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143 Cards in this Set

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In patients who have glaucoma
increased intraocular pressure is most often caused by a _________ in the ________ of aqueous humor blockage & outflow
Classification of pilocarpine HCI (Adsorbocarpine) miotic
direct-acting cholinergic agonist
Classification of demecarium bromide (Humorsol) miotic
cholinesterase inhibitor
Classification of apraclonidine (Iopidine) alpha2-adrenergic agonist
direct acting
What kind of patient could not use acetazolamide (Diamox)
a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor? A patient with an allergy to sulfonamides
In addition to flaucoma
the carbonic anhydrase inhibito acetazolamide (Diamox) is also prescribed for what? Seizures
The patient has an order for acetazolamide (Diamox) 250mg
PO tid. What is the total amount of Diamox the patient will receive in 24 hours? 750mg
Drugs used to soothe and soften the skin
as in the case of psoriasis
Itching associated with dry
scaly skin is called? Pruritus
Other and keratolytic agents
two classes of drugs offer some protection against acne including ___________&___________________. Antibiotics
Classification of permethrin (Acticin
Exposure to perfume
Juvenile-onset diabetes is called _________
age-onset diabetes is referred to as _____________. Type I diabetes Mellitus
In type II diabetes mellitus
insulin receptors in the target tissues have become__________ to the hormone. resistant
Classification of glyburide (Diabeta
others) Sulfonylurea
When giving insulin
the nurse knows the most common route of administration is … Subcutaneous
Which insulin is the longer acting form? Insulin ultralente (Humulin U
What adverse effects occure when too much insulin has been administered? Hypoglycemia
When giving oral hypoglcemics
the nurse expects what to occur The pancreas is stimulated to secrete more insulin and the insulin receptors become more sensitive to target tissue.
During oral hypoglycemic therapy
the nurse should assess for what symptoms related to abnormalities in liver function? Yellowed skin
If injection sites are not rotated regularly
the diabetic patient may suffer from … Lipodystrophy
When considering glucose regulation in the body
what components of homeostasis would be restored following insulin therapy? Effector (responds to the increased levels of glucose in the bloodstream)
If a patient is prescribed regular insulin (Humulin R
others) and is also prescribed antihypertensive drugs
MAO inhibitors used for treatment of _________ may potentiate hypoglycemic effects when used with _____________. Mood disorders
The physician ordered Humulin L
lente U-100 35 units
When administering antidiuretic hormones
the nurse should carefully assess fluid and _________________ balance. Electrolytes
Prior to administration of levothyroxine (Synthroid)
the nurse should thoroughly assess the patient's _____________ system Cardiovascular
Graves' disease may cause tachycardia
weight loss
Prednisone (deltasone
others) is/are a . . . Glucocorticoids
Liotrix (Euthroid
others) is/are . . . Thyroid medication
Which hormones are released from the anterior pituitary gland? TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone)
GH (Growth Hormone)
What hormones will ultimately result in release of flucocorticoids from the adrenal glands? Corticortropin releasing factor (CRF)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
In caring for a patient with Cushing's syndrome
the nurse understands this disorder is associated with which hormone? Glucocorticoids
Which corticosteroids has mineralocorticoid activity? Hydrocortisone (Cortef
Vitamins are essential substances needed in very small ________ to maintain ______. Amounts
An important characteristic of vitamins is that
with the exception of vitamin ____
Without vitamin K
abnormal ____________________ is produced and _____________. Is affected Porthrombin
Vitamins that dissolve in lipids are called _________________ and include vitamins ____
_______________ vitamins cannot be absorbed in the small _________________ but can be stored in large quattities in the _________________ and adipose tissue. Fat Soluble
Recommended ______________ values represent the ___________________ amount of vitamin or minderal needed to prevent a ___________ in a helathy adult. Dietary Allowence (RDA)
or toxic levels of vitamins
Vitamin D2
also know as __________ is obtained from fortified milk
________ is considered a primary antioxidant
preventing the formation of ___________ that damage cell membranes and other cellular structures. Vitamin E
These are fat soluble vitamins A
Name three things that vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) does. Important in cell replication
Lack result inpernicious anemia
Enternal nutrition inludes all of the following: Nasogastric tube feeding
gastrostomy tube feeding
When the patient is on loop diuretics
the nurse will need to assess for which lab value? Potassium
Hypomagnesemia will produce which symptoms? General weakness
The patient complains of gnawing pain the epigastric area that is tempoarily relieved by food
but then recurs within 30 min after eating. The patient has a history of PUD. Which diagnosis should the nurse suspect? Gastric ulcer
B cells initiate ________ immunity and secrete __________ that neutralize or mark the antigen for destruction by other cells in the immune system. Humoral
When the patient's immune system is stimulated to produce antibodies due to exposure to a specific antigen
it is referred to as _____________ immunity. Active
referred to as __________
Immunosuppressants are effective at inhibiting a patient's immune system
but must be monitored carefully as loss of immune functions can lead to ________. Superinfections
Four drug classes used to dampen the immune response are _____
Classification of cyclosporine (Neoral
Sandimmune) Clalcineurin inhibitor
Classification of poliovirus
oral (Orimune) Vaccine
Memory B cells are programmed to remember the initial antigen interaction. Should the body be exposed to the same antigen in the future
the body manufactures high levels of antibodies in approximately what time frame? 2 to 3 days
To present effective patient education
the nurse must know that the purpose of a vaccine is? To prevent infections from occuring
When providing patient education
the nurse needs to understand that a toxoid is classified as. . . Vaccine
A Male patient is to receive cytomegalovirus immune globulin (CytoGam). The order reads: to be given IV 150mg/kg within 72 hours of transplantation
than 100mg/kg 2
Sodium and potassium are exchanged in the _______________ tubule
where NA+ is _______ back into the body and K+ is __________ into the tubule Distal
Name the parts of the nephron Efferent Arteriole
Pertitubular capillaries
such as penicillin G
Which of the following - CNS depression
Drug therapy of Parkinson's disease focuses on restoring ______ function and also blcoing the effect of _____________ withing the same area of the brain. Dopamine
_______________ is a degenerative disorder characterized by progressive memory loss
The most common causes of dementia are ____________ and ____________________ Alzheimer's disease
multiple strokes
Extensive treatment with certain _________ medications may induce Parkinson-like syndrome or _____________ symptoms. Antipsychotic
Side effects of drugs used to treat Parkinsonism include ____________ and _____________. Signs of toxicity would include ________________ and ___________ Hypotension
tachycardia; muscle twiching
When treating alzheimer's disease
the goal of pharmacotherapy is to improve the function in three domains: _________
____________ can only be used in the early stages of Alzheimer's because they are only effective in the presence of ___________neurons. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
What is the Primary classification of levodopa (L-dopa
Larodopa) Dopaminergic drug
A patient is admitted with a new diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. If he is in the early stages
what would usually not be seen on assessment? Dementia
What is the relationship between acetylcholine and dopamine in the area of the brain that affects balance
If a patient is unable to tolerate dopaminergic medications
which class of drugs would likely be prescribed? Anticholinergic drugs
When a patient takes phenothiazines for an extended time
what conditions would the nurse expect to see? Parkinsonism
Tacrin (Cognex) is highly metabolized by the liver. During the process of metabolism
what happens to the medication? It is made more or less inactive
Because local anesthesia is not always applied to small areas of the body
some local anesthetic treatments are more accurately called ________ anesthesia Regional
The two major ways to induce general anethesia are by using ____ agents and ___ agents. IV
Local anesthesia is loss of _________to a small area without loss of _________. Sensation
In applying local anesthesia the method employed depends on __________ and ________________ Location
Desire of anastesia
In the are where the local anesthetic is applied
__________ and __________ will temporarily diminish. Sensation
Drug classes used as adjunts to anesthesia include ____________
With __________ anesthesia
the dose of inhalation anesthetic can be ____ thus making the procedure safer for the patient. Balanced
What is the classification of fentanyl (Duragesic
What is the classification of promethazine (Phenergan
others) Adjunct to anesthesia
In administering general anethetics using balanced anethesia
the nurse would expect which medication to be administered first? IV anesthesia
In addition to its use as an injected anesthetic
what is lorazepam (Ativan) also used to treat? Anxiety
Of the following which is a hallucinogen - Psilocybin
The two main classes of pain medications are the _____________ and ______. narcotics
All nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) have _________ and ___ activity
as well as analgesic properties. Anti-inflammation
The sensation of pan may be increased by ___________
Successful choice of pain therapy is dependent on the _______ and ________ of the pain. Character
The goals of pharmacotherapy for migraine are to _____ the migraine in progress and to ____ migraines from occuring. Stop
Two major drug classes used for migraine headaches include __________ and ____________. Both of these are ____________ agonists. Triptans
Ergot Alkoloids
Triptans are 5-HT-selective and are thought to act by constricting ________________. They are available to be administered _____________
ibuprofen (advil
Motrin) primary class NSAID
___________ dull
Painful disorder having a strong inflammatory component
such as arthritis
When asked why NSAIDs are better that acetaminophen for arthritis
the health care provider responds
When a health care provider is asked to explain why acetaminophen (Tylenol) is used more often than aspirin
the response is that aspirin can cause . . . GI bleeding
A mother asks why aspirin should not be given to children and teens. The appropriate reaction by health care provider is based on the actions of aspirin
which can cause. . . Increased risk of Reye's syndrome
For an overdose of opiates
what would the helath care provider need to have on hand to counteract the effects? Naloxone (Narcan)
Acute psychoses develops in __________________
whereas chronic psychoses develops over ________________. Hours or days
Atypical antipsychotic drugs are effective for both ____________ and ________ suptoms of psychosis. Positive
The majority of psychoses have no known __________________. The six identifiable causes are ____________
Positive symptoms include ____________
Negative symptoms include a lack of ____________
Medications that block 65% of D2 receptors will reduce symptoms of _______________. Blocking more than 80% of D2 receptors will likely casue _____________ symptoms. Schizoprenia
________________an extreme suspicion that one is being followed
or that others are trying to harm oneself. Paranoia
___________________ seeing
Which class of drugs tends to produce severe side effects such as muscle twiching
compulsive motor activity
Like many antipsychotics
chlorpromazine (Thorazine) usually takes how long before its therapeutic effect is achieved? The work book says 7 to 8 weeks but the main books says 2 to 3 weeks - arrg
Patients on clozapine (Clozaril) must watch carefully for signs of agranulocytosis
which include what? Fever and sore throat
A patient who is on a phenothiazine complains of having elevated temperature
For a patient who has problems with daily compliance
a drug is available that lasts for 3 weeks. Which drug would be a good choice for this patient? Haloperidol (Haldol LA)
A patient has been prescribed an antipsychotic drug that has a high degree of anticholinergic side effects. Anticholinergic effects include what? Drying of the mouth
Patients on herbal supplements must be warned about interactions with other prescribed medications. What herbal preparations are sometimes taken to treat mental illness? Tryptophan
St. John's wort
Which of the following medications is an antidepressant? Diazepam (Valium)
Phenytoin (Dilantin)
The two major types of mood disorders are _____________ and _____________. Deppression
Bipolar disorder
The tree major classes of antidpressants are ________
Drugs for bipolar disorders are called ____________________
because they have the ability to modulate extreme shifts in emotions between _________ and ___________. Mood stabilizers
Primary indication/class of nortriptyline hydrochloride (Anentyl
Pamelor) depression/tricyclic type
A patient is sent home after being given fluoxetine (Prozac) for depression. The nurse should instruct the patient to do what. . . Expect to see improvement in mood
When sending a patient home on imiparamine (Tofranil)
what is important for the nurse to teach the patient? This drug should not be stopped abruptly
In assessing a patient
the nurse should know that rapid shifts in emotions from profound depression to euphoria and hyperactivity are characteristic of. . . Bipolar disorder
Because fluoxetine is a chemical precursor for serotonin synthesis
the nurse should teach patiens taking fluoxetine to avoid foods high in which amino acid? Tryptophan
In assessing a new patient
the nurse should know that the panic attacks
The functional changes in the physical
During pregnancy
weeks 1-2 are ___________ period
By the 3rd trimester of pregnancy
blood flow through the __ is reduced by 40% to 50% which may affect drug ________________ maternal kidney
In older adults hepatic metabolism ______________
which may require ______ drug dosages for this age group. decreases
The taking of multiple drugs
or _____________
Animal studies have not shown a risk to the fetus; however
there are no well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Category B
During the first trimester of pregnancy
what is (are) the primary considerations(s) from a medical
During a routine prenatal visit in her third trimester
a patient informs the nurse that she is smoking again because of a stressufl situation at work. The nurse counsels the patient on the increased risk to the fetus. Why are the risks increased at this time? Blood flow to the placenta increases and placental vascular membranes become thinner.
The nurse correctly provides the following education to a breast-feeding patient: No dietary supplement
herb or drug should be taken without approval of the health care provider.
When determining the correct method for calculating drug amount for infants
what must the nurse consider? Age and size of the infant
When assessing risk factors
which age group must the nurse evaluate for a high risk for accidental poisoning from household products or drugs? Toddler
Before administering a drug to an older adult
the nurse should understand that the "average" does may be affected by which of the following normal consequences of aging? Older adults have reduced kidney function.
During adolescence
the nurse assumes a key role in the patient's education in relationship to which of the following? Use of tobacco and illicit drugs