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120 Cards in this Set

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Chemical name , Generic name , offical name , brand name ?
Drug names
Plants , animals minerals and Laboratory ?
Main sources of drugs
How the drug is absorbed , distributed , and eliminated?
Enacted to improve the quality and labeling of drugs?
Pure food act of 1906
Limited the indisriminate use of addicting drugs?
The Harrison Narcotic act of 1914
Empowered the FDA to enforce standards ?
The federal food , drug and cosmetic act of 1938
High abuse , no accepted medical indications?
Schedule 1
High abuse , Accepted medical indications?
Schedule 2
Less abuse than 1 & 2 , low dependance?
Schedule 3
Low abuse , limited dependance?
Schedule 4
Low abuse compared to 4, limited physical dependance?
Schedule 5
Test that determines the amount and purity of a given chemical in a preparation?
Relative effectivness of chemically equivalent drug?
Test to ascertain a drugs availability in a biological model?
Six Rights of Medication?
Right person , right drug , right dose , right time , right route , right documentation.
Medications that may deform or kill a fetus?
How a drug interacts with the body to cause its effect?
Process in which carrier proteins transport large molecules accross the cell membrane?
Facilitated diffusion
Movement of a substance without energy ?
Passive transport
Movement of a solute in a solution from a area of higher to lower concentration ?
Movement of a solute in a solution from an area of lower to higher?
Movement of molecules accross a membrane from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure?
Amount of a drug that is still active after it reaches its target tissue?
Tight junction of capillaries in the central nervous system vasculature?
Blood-Brain barrier
Special name given to the metabolism of drugs?
Medication that is not active when administered but who's biotrans converts it into active metabilites?
The livers partial of complete inactivation of a drug ?
First-pass effect
The loss of a hydrogen atom or the acceptance of an o2 atom? Increases positive charge?
The breakage of a chemical bond by adding water?
Delivery of a medication through the gastrointestinal tract?
Enternal route
Delivery of medication outside the gastrointestinal tract?
Parenternal route
Binding of a drug to a target cell or receptor?
A drug causes the the formation of more receptors than normal?
Drug that binds to a receptor and causes it to initiate the expected response?
Drug that binds to a receptor but does not cause it to initiate the expected response?
Drug that binds to a receptor and causes some of its effect?
Drug that binds to a receptor and causes the expected efect while blocking another drug?
Competitive antagonism
The binding of the antagonist causes a deformity of the binding site?
Noncompetitive antagonisim
A competitive antagonist that permanetly binds to a receptor site?
Irreversible antagonism
A drug effect that is unique to the individual?
Tolerance of a drug that developes after administration of a different drug?
Cross tolerance
Rapidly occuring tolerance of a drug?
Increased effectiveness when a drug is given in serval doses?
Cumulative effect
The effects of one drug blocks the effects of another?
Drug interaction
Two drugs that both have the same effect are given ?
One drug enhances the effect of another?
Two drugs , same effect , enhances the effects?
The direct biochemical reaction between two drugs?
Correlation of different amounts of a drug to a clinical response?
Drug response relationship
Desribes the length of onset , duration , and termination of action as well as a drugs minimum effect?
Plasma level profile
The time a medication reaches its effect concentration?
Onset of action
Minimum of a drug needed to cause an effect?
Minimum effective concentration?
Length of time the amount of drug remains above the minimum effective concentration?
Duration of action
Time from when the drug drops below its minimum concentration till its eliminated from the body?
Termination of action
Ratio of drugs lethal dose for 50% of the population to is effective dose for 50% of the population?
Theraputic index
Time the body takes to clear half the drug ?
Biologic half-life
Factors affecting drug response?
Age, body mass, sex, evvironment, time of administration , pathology , genetics , psychology
Nerve cell?
Medication that releives the sensation of pain ?
The absense of the sensation of pain ?
The absense of all sensation ?
Agent that enhances the effects of of other drugs?
Adjunct medication
Medication that induces a loss of sensation to touch or pain ?
Anesthesia that combines decreased sensation of pain with amnesis while the patient remains conscious?
Decreases the the sensory neurons ability to propagate pain impulses? Morphine
Opioid Agonist
These classes effect the production of prostaglandilins? Aspirin
Nonopioid Analgesics
Reverses the effects of opioid drugs? Narcan
Opioid antagonist
Medications are given with others drugs to enhance their effects? Diazepam
Adjunct Medications
Displays both agonistic and antagonistic properties? Nubain
Opioid Agonist-Antagonist
State of decreased anxiety and inhibitions?
Instigation of sleep ?
Drugs used to treat mental dysfunction?
Psychotheraputic medication
Common side effects of anti-psychotic meds? Muscle tremors
Extrapyramidal symptoms
Phenothiazines, Butyrophenones, Atypicals?
Major classes of antipsychotics
TCA's , SSRI's , MAOI's ?
Major classes of antidepressants
Nervous system that controls involuntary actions?
Autonomic nervous systems
Groups of autonomic nerve cells located outside the central nervous system?
Autonomic ganglia
Nerve fibers that extend from the central nervous system to the autonomic ganglia?
Preganglionic nerves
Nerves that extend from the autonomic ganglia to the target tissue?
Postganglionic nerves
Space between nerves?
Specialized synapse between a nerve cell and an organ?
Neuroeffector junction
Chemical messenger that conducys a nervous impulse?
Pertaining to the neurotransmitter ACH ?
Pertaining to the neurotransmitter Norepi ?
Drug that causes effects like those of parasympathetic nervous system?
Drug that blocks the action of the Parasympathetic nervous system?
Salivation , Lacrimation , Urination , Defecation , Gastric Motility , EMesis
Muscarinic , Nicotinic , Nicotinic N , Nicotinic M ?
Types of parasympathetic ACH receptors
Hot as Hell , Blind as a bat , Dry as a bone , Red as a beet , Mad as a hatter ?
Effects of Atropine Overdose
Blocks ACH only at Nicotinic sites ?
Nicotinic Cholinergic Antagonists
Blocks the effects of ACH at the Muscarinic receptors?
Muscarinic Cholinergic Antagonist
Drug that causes the effect like those of the Sympathetc Nervous system?
Drug that blocks the action of the Sympathetic nervous system ?
Natural Catecholamines?
Epi , norpi , dopamine
Synthetic Catecholamines?
Isoproterenol, dobutamine
Drug userd to treat and prevent abnormal cardiac rhythm?
Constricts arteries and veins? Pupilary dialation?
Alpha 1
Inhibits NorEpi?
Alpha 2
Increase heart conductivity , Automicity , Contractivity, Renin Release?
Beta 2
Bronchodilation, dialates arterioles, inhibit uterine contrtaction, and Muscle tremors?
Beta 2
Drug that best demonstrates the class's common properties and its particular characteristics?
Drug used to to treat and prevent abnormal cardiac rhytms?
Class 1 antidysrhythmic
Sodium chanel blocker 1A, 2A , 3A
Class 2 anti's
Class 3 Anti's
Potassium blocker
Class 4 Anti's
CA++ Channel blockers
Drug's used to treat Hypertension?
Drug used to reduce blood volume by increasing the amount of urine?
Stable Angina , Unstable Angina , Prinzmetal's Angina ?
3 Basic tpes of Pectoris Angina ( chest pain )
The stoppage of bleeding ?
Acts directly on thrombi to break them down ?
Drug used to treat high cholesterol?
CNS simulants that have additional bronchodilatory properties?
Mediator released from mast cells upon contact with allergies?
Substance that decreases surface tension?
Medication used to prevent vomitting?
Drugs used to treat cancer?
Disease causing organism ?
The body's ability to respond to the presence of a pathogen?
Solutions containing whole antibodies for a specific pathogen?