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162 Cards in this Set

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angina pectoris associated with

transient myocardial ischemia, lack of oxygenated blood

angina pectoris described as

sudden substernal pain, radiate to L should arm and jaw, dull pressure

angina pectoris occurs secondary to

atherosclerosis of coronary arteries

think of angina as

symptom even though it is a disease

angina pain is

temporary and reversible

angina is precursor to

other cardiac episode

accompanying symptoms of angina pectoris

diaphoretic, SOB from anxiety, fear

3 types of angina

classic, variant, unstable

classic angina triggered by

inc. activity, emotional excitement, large meals, cold exposure

angina from CAD has no compensatory effect meaning

no way to reach the greater oxygen demand

what helps classic angina


classic angina underlying cause is usually


variant agina also referred to as

prizmetals angina

variant angina caused by

coronary artery spasm

variant angina pain occurs when

at any time even during sleep

tx for variant angina

avoid spasm triggers

spasm trigger for variant angina

cold, stress, fluid overload, smoking

variant angina drugs

nitroglycerin and Ca channel blockers

people with variant angina have hx of


what falls between stable angina and MI

unstable angina

what angina is more likely to lead to MI and why

unstable because CAD is more progressed

ACS acronym and definition

acute coronary syndrome

dont know if having MI but know something is wrong

how to respond to ACS

work pt up as if having MI until prove they are not

tx goal for all angina types

reduce frequency and intensity of angina attacks

non drug tx for all angina types

PTCA (andiogram), CABG (coronary artery bypass graph)

tx drugs for all angina types

nitrates, beta blockers, ca channel blockers, thrombolytics

nitrates do what, best route

vasodilate, SL

beta blockers

dec. workload of heart, help with blood supply and oxygen to heart

what drugs only provide symptom relief

nitrate, beta blockers, ca channel blockers

what drug may treat cause

thrombolytics (only if know for sure cause is clot)

oldest and most frequently used antianginal drugs


nitrate prototype


nitrate mech. of action

relax smooth muscle of vessels

is nitrate selective


another nitrate example

Mg sulfate

side effect from nitrate tx

headache, orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia

nitrate tolerance

develops rapidly - tachyphylaxis

to prevent tachyphylaxis of nitrate tx

NTG in lowest dose, longest acting, intermittently (8 hr break)

what needs to be documented for anginal attack

severity, incidence, circumstances

check what each time before admin. of NTG and the intervals for admin.

BP and HR, given 2 or 3 tabs q 5 minutes

stability, storage, and discarding of SL nitrate

chemically unstable, store in dark air tight container away from heat, discard after 6 months

do what when admin. topical nitrate

wear gloves

transdermal nitrate looks like

adhesive bandage

transdermal nitrate given when and where

q morning, rotate sides on non hairy area

use what nitrate admin. when others fail


IV nitrate found in

glass bottle

beta blockers relieve pain by

dec. HR, dec. contractility, dec. oxygen demand

Ca channel blockers relieve pain by

dec. Ca influx which dec. contractility

dec. contractility related with

neg. inotropic

dec. HR related with

neg. chromotropic

clinical symptoms of ACS

unstable angina, NSTEMI, STEMI


non-ST-elevated myocardial infarction

ACS associated with

rupture of atherosclerotic plaque and partial or complete thrombosis of artery

ACS with stable CAD associated with

ischemia, pathological Q wave, ST segment changes

ischemia longer than _____ = irreveresable cell damage

30-45 minutes

85% of MI caused by

coronary thrombosis

large portion of atypical MI are


long term angina precedes what % of MI


typical MI symptoms

chest pain, diaphoresis, perceived indigestion

cellular ischemia is ST what

ST depression

best case scenario for MI

ST depression (cellular ischemia)

cellular injury is ST what

ST elevation

cellular injury from

O2 deprevation

survive cellular injury for how long

20 minutes

cellular death is what part of EKG

Q wave

cellular death is area of


necrotic or infarcted area has permanent

cesation of contractile function

most MI affect what chamber

L ventricle

2 types of MI

transmural, subendocardial

most common type of MI


transmural includes and is

all levels of ventricular wall and is more serious

subendocardial inculdes and is

only inner 1/3-1/2 of ventricular wall and is associated with less severe symptoms

functional changes with MI

dec. contractility, altered L ventricle compliance, dec. stroke volume, dec. EF, SA node malfunction

what is the most common arrhythmia seen with MI


dx MI

thorough family hx, 12-lead EKG, cardiac markers

12-lead EKG localize what

injured region of L ventricle

12-lead EKG appearance

ST elevation, Q wave, inverted T waves in 3 leads

cardiac markers test what

serum enzymes - CPK, troponin, LDH

most common test enzymes for cardiac markers

CPK and troponin

how is it possible to draw serum enzymes

when cardiac muscle cells die following MI they release their intracellular contents

serum enzymes allows the dx of

existence and extent of cell death

elevated enzymes at different times tells

timing of infarction

enzymes that become elevated

LDH, AST, WBC, CPK, troponin

MI tx

nitrate, beta blocker, Ca channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, thrombolytics, PTCA, CABG

MI initial tx

MONA - morphine, oxygen, nitrate, aspirin

morphine does what

dec. anxiety, vasodilate, dec. catecholamines

oxygen does what and reason and dose

inc. O2 supply to heart, standard tx for any chest pain, 4L/nasal canula (even COPD)

nitrates do what

coronary vasodilate, dec. preload, reduces workload and oxygen demand of heart

nitrate route

SL, spray, IV

nitrate IV for what

continued pain

watch what with nitrate


aspirin does what

dec. mortality associated with MI, blocks platelet aggregation

aspirin route admin.

chew initially, additional tablet orally

81 mg of aspirin means what

dec. thrombosis formation for heart

MI pharmacological tx

ASA, nitrate, beta blocker, Ca channel blocker, ACE inhibitors, thrombolytics

ACE inhibitors do what

lower BP

thrombolytics given if

if hospital does not have cath lab

MI surgical procedures


HF manifests as

pump failure that does not keep up with body

HF is porblems with

ejection fraction and cardiac output

cormorbidities of HF

diabetes, HTN, lung disorders, renal failure

causes of HF

inc. preload, inc. afterload, reduced contractility

inc. preload from

distention or overstretching of ventricles, renal failure, fluid overlaod

inc. afterload from

aortic stenosis, systemic HTN

HF Dx methods based on


HF Dx methods

BNP, chest xray, hemodynamic monitoring

HF tx

reduce cardiac work, reduce preload, reduce afterload, enhance contractility, meds

how to reduce preload

diuretics, low Na diet

how to reduce afterload


goal of enhancing contractility

better perfusion


narrowed valves


valve closure probs

mitral valve prolapse

floppy valve, leaflets don't close all the way

stenosis, regurgitation, and prolapse seen in what valves

mitral and aortic

hear murmur from _____ when valve is open because of _____

stenosis, narrow opening

hear murmur from _____ when valve is closed because of _____

regurgitation, blood leaking through

ineffective endocarditis

inflammation (and infection) of endocardium

ways to get ineffective endocarditis

inhaled > systemic > heart, central line (large vessel catheter)

how to tx ineffective endocarditis

4-6 weeks of IV therapy

may need what after having ineffective endocarditis

valve replacement

if you have mitral valve issues what are you given when having oral surgery


pericarditis sometimes has what present


pericarditis fluid does what to heart

strangle because it has nowhere to go

pericarditis tx

diuretics, tap fluid, NSAID

cardiac tamponade is ____ (2 emotions)

serious and scary

cardiac tamponade manifests as

fluid accumulation in pericardium, impair expansion and filling

cardiac tamponade symptom

engorged neck vessels

acute arterial occlusion can result from

thrombus, emboli, vessel compression, vasopressin, vessel changes

acute arterial occlusion SnS

acute pain, numbness, tingling, pallor, coldness

acute arterial occlusion tx

thrombolyitic or anticoagulant, avoid applying heat or cold

atherosclerotic occlusive disease often affects

superficial femoral or popliteal vessels

atherosclerotic occluisve disease SnS

intermittent claudication, thinning of skin and subQ tissue, popliteal pulse weak or absent, limb color blanches with elevation, loss of hair on limbs

intermittent claudication

pain when walking

atherosclerotic occlusive disease alleviating and aggrevating

better when dangle, worse when elevate

atherosclerotic occlusive disease tx

protect tissues, walking, fem-pop bypass, aspirin

aneurysm is

weakening of vessel wall, abnormal localized dilation of vessel

aneurysm most common in


aneurysm SnS depends on and may be

size and location - may be asymptomatic

aneurysm SnS

may be palpable, may hear murmur in abdomen, may cause pain in area

aneurysm tx

control HTN, possible surgery

HTN further does what

weakens vessel wall

4 types of anuerysms

berry, fusiform, saccular, aortic dissection

berry aneurysm

small spherical dilation of vessel at a bifurication

berry aneurysm usually found in

circel of willis

fusiform aneurysm

entire circumference of vessel, gradual and progressive dilation of vessel

saccular aneurysm

appears over part of circumference of vessel, appears sacklike

aortic dissection aneurysm

tear in initial layer of vessel, blood enters vessel wall

which aneurysm is a false aneurysm

aortic dissection

venous thrombosis aka


venous thrombosis may be in

deep or superficial vein

risk factors of venous thrombosis

venous stasis, inc. blood coaguability, vascular trauma

venous stasis from

bedrest, immobility

inc blood caoguability from

contraceptives, trauma, pregnancy

vascular trauma from

surgery, fracture

venous thrombosis tx

anticoagulant therapy, heat, bedrest

venous throbosis is risk for

pulmonary embolus

varicose veins

dilated tortuous veins of lower extremeties

varicose veins more common in

>50 yrs, obese, more women than men

varicose veins from

prolonged standing, increased intra-abdominal pressure (pregnancy, lifting)

what happens to the vessels of varicose veins

vein valves become imcompetent from prolonged exposure to inc. pressure, valves don't closure, venous enlargement

arterial insufficiency (pain, pulse, skin)

pain - intermittent claudication, relieved by dependent positioning

pulse - diminished or absent

skin - dependent rubbor elevational, pallor, dry, shiny, cool, cold

venous insufficiency (pain, pulse, skin)

pain - aching, cramping, relieved by elevation

pulse - present

skin - thick and tough, brawny pigment, malleous