like a base pair)
BUT, rapid resistance development
Nevirapine (VIRAMUNE) drug interactions to be aware of are?
nevirapine competes with benzodiazepines and macrolide antibiotics for liver enzymes which lead to increased toxicity of these and RT's (contraindication!)
HIV protease inhibitors (rasin), what's rasin? mechanism?
Ritonavir, Ampirinavir, Saquinivir, Indinavir, Nlfinavir. -> these inhibit actions of HIV-protease, which cleaves enzymes and structural proteins from polypetides generated by viral cDNA
HIV protease inhibitors used therapeutically, when?
never alone, but used in combination. usually 3 drug treatment with zalcitabine and AZT
drug interactions of HIV Protease inhibitors?
agents metabolized by CYP3A4 isoenzymes of liver .
CONTRAINDICATED - Benzodiazepines with PI's b/c sever CNS depression b/c decrease in benzodiazepine metabolism