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176 Cards in this Set

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classes of receptors
Ligand gated ion channels
G protein coupled receptors
Enzyme linked receptors
Intracellular receptors
Intracellular receptors induce transcription
Drug metabolism phases
Phase 1:oxydation
Phase 2: Conjugation
1 usually renders drug inactive
2 increases soluability for fecal (by congugation) or renal (polar species) elimination.
CYP3A inducers
St. Cohns Wort
CYP3A inhibitors
Grapefruit juice

Ca channel blockers, statins, versed, Hg
Cyp 1A2 inducers
Cyp 1A2 inhibitors
beta blocker
Ace inhibitor
Alpha blocker
Angiotensin receptor blocker (ARBS)
Cancium channel blocker
(exceptr verapamil and diltiazem)
Reduce Na+ & H2O
-lowers blood volume
-lowers CO
-Lowers peripheral resistance
(watch for Hypokalemia, hyperglycemia and increased lipids, and uricemia)
Loop diuretics
Lasix , Ethacrynic acid
( hypo k,Mg, OTOTOXICITY hyperuricemia, decreased renal function)
Potentiated by anminoglycoside antibiotics
4 ways to treat hypertension
lower blood volume
sympathectomy ( alpha 1, beta 1)
Reduce renin anngiotensin aldosterone system
4 types of beta blockers
non selective
combined beta and alpha 1
blocker/partial agonist
Non-selective B blockers
propranolol (inderol)
Nadolol (corgard)
Selective B blocker
metoprolol (lopressor)
Atenolol (tenormin)
Combined B blocker
B1 and 2 and Alpha 1
Labetalol (normodyne)
Carvedilol (coreg)
B Blocker with ISA
ISA=intrinsic sympathomimetic activity

- for htn in diabetics or slow heart rate.
Strongly selective B blocker with Vasodilatory effect via Nitric oxide release
Selective B blocker
metoprolol (lopressor)
Atenolol (tenormin)
B blocker adverse effects
CNS (fatigue, Insomnia, Hallucinations) ED, Bronchospasm (wih non selective)
Combined B blocker
B1 and 2 and Alpha 1
Labetalol (normodyne)
Carvedilol (coreg)
B Blocker with ISA
ISA=intrinsic sympathomimetic activity

- for htn in diabetics or slow heart rate.
Strongly selective B blocker with Vasodilatory effect via Nitric oxide release
B blocker adverse effects
CNS (fatigue, Insomnia, Hallucinations) ED, Bronchospasm (wih non selective)
Metabolic (lowers HDL, hypoglycemia , DM type II in elderly)
B blocker indication
HTN in CHF and recent MI pts.
Some ISA and Nitric oxide B blockers may be first tier for htn tx.
Alpha 1 blockers
Doxazosin prazosin terazosin
Lower art. and vev. resistance
min changes in cardiac output or renal function.
Relaxes bladder sphincter
Careful with first dose, can have reflex tachycardia, postrual syncope
Alpha 2 agonist
centrally reduces blood pressure (sympathoplegic)
-stops hot flashes
Alpha 2 agonist
cAlpha methyldopa
centrally reduces blood pressure reducing adrenergic outflow from CNS. leads to reduce total peripheral resistnce, Does not effect CO or Renal perfusion. Very helpful for Renal insufficient pt. with htn. May cause sedation Ok for Pregnant pts.
Ganglionic blocker
mecamylamine, Trimethaphan. Emergently used to lower blood pressure.
Reacts specifically on nicotinic receptors of both parasympathetic and sympathetic ganglia, and block all autonomic output from them.
Hydralazine, Minoxidil
relax vascular smooth muscle (arterioles)
get a reflex stimulation of heart, contractility, and heart rate, and o2 consumption, may prompt angina pectoris, or MI.
Hydralazine good for PIH. (prgncy htn)
-HA Tachycardia, nausea, sweating, arrhythmias
Use with dloop diuretic and B blocker.
Sodium Nitroprusside
IV infusion for hypertensive crisis. acts on venous and arterial smooth muscle. (thus can reduce preload)
Half life in minutes.
Results in cyanide ion production. Toxicity is ratre bu can be treated with sodium thiosulfate which produces thyanocate which is less toxic and renally eliminated. TOXIC ORALLY
A and B blocker , for Hypertension It is nonselective Beta
Peripheral dopamine -1 agonist
maintains or increases renal perfusino while lowering blood pressure.
contraindicated in glaucoma
B blocker indication
HTN in CHF and recent MI pts.
Some ISA and Nitric oxide B blockers may be first tier for htn tx.
Alpha 1 blockers
Doxazosin prazosin terazosin
Lower art. and vev. resistance
min changes in cardiac output or renal function.
Relaxes bladder sphincter
Careful with first dose, can have reflex tachycardia, postrual syncope
Alpha 2 agonist
centrally reduces blood pressure (sympathoplegic)
-stops hot flashes
Alpha 2 agonist
cAlpha methyldopa
centrally reduces blood pressure reducing adrenergic outflow from CNS. leads to reduce total peripheral resistnce, Does not effect CO or Renal perfusion. Very helpful for Renal insufficient pt. with htn. May cause sedation Ok for Pregnant pts.
Ganglionic blocker
mecamylamine, Trimethaphan. Emergently used to lower blood pressure.
Reacts specifically on nicotinic receptors of both parasympathetic and sympathetic ganglia, and block all autonomic output from them.
Hydralazine, Minoxidil
relax vascular smooth muscle (arterioles)
get a reflex stimulation of heart, contractility, and heart rate, and o2 consumption, may prompt angina pectoris, or MI.
Hydralazine good for PIH. (prgncy htn)
-HA Tachycardia, nausea, sweating, arrhythmias
Use with dloop diuretic and B blocker.
A and B blocker , for Hypertension It is nonselective Beta
Peripheral dopamine -1 agonist
maintains or increases renal perfusino while lowering blood pressure.
contraindicated in glaucoma
Ca channel blocker
Iv infusion 5-15 mg/hr. half life 8 hours.
b blocker side effects
Sexual disfunction
Exercise intolerance
Calcium channel blockers classes
nonselective: Diphenyalkylamines (verapamil
Semi-selective: Benzothazepines (diltiazem) a less negative inotropism
Selective Dihydropyridines (nifedipine, nicardipine)
CA Channel blockers MOA
reduce intracellular Ca + lowering arteriole smooth muscle tone. Greater vascular than cardiac effects.
Ca channel niche
DM, Asthma, Angina
Intolerance to ACE.
Ca channel blockers adverse effects
Constipation 10%
HA ,
Dizzy vertigo
Skin rash ( more eczema?)
RAA inhibitor classes
Renin inhibitors
ace inhibitors
ARBS (angiotensin receptor blockers)
Aldosterone antagonists.
Stop angiotensin 1 to 2
stop 2 then less aldosterone
=decreased blood volume, decreased peripheral resistance
Renin inhibitor
Aliskiren Similar to ACE, may be renoprotective when combined with ARB
Ace Inhibitor adverse effects
cough angioedema
Rash, alters taste
Angiotensin receptor blockers
Losartan, valsartan etc.
Similar use to ACE, more complete blockade, less cough, more expensive than ace.
order of HTN tx
1 Ace inhibitor, diuretic
2 Arb, B blocker, Ca blocker, Central Sympathoplegic, Alpha blocker
HTN drug choices by disease
DM=ACE, Ca+ channelblockers
CAD= ACE, B blocker
Renal= ACE, Vasodilator (Ca+ channel blocker) Renin inhibitor and ARB
BPH=alpha blocker.
HTN emergency
BP 210/150
(Ntroprusside, diazoxide)
Beta blocker,
Dopamine Agonist (fenoldopam)
HTN tx drug interference
NSAIDS, Prostaglandins= vasodilation (important in renal function
Estrogen upregulates angiotensinogen
What regulates Na+ homeostasis?
ADH from Hypothalamus/posterior pituitary holds on to Na.
ANP (atrial naturetic peptide) from heart causes you to loose it.
Sympathetic activitiy relaxes the justaglomuleular aparatus allowing the filtrate to flow easier, causing you to loos the Na.
Aldosterone increases resorbtion of Na( from renin (kidney) angiotensin (lung) aldosterone (adrenal gland) system).
Diuretic drug classes
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
 Osmotic Agents
 Loop Agents
 Thiazide and Thiazide-like Agents
 Potassium Sparing
 Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) antagonists
Thiazide Diuretics MOA
Inhibit the Na Cl symport. Results in loss of Na and Cl.
Weakly inhibits Carbonic Anhydrase.
Some direct Vascular effects.
Thiazide Advers effects
Anorexia, nausea, constipation
Postural Hypotension
CNS: Vertigo, HA, Vision changes.
Loop diuretics MOA
Block Tubule reabsorption of Na+.
Directly dilates veins.
Eg: Lasix (furosemide, ethacrynic acid)
Loop diruetics Adverse effects
Ototoxicity (tinnitis, vertigo)
Fluid loss (hypotensions)
Electrolyte loss:
(K: fatigue, dysrythmia. Cl:alkalosis. Ca: Cramps, tetany. Mg dysrhythmias.)
K sparing duretics MOA
Active at the luminal membrane: (Triamterene, amiloride)
Mineralocorticoid Antagonists: Block Aldosterone.(spironolactione, Eplerenone)
Causes loss of Na+ and H2O but holds onto K+ and H+. Primary agent in Cirrhosis, otherwise an adjunct.
K sparing duretics Adverse effects
Gi upset, Ca+ stones, Hyperkalemia (particularly with ACE inhibitors and NSAIDS)
Gynecomastia, Lessen hirsutism in females.
Weakly antagonizes Folic Acid
Cause and treatment of Pernicious Anemia
Megaloblastic anemia also,
They are the result of folate deficiency.
B 12 if a cofactor in the activation of folate,
give Folate for anemia, but no treatment for neurologic damage. and B12 suplementation may or may not be necessary.
Problems with EPO
For most patients with anemia from chronic disease, the risk of death from CVA and MI much greater if Hgb>12.
EPO may act like a growth factor for Cancer.
Increases clot risk for major surgery.
Clotting cascade (simple)
Prothrombin converted to thrombin. Thrombin Converts Fibrinogen to Fibrin.
What breaks up a clot?
Plasminogen->Plasmin-> degrades fibrin into D-dimer and fibrin split products.
virchow's triad of thrombosis risk factors
Hypercoaguable state
Circulatory stasis
Endothelial injury
Anticoagulant strategies
1 Block platelets
2 inhibit thrombin directly
3 inhibit thrombin via vitamin k factors
4 inhibit thrombin via antithrombin III
Antiplatelet strategies
Block prostaglandin synthesis
Inhibit ADP from activating platelet.
Block platelet receptors (IIb or IIIa)
Antiprostaglandin agents
Anti ADP indications
Chronic: prevention of MI and CVA
Acute: coronary stent placement
Anti ADP adverse effects
Nausea Diarrhea (20%) Hemorrhage, Leukopenia
Warfarin MOA
Interferes with vitamin K (via NADH) decreases levels of factors II,VII, IX and X
Results in reduced Thrombin levels
monitor with Ptt and INR (target 2.5-3.5x normal INR)
Metabolized by cytochrome P450
Warfarin Advers effects
Hemorrhage, Fetotoxic!
Multiple drug interactions
rare cutaneous necrosis in early tx.
Antithrombin III activators examples and MOA
Heparin (natural glycosaminoglycan from mast cell) enhances antithrombin III which blocks activation of Factor X. Goal: activated PTT 2-2.5x control
Heparin induced Thrombocytopenia
Type 1: Platelet drop mild
Type 2: Immune related seroius drom (>50%) in platelet count.
Stop heparin and start another anticoagulant!
Thrombolytic drugs
Reversing Anticoagulation drugs
Fibrinolytics: Aminocaproic acid
Tranexamic acid
Heparin: Protamine Sulfate
Warfarin: Vitamin k
FFP Prothrombin complex concentrates
Atherosclerosis process
Fatty streak, LDL accumulates under endothelium, monocytes collect in fatty streak, LDL is oxidized, Monocytes become macrophages and ingest LDL and become Foam cells. More LDL accumulates (inflamation!) HDL mitigates this process.
lipid lowering agents
Niacin (nicotinic acid)
 Bile acid-binding agents
Cholestyramine, Colestipol)
 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
“Statins”(lovastatin, pravistatin et al)
 Fibric acid derivatives
“Fibrates” (gemfibrozil, fenofibrate)
 Inhibitors of sterol absorption
Statin MOA
CoA reductase inhibitor
blocks sterol (thus cholesterol) synthesis
Lowers risk of CHD proportionallly to fall in LDL
Statin Adverse effects
Gi: nausea, upset
Liver: Elevated enzymes, (monitor transaminases)
Myopathy and Rhabdomyolysis (monitor CK levels)
increases Warfarin effects.
Contraindicated in Pregnant, lcatation, kids, teens
statin drug interactions
cyp450:cyp 3A
Amiodaron & verapamil (myopathy)
Sterol absorbtion inhibitors
Drops LDL 15%
synergistic with statins
Lipid lowering therapy choices
1 statins
2 bile acid binding agents (first in pregnancy)
3 niacin, fibrates
Statins other therapeutic uses
Anti inflammatory
Cancer prevention (colon)
Neurodegenterative diseases (alzheimer's)
Classifications of CV disease
Peripheral Vascular Disease:

Heart Disease:
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Congenital Valve Disease
Hypertensive Heart Disease
Angina interventions
ACE inhibitors
Beta blockers
ASA and/or clopidogrel (Plavix) ADP inhibitor
Stable angina treatment
Beta Blockers
Calcium Channel Blockers
ACE inhibitors
Hyperlidipemia treatment
Esp. HMG-CoA Recuctase Inhibitors (“statins”)
isosorbide dinitrate
Bidil Combo drug with nitro and Hydralazine
Nitrate contraindications
concurrent use with ED drugs ( -fils) sildenafil etc. viagra, levitra, cialis
selective Beta 1 blocker
Atenolol (tenormin)
Metoprolol (lopressor, Toprol)
Effective in preventing attacks, reduce output and afterload
Nonselective beta blocke
Propanolol (inderol)
Cautions with B blockers
negative inotrope, careful with dose.
Bradycardia, Av block,
contraindicated for variant angina.
Ca Channel blocker
Reduce Myocardial O2 demand, Prevent vasospasms, (eliminates variant angina in 70% of cases)
Prevents/ slows atheromatous plaques?...
Non ischemic
Idiopathic, post partum, cardiac toxins
CHF treatment strategy
Digoxin (especially with A fib)
B Blockers in stable class II-IV CHF
Treat hyperlipidemia
Use statins?
CHF treatment strategy
Digoxin (especially with A fib)
B Blockers in stable class II-IV CHF
Treat hyperlipidemia
Use statins?
CHF diuresis
Spironolactone mya help prevent remodeling, prevent hypokalemia, Risky with ace inhibitors
Loop Diuretics, help in fluid overload, reduces Cardiac O2 demand, Reduces pre and afterload.
some vasodilation effects
Chf Vasodilator
Ice inhibitors or ARBS "mainstay"
Isosorbide +hydralazine
(for african americans)
Amergent vasodilation
Sodiium Nitroprusside
Nesiritide (from brain natriuretic peptide: Vasodialates, Diuretic)
CHF inotropes
Cardiac Glycosides (DIG)
B agonists (Dobutamine, Dobutamide)
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (amrinone, Milrinone, Parenterals)
Cardiac Gllycosides
Only oral inotrope,
INcrease intracellular Ca++, Increases cardiac Parasympathetic tone
Low therapeutic index
Side effects of Digoxin
Arrhythmias (heart block, conduction slowing, Irratible heart (PVC,VT,V fib)
Anorexia, nausea, HA, vision changes, fatique, estrogen effects
Factors for Dig toxicity
Hypokalemia, Hypothyroidism, renal insufficiency
Dig drug interactions
Verapamil, corticosteroids, Quinidine, amiodarone
many more
Dig tox. tx
Stop dig,
Treak K,
neurtalize with Digibind, Digifab
When do you use Dig?
As an adjunct,
In CHF with chronic a-fib
Anticoagulants for CHF
Low dose ASA
In a-fib: Warfarin
CHF remodeling drugs
ACE (lisinopril) and ARB (Losartan)
Beta and Alpha blocker (carvedilol)
Causes of Impulse abnormalities
Ischemia, hypoxia
PH problems: acidosis, alkalosis
Excessive catecholamines
Drug toxicity
Overstretching of cardiac fibers
Myocardial scar(s)
Genetic factors to abnormalities
Polymorphic V tach (torsades)
Brugada syndrome (V fib)
Classes of antiarrythmics
Class I
Na+ Channel Blockers
Class II
Beta Blockers
Class III
K+ Channel Blockers
Class IV
Ca++ Channel Blockers
Classes of antiarrythmics (specific drug examples)
Class I:
Quinidine,Procainamide, Lidocaine
Class II:
Esmolol, Propanolol, Pindolol
Class III:
Sotalol, Amiodarone, Bretylium
Class IV:
Diltiazem, Verapamil
Drug of choice for V tach
Lidocain, Amioderone
Drug of choice for V fib
Lidocain, amioderone, epinephrine
Drug of choice for SVT
Drug of choice for A fib
Propranolol, Amioderone
A fib treatment
Rate control
Beta blockers
Restore sinus rhythm
Warfarin (Coumadin)
Amiodarone effects
Used to treat V tach and Fib, Atrial fib.

Can cause Pulmonary fibrosis, liver toxicity,
Stops conversion of T4 to T3,
inhibitors of CYP3A4
Cimetadine( antacids)
Macrolides (erythromycin, clarithromycin)
Grapefruit juice

Thus caution when taking these and amiodarone, rapid toxicity can deveolop
ICD or Amiodarone?
ICD is primary tx, amio helps reduce ICD firing
Digoxin uses
A fib / flutter
general classes of hormones
Steroids, peptides, proteins, glycoproteins
Example of cross sensitivity in hormone resceptors
TSH in abundance in hypothyroidism can stimulate FSH receptors and produce ovarian cysts
Major endocrine systems
Pancreatic Islets/Glucose
Others: Bone, Vasopressin
Anterior pituitary hormones
Somatotropin (Growth Hormone)
Hypothalamus hormones
Adverse effects of Growth Hormone
hypothyroidism, Myalgia, arthralgia, CYP450 activation
GH drugs
Somatotropin, GH
Somatostatin, GH inhibiting hormone
GH receptor antagonists
GH indications
GH deficient,
Delayed growth
Muscle augmentation in elderly?
IUGR babies?
Octreotide, Lanreotide,
* used in acromegaly, carcinoid syndrom, Growth limitation,
Lactation, more.
Excess prolactin can cause galactorrhea, hypogonadism (low FSH and LH)
excess from pituitary adenoma, primary hypothyroidism, or from drugs (dopamine blockers ie phenothiazine)
Hyperproalctinemia treatement
Dopamine agonists
(ergot (a fungus)derived:)Bromocriptine (Parlodel)
Pergolide (Permax)
Cabergoline (Dostinex)
Non ergot derived: parkinson agents or quinagolide outside USA)
Parkinsonian drug
Dopamine agonsists
Bromocriptine (parlodel)
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
GnRH antagonist use and example
Prevents premature ovulation
Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (IVF)
Cetrotide, Antagon
GnRH agonist use and example
Down regulation (medical menipause, endometriosis, fibroids etc.

Zoladex Synarel
GnRH ise and example
Infussion for hypothalamic amenorrhea (athletic or anorexic women)
Factrel, Lutrepulse
Gonadotropin use
Gonadotropin sources
Urine of women
Mentropins, HMG, Pergoal, Repronex, HCG
Recombinant FSH or LH
(fillistim, Gonal-F)
Posterior pituitary hormones and uses
Oxytocin (pitocin, syntocinon) Augments labor milk letdown.
Vasopressin (ADH, Pitressin)
Treats diabetes insipidis,
Desmopressin (DDAVP, Stimate)
Parkinsonian drug
Dopamine agonsists
Bromocriptine (parlodel)
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
GnRH antagonist use and example
Prevents premature ovulation
Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (IVF)
Cetrotide, Antagon
GnRH agonist use and example
Down regulation (medical menipause, endometriosis, fibroids etc.

Zoladex Synarel
GnRH ise and example
Infussion for hypothalamic amenorrhea (athletic or anorexic women)
Factrel, Lutrepulse
Gonadotropin use
Gonadotropin sources
Urine of women
Mentropins, HMG, Pergoal, Repronex, HCG
Recombinant FSH or LH
(fillistim, Gonal-F)
Posterior pituitary hormones and uses
Oxytocin (pitocin, syntocinon) Augments labor milk letdown.
Vasopressin (ADH, Pitressin)
Treats diabetes insipidis,
Desmopressin (DDAVP, Stimate)
thyroid production/
Hypothalamus releases TRH (or TRF) which stimulates the qnterior pituitary to release TSH (and prolactin)
Inthyroid Tyrosine is iodinated to T3 or T4
TSH releases T3 and T4 from Thyroglobulin in thyroid follicles.
T3 and T4 is transported via thryoxine binding globulin. (estrogen increase TBG androgens decrease TBG)
T4 is converted peripherally to T3.
T3 binds to nuclear receptor.
TRH (or TRF) use
Testing Pituitary reserve of TSH or prolactin (usually just measure TSH,PRL.)
Thyroid pathology
Primary (gland failure)
low iodine intake,
absence or destruction of gland
Hyperthyroidism Graves disease Toxic nodular goiter (Plummer's disease)
T4 metabolism
Liver CYP450
Hyperthyroidism treatment
B blockers,( for tachycardia, ischemia, tremors, agitation: Non-selective best ie propranolol, but caution with asthma CHF.)
Anti thyroid agents, (prevent thyroid storm)
Destroy thyroid
Antithyroid agents
Anion Inhibitors
Iodinated contrast media
Radioactive iodine
Thioamides MOA
Blocks synthesis of T3/T4
-Propylthiouracil(PTU) q 6 best for pregnant
-Methimazole qd.
Thioamine adverse effects
Rash edema agranulocytosis
Anion inhibitors
Prevent reuptake of iodide
-Potassium perchlorate
Can cause aplastic anemia
Avoid if radioiodine use likely
Thioamides first line of tx
Iodinated Contrast medium
Block T4 to T3 conversion.
Iopanpoic acid (Telepaque)
Diatrizoate sodium (Hypaque)
Ipodate sodium (Oragrafin)
Thyrotoxic crisis
Life threatening, pull out all the stops!
Beta blocker (propranolol) ,Ca+ channel blocker (diltiazem)
Potassium iodide
PTU (propylthiouracil
Hydrocortisone (CV stability and reduced T4 to T3 conversion.
Immune system catagories
Innate or Adaptive
each has cellular and humorsal components.

Innate cellular: Macrophages, Granulocytes, Nk cells

Adaptive Cellular: T and B lymphocytes

Inate humoral:Complement
Adaptive humoral: Immunoglobulins.
Antiinflamatory drugs
SAIDS (glucocorticoids: steroids)
Immmunosupressant drugs
Glucocorticoids (“steroids”)

Cytokine Inhibitors


Monoclonal antibodies
Immunosupressive indications
Allergy treatment

Autoimmune disease treatment(RA Lupus)

Prevention of allograft rejection
Steroid classes with examples



Testosterone, Androstenedione, DHEA-S

Glucocorticoid actions
Glucose Production (Gluconeogenesis)
Resistance to Stress
Glucose available
Raise blood pressure
Lower lymphocyte/monocyte levels
Lower lymphocyte levels
Lower prostaglandin production
Increase Gastric Acid, Pepsin
Increase Bone Loss
Muscle Weakness
Mental Status
Anti-emetic properties
Mineralocorticoid action
Mineralocordicoid helps the body retain NA and H2O
Glucocorticoid adverse effects
Weight Gain (Central Obesity)
Impaired Healing
Bone Loss/Osteoporosis
Peptic Ulcers
Adrenal Suppression*
Antiinflamatory: antimetabolites
Mycophenolate mofetil
- organ transplants, RA
-Oppertunistic infections a problem
Protein hormone that modulate immune response
ie: TNF A
IL 1-18
Cytokine inhibitors
Cyclosporine - organ transplants, RA. Nephrotoxic.
Tacrolimus (nephrotoxic, neurotoxic.
Sirolimus (hyperlipidemia)