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26 Cards in this Set

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Classifications of HTN
Normal: < 80 DP and < 120 SP. Pre-HTN: 80-89 DP or 120-139 SP. Stage1 HTN: 90-99 DP or 140-159 SP. Stage2 HTN: 100+ DP or 160+ SP
Causes of 2nd HTN (5)
1) renal stenosis. 2) pheochromocytoma. 3) excess aldosterone. 4) adrenal hyperplasia. 5) aortic coarction
Severe HTN? What tissues are esp. vulnerable?
110+ DP or 180+ SP. Retina, kidneys are especially sensitive; encephalopathies also occur.
Some problems caused by chronic HTN (6 listed)
1) LV hyperplasia. 2) CAD. 3) inc vascular resistance. 4) stroke. 5) inc in MI. 6) renal dysfxn
Benefits of Tx chronic HTN?
reduction of systolic pressures by 10-12 mmHg and 5-6 mmHg of DP = reduction of stroke/MI by 40%/20%
4 behavioral modifications to Tx high BP
1) tobacco. 2) weight. 3) exercise. 4) alcohol
Initial therapy for HTN w/ 1) peripheral edema. 2) CHF. 3) Post MI. 4) angina. 5) bad renal dysfunction. 6) high renin
1) furosemide or thiazide diuretic. 2) ACE. 3) ACE & Carvediolol. 4) Ca blocker. 5) loop diuretic. 6) ACE
Initial therapy for HTN w/ 7) salt-insensitivty. 8) pre-exisiting hypercholesterolemia. 9) asthma. 10) heart block. 11) diabetes. 12) gout
7) ACE. 8) Prazosin. 9) NOT BETA-BLOCKER. 10) diuretic (not B-blocker). 11) ACE. 12) DO NOT USE DIURETICS
blacks responds better to what 2 things better than what 2 things?
better to diuretics and Ca channel blockers than beta-blockers and ACE
What 2 things are contraindicated in pregnancy?
ACE and ARBs (AT-1 inhibitors)
Tx of severe HTN concern? Target? 2 drugs?
Avoid too rapid of reduction to avoid loss of perfusion. 25% in 2 hours -> 160/100. Nitroprusside IV!!! Or fenoldiapam (DA agent)
ALLHAT results?
Thiazide-type diuretics should be preferred first-step therapy for prevention of HF in high-risk pts. w/ HTN
What 2 routes start with inc arterial pressure, and end with cerebral edema -> HTN encephalopthy?
1) dmg to endothelial membranes/cells -> inc BBB permeability. 2) breakdown vasodilation -> inc local blood flow
Give the Prototype, Mechanism, and side effects for: Thiaizide diuretics
1) Hydrochlorothiazide. 2) dec vascular volume, dec TPR. 3) hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, lipid abnormalities
Give the Prototype, Mechanism, and side effects for: Loop diuretics
1) furosemide. 2) dec vascular volume, dec TPR. 3) Hypokalemia, useful in renal-impaired pt.
Give the Prototypes (3), Mechanism, and side effects for: K sparing diuretics
1) spironolactone, eplerenone, spironolactone. 2) dec vascular volume, dec Na reabsorption, dec aldosterone. 3) hyperkalemia
Give the Prototype, Mechanism, and side effects for: Beta-adrenergic antagonists
1) atenolol, propranolol. 2) dec CO, dec renin, dec resistance. 3) exacerbates asthma, mask insulin resistance, inc serum TGs, hypotension, impotence, CNS side effects
Give the Prototype, Mechanism, and side effects for: Alpha-adrenergic antagonists
1) prazosin. 2) inc vasodilation. 3) orthostatic hypotension
Give the Prototypes (2), Mechanism, and side effects for: ACE inhibitors
1) captopril, enalapril. 2) inc vasodilation, dec aldosterone, dec sympathetic output, dec catecholamine. 3) hyperkalemia, cough
Give the Prototype, Mechanism, and side effects for: AT-1 antagonists (ARBs)
1) losartan. 2) inc vasodilation - direct dec in RAAS. 3) hyperkalemia, uricosuria
Give the Prototype, Mechanism, and side effects for: Ca channel blockers
1) nifedipine. 2) inc vasodilation - dec smooth mm. contraction. 3) negative ionotropic effects, HA
Give the Prototype, Mechanism, and side effects for: Alpha2-adrenergic agonists
1) clonidine. 2) dec sympathetic tone. 3) CNS hypotension and effects
Give the Prototype, Mechanism, and side effects for: 2 non-receptor adrenergic antagonists
1) guanethidine // reserpine. 2) dec catecholamine release // depletes catechols. 3) orthostatic hypotension at neuron // CNS effects
Give the Prototypes (2), Mechanism, and side effects for: arterial vasodilator
1) hydralazine, minoxidil. 2) inc vasodilation, inc K channel activity -> hypopolarizes. 3) hypotension (combo w/ beta-blocker and diuretic)
Give the Prototype and Mechanism for: mixed anti-alpha/beta
1) carvedilol. 2) inc vasodilation
Give the Prototype, Mechanism, and side effects for: direct renin antagonist
1) aliskiren. 2) inc vasodilation. 3) hyperkalemia