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48 Cards in this Set

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what denotes the ANS?
parasympathetic (craniosacral) system plus the sympathetic (thoracolumbar) system
waht are the homeostatic fx of the ANS?
pupil size and lens focus
GI tract mobility /digestion
cardivascular -BPM, contratx
glandular secretions
sexual function
sympa or para:
vegetative fx, local rxns
list para/sympa actions on the eye
para: pupil constrx, accomodation
sympa:pupil dilation
ANS effects of GI tract
para: peristalsis
sympa:dec'd motility
ANS effects on the cardiovascular system
para: HR, contactility, constrx tone of arteioles and veins
sympa: increases HR, CO , BP
role of sympa on blood vessels
venous constriction to increase return, arteriolar constriction in unneeded tissues, skin,
which secretes EPI, sympa or para?
sympa - in response to fight or flight
pupil restricts in response to bright light
pupillary dilation
GI motility and secretions increase during superbowl
head ganglion
automic fx of the spinal cord and brain
powerful influence on sympa and para activity flowing from CN 3,7,9,10
parts of cerebral cortex
limbic system
brain stem
what denotes the craniosacral system?
CN 3,7,9,10 and sacral spinal nerves S2,3,4
what type of fibers are main in craniosacral?
what denotes the thoracolumbar system
what type of fibers are main in thoracolumbar system?
this has short postganglionic, long preganglionic
parasympathetic NS
Ach is released onto nicotinic receptors Nn
preganglionic NT of para and sympa
NE is released onto adrenergic receptors
short preganglionic, long postganglionic
Ach is released onto muscarinic receptors M2, M3
CN or SSN>pregang>Ach>nicotinic on postgang>Ach >target organ -muscarinic receptors
parasympathetic NS
path for parasympathetic to the head from midbrain
midbrain>CN3>cilary gang>pulillary constriction & ciliary muscles
path for parasympa to head via Pons
Pons>CN7> lacrimal gland or submandibular gland
to get to target organ, sympathetic fiber route utilizes?
thoracolumbar>short pre>Ach>Nn>long post>NE>adrenergic receptor on target organ
what are visceral efferents?
motor fibers of sympa and para
paravertebral ganglia
located clost to both sides of vertebral column and are sympa chain gang.
prevertebral ganglia
collateral ganglia located periperhal to vertebral column
what system activates sweating? what is unusual about this?
*Ach is the postgang. NT at the target organ instead of NE
what is the termed used to describe the fibers activated during sweating?
sympathetic cholinergic sudomotor fibers
Horner's syndrome
loss of sweating
what are the motor neurons that go to the skeletal (voluntary) muscle called?
alpha motor neurons
what is different about alpha motor neuron path?
fibers exit the spinal cord and go directly to the skeletal muscle -activate motor endplate and cx release of Ach onto Nm receptors
path: spinal N>motor fiber>Ach>skeletal muscle>Nm
somatic efferent fibers of the alpha motor neurons
medulla>CN9>parotid gland- what system?
parasympathetic to the head
list the para fibers that go from body wall to limbs
cant, there aren't any!
to get to vasomotor, sudomot and pilomotor fibers of the arm, a nerve must travel...
exit T2-T6>middle cervical ganglia or Stellage ganglia>thru brachial plexus>arm
Vasomotor, sudomotor, pilomotor acronym
where is the NT going?
T1-T6>superior cervical ganglia>internal carotid A>
pupilary dilator musces, vasomotor, sudomotor fibers of the head
to get to the VSP of lower body wall, legs and feet, a NT must travel via
T12-L3>sympathetic chain>fused lower lumbar & sacral chain gang>lumbosacral plexus>via peripheral N> home
parasympathetic to body cavity viscera - from medulla
medulla>vagus N>heart, lungs, abdominal viscera
path: S2-S4>pelvic splanchnic N>distal colon, bladder, geneticals, rectum anus. system?
using sympathetic system, take me to the heart from being poked in the back
T4-T1>superior cervical gang>heart
how do I get to the abdominal viscera from T5-T12?
using sympa fibers>thoracic splanchnic N>synapse in celiac and SMA collateral gang clumped around the abd. aorta>follow the arteries>abdominal viscera
I ahve synapsed i the inf. mesenteric ganglia and hypogasteric /pelvic plexi, where did I come from and where can I go?
you came from T12-L2>lumbar splanchnic N>to the synapse>followed the arteries and landed in the pelvic viscera
you go from PHL to Atlanta and on to PDX, where are you going?
Im going home!!! yay!!!!