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69 Cards in this Set

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Which description best defines a medication?
Drug used for a therapeutic effect to treat or prevent an illness
What is the trade name of a drug?
The proprietary name of the drug given by a manufacturer
What is the MedWatch form used for?
Identifying adverse effects of a drug in the general population
Which statement about drug names is correct?
A drug may have multiple proprietary names.
How do Schedule II drugs differ from Schedule V drugs?
Schedule II drugs are more likely to cause dependence.
Which legislation was written to require companies to determine the safety of medications before marketing?
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938
Which legislation was enacted to stimulate development and availability of drugs to treat rare diseases?
The Orphan Drug Act
Which stage of new drug development involves giving the medication to large numbers of individuals with the disorder that the medication intends to treat?
Developmental stage—Phase 3
Which governmental body was organized to gather intelligence, train, conduct research in the area of dangerous drugs and drug abuse, and enforce the Controlled Substances Act?
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Which statements about herbal products are true? (Select all that apply.)
They are tried by most people during their lives.

Some people take them instead of their prescription drugs.

For which pharmacokinetic effect does a patient with impaired renal function need particular monitoring?

A cumulative effect occurs if the next dose of a drug is administered before the previously administered dose has been metabolized or excreted. Because the kidneys are major organs of drug excretion, the nurse should review the patient’s chart for the results of renal function tests. The drug can accumulate,

Which is the best description of a toxic reaction to a drug?
Deleterious adverse effect
Two patients, one thin and one obese, each receive a highly lipid soluble drug. What difference in pharmacokinetics does the nurse expect in the obese patient as compared with the thin patient?
Drug elimination will be slowed.
A patient states he is allergic to the medication the nurse is ready to administer to him. What does the nurse do next?
Withholds the medication and notifies the prescriber of the situation
A patient takes two medications. Drug A is taken once per day; drug B is taken every 8 hours. Based on this information, what does the nurse conclude about drug A?
It has a longer half life than drug B.
When caring for a patient with abnormal functioning of hepatic enzymes, the nurse is most concerned with monitoring for signs of change in which aspect of pharmacokinetics?
What is the effect of protein binding on drugs in the bloodstream?
Inactivation of the drug
A patient is receiving a medication to increase urine output. The patient’s urinary output increases significantly and the blood pressure decreases slightly. How is the effect of decrease in blood pressure classified?
Common side effect
During which period is the risk of damage from a teratogenic drug the greatest?
First trimester of pregnancy
Which is the most common symptom of a hypersensitivity reaction to a medication?
Genetic makeup is most likely to alter a person’s response to medication through its effect on which factor?
Drug metabolism
A patient is taking an antacid concurrently with ketoconazole. The antacid inhibits the dissolution of ketoconazole. What is this result known as?
Drug interaction
When initiating drug therapy in elderly adults, prescribed medications are typically started at what range of the normal adult dose, with the amount of medication increasing over time?
One third to one half
Which factor associated with aging increases the risk of gastric irritation from nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in older adults?
Delayed gastric emptying
When administering medication to an infant, which principle of pharmacokinetics must the nurse keep in mind?
There is an increased risk of toxicity with use of topical agents.
Women may experience more problems than men when taking aspirin because of a decrease in which factor?
Gastric emptying
In administering medication to a patient with decreased albumin and globulin levels, what concerns the nurse most?
There may be increased free protein–bound drugs available, increasing the potential for adverse drug reactions.
A 66 year old patient is considered to be in which life stage?
A 63 year old patient is considered to be in which life stage?
Older adult
A student nurse is preparing to administer a topical medication to a pediatric patient. Which statement by the student indicates a correct understanding about topical drug absorption in this patient?
Infants wearing plastic coated diapers are more susceptible to skin absorption.”
Which guideline does the nurse follow when administering oral medication to a preschool child?
Using a follow up rinse with a flavored drink
Which phenomenon occurs in the body as a person ages?
Lean body mass decreases.
Which factors affect the gastrointestinal absorption of medicines?(Select all that apply.)
1 Gastric pH

2 Gastric emptying time

3 Blood flow of the mucous lining of the stomach and intestines

4 Enzyme activity

Which order does the nurse carry out when giving medications at 8:00 AM?
Irbesartan (Avapro) 150 mg PO daily
Which medication distribution system is identified as the safest system in current use?
Computer controlled dispensing
A new medication order written at 8:00 AM by the physician reads: Demerol 75 mg stat. What action does the nurse take?
Clarifies the order with the physician

The medication should not be administered because the order is incomplete—it does not specify the route of administration.

Which is a basic safety measure related to medication administration?
Never leave a medication on a bedside table for the patient to take later.
The nurse is preparing to give an oral narcotic drug to a patient. As the medication package is opened, the tablet falls onto the floor. What does the nurse do?
Destroys the tablet in front of another nurse, and both nurses sign the narcotic control record
The prescriber writes an order to administer cefazolin sodium (Ancef) 500 mg every 6 hours × 2 doses. What type of medication order is this?
Standing order

A standing order indicates that a medication is to be given for a specified number of doses.

Which action related to medication administration is outside the scope of basic nursing practice?
Deciding the best route of administration of medications
When teaching a patient about the proper storage of medications, what information does the nurse include?
Keep medications in their original containers.
What information is recorded in the nurse’s notes if a medication error occurs?
Patient assessments related to adverse effects of the error
What does the nurse do when a patient suddenly stops taking his or her prescribed heart medication?
Record the patient’s refusal of the medication in the nurse’s notes and notify the prescriber.
Which statements about safe medication administration are true?(Select all that apply.)
The nurse must have a current license to practice.

There must be a clear policy statement that authorizes the act of administering medicines.

As part of the plan of care for an elderly woman newly diagnosed with glaucoma, the nurse is teaching the patient’s daughter to administer the prescribed ophthalmic drops. Which observation by the nurse during the return demonstration indicates that the patient’s daughter requires additional instruction?
The tip of the dropper gently touched the patient’s inner eyelid.
Which instruction does the nurse include when teaching a patient to use a nebulizer?
Sit up to use the nebulizer.
When teaching a patient how to self administer an applicator of vaginal medication, which step does the nurse instruct the patient to do after administration?
Remain supine with hips elevated for 5 to 10 minutes.
Which information should the nurse NOT provide to a patient scheduled for patch testing for allergens?
Plan to remain at the clinic for 4 hours after the test for an initial reading of the result.”
Which direction does the nurse give to a patient who has just used a steroid inhaler?
“Rinse your mouth with water.

After using a steroid inhaler, the mouth must be rinsed with water to remove any remaining drug and prevent fungal overgrowth.

Which assessment finding indicates a positive patch test reaction?

A 3 to 5 mm wheal with flare
When teaching a patient how to self administer nitroglycerin ointment, which instruction does the nurse include?
“You may use measuring paper to apply the next dose.”
Which instruction does the nurse include when teaching a patient to take a sublingual or buccal medication?
“Allow the medication to dissolve where it is placed and hold saliva in the mouth until the tablet is dissolved.”
What does the nurse teach a patient using a metered dose inhaler about taking the medication?
“Hold your breath and exhale slowly following medication administration.”

Holding the breath and exhaling slowly allow the medication to settle in the pulmonary tissue.

Which statement about percutaneous drug administration is true?
Percutaneous administration refers to the application of medicine to the skin or mucous membranes for absorption.
From what is the exudate absorbing dressing Sorbsan manufactured?
Monitoring for changes in hepatic function and blood dyscrasias is an essential part of the care plan for a patient on which medication?
Which patient is most at risk for a paradoxical response to a barbiturate characterized by excitement, restlessness, and confusion?
A 76 year old with severe pain
A patient asks the nurse why her doctor said she could take her “sleeping pill,” which is a benzodiazepine, for no more than 4 weeks. Which information serves as the basis of the nurse’s response?
Long term use results in bizarre dreams and rebound insomnia when the drug is discontinued.
How does the effect of a benzodiazepine used for sedation differ in patients who smoke cigarettes from those who do not smoke?
Smokers may require larger doses to maintain the desired effect.
What information is included in the teaching plan for a patient for whom a hypnotic medication is ordered for insomnia?
Keep a nightlight on for safety in case you need to get out of bed.
Which assessment finding in a patient taking a sedative for insomnia concerns the nurse?
The patient has a decreased ability to perform activities of daily living.
Which benzodiazepine is long acting and places a patient at greater risk for a morning hangover?
Flurazepam (Dalmane)
What type of food is prohibited with zolpidem (Ambien) therapy?
High fat meal
Which herbal product has been used for the treatment of jet lag?
In order to obtain an adequate amount of sleep and maintain good health, what fraction of a person’s adult life would typically be spent sleeping?
One third
The nurse is teaching a patient with a history of insomnia about sleep pattern disturbance. Which statement by the patient indicates the need for further instruction?
“Insomnia is an occasional normal occurrence of a healthy life.”
The nurse is instructing a patient about the use of medications to treat insomnia. Which statement by the patient indicates the need for further teaching?
“It is OK to take a sleeping pill every night if I need one.”
The nurse is reviewing the medication history of a patient taking butabarbital (Butisol) for treatment of insomnia. The nurse contacts the prescriber after discovering the patient is also taking which medication?
Propranolol (Inderal)
The nurse is teaching a patient about how to improve sleep quality. Which information does the nurse include in the teaching plan?
“Avoid heavy meals late in the evening.”