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23 Cards in this Set

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failure of the sweat glands.
Inhibiting the physiological action of acetylcholine, esp. as a neurotransmitter.
belladonna alkaloid(s)
is a perennial herbaceous plant in the family Solanaceae, native to Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia.
Relating to or denoting nerve cells in which acetylcholine acts as a neurotransmitter
cholinergic crisis
an over-stimulation at a neuromuscular junction due to an excess of acetylcholine (ACh), as of a result of the inactivity (perhaps even inhibition) of the AChE enzyme, which normally breaks down acetylcholine.
cholinesterase inhibitor
(often abbreviated AChEI) or anti-cholinesterase is a chemical that inhibits the cholinesterase enzyme from breaking down acetylcholine, increasing both the level and duration of action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
A bitter, resinous substance obtained from the bark and stems of some South American plants
reversal of the resting potential in excitable cell membranes when stimulated.
ganglionic blocking agents
a type of medication that inhibits postganglionic transmission, primarily by acting as a nicotinic antagonist.
irreversible cholinesterase inhibitor
Drugs that inhibit cholinesterases.
malignant hyperthermia
hereditary condition in which certain anesthetics (e.g., halothane) cause high body temperatures and muscle rigidity.
muscarinic agonist
an agent that enhances the activity of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor.
muscarinic antagonist
agent that reduces the activity of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor.
myasthenic crisis
an acute episode of muscular weakness.
neuromuscular blocking agents
Neuromuscular blocking drugs block neuromuscular transmission at the neuromuscular junction, causing paralysis of the affected skeletal muscles.
parasympatholytic drugs
Drugs that block the effects of the parasympathetic nervous system.
having an effect similar to that resulting from stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system
The development of differences in potential between two points in living tissues, as between the inside and outside of the cell wall.
An enzyme present in the blood and certain organs that hydrolyzes acetylcholine more slowly than acetylcholinesterase
quaternary (chemical structure)
The structure formed by the noncovalent interaction of two or more macromolecules, such as that formed by four globin protein molecules to make hemoglobin or that formed by histones interacting with DNA to make a nucleosome.
quaternary ammonium compounds
Also called Quats or QAC. A type of algaecide composed of ammonia compounds.
the change in membrane potential that returns the membrane potential to a negative value after the depolarization phase of an action potential has just previously changed the membrane potential to a positive value
abnormal dryness of the mouth resulting from decreased secretion of saliva.