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11 Cards in this Set

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Mediators of vascular changes in Inflammation:
vasoactive amines -> histamine and seratonin

vasoactive peptides -> angiotensin and bradykinin

vasoactive lipids -> corticosteriods and leukotrienes
Eicosanoids - def.
Prostaglandins and related compounds are collectively known as Eicosanoids

They are dervied from arachidonic acid (20-C polyunsaturated fatty acid)
Eicosanoid metabolism
Two pathways
Prostaglandins + prostacyclines + thromboxanes from PGH2, from arachidonic acid via PGH2 synthase

LTs from arachidonic acid
Bradykinin is synthesized from kininogen via kallikrein which is activated upon tissue injury due to exposure of Hageman factor

Vasodilation and ++vascular permeability, PAIN, spasm of smooth muscles (uterus,bronchus,gut)

It is cleaved by ACE (kininase II) which also cleave angiotensin I to activate angiotensin II --> inactivates a vasodilator and activates a vasoconstrictor

Two receptors B1,B2
Angiotensin in the regulation of BP
1. Renin-angiotensin system (kidney & adrenal cortex) --> days-weeks
2. Angiotensin acts on baroreceptors in aorta and carotids --> mins
Renin-angiotensin system
Renin release is stimulated by:
1. ↓ stretch afferent renal arteriole
2. ↓ Na in distal tubule
3. beta 1 sym. stim of JGC (where renin is synth)

Angiotensinogen (angiotensi precursor) increase due to:
Corticosteriods, estrogens, thyroid hormone, angiotensin II (think of your perio recall pt Alina, she's on antihypertensives, post menopausal and her TH is low)
Renin-angiotensin system
Angiotensin II is final product which:
- ↑ E,NE from adrenal medulla
- ↑ release, ↓ reuptake of NE from sym neurons
- ↑ release of vasopressin and ACTH
- ↑ aldosterone

=> results in +ve inotropic effect on heart and dipsogenic response and consequently blood volume (water drinking), growth of cardiac and smooth muscles, Na retnetion, K excretion, increase BP
Renin angiotensin system
Points of intervention?
- Renin release and activity
- ACE inhibitors
- Angiotensin II receptors (RT1/2; 1 more potent)
Renin interventions
Beta 1 block: propronolol, metaprolol

alpha 2 agonist: clonidine, methyldopa
ACE inhibitors
captopril: used in hypertension, heart failure, diabetic nephropathy
other ACEis end with -pril
Angiotensin II (AT II) block
Saralsin - peptide analog of AT II; antagonist at high AT II, parital agonist at low AT II

Non-pep antagonists (-artan): e.g Valsortan, Losartan(cozaar)