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72 Cards in this Set

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Uptake is directly proportional to what?
cardiac output
The higher the cardiac output, the ______ the uptake.
Doubling cardiac output doubles the amount of?
blood exposed to the anesthetic (more relevant for higher solubility agents)
What does the alveolar-venous partial pressure gradient arise from?
gas exchange into the tissues - tissue uptake
Tissue uptake is governed by (3)?
The same factors that apply to uptake from the lungs (solubility, tissue blood flow, arterial-tissue partial pressure gradient)
Tissue solubility
tissue-blood partition coefficients for lean tissue do not differ greatly, lean tissues do not have significantly different capacities for anesthetic per mL of blood
What is the significance of this relative to the rate of uptake in the tissues?
tissue blood flow
Tissue blood flow is the main determinant of?
tissue uptake
Vessel rich group
brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys
-10% of body mass, receives 75% of CO
-Rapidly equilibrates with anesthetic (4-8 min) due to high blood flow and small volume
Muscle group
Muscle and skin
-1-4hrs to reach equilibrium
Fat group
-High affinity for anesthetic
-Large fat:blood partition coefficients
-up to 30 hours for equilibrium
Vessel poor group
Insignificant uptake
How do we compensate for anesthetic uptake?
1. Increase alveolar ventilation
2. Increased inspired concentration (FI)
The lowering of alveolar partial pressure by uptake can be countered by?
increasing alveolar ventilation
The higher the alveolar ventilation, the more?
rapid the "wash in" of anesthetic
How can you better maintain alveolar partial pressure?
by constantly replacing anesthetic taken up by the pulmonary circulation (most pronounced with higher solubility agents)
With the higher soluble anesthetics, is the anesthetic taken up more rapidly?
Yes, uptake is higher
Increasing the FI not only increases the _______ _______, it also increases the ____ __ ____.
alveolar concentration, rate of rise (FA/FI)
Overpressuring or concentration effect
Increasing the FI to increase alveolar concentration and rate of rise
What are 3 factors that govern FI?
1. FGF rates
2. Volume of the system
3. Circuit uptake
Do the inhaled anesthetics undergo uptake by the anesthesia breathing circuit?
Yes (too small to appreciably influence the induction or recovery from anesthesia)
What two things affect the amount of rebreathing that occurs?
FGF and system volume
Inspired gas consists of two gases?
1. Gas delivered from the anesthesia machine
2. Gas previously exhaled by the patient
Rebreathing occurs when?
FGF is less than MV
An increase in rebreathing will?
lower the inspired concentration
How do we eliminate or decrease rebreathing?
increase FGF
Second gas effect
occurs with concomitant administration of N20 and potent inhaled agent
The high volume uptake of a gas (N20) will?
speed the rate of rise of the alveolar partial pressure of a second gas (potent agent)
What is diffusion hypoxia?
hypoxia that occurs due to discontinuation of the N2O if air is inhaled instead of 100% oxygen
nitrous oxide is how many more times soluble than nitrogen?
What is a consequence of nitrous oxide?
will diffuse into air containing spaced much faster than air will diffuse out
With N20, volume is increased in highly compliant spaces, what spaces?
bowel, pneumothorax, ETT cuff
With N20, pressure is increased in poorly compliant spaces, what spaces?
intraocular, pneumocephalus, inner ear
Recovery occurs how?
reversing the partial pressure gradients present in the body
List in order the partial pressures of induction
List in order the partial pressure in emergence
What factors determine the rate of recovery?
1. Solubility
2. Alveolar ventilation
3. FGF
What does the alveolar ventilation influence?
the alveolar-venous partial pressure gradient (want alveolar to be zero)
What does the FGF influence?
The amount of rebreathing (increase FGF)
All potent anesthetics are metabolized by?
the liver
Which anesthetics are more resistant to hepatic degradation
Anesthetics halogenated with fluorine
What is a breakdown product of inhaled anesthetics?
inorganic fluoride
Inorganic fluoride at high serum levels is?
What anesthetics rarely cause hepatotoxicity? Why?
Halothane, isoflurane, desflurane, via an immune-mediated reaction
How do inhaled anesthetics (IA) affect myocardial contractility?
Cause dose-dependent decreases in myocardial contractility
Which agent may produce larger decreases?
What is the proposed mechanism to the decreased myocardial contractility?
direct myocardial depression, inhibition of calcium ion influx
When does myocardial contractility become profound?
at deep levels of anesthesia
What increases vulnerability of the myocardium to depressant effects?
Myocardial protection and IAs
Literature suggests that they exert some degree of myocardial protection during and after myocardial ischemia
What 2 agents have been shown to enhance recovery of contractile function of postischemic, reperfused myocardium (stunned myocardium)?
Isoflurane and halothane
What occurred in the dog model when 1 MAC of des was administered before 60 minute occlusion of the LAD ?
decreased infarct size by >15%
What does this acceleration of functional recovery occur from?
may occur through activation of sarcolemmal or mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channels
Ischemic preconditioning
phenomenon by which transient myocardial ischemia protects the myocardium against future ischemic episodes
-IAs mimic this action
-probably results from action on ATP-dependant K channels
Coronary Steal
-areas of ischemia are maximally dilated
-IAs may dilate normal coronary vasculature, "stealing" blood away from ischemic areas
Des, Sevo, Iso reduce SVR in a dose-dependent manner
-result is a dose-dependant reduction in MAP
All IAs attenuate the baroreceptor response to hypotension to some degree
Which agent can transiently increase HR?
Des, when FI is above 6%
Halothane predisposes the heart to ventricular dysrythmias in the presence of epi
-avoid epi doses greater than 1.5 mcg/kg
Respiratory effects
All IAs produce a dose-dependant depression of alveolar ventilation
- decreased tidal volume - increased dead-space contribution
-Increased RR
-Increased PCO2
T or F. IAs cause a decreased response to hypercarbia and hypoxemia
IAs also have this effect on the respiratory system?
Potent bronchodilation
-Des irritates the airway at concentrations greater than 6%
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
process by which pulmonary blood flow is directed away from hypoxic alveoli, optimizing gas exchange
T or F. There is conflicting literature to whether HPV is abolished by IAs.
IAs and analgesia
extremely limited analgesic properties at clinical concentrations
IAs and evoked potentials
all inhaled agents depress somatosensory evoked potentials
-increased latency and decreased amplitude
Little to no effect on motor evoked potentials
Cerebral blood flow
all agents decrease cerebral vascular resistance, thereby increasing cerebral blood flow (CBF)
IAs and ICP
Increase ICP
IAs and CMRO2
decrease cerebral metabolic oxygen consumption (CMRO2)
IAs and amnesia
all agents produce amnesia at MAC levels approximating MAC awake (1/3 MAC)
Sevoflurane-most often described with high-dose mask induction with concomitant alveolar hyperventilation
-literature describes both tonic-clonic and focal events
-described in patients with or without prior history of seizure disorder
all IAs produce some degree of skeletal muscle relaxation, potentiate the effects of neuromuscular blocking agents