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46 Cards in this Set

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central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
1. Somatic motor
parasympathetic nervous system
Rest and Digest
- slowing heart rate
-increasing gastric secretions
-emptying bladder and bowel
-focusing the eye for near vision
-contracting bronchial smooth muscle
sympathetic nervous system
-regulation of cardiovascular system
---^ maintains blood flow to the brain, redistributes blood, and compensates for blood loss^---
-regulation of body temp
---^regulates blood flow to skin, promotes secretion of sweat, induces piloerection (erection of hair)^---
-fight or flight response
---^increase HR and BP, shunting blood away from skin and viscera, dilating the bronchi, dilating the pupils, mobilizing stored energy^---
-transmit impulses
-stimulate release of epinephrine and norepinephrine
-activate receptors
when activated cause a specific effect on an organ
transmitters of the pns
receptors of the pns
-mediated by aceylcholine (ACh)
-mediated by norepinephrine and epinephrine
cholinergic receptors
-Nicotinic n
-Nicotinic m
Adrenergic receptors
-Alpha 1 and Alpha 2
-Beta 1 and Beta 2
Nicotinic n (neuronal)
Class: Cholinergic Receptor

-promotes ganglia transmission
-promotes release of epinephrine
Nicotonic m (muscle)
Class: Cholinergic Receptor

Function: Contraction of skeletal muscles
Class: cholinergic receptor

Function: Activates parasympathetic nervous system
alpha 1
Class: Adrenergic Receptor

-Contraction of bladder neck and prostate
alpha 2
Class: Adrenergic Receptor

-Located int eh presynaptic junction
-minimal clincal significance
beta 2
Class: Adrenergic receptor

-Bronchial dilation
-relaxation of uterine muscles
class: Adrenergic receptor

-Dilates renal blood vessels
alpha agonists
stimulate alpha receptors
alpha blockers
block alpha receptors
beta agonist
stimulate beta receptors
beta blockers
block beta receptors
Drugs that MIMIC pns
-cholinergic drugs
-cholinergic agonists
-muscarinic drugs
Drugs thatBLOCK pns
-parasympatholytic drugs
-cholinergic antagonists
Drugs that MIMIC sympathetic nervous system
-adrenergic agonists
effects of SNS
-BP increase
-Pulse increse
-pupils dialate
-secretions decrease
effects of PNS
-BP decrease
-pulse decrease
-pupils constrict
-secretions increase
muscarinic poisoning
-Source: ingestion of mushrooms
treatment for muscarinic poisoning
muscarinic blocking agents-atropine
-Class: muscarinic agonists
-Prototype Drug? yes

-constricts pupils and cillary muscle improving aqueous humor drainage (decrease ocular pressure)

Nursing Considerations:
-teach proper eye drop admin
-begin med in PM
-report any eye pain
-avoid OTC drugs
-report respitory problems

Other uses: for xerostomatitis

-peptic ulcer disease(PUD)

Side Effects:
-CV symptoms: dizzy,flushing,diaphoresis,reflex tachycardia,risk of A fib
-increased lacrimation
-decrease vision
Class: muscarinic agonist
Prototype drug? yes

-acute urinary retention
-postoperative abdominal distention
Administration: PO or SC
CAUTION: do not give IM or IV or with mechanical GI obstruction or after GI surgery
Nursing Considerations:
-atropine on standby
-assess bowel sounds and skin flushing
-may catheretize in 30min if no response
muscarinic antagonists
drugs that block the action of acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors
-increases heart rate
-decreases secretions
-relaxes bronchial muscle
-decreases bladder tone
-decreases GI tone and motility
-dilates the pupil
-CNS excitation

-Disorders of the eye
-intestinal hypertoxicity and hypermotility
-muscarinic agonist poisoning
-biliary colic
-peptic ulcer disease (PUD)

Adverse effects:
-dry mouth (xerostomia)
-blurred vision
-increaes intraocular pressure
-urinary retention
-anhydrosis (lack of sweating)
-symptomatic bradycardia
-eye exams
-bladder spasms
-urinary frequency or incontinence
-mushroom poisoning
antimuscarinic/anticholinergic drugs
-Symptomatic bradycardia
-eye exams
-bladder spasms
-urinary frequency or incontinence
-mushroom poisoning
*w/ anesthesia
-decrease bronchia secretions
-prevent bradycardia
-prevent side effects of AChEt

Side Effects:
-dilation of pupils (photophobia)
-absolute contraindication: Glaucoma(increased intraocular pressure)
-slows GI tract motility:constipation
-urinary retention
-respiratory distress:thickened secretions
-speeds heart rate
examples of antimuscarinic drugs
-Ipatoprium bromide
--trihexyphenidyle (Artane)
-Benztropine (cogentin)
*last two in Parkinson's disease
antimuscarinic poisoning

caused because epinepherine predominates
sources of antimuscarinic poisoning
-Atropa belladonna
-datura stramonium
-tricyclic antidepressants
symptoms of antimuscarinic poisoning
direct result of excessive muscarinic blackade
-dry mouth
-blurred vision
-CNS effects(delerium)
-respiratory depression causing death
treatment of antimuscarinic poisoning
1. Minimize intestinal absorbtion
-syrup of ipecac
-activated charcoal
2.Administer the antidote
-Phystigmine (neostigmine) (AChel)
-This will compete with the antimuscarnic agent for receptor binding, there byreversing excessive muscarinic blockade
cholinesterase inhibitors
-drugs that prevent the degradation of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase
effects of cholinesterase inhibitors
-effects muscarinic and nicotinic receptors
-same as parasympathomimetic drugs
---excessive slaivation,sweating,urinary urgency,diarrhea
A patient is scheduled for a procedure that requires axon conduction blockade. Which medication will the nurse obtain?

A. Receptor agonist
B. Receptor antagonist
C. Local anesthetic
D. Beta2 Blocker
C- it is non selective and will numb wherever the nurse puts it.
A patient receives medication that results in activation of the acetycholine receptors of the heart the nurse should assess the patient for which intended effect?

A. Decreased heart rate
B. Dysrhythmia suppression
C. Increased heart rate
D. Improved contractility
A. Decreased heart rate
Parasympathetic Nervous System Drugs aid in what?
- Digestion of food
- Excretion of waste
-Control of vision
- Conservation of energy