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40 Cards in this Set

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Normal blood pressure
Normal <120 and <80
120-139 or 80-89
Stage 1 HTN
140-159 or 90-99
Hypertension stage 2
>160 or >100
RAAS-Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System
Anigotensinogen is released by the liver
Renin then converts it to
Angiotensin I
ACE converts Anigotensin to
Angiotensin 2 This causes
Increased sympathetic activity
Increase NA, CL, and Water retention
Increase Aldosterone secretion which causes this
Arteriolar vasoconstriction
Increased ADH secretions (which increase water absorption)
Potassium retention, vasodilation, and cardiac/vascular remodeling
ACE Inhibitors “pril”
Pharm: these block the ACE converter which reduces/stops the production of Angiotensin 2 leading to a decrease in blood pressure, water+salt rention, aldosterone
Adverse effects: first-dose hypotension, cough, angioedema, hyperkalemia, dysgeusia,rash, kidney failure
Drug interactions: diuretics, antihypertensions drugs, drugs that increase potassium levels, NSAID
Angiotensin II receptor blockers “tan”
Pharm: blocks the effects of angiotensin II. This does not cause a increase levels of bradykinin, and kinase I. Has all the other effects
Adverse effets:Anigoedema, fetal harm, renal failure
Aldosterone Antagonisit
Pharm:selective blockade of aldosterone receptors. This causes holding onto potassium, but losing water
Side effects: hyperkalemia
Calcium Channel Blockers
Verapamil (heart and arterioles). Causes vasodilation, reduced arterial pressure, increased coronary perfusion. Side Effects: HB, Constipation, dizziness, headache, facial flushing, ginvival hyperplasia. Interactions=Beta Blockers, Digi.
Calcium Channel Blockers
mainly on vascular smooth muscles (nifedipine). Causes lower blood pressure, increased contractile force, and increase heart rate (due to reflex tachycardia). Side Effects: HB, Constipation, dizziness, headache, facial flushing, ginvival hyperplasia. Interactions=Beta Blockers, Digi.
dilitazem (heart and the arterioles) causes vasodilation
Pharm: positive inotropic action on the heart, increase force of ventricular contractions, myocardial contractitily. By increasing cardiac output you will have decreased sympathetic tone, urine production, and less renin relase. This drug also suppresses the renin release, and increase cardiac barorecetpors sensitivity. Increase firing rates of vagal fibers, and responsiveness of the SA node toacetylcholine.
Side effects: n/v/fatigue.
Interactions: diuretics, ARB, ACE,
Inotrope drugs
Pharm: activates beta 1 adrenergic receptors in the hear, kidney, and blood vessesls. Net effect: increase hear rate, dilates renal blood vessels,
Pharm: synthetic catecholamine. Selective activation of beta1 adrenergic receptors. Net effect: increase cardiac output
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
Milrinone (Primacor)
• Class I-Sodium Channel Blockers
o Class IA-Quinidine
 Blocks sodium channels, slows impulse conduction, delays repolarization, blocks vagal input to the heart
 Widens QRS complex and prolongs the QT interval
 Useagainst supraventricular and ventricular dysrhythmias
 Can cause hypotension (due to alpha-blocking), diarrhea, cinchonism
o Class IB- Lidocaine/Phenytoin, Mexilentine
 Blocks cardiac sodium channels thereby slows conduction in the atria, ventricles, and His-Purkinje system
 Accelerates repolarization
 Side effects of drowsiness, confusino
o Class IC-Flecainide and Prpafenone
 Delay ventricular repolarization
• Class II- Beta Blockers
o Propranolol (Inderal)
o Effects on the heart and ECG is decreased automaticity of the SA node. Decreased velocity of the conduction through the AV node. Decreased myocardial contractiiltiy
o Use in Supraventricular tachydysrhythmias
o Side effects of heart block, heart failure, AV block, hypotension
• Class III- Potassium channel blockers
o Retylium
 QT interval prolonged, delay repolarization of fast potentials
 Use in ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia
o Amiodarone (cordarone, Pacerone)
 Reduces automaticity in the SA node, reduced contractility, conduction velocity, QRS widening, Prolongation of the pr and QT intervals
 Interactions: Warfarin, Diliazem, Diogoxin,
• Class IV- Calcium Channel Blockers
o Verapamil and Dilitzem
 Reduces SA nodal automaticity, Delays AV nodal conduction , Reduces Myocardial contractiility
 Use in SVT, slow ventricular rate
 Hypotension, AV block, Heart block, heart failure
Centrally Acting Alpha 2 Agonisit
Pharm: acts within the brainsteam. Causes vasodilation and reduced cardiac output.
Side effects: Dry mouth, sedation, rebound hypertension
Sodium Nitroprusside (Nitropress)
Pharm: diret acting vasodilator. Acts fast but doesn’t last long.
Fenoldopam (corlopam)
Pharm: diret activing vasodilator. Lower blood pressure by acting on the dopamine 1 receptors on arterioles
Labetalol (Trandate, Normodyne
-blocks alpha and beta adrenergic receptors
-blood pressure is reduced by arteriolar dilation secondary to alpha blockade
Diazoxide (Hyperstat IV)
-causes selective dilation of arterioles
-acts within minutes but last hours
-can cause reflex tachycardia. And hyperglycemia in diabetic patients.
Guidelines and Treatment for High Cholesterol
Every 5 years for adults over 20
HDL <40 bad
LDL <100 good (higher bad)
LDL levels
100-129=near or above optimal
130-159-borderline to high
160-180- High
>190= Very High
Low Density goals
IF Coronary heart disease geta LDL less than 100
With many risk factors get LDL less than 130
Fewer than two risk factors less than 160
Risk factors: male older than 45, female older than 55, Premature HD, Current Smoking, BP 140/90 or higher or any htn meds, HDL m40, and DM of any kind
HMG-COA Reductase Inhibotrs (Stains)
Pharm: works in the liver to inhibit the enzyme that catalyese the rate liming tep in cholesterol syntehesis.
Examples: Atorvastatin, Simvastatin (Zocor)
Effects: Most effective at reducing LDL, raise HDL, increase bone formation
Adverse effects: headache, rash, GI problems, Muscle pain.
Interactions: fibrates, ezetimibe, Warfarin,e caffeiene, etc
Effect: reduces LDL, TG, but raisese HDL better than anything
Adverse effects: flushing, gastro, gouty arthritis
Bile Acid-binding Resins
Cholestyramine (Questran), and Colestipol (Colestid)
Pharm: bind bile acids in the intestinal lumen, increasing clearance of cholesterol from the blood by forcing the body to replace the lost bile acids
Effect: lower LDL, increase HDL, and lower plasma triglyceride
Side effects: bloating, constipation, and bloating
Fibric Acid Derivatives (Fibrates)
Pharm: unknown
Effect: decreased Tri levels, rais HDL, and lower levels of VLDL
Side effect: Gallstones, rashes, GI, Liver problems
Ezetimibe (Zetia)
Pharm: Mechanism of ation and impact on plasma lipds
Effect: rduced Total Cholesterol, and LDL
Side effects: Pancreatititis, Myopathy
Loop Diuretics (high ceiling)
Pharm: acts on the ascending loop of henle
Examples: Lasix and bumpex
Pharm: blocks aldosterone in the distal nephron causing retention of potassium
Examples: spironololactone (aldactone)
Triamterene (dyernium)
Pharm: acts on the sodum-potassium exchange in the distal nephron, direct inhibitor of the exchange mechanism, decrase dosium reuptake
Side effets: can cause hyperkalemia, leg cramps, n/v
Amiloride (Midamor)
Pharm: acts to block sodium-potassium exchange in the dista nephrone
Intetactions: with ace inhibitor
Osmotic Diuretic
Examples: Mannitol (osmitrol), urea, glycerin, isosorbide
Pharm: diuresis in lumen of the nephron
Use: prophylaxis of renal failure, reduced in ICP, and Intraocular pressure
Side effects: edema, headache
Thiazide (-zide)
(Don’t work after GR is less than 30 ml/min)
(avoid with gout)
Pharm: acts on the distal renal tuble to inhibit sodium reabsorption
Side effects: hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypomagesemia
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
Example: Acetozomide
Pharm: this drug interefere with the reabsorption of Hc03 causing metabolic acidosis that increase NA and K excretion.
Use: for open-angel glaucoma/ocular HTN
Pharm: direct thrombin inhibitor
Use: reduce risk of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with a.fib
Dosing: if CrCL >30 ml/min 150mg BID
CrCL 15-30 ml 75 mg BID

When to stop for surgery
1 to 2 day (crCL <50) or 3 to 5 days ( CrCL <50)
Rifampin interacts and rudeces the exposure (effects) of this drug
DO not crush or break up (increases bioavailability)