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111 Cards in this Set

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Physostigmine, edrophenium, neostigmine

Block the breakdown of ACH in blood into choline and acetate by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase so indirectly you get more of ACH.
Used in the treatment of Myesthenia Graves (muscle weakening disease where form autoimmunity against nicotinic M receptors on muscle)
Note: physostigmine is stimulatory to the brain because it is not permanently charged.
Can use physostigmine to treat Alzheimer’s disease. It however can increase salivation and muscle contraction.
Non specific Ach increasers- get muscle stimulation (Nic M) and parasympathetic stimulation (Muscarinic)
Anticholinesterases have been developed as nerve gases→ SLUDGE
Neostigmine used also to treat NMJ blockade (from curare).
Physostigmine used to treat antimuscarinic overdose (atropine).
Direct-acting Nicotinic cholinergic receptor agonist AND Depolarizing Ganglionic Blocking Agent

Acts on nicotinic receptors in brain- why dependence issues- receptors are down regulated.
Acts on nicotinic N receptors in parasympathetic and sympathetic preganglionics.
Autonomic system controlling tissue predominates:
Heart (symp) ---- so increase HR and blood pressure (stimulation of adrenal medulla resulting in increased norepinephrine and epinephrine)
GI (para) ------- so increase motility and secretions (why ulcers in smokers- more acid)
Respiratory----more respiration
Doesn’t stimulate salivary gland b/c no nic receptors here, that’s why it’s direct acting.
As a Blocking Agent:
An alkaloid that in large doses blocks cholinergic receptors by persistent occupation of the site (prevents repolarization). Can be accomplished with large smoke intake or certain insecticides.
Results in reduced blood pressure, increased HR (compensatory), confusion, convulsions, and respiratory failure.
Buproprion (Welbutrin)
An antidepressant (weak inhibitor of dopa, serotonin, and NE reuptake) that contains no Nicotine

Tobacco-sessation product
Dual selective NE and serotonin reuptake inhibitor that treats ADHD as well because people self medicate with cigarettes. Reduces nicotine cravings and recidivism.

Tobacco-sessation product
FDA approved for preventing recidivism. An opiate receptor antagonist (endorphins and enkephalins released with alcohol and narcotics).
Nicotine replacements

Tobacco-sessation product
Nicotine Polacrilex nicorette gum
3 steps down starting with 1/ 2hrs. Two strengths available.
Transdermal Patches
Nicotrol transdermal patch- indic. >10 cig/day, 6 wk therapy
Nicoderm CQ patch- ind >10/day 3 steps down over 10 wks, if < 10/day 2 steps down for 8 wks.
Belladona Alkaloid
muscarinic blocker (parasymp n.s.)

i.e. Atropine

Competitively block at the muscarinic receptor so Ach can’t stimulate. The sympathetic system predominates:
Cause same response as other anticholinergic drugs.
Readily enter the CNS.
Large doses block cholinergic transmission at autonomics and neuromuscular junction. (specificity limited)
Used: to do eye exam (mydriasis and cycloplegia), reduce side effects of myasthenia gravis treatment, motion sickness, asthma, enureseis, parkinsons (restore DOPA/Ach balance), prevents bradycardia.
An alpha blocker

An antihypertensive drug that depletes NE stores or preventing its release from nerve terminals. This drug directly blocks the alpha 1 and 2 receptors.
An anticoagulant

Treats people with clotting disorders which can plug arteries leading to MI or stroke or pulmonary embolism.
Works by inhibiting the synthesis of vitamin K clotting factors in the liver.
Highly protein bound- protein bumping occurs!!!
A member of the cp450 system (CYP-2C9). If take with ibuprofen (also protein bound)- can increase dose by 4x. Has a low therapeutic index too (~4)
Treats diabetic hypoglycemia

Highly protein bound.
A member of the cp450 system (CYP-2C9) If take with NSAIDS or sedative Chlorohydrate can increase the free Tolbutamide → hypoglycemia → death
An antibiotic

Has a very short ½ life because it’s actively pumped into the kidney by an energy dependent system.
Very effective killer so don’t need to dose more than 6 hours.
If used with Probenecid (competitive antagonist at kidney absorption system) longer duration in blood and more effective.

A weak acid that is easily absorbed in acidic stomach.
Overdoses lead to GI pain, tinnitus, hyperventilation (low pH), kidney failure (prostaglandins are good for it)
Can treat overdose by alkalinizing the urine with IV sodium bicarbonate or administering carbonic anhydrase inhibitor Acetazolamide (increase bicarbonate in urine).
Weak bases
Narcotics like codeine, heroin, or naloxone
Can treat an overdose with ammonium chloride to lower the pH of the urine and ion trap the positively charged base in the tubules.
Muscarinic cholinergic agonist

Increases parasympathetic system activity.
Used to induce salivation.
Direct acting, so doesn’t stimulate Nicotinic M- of skeletal muscle. Indirect drugs can stimulate both nic M and musc.

Indicated for: glaucoma (to open up canals of schlemm) and xerostomia (increase salivation)
Direct Acting Cholinomimetic
Similar to giving straight acetylcholine.
Can directly activate both muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors (parasympathetic and somatic stimulation)
Indicated for: glaucoma
Anticholinergic Drugs
GI- reduced motility and secretions
CV- tachycardia
Eye- ciliary muscle relaxes, mydriasis (dialation)
Exocrine- decreased sweating, salivation, and mucous formation. (remember sweat glands release AcH)
Smooth muscle- relaxation (in bronchioles/GI)
CNS- Drowsiness
ADRs and Contraindications of Belladona Alkaloids
Eg. Atropine
GI- dry mouth, Cardiovascular- tachycardia, CNS- headache, confusion, drowsiness, Ocular- intraocular tension, Urinary- retention, impotence
Narrow-angle glaucoma, Myasthenia Gravis, Asthma, Severe Coronary artery disease

Actions increased with antihistamines, antipsychotics, and antidepressants.
Tertiary Amines
Subtype of muscarinic blockers

Eg. Dicyclomine, Tropicamide, Benzotropine, and Diphenhydramine

Very lipid soluble so easily get to the CNS.
Well absorbed by p.o.
Wide distribution
Used as antispasmodics to treat urinary problems, mydriatics for eye exams, and antiparkinsonian agents.

Triad of effects: anti-histamine, anti-cholinergic, local anesthetic
A Tertiary Amine Muscarinic Blocker
An antispasmodic used for irritable bowel syndrome.
The effects range from slight to no anticholinergic activity.
A Tertiary Amine Muscarinic Blocker
Used as a mydriatic to induce mydriasis and cycloplegia for an eye exam.
Possible toxic reactions if systemically absorbed: amnesia, hallucinations, cardiac arrhythmias, and death (in children)
Has a short duration of action (6 hours) (atropine up to 12 days)
A Tertiary Amine Muscarinic Blocker
Used as an antiparkinsonian agent which decreases ACH for corresponding decrease in Dopamine (restores this balance). Also used to treat extrapyramidal disorders where dopamine sites are blocked creating greater action of ACH.
More selective than belladonna alkaloids
Clinical use limited by ADRs: constipation, urinary retention and tachycardia.
Increase dose depending on patients response.
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
A Tertiary Amine Muscarinic Blocker
Used as an antiparkinsonian agent as well as to treat extrapyramidal disorders.
An antihistamine with central anticholinergic activity.
Has less peripheral side effects than other drugs (constipation, urinary retention, tachycardia).
Sedative effect is useful for patients with insominia.

Also great for treating motion sickness
Quaternary Amines
Muscarinic blockers (e.g. Glycopyrrolate)
Not very lipid soluble- doesn’t cross BBB, stays in peripheral nervous system.
Duration of action is greater than that of tertiary amines.
Uses: reduce gastric acid secretion in treatment of peptic ulcer.
Effects depend on dosage:
(small) inhibition of sweating, salivation, and bronchial secretions → mydriasis, cycloplegia, tachycardia → decreased motility in GI and urinary → decreased gastric acid secretion→ delirium (large dose)
If desired effect is decreased gastric acid secretion will have many ADR’s before get there (sweat, tachycardia, etc)
A Quaternary Amine (type of muscarinic blocker)
Used to treat gastric acid secretion in ulcer.
Not lipid soluble.
Used as an anesthetic med to decrease saliva, reduce secretions in GI and respiratory tracts, and prevent bradycardia.
Ganglionic Blocking Agents
A type of anticholinergic
Synaptic transmission in the ANS is mediated by Ach.
Anticholinergic drugs that act primarily at the postsynaptic cholinergic site with in the autonomic ganglia are ganglionic blocking agents.
Subdivided into Depolarizing drugs (nicotine) and Non-depolarizing drugs (mecamylamine)
A nondepolarizing ganglionic blocker
Competitively blocks ACH at postsynaptic receptor.
Nonselective- reduces ACH in sympathetic and parasympathetic (blocks out autonomic system)
Net effect dependent upon which division of the ANS predominates:
Sympathetic interferences→ vasodialation leading to orthostatic hypotension, decreased venous return leading to decreased cardiac output.
Parasympathetic interferences → decreased GI motility, dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation, cycloplegia and mydriasis, impotentce.
Powerful blood pressure-lowering drugs but not used because many side effects.
Neuromuscular Blocking Agents (description)
Interfere between somatic motor neurons and skeletal muscle resulting in paralysis.
With large doses can extend cholinergic antagonism to autonomic ganglia and parasympathetics→ increase HR, arrythmias, hypotension.
Do not penetrate BBB at therapeutic levels.
Release histamine from cells→ bronchospasm, increased secretions, hypotension, tachycardia, urticaria.
All skeletal muscles not equally susceptible to blockers:
(low doses) rapidly contracting small muscles like eyes, fingers and speech→ limbs, neck and trunk → respiration like intercostal muscles and diaphragm (high doses)
Small margin of safety. Small OD→ hypotension, respiratory depression.
Neuromuscular Blocking Agents (uses and interactions)
Uses: adjuncts to general anesthetics (relax muscle), facilitation of intubation, improvement of respiration in patients on mechanical ventilation.
Additional drugs are required for pain control because these drugs don’t reduce consciousness or provide analgesia.
Causing additive effects:
Antibiotics like aminoglycosides, lincoamides, polymixins
Inhalation anesthetics (enflurane>isoflurane> halothane), ketamine, local anesthetics, lithium, quinidine.
Causing reduced effects: cholinergic drugs, corticosteroids, ranitidine, theophyhlline.
Succinylcholine (ADR’s, Contraindications, Interactions)
A neuromuscular blocker (somatic n.s.)
ADR’s: muscle twitching, muscle pain, tachycardia, hypertension, arrhythmias, respiratory depression, apnea, increased salivation, increased intraocular pressure. Malignant hyperthermia (genetics leading to muscle ridgidity, tachycardia, hyperthermia, metabolic acidosis- increased likelihood in presence of general anesthesia.
Contraindications: malignant hyperthermia, narrow angle glaucoma (blindness), genetic deficiency of cholinesterases.
Interactions: may cause arrhythmias in patients on digitalis or quinidine (releases K from myocytes). Effect of succs is intensified by cholinesterase inhibitors.
Succinylcholine (general)
A neuromuscular blocker (somatic n.s.)
A depolarizing indirect (at receptor level) blocker.
Blocks by depolarizing the motor end plate until it becomes unresponsive to Ach by occupying receptor site. Prevents repolarization. Patients will at first fasciculate before flaccid (relaxed )paralysis of 10 to 30 minutes. This is non-competitive and cannot be overcome by administering and anticholinesterase. Some people (0.1%) with defective plasma cholinesterases will be paralyzed for a long time after use.
Cholinesterases are transformed into succinylmonocholine which is a weaker active metabolite that is slowly hydrolyzed.
Normal dosage paralysis lasts 5-10 minutes.
A neuromuscular blocker (somatic n.s.)
Reversible competitive antagonist of Ach at nicotinic M receptors that blocks the contraction of striated muscle by attaching to the motor end plate.
Blocks nicotinic M receptors only- won’t affect parasympathetic system.
A non-depolarizing competitive blocker. Can be overcome by administering an anticholinesterase (such as neostigmine or physostigmine).
First anti-depolarizing muscle relaxant (d-tubocurarine active chemical)
Tubocurarine (mostly obsolete)
A nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker
Basically curare.
Can be used to diagnose Myasthenia Gravis:
Have MG if muscle weakness results or a very small dose elicits an exaggerated response.
Causes histamine release- (blood vessel dilation results leading to anaphylactic shock)
Use with diazepam may increase possibility of malignant hyperthermia.
A nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker
Less likely to release histamine than tubocurarine.
Hypotensive effect is minimal.
May need to reduce dosage if administered under isoflurane or enflurane.
Quick onset and rapidly inactivated in plasma.
Recovery begins within 20 minutes.
Repeated doses have no effect on duration of blockade.
ADR’s: mild hypotension [at high doses→ erythema, itching, urticaria, wheezing, hypotension, tachycardia]
A nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker
Effects similar to atracurium except fewer or no histamines are released.
Fewer side effects result
A reversible inhibitor of plasma cholinesterases.
Unlike other anticholinesterases, does not affect intracellular cholinesterases.
Uses: exclusively used with succinylcholine to delay enzymatic hydrolysis leading to a reduction in muscle fasciculations and prolong muscle paralysis.
Duration is approximately 30 minutes and is unaffected by general anesthetics.
ADR’s: primarily due to enhanced succinylcholine activity (see ADR’s here)
Treatment for non-depolarizing neuromuscular overdose
Overdosage treated by:
Artificial respiration with oxygen
Cholinesterase inhibitors (treatment of OD on non-depolarizing blockers)
Cholinesterase inhibitor treatment of OD is contraindicated for overdosage with depolarizing blockers (succinylcholine)- will further stimulate and intensify paralysis.
Direct Acting Skeletal Muscle Relaxants (general)
Act on the muscle itself by interfering with Ca2+ not on nerves.
-reduce release of Ca2+ from binding sites in sarcoplasmic reticulum.
-reduced contractility of skeletal muscles.
-affects fast reflex muscles more than slow voluntary muscles (b/c have more input- more sites to block)
A direct acting skeletal muscle relaxant
Orally taken to treat muscle spasticity resulting from chronic neurologic disorders (cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke). Treat to make patient more comfortable not the underlying cause.
Takes 1-2 weeks for therapeutic effects to be seen.
IV injected for emergency management of malignant hyperthermia: reduced release of Ca2+, impairs catabolism in muscle cells, reduces elevation in body temp due to increased muscle activity.
ADR: hepatotoxicity especially with high doses or long-term treatment (hepato. risk is greater in females and pts > 35yrs.)
Discontinue therapy if no observable benefit in 45 days.
Treatment of Spasticity
Spastic disorders are abnormalities in skeletal muscle tone due to pathology in descending CNS motor tracts.

Characteristics include:
-tonic stretch reflexes are hyperreactive
-jerky and exaggerated movements
-muscle weakness and pain
-loss of dexterity

Treatments include Baclofen and Diazepam (Valium)
A centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant
Treats muscle spasms in the CNS by reducing monosynaptic and polysynaptic signal transmission in the spinal cord.
Molecular structure like GABA- activates GABA-B receptors, increases K+ efflux leading to hyperpolarization (less firing), and reduced Ca2+ action.
Net result→ decreases the release of excitatory NT (aspartate and glutamate)
Typically administered orally, but can be given intrathecal infusion with implantable pump for those not responding well to oral therapy.
Abrupt withdrawl may cause hallucinations
Diazepam (Valium)
A centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant- a benzodiazepine
Increases GABA-A action by increasing Cl- influx resulting in hyperpolarization and reduced muscle activity.
Not as effective as Baclofen
Also used as an anti-anxiety drug and can be a drug of abuse.
Causes some CNS sedation.
Treatment of Spasms
Centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants are used
Classified as interneuronal or polysynaptic blocking drugs- are less sensitive than diazepam or baclofen.
Used to treat pain and discomfort of muscle spasms associated with anxiety or acute musculoskeletal disorders (inflammatory states or peripheral injuries like strains).
Have weak synaptic blocking activity- primary goal is to decrease muscle tone without loss of voluntary control and loss of consciousness.
Most central muscle relaxants produce sedation.
Directly depress higher centers that regulate motor activity- contributes to relaxant effect.
Example: Methocarbamol (relaxant and sedative)
A centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant
Used similar to methocarbamol to treat spasms. This agent, however, possesses anticholinergic action.
Structural relationship to tricyclic antidepressants.
Not effective in treatment of muscle spasms cause by CNS pathology- treats symptoms.
Epinephrine /adrenaline (description and uses)
Direct acting endogenous catecholamine
Directly activates alpha and beta-adrenergic receptor sites.
It is rapidly broken down (why not take orally)
No penetration of BBB→ minimal CNS activity
Good absorption through nasal, ophthalmic, inhalation and parenteral routes.
Uses: relief of nasal, ocular, pulmonary congestion
Pressor agent in acute hypotensive states (epi pen used for anaphylactic shock- beta1 dialates bronchioles, beta2 increases HR)
Relief of symptoms of allergic reactions. Restore normal HR during cardiac arrest.
Produce bronchodilation (asthma)
Prolongate duration of local anesthetic. (cause vasoconstriction)
Direct acting endogenous catecholamine
Directly activates alpha and beta-adrenergic receptor sites.
It is rapidly broken down (why not take orally)
No penetration of BBB→ minimal CNS activity
Good absorption through nasal, ophthalmic, inhalation and parenteral routes.
Uses: relief of nasal, ocular, pulmonary congestion
Pressor agent in acute hypotensive states (epi pen used for anaphylactic shock- beta1 dialates bronchioles, beta2 increases HR)
Relief of symptoms of allergic reactions. Restore normal HR during cardiac arrest.
Produce bronchodilation (asthma)
Prolongate duration of local anesthetic. (cause vasoconstriction)

Epinephrine (ADR’s)
Direct acting endogenous catecholamine
Increases blood pressure resulting in hypertension and heart rate resulting in tachycardia.
Cerebral hemorrhage and arrythmias.
Risk of ADR’s is increased if administered in the presence of halogenated hydrocarbons (like lidocaine).
Drying of mucosal membranes.
TCA’s and MAO inhibitors may increase potentcy.
Bronchodialation is blocked by propanolol.
BP effects are antagonized by vasodialators (nitrites and alpha-adrenergic blockers like phentolamine)
BP effects are enhanced by beta-blockers (propanolol) and diuretics.
Norepinephrine (levarterenol)
Direct acting Endogenous Catecholamine
Direct activation of alpha adrenergic sites resulting in strong vasoconstriction.
Some ionotropic action on cardiac beta receptors resulting in increased force of contraction.
Increases blood pressure and coronary artery blood flow, but also increases workload of heart.
Uses: a BP raiser in acute hypotensive states
ADR’s: reflex bradycardia(compensates for increased HR), hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage, arrythmias (similar to epi) and tissue necrosis.
Contraindicated for vascular thrombosis and hypovolemic shock.
BP effects may be enhanced by Tricyclic Antidepressants and MAO inhibitors
Direct acting endogenous catecholamine
Direct activation of dopaminergic receptors in renal and mesenteric vasculature→ vasodialation and increased renal blood flow.
Activates myocardial beta receptors → increased force of contraction and cardiac output.
High doses activate alpha receptors leading to vasoconstriction.
Causes less myocardial oxygen demand and fewer arrhythmias than E and NE.
Uses: Gets heart back to more stable contraction following shock.
ADR’s: Tachycardia, mild hypotension, arrhythmias. High doses may cause hypertension and decreased urinary outflow. BP effects are enhanced by Tricyclic Antidepressants and MAO inhibitors.
Vasopressor Amines
Alpha 1 adrenergic synthetic catecholamines
Have both direct and indirect adrenergic activity.
Causes lots of systemic vasoconstriction.
Used primarily in acute hypotensive situations:
-maintenance of BP in shock following hemorrhage
-fluid replacement must be in progress or perfusion of vital organs may decrease (phenylephrine is used)
-maintenance of BP during inhalation anesthesia
-production of vasoconstriction in area of local analgesia.
Nasal Decongestants (phenylephrine)
Alpha 1 adrenergic synthetic catecholamines
Direct vasoconstriction (alpha 1) of mucosal arterioles: reduces local blood flow, edema and fluid exudation.
Tachyphylaxis to decongestant effect- rapid tolerance developed to drug (need higher doses for same effect)
Chronic use leads to rebound congestion (resulting from physical dependence- should only be used 1x a day).
Readily absorbed through mucous membranes; large doses may produce systemic effects. (cocaine also a decongestant)
ADR’s include: stinging burning, drying of nasal mucosa, tachycardia, hypertension arrythmias, reflex bradycardia.
Vasopressor Amines
Alpha 1 adrenergic synthetic catecholamines
Have both direct and indirect adrenergic activity.
Causes lots of systemic vasoconstriction.
Used primarily in acute hypotensive situations:
-maintenance of BP in shock following hemorrhage
-fluid replacement must be in progress or perfusion of vital organs may decrease (phenylephrine is used)
-maintenance of BP during inhalation anesthesia
-production of vasoconstriction in area of local analgesia.
Nasal Decongestants (phenylephrine)
Alpha 1 adrenergic synthetic catecholamines
Direct vasoconstriction (alpha 1) of mucosal arterioles: reduces local blood flow, edema and fluid exudation.
Tachyphylaxis to decongestant effect- rapid tolerance developed to drug (need higher doses for same effect)
Chronic use leads to rebound congestion (resulting from physical dependence- should only be used 1x a day).
Readily absorbed through mucous membranes; large doses may produce systemic effects. (cocaine also a decongestant)
ADR’s include: stinging burning, drying of nasal mucosa, tachycardia, hypertension arrythmias, reflex bradycardia.
Ophthalmic Decongestants (phenylephrine)
Alpha 1 adrenergic synthetic catecholamines
Produce alpha 1 induced arteriolar constriction and mydriasis (pupil dialation)
Epinephrine (beta adrenergic effect decreases formation of aqueous humor)
Phenylephrine is more selective for alpha1:beta (20:1)
Unlike anticholinergics don’t cause cycloplegia (paralysis of accommodation) or increase in intraocular pressure (IOP).
Contraindicated in narrow-angle glaucoma (production if mydriasis)(more riskier)
Uses: examination of eye, treatment of open angled glaucoma (increased outflow and decreased production of aqueous humor)
Symptomatic relief for minor eye irritations due to colds, hay fever, or dust.
ADR’s: stinging burning, drying of eyes, tachycardia, hypertension arrythmias, reflex bradycardia.
Alpha 1 adrenergic synthetic catecholamines
A lipid soluble prodrug of epinephrine
Penetration into cornea is greater than epinephrine (lipophilic)
Used to reduce IOP for chronic open-angled glaucoma.
Fewer ADR’s than Epinephrine: less drug required (better absorption)
Contraindicated in narrow-angle glaucoma
Alpha 2 Adrenergic agonist
Activates alpha 2 sites on presynaptic membrane reducing NE transmission→ reduces vasoconstriction.
Pharmacologic effects: include hypotension, sedation and analgesia.
Reduces blood pressure by acting on alpha 2.
Beta 1- adrenergic synthetic catecholamines
Direct activation of Beta 1 adrenergic receptors on myocardium (selective)
Minimal action at alpha or beta 2 sites.
Increases contractile force- less tachycardia and peripheral vascular resistance than isoproterenol.
Use: Acute treatment of heart failure due to depressed contractility.
ADR’s: tachycardia, mild hypertension, premature ventricular contractions, halogenated hydrocarbons (lidocaine) may increase arrhythmias.
Beta 2- adrenergic synthetic catecholamines
Used in the treatment of bronchial asthma and other chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. (treat symptoms)
Relax bronchiolar smooth muscle
Activate adenyl cyclase→ cyclic AMP
Epinephrine and isoproterenol activate all beta-adrenergic sites and their use is associated with many ADR’s (cardiac stimulation)
Beta 2- adrenergic synthetic catecholamines
Greater selectivity for beta 2 receptors on bronchiolar smooth muscle than epinephrine or isoproterenol.
Lower incidence of cardiac side effects (tachycardia and increased cardiac output).
Complete separation of beta1 and 2 activity isn’t achieved.
Relaxes bronchiolar, vascular, and uterine smooth muscle.
Uses: relief of bronchospasm associated asthma- can’t be used chronically because will increase HR.
ADR’s: tachycardia, arrhythmias, increased BP.
Beta 2- adrenergic synthetic catecholamines
A smooth muscle relaxant used to treat peripheral vascular insufficiency (?) and cerebrovascular insufficiency (?).
Diminishes vascular resistance and increases resting blood flow in skeletal muscles.
This drug primarily increases blood supply to nondilated, nonischemic areas that are not in critical need of improved perfusion.
Hypotensive effect may actually reduce cerebral blood flow and perfusion to vital organs.
ADR’s: lightheadedness, hypotension, tachycardia
Beta 1 and Beta 2 adrenergic synthetic catecholamine
Nonselective: Activates all beta receptors
Oral and sublingual tablets aren’t reliable because could be chewed and increase the dose by 3x leading to tachycardia.
Causes cardiac stimulation, vasodilation and bronchodilation
Relaxation of smooth muscle of GI tract and uterus.
Uses: Relief of bronchospasm, management of shock, cardiac arrest, AV block.
ADR’s: headache, palpitations tremors, bronchial irritation, tachycardia, disrythmias.
OD may cause cardiac arrest (so much stimulation of heart it freezes)
If combined with epinephrine in local anesthetics may cause cardiac arrythmias.
Reversed by propanolol and other beta blockers.
Alpha and Beta adrenergic synthetic catecholamine
Similar action to amphetamines- used to be sold OTC.
Professional athletes die from this→ vasoconstriction if overdose→ build up heat and die
Direct: activation of alpha and beta adrenergic receptors
Indirect: release of NE from presynaptic membrane
Results in tachycardia, increased BP and cardiac output, mydriasis, relaxation of bronchiolar and GI smooth muscle, bronchodilation (less intense than epinephrine), CNS stimulation.
Uses: Broncodilation in chronic pulmonary diseases, decrease nasal congestion, treatment of narcolepsy, has been used for ADD
ADR’s: similar to epinephrine (can develop tolerance quickly)
CNS Stimulants and Anorexiants
Amphetamine derivatives and ephedrine.
Uses: Control of obesity (decrease appetite; anorexiant)- not effective
Relief of depression (limited)
Treatment of ADD

Widely abused drugs.
A CNS Stimulant and Anorexiant (like amphetamines)
Has been taken off the market as a diet aid (as an adrenergic drug can lead to heart attacks)
Has been used as a sympathomimetic decongestant and an OTC diet aid (Dexatrim).
Anorexiant effect by decreasing appetite in hypothalamus.
Not very effective after a few weeks because you develop tolerance. Thus need higher doses that can lead to increased cardiac stimulation and increased blood pressure.
Nonselective Alpha Adrenergic Blocking Agent
Block alpha 1 sites (post-synaptic) on vascular smooth muscle (antagonizes E and NE vasoconstriction) and alpha 2 sites (on presynaptic membrane- allows increased release of neurotransmitters).
Long acting and noncompetitive (forms stable covalent bond with alpha receptor site). Blockade can last for days.
Blocks primarily at alpha 1 sites.
Increased blood flow to skin, mucosa, and viscera.
Orthostatic hypotension- alpha 1 sites are blocked so when a person stands up blood pools in the legs→ pass out.
Uses: Control hypertension in those with pheochromocytoma (tumor of adrenal medulla→ extra catecholamines)
Treatment of pulmonary hypertension.
Peak effect: occurs in 4 to 6 hours.
ADR’s: Nasal congestion, Miosis, Dizziness, Orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, shock
Nonselective Alpha Adrenergic Blocker
Similar to phenoxybenzamine except it’s reversible (good) and there is competitive antagonism at presynaptic and postsynaptic alpha sites.

Can be used chronically because it’s reversible.

Also causes direct relaxation of vascular smooth muscle.
Prazosin (minipres)
Selective Alpha 1 Adrenergic Blocker
Primarily block post-synaptic alpha 1 receptors on blood vessels.
Reversible and competitive with E and NE.
Dilates both arterioles and veins
Blood pressure is lowered even when patient is supine
Significant hypotension can occur during initial dose (first dose effect- it’s very powerful)
Used for treatment of hypertension (can be used with other antihypertensive drugs)
Selective Alpha 2 Adrenergic Blocker
Blocks Alpha 2 sites resulting in increased release of catecholamines at peripheral sites (primarily NE)
Complex mechanism: also increases peripheral cholinergic activity and central activity leading to increased BP and HR.
Used to treat orthostatic hypotension and impotence.
Beta Adrenergic Blocking Agents
Produce reversible and competitive blocking at beta receptors.
Antagonize the effects of catecholamines released from adrenergic nerve endings and the adrenal medulla.
Decrease many actions of catecholamines:
Myocardial stimulant, vasodilator, bronchodilator, metabolic
Nadolol and Propanolol
Nonselective Beta Adrenergic Blocking Agents
Block BOTH beta 1 and beta 2 receptors- not good for people with cardiac AND pulmonary problems.
Selective Beta 1 Adrenergic Blocker
Selectivity for cardiac beta-1 sites (doesn’t cause pulmonary constriction)
If a person with respiratory problems give this- not propanolol.
Beta Blockers (general)
Decrease heart rate and force of contraction
Lower BP
Membrane stabilizing action (like quinidine)- cardiac stabilizing
Opthalmic- reduces formation of aqueous humor, no miosis or hyperemia.
Uses: Antianginal, Antihypertensive, Antiarrhythmic
Oral absorption is good
First pass effect is significant for metoprolol and propanolol. Food increases bioavailability of these drugs.
Most metabolized in liver
Short half life of 3-9 hours.
Beta Blockers (ADR’s, Contraindications, Withdrawl, Interactions)
ADRs: tachyarrythmieas (heart beast faster), chest pain, cardiac failure, dizziness, bizarre dreams, diarrhea, anorexia, bronchospasms, joint pain.
Contraindications: right ventricular failure, severe congestive heart failure
Withdrawl: must be gradual because upregulation occurs during chronic administration (if go cold turkey, more receptors for catecholamines→ more cardiac activity)
Interactions: prolongs insulin-induced hypoglycemia and masks symptoms of hypoglycemia, decreases clearance of lidocaine, enhances muscle relaxing action of NMB drugs
Carvedilol and Labetalol
Alpha and Beta Adrengergic Blockers
Used in surgery to shut everything down.
Used as an antihypertensive agent
Decreases BP (alpha 1 block) and no significant reflex tachycardia (beta-1 block)
Contraindicated: patients with asthma (beta2 block)
Quinidine, Paroxitene, Fluoxitine, Setraline
Block CYP2D6 and block conversion of Codeine into morphine (active metabolite)

Quinidine = old anti arrythmic
All others are serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors

Cardiac glycoside
Natural product of Foxglove plant
Opioid antagonist, reduces potency of opioid
Opioid partial agonist -- reduced the intrinsic activity compared to opioid agonists -- would shift curve to the left
Competitive competes for same pump in kidney tubules Penicillin
Increases duration of Penicillin in the body
Actively secreted into kidney tubule

NSAIDs inhibit its active secretion into the kidney tubule
Anti-cholinesterase used to treat myasthenia gravis (where nicotinic M cholinergic receptors are being destroyed
Anticholinesterase used to treat Alzheimer's
Used for asthma, muscarinic cholinergic antagonist
Dopamine receptor agonist, blocks alpha -1
Used in treatment of schizophrenia, but people develop Parkinson-like symptoms
First local used, an ester

legal in hospitals for topical purposes in nasal surgery and eye surgery
Only local with profound vasoconstriction

Abuse potential

End result:
accumulation of NE (blocks reuptake), amphetamine effect accelerates release of NE, sensitization of alpha and beta receptors, CNS stimulation, vasoconstriction, B1 stimulating: tachycardia and increased contraction force

Avoid using w/ epinephrine (you'll get epi build up)
Cocaine + vasoconstrictors = hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, death

End result:
blocks reuptake of dopamine, accelerating dopamine release, stimulating B1 receptors driving the heart -- excess dopamine gives you the high
Procaine (Novacaine)

Bad because they release PABA, which a lot of people are allergic to

Metabolized in blood stream via cholinesterase's

ring structure makes it lipid soluble, water solubility make it injectable (except Benzocaine)

Benzocaine used topically in orajel - overdose can lead to methemoglobinemia
All injectable local anesthetics

Etiodcaine (conjoner of lidocaine - not marketed anymore)
Mepivacaine - doesn't need a vasoconstrictor because it doesn't dilate as much, so it lasts longer
Bupivacaine (mepivacaine derivative, also more potent)
Prilocaine (doesn't dilate as much, need to use higher concentrations compaired to mepivacaine)
Articaine (both ester and amide), increased reports of parasthesias in mandibular infiltrations
Increase duration of local anesthetics, reducing blood levels
Stimulate alpha and beta receptors
Epinephrine and levonefrin
Hemostatic effects by stimulating alpha 1 receptors
Concerns w/ vasoconstrictors
BP > 200/115
myocardial infarction within 6 months
stroke within 6 months
bypass surgery within 6 months
unstable angina
uncontrolled CHF or arrhythmias
uncontrolled hyperthyroidism
sulfite sensitive asthma or allergy
Taken cocaine, beta blockers or tricyclic anti-depressants
Anti-cholinesterase, for nicotonic receptor stimulation

(could be for increased salivation)

Used to combat overdose for atropine or other anti-muscarinic drugs
Direct-acting cholinomimetic (for muscarinic receptor stimulation)
Direct-acting cholinomimetic (for muscarinic receptor stimulation)
Direct-acting cholinomimetic (for muscarinic receptor stimulation)

Aka cholinergic
can directly activate both muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors

Indicated for glaucoma (you want a pure muscarinic agonist)
Direct-acting cholinomimetic used for radiation induced xerostomia or Sjoren's syndrome
Anticholinesterase (for nicotinic M cholinergic receptor stimulation

Used in treatment of myasthenia gravis and secrete ACh
Anticholinesterase (for nicotinic M cholinergic receptor stimulation

Used in treatment of myasthenia gravis and secrete ACh

Used to reverse effects of curare induced neuromuscular blockade
Anticholinesterase (for nicotinic M cholinergic receptor stimulation

Used in treatment of myasthenia gravis and secrete ACh

Used to reverse effects of curare induced neuromuscular blockade
Anticholinesterase (for nicotinic m chloinergic receptor stimulation)

Used in treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Anticholinesterase (for nicotinic m chloinergic receptor stimulation)

Used in treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Anticholinesterase (for nicotinic m chloinergic receptor stimulation)

Used in treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Direct acting cholinomimetic used to aid in bladder atony -- help with urinary retention
Nerve Gas
Irreversibly and covalently bind cholinesterases
Lipid soluble on skin
SLUDGE syndrome
Sarin, Soman, Tabun
Insecticide, anticholinesterase

Same effects as nerve gas but not as powerful
Used in treatment of Alzheimer's
N-methyl-D-aspartate recepto antagonist; excitatory amino acid glutamate and aspartate contribute to neuronal destruction associated w/ Alzheimer's, so this blocks neurotoxic excitatory amino acids

Usually combined with anti-cholinesterases
Ginko biloba
Used in treatment of Alzheimer's

Has some antiplatelet activity

Partial agonist at alpha-4 beta-2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (partially activates nicotinic receptors)

Blackbox warning for suicidal ideation

FDA approved w/ Buproprion (only 2 FDA approved for tobacco cessation)
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

Block inactivation of tyramine in the stomach leading to an overload on norepinephrine release leading to a hypertensive crisis or cardiac arrhythmia

Fentanyl orallete
Opiate more powerful than morphine, given submucosally like a lollipop to kids
High first pass effect so 80% of it is inactivated before it gets in the blood stream
Oral anti-diabetic

Highly protein bound, NSAIDs can protein bump significantly increasing blood levels sending patient into significant hypoglycemia
Short acting general anesthetic drug
4-8 min
Extremely high volume of distribution, extremely lipid soluble
Calcium channel blockers
Used in treatment of angina, hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias
End in -pine

Vasodilators so they cause postural hypotension

substrate of cyp 3A4
Dopamine receptor agonist
Used to treat schizophrenia (too much dopamine) but as a result some people develop Parkinson like symptoms
Also blocks alpha 1 receptors, so orthostatic hypotension is a possibility