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782 Cards in this Set

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Time it takes for amount of drug to fall to half of its value, constant in first order kinetics (majority of drugs)
Half-life (T1/2)
NSAID contraindicated in gout
The selective agents loose their selectivity at
high doses
Scabicide organophosphate
Common side effect of hypnotic agents
Anti-seizure medication also used in the prevention of migraines
Valproic acid
Another pneumonic for anticholinergic toxicity
"dry as a bone, red as a beet, mad as a hatter, hot as a hare, blind as a bat"
Clinical response that may fluctuate in tx of Parkinson's dx
Antidote used for carbon monoxide poisoning
100% O2 and hyperbaric O2
Usual time needed for full effect of antidepressant therapy
2 to 3 weeks
Period of time of therapy after which GC therapy will need to be tapered
5-7 days
Pyrimidine analog that causes "Thiamine-less death" given with leucovorin rescue
5-flouracil (5-FU)
Analog of hypoxanthine, needs HGPRTase for activation
6-mercaptopurine (6-MP)
Block glycoprotein IIb/IIIa involved in platelet cross-linking
Abciximab, tirofiban and eptifibatide
Reason benzos are used cautiously in pregnancy
Ability to cross the placenta
Lacrimation, rhinorrhea, yawning, sweating, weakness, gooseflesh, nausea, and vomiting, tremor, muscle jerks, and hyperpnea are signs of this syndrome
Abstinence syndrome
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor associated with elevation of LFT's
Examples of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (AGI)
Acarbose, miglitol
Inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
Ace inhibitors
Captopril and enalapril (-OPRIL ending) are
Ace inhibitors
These beta blockers are less lipid soluble
Acebutolol and atenolol
Selective B1 Receptor blockers that may be useful in treating cardiac conditions in patients with asthma
Acebutolol, atenolol, esmolol, metoprolol
This diuretic decreases aqueous secretion due to lack of HCO3- ion. Causes drowsiness and paresthesias, alkalinization of the urine may precipitate calcium salts, hypokalemia, acidosis
Diuretic used for mountain sickness and glaucoma
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
Clinical use for H2 blockers
Acid reflux disease, duodenal ulcer and peptic ulcer disease
MOA of AGI's
Act on intestine, delay absorption of glucose
Adenosine's MOA
Activates acetylcholine sensitive K+ channels in SA and AV node
Barbiturates may precipitate this hematologic condition
Acute intermittent porphyria
DOC for herpes and its MOA
Acyclovir; activates thymidine kinase
The most common type of drug interaction of sedative hypnotics with other depressant medications
Additive CNS depression
DOC for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT)
Anti-arrhythmic with 15 second duration of action
Neurotoxicity with isoniazid (INH) prevented by
Administration of Vit. B6 (pyridoxine)
SE of long term (>5 days) corticosteroid therapy and remedy
Adrenal suppression and weaning slowly, respectively
ABVD regimen used for HD, but appears less likely to cause sterility and secondary malignancies than MOPP
Adriamycin (doxorubicin) +bleomycin, vinblastine +dacarbazine
MOA for Valproic acid at high doses
Affect calcium, potassium, and sodium channels
Strength of interaction between drug and its receptor
Carbamazepine may cause
Short acting Beta 2 agonists that is drug of choice in treatment of acute asthma but not recommended for prophylaxis
Agent that is teratogen and causes a fetal syndrome
Rate limiting step of alcohol metabolism
Aldehyde dehydrogenase
Agent that metabolize acetaldehyde to acetate
Aldehyde dehydrogenase
Available bisphosphonates
Alendronate, etidronate, risedronate, pamidronate, tiludronate, and zoledronic acid
Antidote for salicylate intoxication
Alkalinize urine, dialysis
MOA of cisplatin
Alkylating agent
Some cell cycle non-specific drugs
Alkylating agents (eg., mechlorethamine, cyclophosphamide), antibiotics (doxorubicin, daunorubicin), cisplatin, nitrosourea
Drug used concurrently with toxic anticancer agents to reduce renal precipitation of urates
Interaction with this drug requires dose reduction of 6-MP
These agents decrease blood flow or increase blood pressure, are local decongestant, and used in therapy of spinal shock (temporary maintenance of blood pressure which may help maintain perfusion)
Alpha1 agonists
Benzodiazepines that are the most effective in the treatment of panic disorder
Alprazolam and Clonazepam
MOA of gold salts
Alter activity of macrophages and suppress phagocytic activity of PMNs
Enhances dopaminergic neurotransmission SE's include CNS excitation, acute toxic psychosis and livedo reticularis
Antidote for tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), streptokinase
Aminocaproic acid
Antidote for thrombolytics
Aminocaproic acid
Inhibits conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone therefore inhibiting corticosteroid synthesis
Class III antiarrhythmic that exhibits properties of all 4 classes
Antiarrhythmic effective in most types of arrhythmia
TCA used in chronic pain, a hypnotic, and has marked antimuscarinic effects
Antidepressant associated with neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Cheap wide spectrum antibiotic DOC of otitis media
Phenylisopropylamines that are used legitimately and abused for narcolepsy, attention deficit disorder, and weight reduction
Tolerance is marked and abstinence syndrome occurs
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors that increase mortality and have been found to have NO beneficial effects
Amrinone and milrinone
Losartan and valsartan block
Angiotensin receptor
Neurologic SE of benzodiazepines
Anterograde amnesia
Toxicity of anticholinergics
Four main actions of NSAIDS
Anti-inflammatory, analgesia, antipyretic and antiplatelet activity
Acetaminophen only has
Antipyretic and analgesic activity
Heparin (PTT) increases activity of
Antithrombin 3
SE for Felbamate
Aplastic anemia and acute hepatic failure
SE of phenylbutazone
Aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis
SE of penicillamine
Aplastic anemia and renal
Selective alpha agonists that decreases aqueous secretion
Apraclonidine, brimonidine
Primary endogenous substrate for Nitric Oxidase Synthase
Nitroprusside vasodilates
Arteries and veins
Inhibit synaptic activity of primary afferents and spinal cord pain transmission neurons
Ascending pathways
Irreversible, nonselective COX inhibitor
Agent used to treat MI and to reduce incidence of subsequent MI
Cutaneous flush and be reduced by pretreatment with
Difference between aspirin and other NSAIDS
Aspirin irreversibly inhibits cyclooxygenase
Drugs used in the management of angina
Aspirin, Nitrates, CCB, and Beta blockers
Beta-blockers should be used cautiously in
Asthma (bronchospastic effects), diabetes (block signs of hypoglycemia) and peripheral vascular disease
Cardioselective Beta 1-blockers
Atenolol, acebutolol, and metoprolol
Agent undergoing Hofmann elimination (breaking down spontaneously)
Digoxin is used in
Atrial fibrillation and CHF
Treatment of muscarinic symptoms in organophosphate overdose
Produce mydriasis and cycloplegia
Atropine, homatropine, and tropicamide
Antidote used for organophosphate/anticholinesterase poisoning
Atropine, pralidoxime (2-PAM)
Endogenous substances commonly interpreted as histamine, serotonin, prostaglandins, and vasoactive peptides
HIV med used to reduce transmission during birth
AZT (zidovudine)
Lactam that can be used in PCN allergic patients
GABA agonist in the spinal cord
Inducers of Cytochrome P450 (CYP450)
Barbiturates, phenytoin, carbamazepine, and rifampin
Class II antiarrhythmics are
Anti-arrhythmics that decrease mortality
Site of action for zaleplon and zolpidem
Benzodiazepine receptor BZ1 (although are not considered benzodiazepines)
MOA utilizes ligand gated ion channels
Benzodiazepines and calcium channel blockers
Agent decreases the excitatory actions of cholinergic neurons. May improve tremor and rigidity but have LITTLE effect on bradykinesia. Atropine-like side effects
Treat manifestations of Parkinson's disease and EPS
Benztropine, trihexyphenidyl
Antidote for severe CV toxicity of theophylline
Beta blockers
Clinical uses of these agents include treatment of HTN, angina, arrhythmias, and chronic CHF
Beta blockers
Toxicity of these agents include bradycardia, AV blockade, exacerbation of acute CHF, signs of hypoglycemia may be masked (tachycardia, tremor, and anxiety)
Beta blockers
B-blockers that are more cardioselective
Beta C2001-selective blockers
These agents increase blood flow and may be beneficial in treatment of acute heart failure and some types of shock
Beta1 agonists
Reduce heart rate, contractility, and O2 demand
Block cardiac adverse effects of thyrotoxicosis such as tachycardia, inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3
Beta-blockers such as propranolol
Long acting GC's
Betamethasone, dexamethasone, and paramethasone
This agent has greater affinity for muscarinic receptors and used for postoperative and neurogenic ileus and urinary retention
Decrease intestinal absorption of cholesterol
Bile acid-binding resins
Cholestyramine and colestipol are
Bile acid-binding resins
MOA of nystatin
Bind ergosterol in fungal cell membrane
The fraction of administered dose of a drug that reaches systemic circulation
Bioavailability (F)
SE of both warfarin and heparin
Blows DNA (breaks DNA strands), limiting SE is pulmonary fibrosis
Some cell cycle specific anti-cancer drugs
Bleomycin, vinca alkaloids, antimetabolites (eg., 5-FU, 6-MP, methotrexate, etoposide)
MOA of penicillin
Block cell wall synthesis by inhibiting peptidoglycan cross-linkage
MOA of local anesthetics (LA's)
Block voltage-dependent sodium channels
Vancomycin MOA
Blocks peptidoglycan synthesis
SE of demeclocycline
Bone marrow and teeth discoloration for children under 8 years of age
SE of beta blockers
Bradycardia, SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION, decrease in HDL, and increase in Triglycerols (TG)
Mediator of tissue pain, edema, inactivated by ACE, and may be a contributing factor to the development of angioedema
Peptide causing increased capillary permeability and edema
Bradykinin and histamine
Dopamine agonist used to treat hyperprolactinemia
Dopamine agonist used in hyperprolactinemia
Ergot alkaloid that is a partial agonist at D2 receptors in the brain, used for patients who are refractory or cannot tolerate levodopa, causes erythromelalgia
Partial opioid agonist, considered a strong analgesic, has a long duration of action and is resistant to naloxone reversal
Unicyclic antidepressant least likely to affect sexual performance, used for management of nicotine withdrawal, SE's include dizziness, dry mouth, aggravation of psychosis, and seizures
Agent that is a partial agonist for the 5-HT1A receptor
Drug of choice for generalized anxiety disorder, NOT effective in acute anxiety
Withdrawal from this drug causes lethargy, irritability, and headache
Used intranasally and decreases bone resorption
Calcitonin (salmon prep)
Used especially in postmenopausal women, dosage should be 1500 mg
Loops lose and thiazide diuretics retain
Block L-type calcium channel
Calcium channel blockers
MOA of class IV antiarrhythmics
Calcium channel blockers
MOA for Ethosuximide
Calcium channels
Drug causing depletion of substance P (vasodilator)
Anti-seizure drugs used also for Trigeminal neuralgia
Anti-seizure agent that induces formation of liver drug-metabolism enzymes, is teratogen and can cause craniofacial anomalies and spina bifida
Anti-seizure drugs used as alternative drugs for mood stabilization
Carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, and valproic acid
PCN active against pseudomonas
Carbenicillin, piperacillin and ticarcillin
This is combined with L-dopa, inhibits DOPA decarboxylase (active only peripherally) which allows lower effective doses of L-dopa and allows for fewer SE's (GI distress, postural hypotension, and dyskinesias)
Agent similar to cisplatin, less nephrotoxic, but greater myelosuppression
Lithium is associated with this congenital defect
Cardiac anomalies and is contraindicated in pregnancy or lactation
Nitrosoureas with high lipophilicity, used for brain tumors
Carmustine (BCNU) and lomustine (CCNU)
Reason fluoroquinolones are contraindicated in children and pregnancy
Cartilage damage
Agent used in CHF that is a selective alpha and nonselective beta blocker
Cephalosporins able to cross the BBB
Cefixime (2nd) and 3rd generation
DOC for N. gonorrhea
Cephalosporin causes kernicterus in neonates
Ceftriaxone or cefuroxime
Newer NSAIDs that selectively inhibit COX-2
Celecoxib and rofecoxib
Drug that selectively inhibits COX 2
Celecoxib, valdecoxib, and rofecoxib
Class of antibiotics that have 10% cross sensitivity with penicillins
SE of tPA
Cerebral hemorrhage
Readily detected markers that may assist in diagnosis of the cause of a drug overdose include
Changes in heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, body temperature, sweating, bowel signs, and pupillary responses
Major SE of bisphosphonates
Chemical esophagitis
Drug that causes gray baby syndrome and aplastic anemia
Longer acting benzodiazepines used in the management of withdrawal states of alcohol and other drugs
Chlordiazepoxide and Diazepam
1st generation antihistamine that is least sedating
Chlorpheniramine or cyclizine
Antipsychotics having the strongest autonomic effects
Chlorpromazine or Thioridazine
Sulfonylurea NOT recommended for elderly because of very long half life
First generation sulfonylurea
Chlorpropamide, tolbutamide, tolazamide, etc.
During Phase I these agents worsen the paralysis by succinylcholine, but during phase II they reverse the blockade produced by succinylcholine
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Reversal of blockade by neuromuscular blockers
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Chemical antagonists that bind to the inhibitor of ACh Estrace and displace the enzyme (if aging has not occurred)
Cholinesterase Regenerators
H2 blocker that causes the most interactions with other drugs
Inhibitors of CYP450
Cimetidine, ketoconazole, erythromycin, isoniazid and grapefruit
Toxicities include nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, leading to a severe interaction with aminoglycosides
Except for these agents all SSRI have significant inhibition of CytP450 enzymes
Citalopram and its metabolite escitalopram
Class of anti-arrhythmics that has a pro-arrhythmic effect (CAST trial), therefore are used as last line agents
Class IC (flecainide, propafenone, moricizine)
Beta blockers are used for which type of anginal attack
The ratio of the rate of elimination of a drug to its plasma concentration
Clearance (CL)
Drug notorious for causing pseudomembranous colitis
Antiestrogen drugs used for fertility and breast cancer respectively
Clomiphene and tamoxifen
TCA used in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), most significant of TCA's for risk of seizure, weight gain, and neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms
Example of three antidepressants that are indicated for obsessive compulsive disorder
Clomipramine, fluoxetine and fluvoxamine
Benzodiazepine that has efficacy against absence seizures and in anxiety states, such as agoraphobia
Presynaptic Alpha 2 agonist used in HTN
Clonidine, and methyldopa
Effective in preventing TIA's
Clopidogrel and ticlopidine
Agent with greater affinity to 5HT2A receptor; reserved for refractory schizophrenia, and can cause weight gain and agranulocytosis
Anti-psychotics shown not to cause tardive dyskinesia
Clozapine and quetiapine
Regimen used for breast cancer
CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil) and tamoxifen if ER+
Additive effects when Sedative-Hypnotics used in combination with these agents
CNS depressants
Most important toxic effects of most local anesthetics
CNS toxicity
Local anesthetic with vasoconstrictive property, favored for head, neck, and pharyngeal surgery
Commonly abused LA which has cardiovascular toxicity including severe hypertension with cerebral hemorrhage, cardiac arrhythmias, and myocardial infarction
Overdoses of this agent with powerful vasoconstrictive action may result in fatalities from arrhythmias, seizures, respiratory depression, or severe HTN (MI and stroke)
Cocaine "super-speed"
These LA's have surface activity
Cocaine and benzocaine
Moderate opioid agonists
Codeine, hydrocodone, and oxycodone
Three C's associated with TCA toxicity
Coma, Convulsions, Cardiac problems (arrhythmias and wide QRS)
Constant low dose of estrogen and increasing dose of progestin for 21 days (last 5 days are sugar pills or iron prep)
Combination oral contraceptives (OC)
Ability to bind reversibly to the same site as the drug and without activating the effector system
Competitive antagonist
Constipation, edema, and headache
Regimen used for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
COP (cyclophosphamide, oncovin(vincristine), and prednisone)
Drugs that can be used for infantile spasms
Short acting GC's
Cortisone and hydrocortisone (equivalent to cortisol)
ACTH analog used for diagnosis of patients with corticosteroid abnormality
Difference between COX 1 and COX 2
COX 1 is found throughout
the body and COX 2 is only
in inflammatory tissue
Plasma concentration of a drug at a given time
Product of proinsulin cleavage used to assess insulin production
SE of niacin
Cutaneous flush
Toxicity caused by nitroprusside and treatment
Cyanide toxicity treated with sodium thiosulfate
Agent for pernicious anemia
Cyanocobalamin (Vit B12)
Agent used for acute muscle spasm
Anticancer drug also used in RA, produces acrolein in urine that leads to hemorrhagic cystitis
H1 blocker that is also a serotonin antagonist
Agents used in treatment of carcinoid tumor
Anti-androgen used for hirsutism in females
Cyproterone acetate
T3 compound less widely used
DOC for malignant hyperthermia by acting on the sacroplasmic reticulum or skeletal muscle
DOC for malignant hyperthermia that may be caused by use of halogenated anesthetics
Drug used in neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Drug of choice for leprosy
Most inhaled anesthetics SE
Decrease arterial blood pressure
MOA of metformin
Decreases hepatic glucose production and intestinal glucose absorption; increase insulin sensitivity
MOA of tetracycline
Decreases protein synthesis by inhibiting 30S ribosome
Antidote used for iron salt toxicity
Chelating agent used in acute iron toxicity
Antivirals that are teratogens
Delavirdine, efavirenz, and ribavirin
Used for SIADH
Common mechanism by which overdose result in death
Depression of medullary and cardiovascular centers
SE of gold salts
Dermatitis of the mouth aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis
Pungent inhaled anesthetic which leads to high incidence of coughing and vasospasm
Synthetic analog of ADH hormone used for diabetes insipidus and nocturnal enuresis
Desmopressin (DDAVP)
ADH agonist used for pituitary diabetes insipidus
Desmopressin (DDAVP)
May protect against doxorubicin cardio-toxicity by chelating iron
Amphetamine agents
Dextroamphetamines and methamphetamine
These agents are used as antitussive
Dextromethorphan, Codeine
Benzodiazepine with useful relaxant effects in skeletal muscle spasticity of central origin
DOC for status epilepticus
Facilitates GABA presynaptic inhibition
Agents having active metabolites, long half lives, and a high incidence of adverse effects
Diazepam, Flurazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and clorazepate
NSAID also available as an ophthalmic preparation
Reduce transient hyper GI motility
Dicyclomine, methscopolamine
Anti-viral with a dose limiting toxicity of pancreatitis
Non-steroidal estrogen agonist causes clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina in daughters of women who used it during pregnancy
Diethylstilbestrol (DES)
Antidote for digoxin toxicity
Antidote used for digitalis toxicity
Digibind (also need to d/c digoxin, normalize K+, and lidocaine if pt. Is arrhythmic)
Drug used supraventricular arrhythmias
H1 antagonist used in motion sickness
Dimenhydrinate, meclizine, and other 1st generation
Antidote for arsenic, mercury, and gold poisoning
Antidote for severe lead poisoning
Dimercaprol + CaEDTA (edetate calcium disodium)
Antidote used for lead poisoning
Dimercaprol, EDTA
1st generation antihistamine that is highly sedating
Prototype antagonist of H1 and H2 receptors
These agents are used as antidiarrheal
Diphenoxylate, Loperamide
Prevents thrombosis in patients with artificial heart valve
Agent used in the treatment of alcoholism, if alcohol is consumed concurrently, acetaldehyde builds up and results in nausea, headache, flushing, and hypotension
Agents that inhibit aldehyde dehydrogenase
Disulfiram, metronidazole, certain sulfonylureas and cephalosporins
Metronidazole SE if given with alcohol
Disulfiram-like reaction
Beta 1 agonists used in acute CHF
Dobutamine and dopamine
5ht-3 antagonist that has been MOST associated with QRS and QTc prolongation and should not be used in patients with heart disease
These agents are congeners of Amphetamine
DOM, STP, MDA, and MDMA "ecstasy"
Hormone inhibiting prolactin release
TCA with greatest sedation of this group, and marked antimuscarinic effects, used for sleep
Antipsychotics, reserpine at high doses, and MPTP (by-product of illicit meperidine analog) and is irreversible
Drug induced Parkinsonism
Angiotensin receptor blockers do NOT cause
Dry cough
SE of ACE inhibitors
Dry cough, hyperkalemia
Toxicity of cholinergics
DUMBELSS (diarrhea, urination, miosis, bronchoconstriction, excitation of skeletal muscle and CNS, lacrimation, salivation, and sweating)
SE of Amiodarone
Dysfunction, photosensitivity, skin (blue smurf syndrome), Pulmonary fibrosis, thyroid and corneal deposits
Antiglaucoma organophosphate
Median effective dose required for an effect in 50% of the population
SE of Thiazolindinediones
Edema, mild anemia; interaction with drugs that undergo CytP450 3A4 metabolism
Indirect-Acting ACh Agonist, alcohol, short DOA and used in diagnosis of myasthenia gravis
Ability of drug to produce a biologic effect
Population group especially sensitive to side effects of antidepressants
Elderly patients
Inhaled anesthetics are myocardial depressants
Enflurane and halothane
Inhibitors of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), used as adjuncts in Parkinson's dx and cause acute hepatic failure (monitor LFT's)
Entacapone and Tolcapone
Long acting sympathomimetic, sometimes used to improve urinary continence in children and elderly with enuresis
This is the drug of choice for anaphylactic shock
Nonselective alpha agonists that increases outflow, probably via the uveoscleral veins
Epinephrine, dipivefrin
Side effects occuring in antipsychotics that block dopamine
EPS, hyperprolactinemia, amennorrhea, galactorrhea, neuroleptic malignant syndrome
DOC for Legionnaires' disease
Agent used for anemias associated with renal failure
Antidote used for beta agonist toxicity (eg. Metaproterenol)
This parenteral beta blocker is a short acting
Used intravenously for acute arrhythmias during surgery
Slightly increased risk of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, heart disease (questionable), has beneficial effects on bone loss
Used for prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis in women
Estrogen (HRT-Hormone replacement therapy)
Antidote used for methanol and ethylene glycol
Agent with zero-order kinetics
Agent that competes for alcohol dehydrogenase in the case of methanol overdose
Agent that is metabolized to acetaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase and microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system (MEOS)
These agents are CNS depressants
Ethanol, Barbiturates, and Benzodiazepines
Estrogen mostly used in oral contraceptives (OC)
Ethinyl estradiol and mestranol
Drugs of choice for absence seizures
Ethosuximide and valproic acid
Only bisphosphonates available IV
Bisphosphonates that cannot be used on continuous basis because it caused osteomalacia
The most important sign of withdrawal syndrome
Excessive CNS stimulation (seizures)
New class of drugs that works by inhibiting absorption of intestinal cholesterol and can be given concurrently with the Statins
Ezetimibe (Zetia)
Opioid associated with awareness during surgery and post-operative recall, but still used for high-risk cardiovascular surgeries
Opioid available trans-dermally
Agent to treat hypochromic microcytic anemias
Ferrous sulfate
2nd generation antihistamines
Fexofenadine, loratadine, and cetirizine
5 alpha-reductase inhibitor used for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and male pattern baldness
Finasteride (Proscar and Propecia respectively)
Generation of antihistamine that has the most CNS effects
First generation due to being more lipid-soluble
Constant percentage of substrate metabolized per unit time
First order kinetics
The elimination of drug that occurs before it reaches the systemic circulation
First pass effect
SE of AGI's
Flatulence (do not use beano to tx), diarrhea, abdominal cramps
Fludrocortisone and deoxycorticosterone
Antidote used for benzodiazepine toxicity
Antidote to benzodiazepine overdose (antagonist that reverses the CNS effects)
Benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, it accelerates recovery from benzodiazepine overdose
"Date rape drug"
Flunitrazepam (rohypnol)
Toxic to the liver, kidney, lungs, bone marrow, peripheral nerves, and cause brain damage in animals, sudden death has occurred following inhalation
Fluorocarbons and Industrial solvents
SSRI with long T1/2 and can be administered once weekly for maintenance, not acute tx
SSRI's less likely to cause a withdrawal syndrome
SSRI indicated for premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Fluoxetine (Sarafem)
Anti-psychotics available in depot preparation
Fluphenazine and haloperidol
Anti-androgen used for prostate cancer
Flutamide (Eulexin)
Agent used for megaloblastic anemia (but does NOT reverse neurologic symptoms) and decrease neural tube defects during pregnancy
Folic acid
Drug that inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase and is used in ethylene glycol exposure
Ability of a drug to produce 100% of the maximum response regardless of the potency
Full agonist
Anti-seizure drugs used also for pain of neuropathic orgin
MOA for benzodiazepines and barbiturates
GABA-related targets
DOC for CMV retinitis
Antivirals associated with neutropenia
Ganciclovir, zidovudine, saquinavir, and interferon
GnRH antagonist with more immediate effects, used for infertility
COX 2 inhibitors may have reduced risk of
Gastric ulcers and GI Bleeding
Agent used neutropenia especially after chemotherapy
G-CSF (filgrastim) and GM-CSF (sargramostim)
Methyldopa is contraindicated in
Geriatrics due to its CNS (depression) effects
Pneumonic for 3 zones of adrenal cortex
SE of Aspirin
GI bleeding
SE of phenytoin
Gingival hyperplasia
SE of phenytoin
Gingival hyperplasia, nystagmus, diplopia and ataxia
Ultra long acting insulin, has over a day duration of action
Glargine (Lantus)
Epinephrine and dipivefrin are used for
3 zones of adrenal cortex and their products
Glomerulosa (mineralocorticoids), fasciculata (glucocorticoid=GC), and reticularis (adrenal androgens)
Antidote for beta-blockers and hypoglycemia
Hyperglycemic agent that increases cAMP and results in glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, reverses hypoglycemia, also used to reverse severe beta-blocker overdose and smooth muscle relaxation
Used for Addison's disease, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), inflammation, allergies, and asthma (as a local inhalation)
Products of Phase II conjugation
Glucuronate, acetic acid, and glutathione sulfate
Important in synthesis of glucose to glycogen in the liver
Important in muscle and adipose tissue for glucose transport across muscles and TG storage by lipoprotein lipase activation
Drugs available in combination with metformin
Glyburide, glipizide, and rosiglitazone
Second generation sulfonylurea
Glyburide, glipizide, glimepiride, etc.
SE seen only in men with administration of ketoconazole
Common SE of spironolactone
Gynecomastia and hyperkalemia
SE of spironolactone
Gynecomastia hyperkalemia, and impotence
Time it takes for amount of drug to fall to half of its value, constant in first order kinetics (majority of drugs)
Half-life (T1/2)
SE of ergot alkaloids
Hallucinations resembling psychosis
Agent more frequently associated with extrapyramidal side effects that can be treated with benzodiazepine, diphenhydramine or muscarinic blocker
Antipsychotic having the weakest autonomic effects
Agents used in Tourette's dx
Haloperidol or pimozide
Inhaled anesthetic that may sensitize the myocardium to arrhythmogenic effects of catecholamines and has produced hepatitis
Inhaled anesthetics metabolized by liver enzymes which has a major role in the toxicity of these agents
Halothane and methoxyflurane
Anticoagulant of choice in pregnancy
SE of heparin
Heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
Main route of metabolism for benzodiazepines
Most frequent route of metabolism
Hepatic enzymes
Reason troglitazone was withdrawn from market
Hepatic toxicity
SE of acetaminophen
Most commonly abused in health care professionals
Heroin, morphine, oxycodone, meperidine and fentanyl
Prototype ganglion blocker
Drug with a high margin of safety
High therapeutic index
Common SE of tamoxifen and raloxifene
Hot flashes
Direct vasodilator of arteriolar smooth muscle
Prevention of cyclophosphamide induced hemorrhagic cystitis
Hydration and mercaptoethanesulfonate (MESNA)
Interferes with activity of T-lymphocytes
Anti-malarial drug used in rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Antihistamine that can be used for anxiety and insomnia and is not addictive
hydroxyzine (Atarax)
This may antagonize activity of local anesthetics
This may enhance activity of local anesthetics
Alpha 1 agonist toxicity
Condition will result from in combination of MAOI with tyramine containing foods (ex. wine, cheese, and pickled meats)
Hypertensive crisis
SE of minoxidil
SE of thiazide (HCTZ) diuretics
Hyperuricemia, hypokalemia and hyperglycemia
SE of loop (furosemide) diuretics
Hyperuricemia, hypokalemia and ototoxicity
Major SE of insulin
Common SE of sulfonylureas, repaglinide, and nateglinide
Digoxin toxicity can be precipitated by
Routes of administration of heparin
IM (only LMW) and IV
TCA used in chronic pain, enuresis, and OCD
Major nutritional side effect of bile acid-binding resins
Impair absorption of fat soluble vitamin absorption (A,D,E,K)
Barbiturates MOA
Increase the DURATION of GABA-mediated chloride ion channels
MOA for benzodiazepines
increase the FREQUENCY of GABA-mediated chloride ion channel opening
Major drug interaction with Quinidine
Increases concentration of Digoxin
Shock due to septicemia or myocardial infarction is made worse by
Increasing afterload and tissue perfusion declines
MOA of Cardiac glycosides (eg. digoxin)
Indirectly increase intracellular calcium and cardiac contractility by inhibit Na+/K+ ATPase
NSAID used in gout
Agent used for closure of patent ductus arteriosus
Atropine fever is the most dangerous effect and can be lethal in this population group
Contraindications to use of atropine
Infants, closed angle glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy
Proteins that prevent action of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)
Infliximab and etanercept
These drugs strongly potentiate and prolong effect of neuromuscular blockade (NMB)
Inhaled anesthetics, especially isoflurane, aminoglycosides, and antiarrhythmic
Drug or foods (grapefruit juice) that increase statin effect
Inhibit Cytochrome P450 3A4
MOA of sulfonamides
Inhibit dihydropteroate synthase
MOA of quinolones
Inhibit DNA gyrase
MOA of thiazide diuretics
Inhibit Na+/Cl- cotransport
MOA of corticosteroids
inhibit phospholipase A2
inhibit prostaglandin synthesis by inhibiting cyclo-oxygenase (cox)
MOA of Leflunomide (newer agent)
Inhibiting Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase which leads to decreased pyrimidine synthesis
MOA of erythromycin
Inhibition of protein synthesis at the 50s subunit of ribosome
MOA of lovastatin (STATIN)
inhibits HMG COA reductase
MOA of loop diuretics
inhibits Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransport
MOA of Bisphosphonates
Inhibits osteoclast bone resorption
MOA of sildenafil (Viagra)
Inhibits phosphodiesterase-5, enhancing effects of nitric oxide-activated increases in cGMP
PTU (propylthiouracil) MOA
Inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis by blocking iodination of the tyrosine residues of thyroglobulin
MOA utilizes transmembrane receptors
MOA of both generations
Insulin release from pancreas by modifying K+ channels
MOA of repaglinide
Insulin release from pancreas; faster and shorter acting than sulfonylurea
Used for hairy cell leukemia; it stimulates NK cells
Interferon alpha
Treatment of patients with prior episodes of thrombocytopenia after a cycle of cancer chemotherapy
Interleukin 11 (oprelvekin)
Can be effective for short term therapy of thyroid storm, but after several weeks of therapy causes an exacerbation of hyperthyroidism
Iodide salts
Radio contrast media that inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3
Muscarinic antagonist used in asthma
Bronchodilation in asthma and COPD
MOA of aspirin
Irreversibly blocking cyclooxygenase
Beta cells are found
Islets of Langerhans
Inhaled anesthetic causes peripheral vasodilation
This route is associated with rapid tolerance and psychologic dependence
IV administration
Drugs of choice for status epilepticus
IV diazepam (or lorazapam) followed by phenytoin
This produces "dissociative anesthesia", is a cardiovascular stimulant which may increases intracranial pressure, and hallucinations occur during recovery
5HT2 antagonist mediate synaptic excitation in the CNS and smooth muscle contraction
Ketanserin, cyproheptadine, and ergot alkaloids (partial agonist of alpha and serotonin receptors)
Antifungal agent used for inhibition of all gonadal and adrenal steroids
NSAID available orally, IM and ophthalmically
NSAID that is used for acute condition, such as pre-op anesthesia and has limited duration (<5 days) of use due to nephrotoxicity
SE of colchicine
Kidney and liver toxicity
Major route of elimination for Lithium
Combined alpha and beta blocking agents that may have application in treatment of CHF
Labetalol and carvedilol
Most important potential SE of metformin
Lactic acidosis
Converts asparagine to aspartate and ammonia, denies cancer cells of essential AA (asparagine)
Dose which is lethal to 50% of the population
Agent used in drug therapy of Parkinson's instead of Dopamine which has low bioavailability and does not cross the BBB
Alternative anticoagulant used if HIT develops
Antidote for methotrexate toxicity
GnRH agonist used for infertility or different types of CA depending on pulsatile or steady usage respectively
Drug is used with testosterone for male fertility
Anti-Parkinson's drug which increases intraocular pressure and is contraindicated in closed angle glaucoma
Monitoring parameter to obtain before initiation of STATINS
DOC for management of acute Ventricular arrhythmias
Fibrates (gemfibrozil) increase activity of
Lipoprotein lipase
Very rapid acting insulin, having fastest onset and shortest duration of action
Lispro (Humalog)
DOC for bipolar affective disorder
Patients being treated with lithium, who are dehydrated, or taking diuretics concurrently, could develop
Lithium toxicity
Exogenous insulin
Little C-peptide
Barbiturates decrease the effectiveness of many other drugs via this pharmacokinetics property
Liver enzyme INDUCTION
Major SE of zileuton
Liver toxicity
SE of mirtazapine
Liver toxicity, increased serum cholesterol
Target plasma concentration times (volume of distribution divided by bioavailability)
Loading dose (Cp*(Vd/F))
Constant proportion of cell population killed rather than a constant number
Log-kill hypothesis
Associated with an increased incidence of cataracts in patients treated for glaucoma
Long acting cholinesterase inhibitors
Treatment of withdrawal syndrome involves
Long-acting sedative-hypnotic or a gradual reduction of dose, clonidine or propranolol
Benzodiazepine that undergo extrahepatic conjugation (which are useful in older or hepatically impaired)
Lorazepam, oxazepam, and temazepam
Orthostatic hypotension and QT prolongation
Low potency and risperidone
Drug with a narrow margin of safety
Low therapeutic index
Reduced seizure threshold
Low-potency typical antipsychotics and clozapine
Ergot alkaloid used as an illicit drug
Most widely used thyroid drugs such as Synthroid and Levoxyl contain
L-thyroxine (T4)
SE of hydralazine
Lupus-like syndrome
SE of procainamide
Lupus-like syndrome
MOA of thrombolytics
Lyse thrombi by catalyzing the formation of plasmin which binds fibrin
Antidote useful for some drug induced Torsade de pointes
Magnesium sulfate
Agent to treat torsades de pointes
Magnesium sulfate
Concentration in the plasma times (clearance divided by bioavailability)
Maintenance dose (Cp*(CL/F))
Osmotic diuretic used for increased intracranial pressure
Antidepressant associated with seizures and cardiotoxicity
THC is active ingredient, SE's include impairment of judgment, and reflexes, decreases in blood pressure and psychomotor performance occur
MOA action of cromolyn
Mast cell stabilizer
Important drug interaction with chloral hydrate
May displace coumadin from plasma proteins
Alkylating agent, vesicant that causes tissue damage with extravasation
MOPP regimen used in Hodgkin's disease (HD)
Mechlorethamine+ oncovorin (vincristine)+ procarbazine, and prednisone
Anemia caused by trimethoprim
Megaloblastic anemia
System that increases in activity with chronic exposure and may contribute to tolerance
All opioids except this agent (which has a muscarinic blocking action) cause pupillary constriction
Use of this opioid with MAOI can lead to hyperpyrexic coma, and with SSRI's can lead to serotonin syndrome
Opioid used in the management of withdrawal states
Treatment for opioid addiction
Methadone, followed by slow dose reduction
Penicillins active against penicillinase secreting bacteria
Methicillin, nafcillin, and dicloxacillin
Thioamide agents used in hyperthyroidism
Methimazole and propylthiouracil (PTU)
Causes bone marrow suppression
Fluoride released by metabolism of this inhaled anesthetic may cause renal insufficiency
Organophosphate anthelmintic agent with long DOA
DOC for tx of pseudomembranous colitis
DOC for giardia, bacterial vaginosis, pseudomembranous colitis, and trichomonas
Used for Cushing's syndrome (increased corticosteroid) and sometimes for adrenal function test
Benzodiazepine that is used for anesthesia
Benzodiazepine used adjunctively in anesthesia
Chronic orthostatic hypotension can be treated with
Antiprogestin used as potent antagonist of GC receptor
Anti-progesterone used as abortifacient
Mifepristone (RU-486)
Inversely related to potency of anesthetics
Minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC)
Oral antibiotic of choice for moderate inflammatory acne
Arterial vasodilator that works by opening K+ channels
Tolerance to all effects of opioid agonists can develop except
Miosis, convulsions and constipation
Antidepressant with MOA as alpha 2 antagonist, has effects on both 5-HT and NE, blocks histamine receptors, and is sedating
Non-depolarizing antagonist has short duration
Most useful in patients with significant anxiety, phobic features, hypochondriasis, and resistant depression
Monamine oxidase inhibitors
Opioid that can be given PO, by epidural, and IV, which helps to relieve the dyspnea of pulmonary edema
Opioids used in anesthesia
Morphine and fentanyl
Strong opioid agonists
Morphine, methadone, meperidine, and fentanyl
Receptors for serotonin (5HT-1) are located
Mostly in the brain, and they mediate synaptic inhibition via increased K+ conductance
Agents may exacerbate tardive dyskinesias (may be irreversible and there is no treatment)
Muscarinic blockers
SE for ganciclovir
Potassium sparing diuretics inhibit
Na+/K+ exchange
Antidote for acetaminophen toxicity
Antidote used for acetaminophen (APAP) toxicity
This beta blocker is the longest acting
Opioid antagonist that is given IV and had short DOA
This agent may cause more severe, rapid and intense symptoms (abstinence syndrome) to a recovering addict
Antidote used for opioid toxicity
Naloxone (IV), naltrexone (PO)
Opioid antagonist that is given orally in alcohol dependency programs
Anabolic steroid that has potential for abuse
Nandrolone and stanozolol
Amino acid derivative for treatment of Type II diabetes
Most common SE of fibrates
Antidepressant which is inhibitor of CYP450 enzymes and may be associated with hepatic failure
Carbamate with intermediate action postoperative and neurogenic ileus and urinary retention
Common toxicities of cisplatin
Nephro and ototoxicity
Two toxicities of aminoglycosides
nephro and ototoxicity
Toxicity of amphotericin
Agent used in acutely decompensated CHF resembling natriuretic peptide
Nesiritide (Natrecor)
State of analgesia and amnesia produced when fentanyl is used with droperidol and nitrous oxide
Structurally related to acetylcholine, used to produce muscle paralysis in order to facilitate surgery or artifical ventilation. Full doses lead to respiratory paralysis and require ventilation
Neuromuscular blocking drugs
SE for ticlopidine
Neutropenia and agranulocytosis
Anti-viral agents associated with Stephen Johnson syndrome
Nevirapine, amprenavir
Decreases liver triglycerol synthesis
W/D from this drug causes anxiety and mental discomfort
CCB with predominate effect on arteriole dilation
Drug used in Chagas disease
Antidote used for cyanide poisoning
Nitrate used for acute anginal attacks
Nitroglycerin sublingual tablets
IV Drug used Hypertensive Crisis
Drug used in ergot alkaloids overdose, ischemia and gangrene
Inhaled anesthetic with a low blood/gas partition coefficient
Nitrous oxide
Inhaled anesthetics, less likely to lower blood pressure than other agents, and has the smallest effect on respiration
Nitrous oxide
Prolonged exposure to this inhaled anesthetic may lead to megaloblastic anemia
Nitrous oxide
Inhalant anesthetics
NO, chloroform, and diethyl ether
Ability to bind to either the same or different site as the drug
Noncompetitive antagonist
Tubocurarine is the prototype, pancuronium, atracurium, vecuronium are newer short acting agent, produce competitive block at end plate nicotinic receptor, causing flaccid paralysis
Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular Blockers
These prevent the action of Ach at the skeletal muscle endplate to produce a "surmountable blockade," effect is reversed by cholinesterase inhibitors (ex. neostigmine or pyridostigmine)
Nondepolarizing type antagonists
Prototypical drug is atropine
Nonselective Muscarinic Antagonists
Neurotransmitters affected by the action of antidepressants
Norepinephrine and serotonin
Endogenous insulin
Normal C-peptide
Secondary amines that have less sedation and more excitation effect
Nortriptyline, Desipramine
Class of drugs that reversibly inhibit COX
Somatostatin (SRIF) analog used for acromegaly, carcinoid, glucagonoma and other GH producing pituitary tumors
DOC of chemo induced nausea and vomiting
Anti-emetics used in association with anti-cancer drugs that are 5-HT3 (serotonin receptor subtype ) antagonist
Odansetron, granisetron, dolasetron, palonosetron
Newer atypical antipsychotic used for bipolar disorder, known to cause weight gain, and adversely affect diabetes
Newer atypical antipsychotics that also improve some of the negative symptoms and help acute agitation
Olanzapine, aripiprazole, and sertindole
Extrapyramidal dysfunction is more common with these agents, which block this subtype of dopamine receptor
Older antipsychotic agents, D2 receptors
Antipsychotics that reduce positive symptoms only
Older antipsychotics
5HT-3 antagonist used in chemotherapeutic induced
Ondansetron, granisetron,
dolasetron and palonosetron
SE of these drugs include dependence, withdrawal syndrome, sedation, euphoria, respiratory depression nausea and vomiting, constipation, biliary spasm, increased ureteral and bladder tone, and reduction in uterine tone
Opioid Analgesics
Route of administration of warfarin
Nitrate used to prevent further attacks
Oral and transdermal forms of nitroglycerin
Treatment of resistant pseudomembranous colitis
ORAL vancomycin
Common side effect of Rifampin
Orange urine discoloration
Cause dizziness, tachycardia, hypotension, and flushing
Organic nitrites
Oral contraceptive available in a transdermal patch
SE of alpha blockers
Orthostatic hypotension (especially with first dose) and reflex tachycardia
DOC for influenza A and B
Oseltamivir or Zanamivir
Some side effects of corticosteroids
Osteopenia, impaired wound healing, inc. risk of infection, inc. appetite, HTN, edema, PUD, euphoria, psychosis
Uses of bisphosphonates
Osteoporosis, Paget's disease, and osteolytic bone lesions, and hypercalcemia from malignancy
Aminoglycosides used with loop diuretics potentiate adverse effect
Leads to respiratory depression progressing to coma and death
Overdose of opioids
Different steps of Phase I
Oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis
Cystitis, postoperative bladder spasms, or incontinence
Oxybutynin, dicyclomine
Drug that causes contraction of the uterus
Agents for reduction of postpartum bleeding
Oxytocin and ergonovine
Binds tubulin and prevents the disassembly of microtubules during the M phase of the cell cycle inducing mitotic arrest
Paclitaxel (taxol)
Agent can blocking muscarinic receptors
Some of SSRIs' therapeutic effects beside depression
Panic attacks, social phobias, bulimia nervosa, and PMDD premenstrual dysphoric disorder), OCD
The most toxic organophosphate
SE of acetazolamide
Paresthesias, alkalization of the urine (which may ppt. Ca salts), hypokalemia, acidosis, and encephalopathy in patients with hepatic impairment
Ability to produce less than 100% of the response
Partial agonist
Treatments available for nicotine addiction
Patches, gum, nasal spray, psychotherapy, and bupropion
Most dangerous of the currently popular hallucinogenic drugs, OD leads to nystagmus, marked hypertension, and seizures, presence of both horizontal and vertical nystagmus is pathognomonic
Antidote used in Wilson's disease (copper poisoning)
Chelating agent used in Wilson's disease
Methylxanthine derivative used as a remedy for intermittent claudication
Peripheral neuritis and hepatitis
The most common neurologic abnormality in chronic alcoholics
Peripheral neuropathy (also excessive alcohol use is associated with HTN, anemia, and MI)
Used in pediatrics to maintain patency of ductus arteriosis
PGE1 (Alprostadil)
Prostaglandin used in the treatment impotence
PGE1 (Alprostadil)
Approved for use in severe pulmonary HTN
PGI2 (epoprostenol)
This step of metabolism makes drug more hydrophilic and hence augments elimination
Phase I
DOC for febrile seizures
Nonselective alpha-blocking drug, long acting and irreversible, and used to treat pheochromocytoma. Blocks 5-HT, so occasionaly used for carcinoid tumor. Blocks H1 and used in mastocytosis
Non-selective Alpha1blockers use to treat pheochromocytoma
Nonselective alpha-blocking drug, short acting and reversible, used for rebound HTN from rapid clonidine withdrawal, and Raynaud's phenomena
For rebound HTN from rapid clonidine withdrawal
Alpha agonist used to produce mydriasis and reduce conjunctival itching and congestion caused by irritation or allergy, it does not cause cycloplegia
DOC for digoxin induced arrhythmias
Anti-seizure agent that exhibits non-linear metabolism, highly protein bound, causes fetal hydantoin syndrome, and stimulates hepatic metabolism
Enzyme which theophylline inhibits
Antidote used for anticholinergic poisoning
Treatment of atropine overdose and glaucoma (because lipid soluable). Enters the CNS rapidly and has a stimulant effect, which may lead to convulsions
Only direct acting agent that is very lipid soluble and used in glaucoma
These agents are used to treat dry mouth in Sjögren's syndrome
Pilocarpine or Cevimeline
Cholinomimetics that increase outflow, open trabecular meshwork, and cause ciliary muscle contraction
Pilocarpine, carbachol, physostigmine
Beta blockers partial agonist activity (intrinsic sympathomimetic activity) cause some bronchodilation and may have an advantage in treating patients with asthma
Pindolol and acebutolol
Pioglitazone, Rosiglitazone, Troglitazone (withdrawn/d from market)
Aspirin reduces mortality in unstable angina by
Platelet aggregation inhibition
Type of resistance found with vancomycin
Point mutation
SE of methyldopa
Positive Comb's test, depression
Activation of these receptors open K+ ion channels to cause membrane hyperpolarization
Postsynaptic Mu receptors
SE of nitrates
Postural hypotension, reflex tachycardia, hot flashes, and throbbing headache due to meningeal artery dilation
MOA of class III antiarrhythmics
Potassium channel blockers
Amount of drug necessary to elicit a biologic effect
Aspirin is contraindicated in children with viral infection
Potential for development of Reye's syndrome
This agent regenerates active cholinesterase and is a chemical antagonist used to treat organophosphate exposure
Used to treat patients exposed to insecticides such as parathion
Non ergot agents used as first-line therapy in the initial management of Parkinson's
Pramipexole and ropinirole
Alpha 1selective blockers
Prazosin, terazosin and doxazosin (-AZOSIN ending)
Selective Alpha 1 blocker used for hypertension, BPH, may cause first dose orthostatic hypotension
Prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin
Drug used in cancer therapy causes Cushing-like symptoms
Intermediate acting GC's
Prednisone, methylprednisolone, prednisolone, and triamcinolone
COX 2 inhibitors should be used cautiously in pts with
Pre-existing cardiac or renal disease
HMG CoA reductase inhibitors are contraindicated in
Fibrates are contraindicated in
Warfarin is contraindicated in
Ace inhibitors are contraindicated in
pregnancy and with K+
Activation of these receptors close Ca2+ ion channels to inhibit neurotransmitter release and pain transmission
Presynaptic mu, delta, and kappa receptors
LA causing methemoglobinemia
Drug used in exoerythrocytic cycle of malaria
CCB are DOC for
Prinzmetal's angina
Agent used to treat chronic gout by increasing uric acid secretion
Alkylating agent that produces disulfiram-like reaction with ethanol
Alpha cells in the pancreas
Produce glucagon
Beta cells in the pancreas
Produce insulin
Delta cells in the pancreas
Produce Somatostatin
Specific pharmacokinetic characteristic of amiodarone
Prolonged half-life, up to six weeks
Side effect of sotalol
prolongs QT and PR interval
Limiting side effect of Quinidine
Prolongs QT interval
Produces both rapid anesthesia and recovery, has antiemetic activity and commonly used for outpatient surgery, may cause marked hypotension
Weak opioid agonist, poor analgesic, its overdose can cause severe toxicity including respiratory depression, circulatory collapse, pulmonary edema, and seizures
This beta blocker is highly lipid soluble and may account for side effects such as nightmares
Non-selective Beta-blocker also used for migraine prophylaxis
Agent effective in physiologic and essential tremor
Prostaglandins that cause abortions
Prostaglandin E1 (misoprostol) PGE2, and PGF2alpha
This agent cause increased aqueous outflow
Prostaglandin PGF2a
Antidote used for heparin toxicity
Protamine Sulfate
Antidote to reverse actions of heparin
Protamine sulfate
HIV antiviral class known to have severe drug interactions by causing inhibition of metabolism
Protease inhibitors
Chronic high dose abuse of nicotine leads to
Psychotic state, overdose causes agitation, restlessness, tachycardia, hyperthermia, hyperreflexia, and seizures
Thioamide less likely to cross placenta, inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 in high doses, and should be used with extreme caution in pregnancy
Thrombolytics are used for
Pulmonary embolism and DVT
Treatment with cancer chemotherapy at high doses every 3-4 weeks, too toxic to be used continuously
Pulse therapy
Treatment of myasthenia gravis
Increased risk of developing cataracts
Permanently cures thyrotoxicosis, patients will need thyroid replacement therapy thereafter. Contraindicated in pregnancy
Radioactive iodine
Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) used for prevention of osteoporosis and currently being tested for treatment of breast cancer (Stars study)
Increase bone density, also being tested for breast CA tx.
Raloxifene (SERM-selective estrogen receptor modulator)
SE of clonidine
Rebound HTN, sedation, dry mouth
Newer alpha 2 agonist (apraclonidine and brimonidine) treat glaucoma
Reduce aqueous synthesis
Sedative-Hypnotics action
Reduce inhibition, suppress anxiety, and produce relaxation
Often mixed with local anesthetic to
Reduce the loss from area of injection
Diuretics work in CHF by
Reducing preload
Beta blockers work in CHF by
Reducing progression of heart failure (never use in acute heart failure)
Rapid acting, crystalline zinc insulin used to reverse acute hyperglycemia
Regular (Humulin R)
MOA of nitrates
Relax vascular smooth muscle, at low doses dilate veins and at high doses dilate arterioles
Major effect of benzodiazepines on sleep at high doses
REM is decreased
Toxic effect of anticancer drug can be lessened by rescue agents
Rescue therapy
The most important cause of acute deaths in cholinesterase inhibitor toxicity
Respiratory failure
SE of hydroxychloroquine
Retinal destruction and dermatitis
Concurrent use of fibrates and statins increases risk of
SE of HMG COA reductase inhibitors
Rhabdomyolysis and Hepatotoxicity
DMARDs are slow acting drugs for
Rheumatic disease
Meningitis prophylaxis in exposed patients
Treatment for TB patients (think RIPE)
Rifampin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, and Ethambutol
Antipsychotic used in the treatment of psychiatric symptoms in patients with dementia
Atypical antipsychotic causing high prolactin levels
Long acting beta 2 agonist used in asthma
Longer acting Beta 2 agonists is recommended for prophylaxis of asthma
Treatment of motion sickness
Technique used to diagnose perianal itching, and the drug used to treat it
Scotch tape technique
and mebendazole
Most common side effect of 1st generation antihistamines
SE of imipenem
MOA of Colchicine (used in acute gout)
Selective inhibitor of microtubule assembly
Inhibitor of MAO type B which metabolizes dopamine, used adjunct to levodopa or as sole agent in newly diagnosed pt's
GHRH analog used as diagnostic agent
MAOI should not be administered with SSRI's or potent TCA's due to development of this condition
Serotonin syndrome
Antipsychotic that does not block muscarinic or histamine receptors, and it prolongs the QT interval
Laboratory value required to be monitored for patients on valproic acid
Serum ammonia and LFT's
Limiting adverse effect of ganglion blockade that patients usually are unable to tolerate
Severe hypertension
Side effect of Mitomycin
SEVERE myelosuppression
All antidepressants have roughly the same efficacy in treating depression, agents are chosen based on these criterion
Side-effect profile and prior pt response
Beta 1 agonist toxicity
Sinus tachycardia and serious arrhythmias
Beta 2 agonist toxicity
Skeletal muscle tremor
Distribution of histamine receptors H1, H2, and H3
Smooth muscle; stomach, heart, and mast cells; nerve endings, CNS respectively
Antidote used for tricyclic antidepressants (TCA)
Sodium bicarbonate
Mechanisms of action for Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine
Sodium blockade
MOA of class I A (eg. Procainamide), class IB (eg. Lidocaine), and class IC (eg. Flecainide) antiarrhythmics
Sodium channel blockers
Antidote for hyperkalemia
sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate)
Somatotropin (GH) analog used in GH deficiency (dwarfism)
Antiarrhythmic that exhibits Class II and III properties
Agents acting in the CNS or in the skeletal muscle, used to reduce abnormally elevated tone caused by neurologic or muscle end plate disease
Spasmolytic drugs
Selectivity of a drug for its receptor
Diuretic used to antagonize aldosterone receptors
Diuretic used to treat primary aldosteronism
Well-tolerated and are first-line antidepressants
SSRI's, bupropion, and venlafaxine
Disease caused by excess ergot alkaloids
St. Anthony's Fire
When the rate of drug input equals the rate of drug elimination
Steady state
Causes acne, premature closure of epiphyses, masculinization in females, hepatic dysfunction, MI, and increases in libido and aggression
SE for Lamotrigine
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
MOA of thiazolindinediones
Stimulate PPAR-gamma receptor to regulate CHO and lipid metabolism
MOA and effect of nitric oxide
Stimulates cGMP which leads to vascular smooth muscle relaxation
MOA of nateglinide
Stimulates rapid and transient release of of insulin through closure of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel
Thrombolytic that can cause allergic reaction
Aminoglycoside that is least ototoxic
Only member of depolarizing neuromuscular blocker, causes fasciculation during induction and muscle pain after use
One depolarizing blocker that causes continuous depolarization and results in muscle relaxation and paralysis, xcuses muscle pain postoperatively and myoglobinuria may occur
Anti-biotic frequently used for chronic UTI prophylaxis
sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim
Anti-rheumatic agent also used for ulcerative colitis
Anti-microbials that cause hemolysis in G6PD-deficient patients
Class of drugs that may cause cross-sensitivity with thiazide diuretics
Triptan available in parenteral and nasal formulation
5HT-1D/1B agonist used for migraine headaches
Sumatriptan, naratriptan, and rizatriptan
Drug used for African sleeping sickness
Anti-estrogen used for estrogen receptor + breast cancer
A1a-selective blocker used for BPH
Tamsulosin (Flomax)
Median toxic dose required for a toxic effect in 50% of the population
Beta 2 agonist used to suppress premature labor, but cardiac stimulatory effects may be hazardous to mother and fetus
Lethal arrhythmias resulting from concurrent therapy with azole fungals (metabolized by CYP 3A4) and these antihistamines which inhibit the 3A4 iso-enzyme.
Terfenadine and astemizole (have been removed from the market)
Agents having higher sedation and antimuscarinic effects than other TCA's
Tertiary amines
Bleomycin+vinblastine+etoposide+cisplatin produce almost a 100% response when all agents are used for this neoplasm
Testicular cancer
Converted to more active form DHT by 5 alpha-reductase
Agents used in Huntington's Disease
Tetrabenazine (amine depleting drug), Haloperidol (antipsychotic)
Longer acting local anesthetics which are less dependent on vasoconstrictors
Tetracaine and bupivacaine
Drug causes teeth discoloration
Drug increases the renal clearance hence decreases levels of lithium
Window between therapeutic effect and toxic effect
Therapeutic index
Site of action of loop diuretics
Thick ascending limb
Anti-thyroid drugs
Thioamides, iodides, radioactive iodine, and ipodate
Barbiturate used for the induction of anesthesia
IV barbiturate used as a pre-op anesthetic
Only phenothiazine not exerting antiemetic effects, can cause visual impairment due to retinal deposits, and high doses have been associated with ventricular arrhythmias
SE of amrinone
Other side effects of Quinidine
Thrombocytopenic purpura, and CINCHONISM
Mechanism of action (MOA) utilizes intracellular receptors
Thyroid and steroid hormones
Antiplatelet drug reserved for patients allergic to aspirin
This beta blocker lacks local anesthetic activity (decreases protective reflexes and increases the risk of corneal ulceration) and used in treating glaucoma
These Beta blockers decrease aqueous secretion
Timolol (nonselective), betaxolol (selective)
SE of salicylates
Tinnitus, GI bleeding
Thrombolytic used for acute MI and ischemic (non hemorrhagic) CVA
Tissue plasmin activator
Similar to clonidine and may cause hypotension
Nitrate free intervals are needed due to
Occurs when sedative hypnotics are used chronically or at high doses
Topical DOC in impetigo
Topical mupirocin (Bactroban)
Newer estrogen receptor antagonist used in advanced breast cancer
Toremifene (Fareston)
Life threatening cardiac event that prolong QT leads to
Torsades de pointes
Antidepressant also used for sleep that causes priapism
SE of lithium
Tremor, sedation, ataxia, aphasia, thyroid enlargement, and reversible diabetes insipidus
Sedation is a common side effect of these drugs, they lower seizure threshold, uses include BAD, acute panic attacks, phobias, enuresis, and chronic pain and their overdose can be deadly
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA)
Ganglionic blockers formerly used in HTN
Trimethaphan, and hexamethonium
Agent with long duration of action and is sost likely to cause histamine release
Long acting insulin
Ultralente (humulin U)
MOA of general anesthetics
Unclear, thought to increase the threshold for firing of CNS neurons
Removal of PCP may be aided
Urinary acidification and activated charcoal or continual nasogastric suction
Major indication for H1 receptor antagonist
Use in IgE mediated allergic reaction
Reason ergot alkaloids are contraindicated in pregnancy
Uterine contractions
Agent that inhibits hepatic metabolism, is hepatotoxic and teratogen that can cause neural tube defects and gastrointestinal distress
Valproic acid
Drug of choice for myoclonic seizures
Valproic acid
Anti-seizure drugs used also for bipolar affective disorder (BAD)
Valproic acid, carbamazepine, phenytoin and gabapentin
Drugs of choice for generalized tonic-clonic and partial seizures
Valproic acid, Phenytoin and Carbamazepine
Drug used for MRSA
Antibiotic causing red-man syndrome, and prevention
Vancomycin, infusion
at a slow rate and antihistamines
Almost all local anesthetics have this property and sometimes require the administration of vasoconstrictors (ex. Epinephrine) to prolong activity
Antidepressant having stimulant effects similar to SSRI's and can increase blood pressure
Antidepressant inhibiting norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine reuptake
CCB contraindicated in CHF
Microtubule inhibitor that causes peripheral neuropathy, foot drop (eg. ataxia), and "pins and needles" sensation
Agent used for neurological deficits in megaloblastic anemia
Vitamin B12
Vitamin given with calcium to ensure proper absorption
Vitamin D
Antidote used for warfarin toxicity
Vitamin K and Fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
Antidote to reverse actions of warfarin
Vitamin K or fresh frozen plasma
Relates the amount of drug in the body to the plasma concentration
Volume of distribution (VD)
Vitamin K dependent anticoagulant
Warfarin (PT)
Site of action of thiazide diuretics
Work at early distal convoluted tubule
Allopurinol treats chronic gout by inhibiting
Xanthine oxidase
Selective Alpha 2 blocker used for impotence (controversial effectiveness)
Pneumonic for beta receptors
You have 1 heart (Beta 1) and 2 lungs (Beta 2)
Inhibitor of leukotrienes (LTD4) receptors and used in asthma
Zafirlukast and montelukast
Drug elimination with a constant amount metabolized regardless of drug concentration
Zero order kinetics
Inhibitor of lipoxygenase
Syndrome of hypersecretion of gastric acid and pepsin usually caused by gastrinoma; it is associated with severe peptic ulceration and diarrhea
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Good hypnotic activity with less CNS SE than most benzodiazepines
Zolpidem, zaleplon