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58 Cards in this Set

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hCG is similar to what endogenous hormone?
eCG is similar to what endogenous hormone?
What combination of hormones stimulates estrus in puberal gilts?
FSH and hCG
What hormone combination causes superovulation of cattle?
eCG and PGF2alpha
Deslorelin Acetate
Use specifically in mares to induce ovulation
Mibolerone is used primariy for?
Tretment of psuedopregnancy of bitches
What hormone is used as a growth promoter in cattle
Skin implantation of androgens (testosterone-estrodiol or trenbolone)
Trenbolone is use for?
Growth promotion in cattle
Boldenone is use in what species?
Stanzolol and bolderonoe are used primarily for what?
Chronic wasting diseases and as appitie stimulants.
What are the estradiol esters?
CPBV - Cypionate, Propionate, Benzoate, Valerate
what is the clinical use for Zeranol?
Growth prmoter in sheep (and cattle)
Progestin and estrodiol valate are used for what?
synchronization of cattle
Why don't we use estrogens in mismating?
It causes pyometra
Implantation of embryo
Estrogens are good for prostate neoplasia, hyperplasia of the prostate and anal gland adenomas for what reason?
Due to the negative feedback it provides for testosterone so you get a lower level of androgen in the bloodstream
Estrogen will to what to estrus?
Induce it without ovulation
Oh estrogen and progesterone, which one causes uterine prolapse?
what are the adverse effects of estrogen use?
Aplastic anemia and leukopenia (due to bm suppression) Pyometra (with mismating), femininization of males, follicular cysts,
What species - Megestrol acetate
What species - Hydroxyprogesterone caproate
What species - Altrenogest
What species - Norgestomet
Implants use in beef cattle and non-lactating dairy cows
What species - Melengestrol acetate
Used in cattle feed
what are progestins used for in large animals?
Supression of estrus (synchronization) and a growth promoter
What is altrenogest used for?
Used in mares to avoid premature labor
For spray and behavior problems in cats, what 2 hormones would you use?
Dihydroxyprogesterone caproate and medroxyprogesterone acetate
what is the main function of PGF2alpha?
To stimulate contraction of the reproductive tract in both males and females
what 2 PGF2alpha synthetic agents are used in cattle?
Cloprestenol and Fenprostalene
PGF2alpha is the DOC for?
mummified fetus expulsion or placental expulsion in cattle
what are the clinical uses for PGF2alpha?
Abortifactant, DOC for expulsion of mummified fetus and placenta, destroying CL (causing synchronization) Tx of silent estrus in cattle and used to reduce post-partum bleeding
What do we use PGF2alpha for in small animals
Not approved/dangerous but can be used in mismating and the TX uterine infections
what are the side effects of PGF2alpha?
savilation, anxiety, pyrexia, hyperpnea, ataxia
what drug can we use to reduce side effects of PGF2alpha?
What is the main function of uterine stimulants?
Causes contraction of uterus and indirect vasoconstriction
what are the clinical uses of uterine stimulants?
Antinidatory, abortificaient, stimulates oxytocin, also used for post-partum bleeding
What are examples of uterine stimulants?
PGF2alpha, estrogens, oxytocin, Ergonovine and prolactin inhibitors (such as dopamine)
Ergoline derivatives
Bromocriptine and cabergoline.
what is the MOA of ergoline derivities
Inhibits prolactin which inhibits CL when will inhibit progesterone secretion therefore you get no prgnancy. CL is integral to prgnancy
dopamine antagonists (and therefore increase prolactin) and therefore don't antagonize pregnancy
Metoclopramide, phenothiazine derivitives, and butorphinol
Increased levels of prolactin in a non pregnant bitch causes what?
to induce abortion in cows (up to 150 days)
Clonprostenol, dinoprost, or fenprostalene
During the last month of gestation, to induce parturition use?
Dexamethasone alone or PGF2alpha alone
to cause abortion in cows from months 5-8 use?
Dexamethasone and PGF2alpha
DOC for induction of parturition in cows
DOC for induction of parturition in mares
DOC for induced parturition of dogs
DOC of induced partutrition in sows
PGF2alpha, followed by oxytocin
DOC of fetus (mummified) or placenta
PGF2alpha (ergovine, bromocriptine
what is a tocolytic
Drugs that inihbits uterine contraction
Example of tocolytics
Ritodrine, or terbutaline
When are dopamine antagonists used?
In cases of agalactia (due to increase of prolactin) or in fescue poisoning
What is finasteride?
It inhibits 5-alpha in reductase in prostate therefore reducing testosterone and reducing issues with a hypertrophic prostate.
What is calcium gluconate used for?
after it is neutralized by arginine - Chemical castration of puppies 3-10 months old
What class fo drugs do we use for chemical ejaculation in stallions?
TCA - tricyclic antidepressants
what drug do we use for chemical ejaculation in stallions?
What doe we use somatotropins for in large animals?
Growth promotion and increased milk production
What do we use somatotropins for in small animals?
Treatment for dwarfism