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104 Cards in this Set

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The sympathetic nervous system exerts its influence when the body is
The oral hypoglycemic agents are used in _____forms of the disease, along with diet control
Which group of medications is used for all of the following purposes:anxiety relief, skeletal muscle relaxation, anticonvulsant, and acute alcohol withdrawal?
As a general rule, chemotherapy agents are cell poisons that work because cancer cells are utilizing them----than normal cells
A common use of the adrenergics or sympathomimetics is in the treatment of
many of the side effects of the oral contraceptives mimic the condition of
Sucralfate (carafate) forms----barrier at the ulcer site to protect it from acid by selectively adhering to the ulcerated site
A common use of the adrenergic blockers or sympatholytics is in the treatment of----
migraine headaches
WHich of the following diuretics can contribute to gynomastia in males
spironolactone (Aldactone)
The oral corticosteroid prepartation prednisone (Deltasone) decreases inflammation and depresses the immune response. It is important to remember that----
all of these answers are true
(it increases the GI irritating effects of aspirin, abrupt withdrawal of the medication might be fatal, it might mask infections
THe increase bulk of bulk laxatives encourages----- and bowel movement
Antacids containing aluminum are especially prone to cause the side effects of------
constipation and hypophosphatemia
Chemical diabetes where the patient is asymptomatic may be transformed into overt disease by----
periods of stress and/or excessive weight gain
A Common and potentially hazardous side effect of the loop diuretic is
Which of the below is not a type of secretory cell located in the gastric pits lining the wall of the stomach
islet cells
The non-genetic forms of diabetes mellitus----associated with the predisposition to generalized cardiovascular disease
are not
which of the following antidiarrheals has the side effects of darkening tongue and stool with a possibility of salicylism in high doses
bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-bismol)
Medications used to treat an excess of thyroid hormones production work by denying-----to the thyroid gland
The H2 receptor antagonists competitively inhibit the action of histimine at receptor sites of the -----cells, decreasing gastric acid secretion
THe sympathomimetic drug epinepherine sulfate (Efedron) is used for the treament of
hypotensice states, nasal congestion, bronchospasm answer: all of these conditions
the drug----acts by inhibiting sympathetic cardioaccelerator and vasoconstrictor centers. It is effective in long term decrease of blood pressure, but can cause rebound effects if discontinued rapidly
clonidone (Catapres)
One of the primary advantages of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug, Toradol (ketoralac trimethamine), is that it can be given parenterally
If a friend or client informs you at 10 pm that they had swallowed 100 tablets of acetaminophen at 2 am the previous morning, but had suffered only a bit of abdominal discomfort as a result, it would be alright to wait until the next day to seek medical assistance
Methylphenidate (Ritalin) is a piperidine derivative with pharmacologic actions and abuse potential qualitatively similar to amphetamine
the second most prescribed drug in the United States in 2004 was Lipitor
Chronic ingestion of acetominophen can lead to splenomegaly pancreatitis and hepatic and renal damage
Once a drug is approved by the FDA, it may be prescribed only for the specified function that it is approved for
The first classification of controlled drugs never have an accepted medical use and can never be obtained legally
inhibitory neurotransmitter
endogenous sedative
precursor for inhibitory neurotransmitter
precursor for stimulatory neurotransmitter
fight hormone
flight hormone
alpha-adrenergic receptor
vasoconstriction ,pilomotor contraction, and bladder sphincter contraction
beta-1 adrenergic receptor
cardioacceleration and increased strength of myocardial contraction
beta-2 adrenergic receptor
vasodilation, instestinal relaxation, bladder relaxation and glycogenolysis
How are phenylalanine and epinephrine related biochemically and pharmacologically?
phenylalanine is a precursor of epiniepherine, and pharmacologically they both have a stimulant action
What would be a common problem with the MAO inhibitors that has greatly decreased their usefulness
interaction with certain foods causes a dangerous rise in blood pressure
WHat is the effect on chemotherapy of haveing a variety of effective antiemetics
beneficial, because patients used to discontinue chemotherapy because of the severity of the vomiting. Antiemetics encourage continuation of chemotherapy and prevent the patient from being weakened by vomiting
Why is it important to pay close attention to suicidal or homicidal ideation in patients taking antidepressant medication?
they are more likely to carry out those thoughts
What is the advantage of using insulin produced by the genetic manipulation of bacteria
recombinant insulin is closer to human insulin than bovine varieties and cause fewer allergies or side effects
How are tryptophan and melatonin related biochemically and pharmacologically?
tryptophan is a precursor of melatonin and both have a sedative effect
Which of the following is not a goal of pharmacologic intervention in the treatment of peptic ulcers?
lower ph of the gastric contents
Establishment of therapeutic blood levels and reduction of side effects with fluoxetine (prozac) may take an average or
four weeks
WHich of the following would not be considered a class of chemotherapeutic agents
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) can be severly damaging to the
A common and potentially hazardous side effect of spironolactone (Aldactone) is----
Antacids containing magnesium are especially prine to cause side effects of
diarrhea and hypermagnesemia
There is no really compelling explanation for the predominant location of ulcers being in the upper portion of the duodenum and the antral portion of the stomach but it is noted that----of peptic ulcers occur in these regions
A commonly used loop diuretuc is
furosemide (lasix)
Benzodiazepines and barbituates enhance the actions of GABA
Nicotinic receptors are found in the synapses between the pre- and postganglionic receptors of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems and also in the membrances of skeletal muscle fibers at the neuromuscular junctions
both daunorubicin (Cerubidine) and doxorubicin (Adriamycin) may have severe negative effects on the myocardium
Tranquilizers inhibit both the reward and punishment centers of the midbrain thereby greatly decreasing the affective reactivity of the indiviual and making it more difficult for them to learn
Folic acid supplements are required while taking methotrexate (folex)
Anti-depressive medications tend to have few interactions with alcohol and other medications
In the group of drugs known as benzodiazepines, only valium(diazepam) has a significant side effect of cardiovascular collapse and respiratory depression
Administration of antiemetics may mask symptoms of ototoxicity intestinal obstruction or brain tumor
Anger and hunger are linked in the hypothalamus
It is thought that perhaps 5% of the American population harbor the genetic trait for diabetes mellitus
Drugs that have a short half life tend to produce less abuse potential than longer acting drugs
The drug fluoroucil (5-FU) has no tendancy to cause alopecia
One is most likely to see the side-effects of chemptherapeutic agents expressed in tissues that are---replaced in the body's constant rebuilding of itself
most frequently
which of the following drugs is not a tricyclic antidepressant
isocarboxazid (Marplan)
THe antidiarrheal diphenoxalate (Lomotil)works by---smooth-muscle tone in the GI tract, inhibiting motility and propulsion and diminishing secretions
Decreased function of the thyroid gland is treated pharmacologically by----of the hormone
The parasympathomimetic drug ambenonium chloride (Mytelase) is used as a symptomatic treatment of----
myasthenia gravis
The loop diuretics are the ---powerful and rapid acting of the diuretics
THe benzodiazepine---may be especially addictive, causing dependance on doses as low as 2 milligrams per day over a period as short as 3 days
alprazolam (Xanax)
The antacids work by---total acid load in the GI tract and ---gastic ph-- to reduce pepsin activity
The antiparkinsoniasm agents levodopa (Dopar) and levodopa-carbidopa (Sinemet) work by crossing the blood brain barrier, being decarboxylated to ---- and countering the depletion of neurotransmitter in extrapyramidal center which is though to produce parkinsonism
Tricyclic antidepressants work by increasing the amount of norepinephrine, serotonin or both, in the CNS by blocking their---by the presynaptic neurons
Which of the following diuretics does not cause hypokalemia
trimterene (dryenium)
Which of the following medications increases the risk of cerebrovascular accident in those patients that smoke tobacco
oral contraceptives
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors work by promoting the ----of neurotransmittors
Many of the chemotherapeutic agents for treatment of cancer are excreted partially through the patient's skin. It would therefore be appropriate to---
wear protective gloves when performing massage therapy or other prolonged contact
Which of the following barbituates is the longest acting and therefore suitable for anti-convulsant therapy
phenobarbital (Luminal)
WHy has the use of neuroleptics such as Thorazine(chlorpromazine) been less successful in treating psychosis on an outpatient basis than was originally anticipated
Thorazine can cause parkinsons-like symptoms causing the patients to discontiue the medication
What are two major problems with the use of the interleukins as a modaility for increasing the activity of the T-Killer Lymphocytes
1. Side effects (patient feels very ill)
2. Decreases the production of other types of hypotension, renal failure, WBCs arrythmia, MI
What would be two problems associtated with long term use of high dose anabolic steroids
1. The body will be discouraged from prodicung its own steroid hormones resulting in hormonal imbalances
2. Can Cause psychological problems (steroid rage)
A parasympathetic drug commonly used as a subsitute for the classic preparation atropine is
glycopyrrolate (Robinul)
Simethicone (Mylicon) works by a defoaming action to disperse or prevent the formation of mucus-surrounded gas pockets in the GI tract. The side effects are
flatulence and eructation
Most of the adverse reactions to insulin, not involving glucose levels, are a response to the ----with which the drug is associated in its various preparations.
carrier proteins
Saline laxatives work by -----drawing water into the small intestine
There are various preparations of insulin the main difference being in ------to the circulating fluids to determine onset and duration of effect
rate of release
oral contraceptives inhibit---through a negative feedback mechanism directed at the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus.
The drug fluoxetine (Prozac) is not used in which of the following conditions
anxiety disorders
Tagamet (cimetidine), Pepcid(famotidine), and Zantac (ranitidine) are three common-----
H2 receptor antagonists
A parasympathetic drug commonly used as a subsitute for the classic preparation atropine is
gylcopyrrolate (Robinuli)
A major side effect of the thiazide diuretics is
Simethicone (Mylicon) works by a defoaming action to disperse or prevent the formation of mucus-surrounded gas pockets in the GI tract. The side effects are
flatulence and eructation
-----is necessary for the formation of thyroxine
Which of the following drugs do not work by stabilizing neuronal membranes and limiting seizure activity by either increasing efflux or decreasing influx of sodium ions across cell membranes in the motor cortex during generation of nerve impulses
ethosuximide (Zarontin)
---works by increasing the transport of glucose across the membranes of muscle and adipose cells to reduce serum glucose levels
The alkylating agent cisplatin (platinol) can be particularly damaging to the ---unless the patient is kept well hydrated
The major concerns with filgrastum(Neupogen)are---while the major concerns with erythopoietin(Epogen)are---
thrombocytopenia and associated bleeding----thrombocytosis and elevated blood pressure
Which of the following drugs and has side effects of pulmonary fibrosis, bladder fibrosis and gonadal suppression
cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
WHich of the following drugs works by blocking reduction of folic acid to tetrahydrofolate and is strongly emetogenic
Which of the following benzodiazepines has the greatest potential for habituation?
alprazolam (Xanax)
Which group of drugs have their sedative effects increased by cimetidine (Tagamet) and should not be used for long term therapy because they become increasingly addictive with time
Antacids containing calcium are especially prone to cause the side effects of
renal stones and calculi
Procainamide and quinidine two common antiarrhythmic medications may---the effects of commonly used cholinergic medications
The major action of atropine sulfate, a cholinergic blocker or parasympatholytic is to ----the heart rate