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25 Cards in this Set

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Mechanism of Action: Penicillins
inhibits cell wall synthesis
Mechanism of Action: Cephlaosporins
Mechanism of Action: Tetracyclines
Mechanism of Action:
inhibits protein synthesis
bacteriocidal in high concentrations
Mechanism of Action: Aminoglycosides
inhibits protein synthesis
Mechanism of Action: Sulfanomides
Mechanism of Action: Antitubercular: Ethambutol, Rifampin, Isoniazid
Rifampin: Tuberculocidal,bacteropcoda
Mechanism of Action: Anitfungal
Alters fungal cell permeability
Uses & Adverse effects: Penicillins
Uses: Upper/lower Resp. Inf;
Bone/joint inf; strep;
Adverse E: superinfection;ab cramps; pruritus; nausea/vommiting; colitis; wheezing
Uses & Adverse effects: Cephlosporins
Uses: 1st Gen:surgical prophylaxis; gram pos.
2nd Gen: gram neg.; anaerobic inf
3rd Gen: gram neg; will cross blood brain barrier
Adverse E: inj. site irritation; hyper. sens. --> false pos glucose test
Uses & Adverse effects: Tetracylines
Uses: Acne; STD; UTI
Adverse E: GI irrit.; tooth/bone deposits; hepatoxic; nephrotoxic
Uses & Adverse effects: Macrolides
Uses: U/L Resp. Inf.; skin inf from staph aureus; Chlamiydia; gonorrhea; UTI; Penicillin allergy; prophylactically before surgery/dental work
Adverse E: diarrhea; nausea and vommiting; sore tounge and mouth
Uses & Adverse effects: Aminoglycosides
Uses: E.coli; staph. aureus; strep. faecalis
Adverse E: neprotoxicity-->tubular necrosis
ototoxicity-->hearing loss
vestibular toxicity-->loss of balance
Uses & Adverse effects: Sulfanomides
Uses: prohylactically for dental/surgical work; Chlamydia;Gonorrhea; pneumocystis pneumonia; UTI; meningococcal meningitis
Adverse E: bloody dyscrasias; nausea/vomiting; diarrhea; erythema; photosensitivity; renal damage
Uses & Adverse effects: Antitubercular: Ethambutol;Rifampin;Isoniazid
Uses: Ethambutol:pulmonary TB
Rifampin: all TB
Isoniazid: infection due to tubercle bacilli; prevention of TB in exposed clients
Adverse E: Ethambutol: Visual changes if used for children <13
Rifampin: hepatotoxicity; Red/orange body fluids; GI sx
Isoniazid: hepatotoxicity; peripheal neropathy (numbness, tingling)
Uses & Adverse effects: Antifungal
Uses: Fungi; Infections called Mycoses
Adverse E: fever/chills; nausea & vommiting; thrombophlebitis; hypokalemia; nephrotoxicity
Nursing Interventions: Penicillins
*us alt to birth control pills
*if allergic to pennicilins may allergic to cephlaosporins
*avoid acidic beverages since they decrease the absorption
*false pos glucose tests
Nursing Interventions: Cephalosporins
*check for penicillin allergy
*avoid alcohol during and 72hrs after
*false pos glucose tests
Nursing Interventions:
*contraindicated during preg. and <8yo
*discoloration of teeth
*decrease in skeletal growth
*watch for superinfection
*avoid sun
*do not take w/ milk,antacids, or iron
Nursing Interventions: Macrolides
*give PO w/h20 1hr before or 2hr after meal
*monitor of superinfection
*look for signs of liver injury (severe ab pain, yellow skin, dark urine)
Nursing Interventions:
*assess hearing prior to treatment
*monitor peak/trough levels
*draw trough levels 30min prior to dose
*draw peak levels 30min after for IV; 60min for IM
Nursing Interventions: Sulfanomides
*contrainidicated: last trimester, nursing mothers, client with asthma
* increase I/O
*avoid sun
*report rash,fever,or mouth sores
*avoid taking w/antacids--> decrease absorption
*to decrease GI distress dose 1 hr before meal or 2 hrs after w/ full glass of water
Nursing Interventions: Antitubercular: Ethambutol, Rifampin, Isoiazid
*Ethambutol: eval. visual acuity and color discrimination
*Rifampin: monitor liver func.; inform of body fluid color changes
*Isoniazid: monitor liver func;notify MD of decrease appetite, fatigue, jaundice, dark urine
Nursing Interventions: Antifungal
*give w/ acetaminophen and diphenhydramine
*add hydrocortisone/ heparin to IV as orderd
*administer infusions slowly over 4-6 hrs to prevent cardiovascular collapse.
Signs and Symptoms of Superinfection
*black furry overgrowth on tounge
*vaginal itching/ discharge
*loose/foul smelling stool