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41 Cards in this Set

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Diabetes Mellitus

Blood sugar is too high

chronic disease affecting 8 % of population

6th leading cause of death

Of those who have DM

5-10% have type 1 (always receive insulin)

90-95% have type 2

How is DM diagnosed

blood tests - fasting blood sugar test or a random blood sugar test

hemoglobin A1c test - reveals average blood sugar levels for the past 2-3 months

glucose tolerance test

Type 1 DM

normally body's immune system fights off foreign invaders, but in people with type 1 the immune system attacks various cells in the body

symptoms usually develop quickly and are caused by blood sugar levels rising above the normal range (autoimmune)

Type 2 DM

pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body cannot use the insulin well enough (insulin resistant)

risk factors:

- over 45 years


- history of gestational diabates

- family history of type 2 diabetes


- no exercise,

- low HDL cholesterol or high triglycerides

- high BP

- members of certain racial or ethnic groups

metabolic syndrome

increased risk for developing type 2

- central ovesity

- increased serum tryglycerides

- decreased HDL

- Htn

- PFG > 100 mg/dl

3 symptoms of diabetes

polyuria - frequent urination

polydipsia - excessive thirst

polyphagia - excessive hunger

Meds for different types

all patients with type 1 require insulin

patients taking oral meds have type 2

sometimes type 2 takes both

Symptoms of DM

- thirsty

- dry mouth

- fruity breath

- frequent urination

- unintentional weight loss

- increased appetite

- lack of energy


without treatment, type 1 deprives body's cells of the sugar they need for energy. body starts buring fat for energy instead which causes ketones to build up in body. These are acids that can poison the body and high levels can trigger a coma called diabetic ketoacidosis

Hyperosmolor non-ketotic diabetic coma

person with type 2 becomes very ill or dehydrates and is not able to drink enough fluids to make up for the fluid losses

Insulin reaction

too much insulin can lower blood sugar to dangerous levels (hypoglycemia)

warning signs:

- exhaustion or excessive yawning

- being unable to speak or think clearly

- loss of muscle coordination

- sweating, twitching, tunring pale

- seizures

- loss of consciousness

Insulin Pump

needles changed q 3 days

device provides insulin around the clock, eliminating the need for insulin injections

Insulin reaction

too much insulin can lower blood sugar to dangerous levels (hypoglycemia)

warning signs:

- exhaustion or excessive yawning

- being unable to speak or think clearly

- loss of muscle coordination

- sweating, twitching, turning pale

- seizures

- loss of consciousness

Somogyi phenomenon

rapid decrease in blood sugar, usually at nights, stimulates release of hormones that elevate BS

Most frequent cause of death in the U.S.

Most common CVD


Disease of the heart and vessels


affects 1 in 3 people

What is linked in evidence based practices about CVD

above normal BP is linked to increased risk of CVD disease and kidney failure




Stage 1 Hypertension



Stage 2 Hypertension

greater than 160

greater than 100

Hypertensive crisis

greater than 210

diagnosis is made after 2 readings on separate clinical visits

Systemic and local hypertension

Systemic - measurement of arterial blood pressure (most common)

Local - portal (liver) often related to cirrhosis of the liver, pulmonary or left sided heart failure

Primary and Secondary Hypertension

Primary - no specific cause is identified

Secondary - a specific cause is identified (medication, disease process)

Diseases associated with Hypertension

- cushing's syndrome

- hyperthyroidism

- chronic renal impairement

- arteriosclerosis

- pheochomocytoma

Medications associated with hypertension

- corticosteriods

- oral contraceptives

- erythroprotein

- colloid solutions

Preload, afterload, contracility, blood volume, peripheral resistance

Preload - blood going in, initial stretching

-LVED (left ventricular end diastolic volume)

-determinate of BP and cardiac output

Afterload - how much does the heart have to push against to get blood out (the load the heart must eject blood against)

- wall tension in the left ventriclue during systole

Contractility - strength of the hearts contraction during systole

Blood volume - the amount of blood in the body, typically 5 L

Peripheral resistance - resistance of arteries to blood flow

afterload can never be more than preload

increased pressure = increased afterload and vice versa

diuretic = decreased Bp due to low volume (pee alot)

Body mass Index

Normal, overweight, obese

18.5 to 24.9: Normal Weight

25 to 29.9: Overweight

30 and above: obese


often drug of first choice in treating mild to moderate hypertension

works by decreasing circulating blood volume via the renal system

often used in combination with other antihypertensives

Ca+ channel blockers

works by decreasing contractility, decreasing peripheral arterial resistance which leads to decreased BP

All anti-hypertensive medications put people at risk for

orthostatic hypertension

ACE inhibitors

inhibit the enzyme required for conversion of angiotensin 1-2

generic name ends in pril


ARB - angiotensin receptor blocker

blocs the effects of angiotensin after it is formed

generic name ends in sartan

losartan (Cozaar)

route - PO

preg category C for 1st trimester, D for 2nd and 3rd trimesters

Beta Adrenergic antagonists

works by blocking adrenergic receptors in the sympathetic NS, blocks flight or fight response



Metoprolol (lolpresor)

class - selective beta blocker (beta 1)

use - Htn, angina, CHF, Mi prevention

MOA - slectively blocks beta 1, slows HR, decreases contractility

ADR - bradycardia, hypotension and fatigue, beta blocker blues

Hold dose if pulse is less than 60


clinical syndrome of progressive, degenerative loss of memory and one or more of these abilities:

- language skills

- higher level skills such as judgement

- ability to recognize objects

- ability to perform motor skills

Alzheimer's disease

most common cause of dementia > 65 years

no cure

life expectancy is 8-10 years after onset of symptoms

goal to slow progression of disease, maintain ability to complete ADLs

Rivastigmine (exelon)

alzheimers drug

MOA - decreases breakdown of acetycholine thus increasing the amount of neurotransmitter acetocholine in hte breain. and this increase compensates for loss of cholinergic function of the brain

thought to improve cognitive function by permitting more acetylcholine in the neuron receptors

PO and transmdermal

Rheumatoid arthritis RA

RA is a systemic inflammatory disease

the effects are not limited to joint destruction

effects all age groups

thought to be autoimmune disorder

primary characteristic is symmetric multi-joint inflammation

can also cause inflammation of glands, linings of the heart, and lungs

Treatment of RA

disease modifying anti rheumetic drugs (DMARD) are used alone or in conjucture with salicylats and NSAIDS

capable of arresting the progession of RA and can cause remission in some patients


Methotrexate (rheumatrex)

RA drug,

slows progression of RA via immunosuppresant properties

MOA - inhibits the replication and function of T-lymphocytes that stimulate the production of cytokines especially interleukins

can cause bone marrow supression, immunosupression,

preg cat X

avoid alcohol, no echinacea, and limit intake of caffeine

Adjuvant medications

increase efficacy of narcotics or provide independent analgesia