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39 Cards in this Set

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What are the five molecules in the synthesis of T4
MIT, DIT, Reverse T3, T3, T4
Five major steps of TH synthesis
1. Uptake of I
2. Oxidation/activation of I
3. Coupling into Tg
4. Storage
5. Proteolysis and release.
Cell to plasma ratio
How does oxidation occur
H2O2 reacts with TPO to oxidize it.
How does iodination occur.
Oxidized Iodine attacks Thyroglobulin forming MIT and DIT. This causes thyroglobulin to change form to put tyrosine residues on TG close together to make T4 of T3.
How does coupling work
TPO and H2O2 are in close proximity with MIT or DIT and they cause synthesis of T4 or T3. This is a peptide bond. MIT and DIT monomers can still exist.
How does storage occur?
Moves from follicular cell to colloid. Takes a long time of stopping synthesis for any plasma drop in thyroid hormone.
How does proteolysis and release of TH occur.
Lysosomes fuse with colloid droplets and form phagolysosome and move toward basal membrane. These lyse Thyroglobulin (Tg) and release T3 or T4.
What happens to uncoupled MIT and DIT.
They are deiodinized by an enzyme and the Iodine in recycled.
What does 5' deiodinase do.
Converts T4 to T3 before release into plasma.
TBG- thyroxine binding globuline
Binds T4 and T3. A decrease in TBG can cause hyperthyroidism.
TBPA-thyroxine binding prealbumin
Only binds T4
Binds to T3 and T4. If knocked off can cause hyperthyroidism
What happens if you block 5'-deiodination
You would get relative hypothyroidism because of the lost ability to go from T4 to T3.
What are some agents that block deiodination.
Propylthiouracil, iopanoic acid, amiodarone, propranolol, pharmacological doses of glucocorticoids.
Neonate hypothyroidism is called what and what are the symptoms.
Cretinism. Physicologic jaundice, constipation, somnolence, feeding problems. Screen them.
What does hypothyroidism look like in young children.
Protruding tongue, broad flat nose, wide set eyes, dry skin, coarse hair, impaired mental development, retarded bone growth
What does hypothyroid look like in older kids
retardation of growth, Delayed puberty, poor school performance.
What does hypo look like in adults.
fatigue, lethargy, constipation, slowing of central and muscular activity, decreased appetite, increased weight, deeper, hoarse voice, severe myxedema (doughy cool skin, enlarged heart, coma)
What are some other diseases that might make you think hypothyroid?
123I uptake is low. elevated choleserol (primary), eleavted CPK and ALD, pernicious anemia.
With someone who has an endemic goiter, how do you want to treat them?
Give synthetic T4 to inhibit TSH and then give iodine to prevent rebound hyperthyroidism.
What is the daily T4 output and how much do we need to supplement for hypo.
Daily is 80 micrograms and give 150-200 micros to make up for varied absorption.
Thyroid USP
Organic TH extract. Powder from animal thyroid glands. Calibrated by iodine contents. Not bioassayed because of batch to batch variation. Synthetics preferred b/c of immune response and safety issues.
Thyroglobulin USP
Purified from pig thyroid. Contasins USP standard iodide content. Is bioassayed. Synthetic preferred because of immune response and variability and safety issues.
Drug of choice for hypothy. L isomer of T4. More uniform than USP. Provides large pool of T4 to convert to T3. T3 profiles more uniform than with T3 administration.
T3. Used if they have deficiency in deiodination.
Misture of levothyroxine and liothyronine (4:1 T4:T3). Tries to mimic thyroid output. Little advantate to levothyroxine.
Methimazole and Propylthiouracil (PTU)
Thiourea derivatives.Inhibit organification and coupling steps by inhibiting thyroid peroxidase. PTU also inhibits peripheral dediodination of T4 and T3.
Methimazole PTU comparison
PTU more rapidly absorbed although both are fast.
PTU 1.5 half life, Methimazole 6 hours
Dosing time- PTU-6, Methimazole-24 hours.
Both cross placental barrier.
Why does anti-hyperthyroid drugs take a while to act.
They have to deplete the stores first. It's hard to dose the patients and can often cause hypo.
Toxic affects of methim and TPU
Lupus like symptoms. Agranulocytosis. Cross-sensitivity to other similar drugs. Usually reversible with cessation.
Perchlorate, Pertechnetate, Thiocyanate.
Monovalent anion inhibitors. They block the iodine uptake by the follicular cells. Large doses can overcome the blockade.
What is the drug of choice in amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism (iodine induced thyrotoxicosis)?
How is Iodine usually given medicinally?
You give it attached to something else (potassium, sodium) and it is reduced in the GI tract.
How does Iodine help in hyperthyroid?
Decreases release of T3,4 at level of proteolysis. Reduced vascularity of the hyperfunctioning thyroid. Inhibits organification of iodide in Wolff-Chaikoff effect which decrease TH synthesis. Benefits are rapid but there is also rapid resistance.l
Iodinated contrast media.
Used mainly for diagnosis of thyroid diseases but also in thyroid storm. Inhibits peripheral deiodination. Also suppresses T3,4 production. Used in conjunction with thioamide.
B emitter with half-life of 8 days. Destroy surrounding follicular tissue. Decrease the hormone synthesis. Drawbacks are potential hypothy.Crosses placental barrier. Need to be on replacement therapy for rest of life.
Why give B blockers in hyper
Decrease side affects of high TH. Propanolol is drug of choice. Besides symptoms it also inhibits peripheral deiodination. Withdrawn as levels normalize.
Thyroid storm
Severe acute Hyperthyroidism. Happens after some type of stress be it surgery, infection, or just stressed out (Desert Storm). Want to protect heart mainly. Give propanolol, iodine, and PTU. Maybe anti-pyretics, HF, and treat underlying cause.