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98 Cards in this Set

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Osmotic Diuretic

MOA: Inhibits water reabsorption throughout the tubule. It is a sugar alcohol that cannot be transported back into the system. It attracts water, allowing for excretion. Works at proximal tubule.
Use: Decrease IOP in glaucoma, decrease intracerebral pressure, oliguric states, rhabdomyolysis
SE: Acute hypovolemia
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor

MOA: Decreases H+ formation inside proximal tubule cell --> decreases Na/H antiport --> increases Na and HCO3 in lumen
Uses: Glaucoma, acute mountain sickness (treats edema and respiratory alkalosis), and metabolic alkalosis
SE: Bicarbonaturia and acidosis (loss of buffering capacity), hypokalemia, hyperchloremia (body adapts and absorbs Cl with Na), parethesia, renal stones, sulfonamide hypersensitivity

MOA: Inhibits Na/Cl transporter in distal tubule, causes increased luminal Na and Cl in DCT --> diuresis.
Uses: HTN, CHF, Nephrolithiasis (Ca stones), nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
SE: Hypokalemia/alkalosis, *hypercalcemia (increased Ca absorption). Causes decreased insulin release from pancreas --> hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia
Loop Diuretic

MOA: Inhibits Na/K/Cl transport in thick ascending loop. Causes decreased intracellular K, decreased reabsorption of Ca and Mg --> Increased diuresis
Uses: DOC for acute pulmonary edema, heart failure, HTN, refractory edema, acute renal failure, anion overdose, hypercalcemic state
SE: Sulfonamide hypersensitivity, *Hypokalemia and alkalosis, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, *hyperuricemia, Ototoxicity
Drug Interactions: Digoxin
Ethacrynic acid
Loop Diuretic

MOA: Inhibits Na/K/Cl transport in thick ascending loop. Causes decreased intracellular K, decreased back diffusion of K, decreased positive potential, decreased reabsorption of Ca and Mg.
Uses: DOC for acute pulmonary edema, heart failure, HTN, refractory edema, acute renal failure, anion overdose, hypercalcemic state
SE: ***NO Sulfonamide hypersensitivity (use for pts with sulfa hypersensitivity), *Hypokalemia and alkalosis, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, *hyperuricemia, Ototoxicity
Drug Interactions: Digoxin
Loop Diuretic

MOA: Inhibits Na/K/Cl transport in thick ascending loop. Causes decreased intracellular K, decreased back diffusion of K, decreased positive potential, decreased reabsorption of Ca and Mg.
Uses: DOC for acute pulmonary edema, heart failure, HTN, refractory edema, acute renal failure, anion overdose, hypercalcemic state
SE: Sulfonamide hypersensitivity, *Hypokalemia and alkalosis, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, *hyperuricemia, Ototoxicity
Drug Interactions: Digoxin
Diuretic - K+ Sparing

MOA: Blocks Na/K antiport in collecting duct
SE: Hyperkalemia and acideosis
Diuretic - K+ Sparing

MOA: Aldosterone-receptor antagonist. Works at collecting duct principal cell.
Uses: Hyperaldosteronic state (elevated in CHF), corrects hypokalemic state, antiandrogenic uses (female hirsutism) because it blocks steroid receptors, CHF
SE: *Hyperkalemia and acidosis, antiandrogen
Diuretic - K+ Sparing

MOA: Blocks Na/K antiport in collecting duct
SE: Hyperkalemia and acideosis
Antiarrhythmic: Type IV: Calcium Channel Blocker

MOA: Blocks slow cardiac Ca channels & blood vessels , decreases SA/AV nodal activity. Decreases CO and TPR.
Uses: Supraventricular tachycardia (Does NOT work on the Ca channels of blood vessels)
SE: *Peripheral edema, constipation, dizziness, flushing, hypotension, AV block
Calcium Channel Blocker

MOA: Blocks slow cardiac Ca channels & blood vessels, decreases SA/AV nodal activity. Decreases CO and TPR.
Uses: Supraventricular tachycardia (Does NOT work on the Ca channels of blood vessels)
SE: Dizziness, flushing, hypotension, AV block
Calcium Channel Blocker

MOA: Blocks slow Ca channels in blood vessels. Causes decreased intracellular Ca. Decreases TPR (mostly works on blood vessels). Antianginal - Important for vasospastic angina
SE: Reflex tachycardia, *gingival hyperplasia
Calcium Channel Blocker

MOA: Blocks L-type Ca channels in heart and blood vessels. Causes decreased intracellular Ca. Decreases TPR
Uses: HTN, angina
SE: Reflex tachycardia, *gingival hyperplasia
ACE Inhibitor

MOA: Block formation of Angiotensin II by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme. Decreases aldosterone and causes vasodilation.
Uses: HTN, protective of diabetic nephropathy, CHF
SE: Dry cough*, Hyperkalemia (decreased aldosterone), acute renal failure in renal artery stenosis, angioedema
ACE Inhibitor

Prodrug = Enalapril

MOA: Block formation of Angiotensin II by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme. Decreases aldosterone and causes vasodilation.
Uses: HTN, protective of diabetic nephropathy, CHF
SE: Dry cough*, Hyperkalemia (decreased aldosterone), acute renal failure in renal artery stenosis, angioedema
CHF - ACE Inhibitor

MOA: Block formation of Angiotensin II by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme. Decreases aldosterone and causes vasodilation.
Uses: HTN, protective of diabetic nephropathy, CHF
SE: Dry cough*, Hyperkalemia (decreased aldosterone), acute renal failure in renal artery stenosis, angioedema
CHF - ACE Inhibitor

MOA: Block formation of Angiotensin II by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme. Decreases aldosterone and causes vasodilation.
Uses: HTN, protective of diabetic nephropathy, CHF
SE: Dry cough*, Hyperkalemia (decreased aldosterone), acute renal failure in renal artery stenosis, angioedema
Angiotensin I Receptor ANT (ARB)

MOA: Blocks AT1 R's on adrenal cortex and blood vessels.
Uses: HTN, protective of diabetic nephropathy, CHF
SE: Hyperkalemia (decreased aldosterone), acute renal failure in renal artery stenosis, angioedema
CHF: Cardiotonic Agent - Cardiac Glycoside

MOA: Inhibits cardiac Na/K ATPase --> Increases intracellular Ca --> Increases contractile force. Also inhibits neuronal Na/K ATPase, causes increased vagal and sympathetic stimulation
Pharmacokinetics: Long half life, requires loading dose. Large Vd (tissue protein binding) - Displacement by other drugs
Uses: CHF, Supraventricular tachycardia
SE: Early signs are GI - Anorexia, nausea, ECG and late signs are CNS - disorientation, visual effects. Toxic doses - Cardiac arrhythmias
Drug interactions - Quinidine and verapamil displace from tissue binding site

Similar to digitoxin, but longer-lasting effects
CHF: PDE Inhibitor

MOA: Increases cAMP in heart muscle, causing increased inotropy. Increases cAMP in smooth muscle, results in decreased TPR
CHF: PDE Inhibitor

MOA: Increases cAMP in heart muscle, causing increased inotropy. Increases cAMP in smooth muscle, results in decreased TPR
Beta Blocker (Non-selective)
-Antiarrhythmic: Class II

MOA: Decreases HR, SV, CO. Also decreases renin release and aqueous humor production.
Use: Prophylaxis post-MI and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
SE: Cardiovascular depression (AV block), fatigue, sexual dysfunction, increases LDLs and TGs
Caution: Asthma, vasospastic disorder, diabetes
Beta Blocker
-Antiarrhythmic: Class II

Prevent B-receptor activation, would would normally increase cAMP. Decreases SA/AV nodal activity. Decreases HR. Also a K-channel blocker
Use: Life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia
SE: Cardiovascular depression (AV block), fatigue, sexual dysfunction, increases LDLs and TGs
Caution: Asthma, vasospastic disorder, diabetes
Beta Blocker and Alpha Blocker
Na Channel blocker
- Antiarrhythmic: Class I

MOA: Antiarrhythmic - Block fast Na channels, preferentially in the open/activated state. Increases AP duration and effective refractory period. Also blocks K+ channel. Also causes muscarinic receptor blockade, which can increase HR and AV conduction.
SE: *Cinchonism (GI, tinnitus, ocular dysfunction, CNS excitation), hypotension, prolongation of QRS and increased QT interval associated with syncope (torsades)
Na Channel blocker
- Antiarrhythmic: Class I

MOA: Antiarrhythmic - Block fast Na channels, preferentially in the open/activated state. Increases AP duration and effective refractory period. Also blocks K+ channel.
SE: SLE-like syndrome (more likely with slow-acetylators), hematotoxicity, CV effects (torsades)
Na Channel blocker
- Antiarrhythmic: Class I

MOA: Antiarrhythmic - Block fast Na channels, preferentially for tissues partly depolarized (slow conduction in hypoxic and ischemic tissues). Decreases APD due to block of the slow Na window currents, but this increases diastole and extends the time for recovery. Used for post-MI & open-heart surgery.
SE: CNS (seizures), LEAST cardiotoxic
Na Channel blocker
- Antiarrhythmic: Class I

MOA: Antiarrhythmic - Block fast Na channels, preferentially for tissues partly depolarized (slow conduction in hypoxic and ischemic tissues). Decreases APD due to block of the slow Na window currents, but this increases diastole and extends the time for recovery.

*Class Ib antiarrythmic, but usually used as an antiepileptic
Beta Blocker (Cardioselective, B1)
-Antiarrhythmic: Class II

MOA: Prevent B-receptor activation, would would normally increase cAMP. Decreases SA/AV nodal activity. Decreases HR
Use: Prophylaxis post-MI and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
*Used as IV, used in acute SVTs
SE: Cardiovascular depression (AV block), fatigue, sexual dysfunction, increases LDLs and TGs
Caution: Vasospastic disorder, diabetes
Beta Blocker (Cardioselective, B1)
-Antiarrhythmic: Class II

MOA: Prevent B-receptor activation, would would normally increase cAMP. Decreases SA/AV nodal activity. Decreases HR
Use: Prophylaxis post-MI and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
SE: Cardiovascular depression (AV block), fatigue, sexual dysfunction, increases LDLs and TGs
Caution: Asthma, vasospastic disorder, diabetes
K+ Channel Blocker (AP Prolongation)
-Antiarrhythmic: Class III

MOA: Blocks K+ Channel, slows repolarization of AP. Increases APD and ERP, especially in ventricular and Purkinje diseases
K+ Channel Blocker (AP Prolongation)
-Antiarrhythmic: Class III

MOA: Blocks K+ Channel, slows repolarization of AP. Increases APD and ERP, especially in ventricular and Purkinje diseases
*Mimics classes I, II, III, IV - Increases APD and ERP in ALL cardiac tissues. Used for all arrhythmias.
*LONG half-life - binds extensively to all tissues, large Vd
SE: Pulmonary fibrosis, blue pigmentation of skin (smurf), phototoxicity, corneal deposits, hepatic necrosis, thyroid dysfunction

MOA: Activates adenosine receptors to cause Gi-coupled decrease in cAMP - Decreases HR. Decreases SA and AV nodal activity
DOC: aroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias and AV nodal arrhythmias
SE: Flushing, sedation, dyspnea
alpha-2 Agonist

MOA: Decreases sympathetic stimulation (negative feedback, decreases release of NE, decreases alpha1 and beta1 activation). Decreases TPR AND HR
Use: HTN, Opiate withdrawal
SE: CNS depression, edema
alpha-2 Agonist

MOA: Decreases sympathetic stimulation (binds to alpha2 presynaptic R's and decreases release of NE, decreases alpha1 and beta1 activation). Decreases TPR AND HR
Use: HTN and HTN-management in pregnancy
SE: *Hemolytic anemia, CNS depression, edema
Antihypertensive: Interferes with storage vesicles (NE)

MOA: Prevents storage in vesicles (NE) - Decreases CO and TPR, decreases release of catecholamines
SE: *Severe depression, edema, increases GI secretions (PNS)
Antihypertensive - Inhibits NE Release

MOA: Binds NE vesicles and inhibits NE release
SE: Diarrhea, edema
alpha-1 Blocker

MOA: Arteriolar and venous vasodilation to decrease BP. Also inhibits SM contraction in prostate
SE: Reflex tachycardia, "first-dose" syncope, *orthostatic hypotension, urinary incontinence (increases PNS)
Antihypertensive: Direct-Acting Vasodilator - Nitric Oxide

MOA: Decreases TPR through arteriolar dilation
SE: SLE-like syndrome and slow acetylators, edema, reflex tachycardia
Antihypertensive: Direct-Acting Vasodilator - Nitric Oxide

MOA: Decreases TPR through dilation of both arterioles and venues
Use: DOC for hypertensive emergencies, IV
SE: Cyanide toxicity - co-administer with nitrites and thiosulfate
CHF: Cardiotonic Agent - PDE inhibitor

MOA: Increases cAMP in heart cells (increases inotrophy) and SM cells (decreases TPR)
CHF: Cardiotonic Agent - PDE inhibitor

MOA: Increases cAMP in heart cells (increases inotrophy) and SM cells (decreases TPR)
NO Precursor

MOA: Pro-drug of NO. Venodilation decreases preload, which decreases O2 requirement. Nitrates decrease infarct size and post-MI mortality.
SE: Flushing, headache, orthostatic hypotension. Reflex tachycardia & fluid retention. Methemoglobinemia.
*Don't use with sildenafil (viagra)
Isosorbide dinitrate
NO Precursor

MOA: Pro-drug of NO. Venodilation decreases preload, which decreases O2 requirement. Nitrates decrease infarct size and post-MI mortality.
SE: Flushing, headache, orthostatic hypotension. Reflex tachycardia & fluid retention. Methemoglobinemia.
*Don't use with sildenafil (viagra)

MOA: Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase reduces liver cholesterol, increases LDL receptor expression, and decreases LDL. Decreased VLDL results in decreased triglyceridemia
SE: Myalgia, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, hepatotoxicity
*Cytochrome P450 inhibitors enhance toxicity of statins

MOA: Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase reduces liver cholesterol, increases LDL receptor expression, and decreases LDL. Decreased VLDL results in decreased triglyceridemia
SE: Myalgia, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, hepatotoxicity
*Cytochrome P450 inhibitors enhance toxicity of statins

MOA: Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase reduces liver cholesterol, increases LDL receptor expression, and decreases LDL. Decreased VLDL results in decreased triglyceridemia
SE: Myalgia, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, hepatotoxicity
*Cytochrome P450 inhibitors enhance toxicity of statins

MOA: Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase reduces liver cholesterol, increases LDL receptor expression, and decreases LDL. Decreased VLDL results in decreased triglyceridemia
SE: Myalgia, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, hepatotoxicity
*Cytochrome P450 inhibitors enhance toxicity of statins
Fibric Acid Derivatives
-Antiatherosclerotic Agent

MOA: Induction of lipoprotein lipases, causes decreased VLDL and TGL. *Used for hypertriglyceridemia
SE: Hepatotoxicity
Fibric Acid Derivatives
-Antiatherosclerotic Agent

MOA: Induction of lipoprotein lipases, causes decreased VLDL and TGL. *Used for hypertriglyceridemia
SE: Hepatotoxicity
Fibric Acid Derivatives
-Antiatherosclerotic Agent

MOA: Induction of lipoprotein lipases, causes decreased VLDL and TGL. *Used for hypertriglyceridemia
SE: Hepatotoxicity
Bile Acid Sequestrant

MOA: Complex bile salts in gut. Causes decreased enterohepatic recirculation of bile salts, increased synthesis of new bile, decreased liver cholesterol, increased LDL-R expression, decreased blood LDL
SE: Increased VLDL and triglycerides, GI disturbances, malabsorption of lipid-soluble vitamins
Bile Acid Sequestrant

MOA: Complex bile salts in gut. Causes decreased enterohepatic recirculation of bile salts, increased synthesis of new bile, decreased liver cholesterol, increased LDL-R expression, decreased blood LDL
SE: Increased VLDL and triglycerides, GI disturbances, malabsorption of lipid-soluble vitamins
Niacin (Nicotinic acid)

MOA: Inhibition of VLDL synthesis, causing decreased plasma VLDL and LDL and **increased plasma HDL.
SE: Flushing, hyperglycemia

MOA: Prevents intestinal absorption of cholesterol, decreases LDL
SE: GI distress
Muscarinic Agonist

MOA: Ophthalmic effects predominate - Contraction of sphincter muscle of the iris (miosis) and enhances tone of trabecular network. Contraction of ciliary muscle --> Accommodation.
Use: Glaucoma, dry mouth (Sjogren's)
SE: Topical - stinging & local irritation. Oral - Sweating and worsens asthma/COPD symptoms.
Muscarinic Agonist

MOA: Mostly works on smooth muscles. GU - Increases detrusor tone and decreases resistance of internal sphincter. GI - Increases motility and secretion
Use: Gastric atony (increases motility) and urinary retention
SE: Bronchoconstriction, GI (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), Miosis
Muscarinic Agonist

MOA: Non-selective cholinergic agonist
Use: Topically for glaucoma, increases aqueous humor outflow into the canal of Schlemm

MOA: Inhibits AChE. Readily crosses BBB.
Use: Antidote for anticholinergic delirium (from atropine overdose).

MOA: Inhibits AChE, increases accumulation of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions and synapses. Skel muscle - Reverses neuromuscular blockade. GU - Increased tone, motility and relaxation of sphincters. Heart - Decreased HR, contractility, and conduction velocity.
Use: Reverse nondepolarizing neuromusclar blockade (ex: coming out of surgical anasthesia), Myasthenia gravis.

MOA: Inhibits AChE, increases accumulation of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions and synapses. Skel muscle - Reverses neuromuscular blockade. GU - Increased tone, motility and relaxation of sphincters. Heart - Decreased HR, contractility, and conduction velocity.
Use: Myasthenia gravis.

MOA: Inhibits AChE
Use: Used to diagnose myasthenia gravis: Tensilon test - Increased ACh in NM junction able to overcome ACh receptor Abs leads to sudden improvement then decreased muscle strength. Also used to differentiate between cholinergic crisis (overmedication) and worsening myasthenia.
Isoflurophate (DFP)

MOA: Organophosphate "nerve gas" - Suicide inhibitor of AChE. Accumulation of ACh at NM junctions and neuronal synapses.
Clinical: CNS - Coma, resp depression, seizures. Muscarinic - BRADYCARDIA. Nicotinic - Muscle twitching, fasiculations, weakness & flaccid paralysis.
Pralidoxime (2-PAM)
Antidote to Cholinesterase Inhibitor

MOA: Cholinesterase regenerator to organophosphate toxicity. ACh R blocker to decrease muscarinic hyperactivity that would otherwise cause potentially fatal bradycardia. Regeneration is due to pralidoxime's higher affinity for phosphorus.
Muscarinic Antagonist

Use: Antidote for physostigmine overdose
SE: "Red as a beet, blind as a bat, dry as a bone, hot as a hare, and mad as a hatter." - flush, blurred vision, decreased secretions, hyperthermia, delirium, hallucinations
Muscarinic Antagonist

Use: Motion sickness prophylaxis.
SE: "Red as a beet, blind as a bat, dry as a bone, hot as a hare, and mad as a hatter." - flush, blurred vision, decreased secretions, hyperthermia, delirium, hallucinations
Muscarinic Antagonist

MOA: Decreased bronchoconstriction and bronchial secretions.
Use: COPD!! and asthma
SE: Dry mouth & sedation
Alpha Adrenergic Agonist

MOA: Peripheral vasoconstriction and increased BP.
Use: Severe hypotension (used in ICU)
SE: Reflex bradycardia
MOA: Stimulates a1, a2, B1 and B2 R's. B is predominant at low doses and alpha at high doses. Net effect is equivalment to sympathetic stimulation.
Use: Cardiac arrest, cardiogenic shock, severe HTN
SE: Can precipitate MI or arrhythmias.
MOA: Precursor to NE, stimulates D1>B1>a1. Low doses - D1 predominates - Renal and splanchnic vasodilation. Medium dose - B1 predominates, Increased CO.
Use: Decompensated CHF - Treat with medium doses
SE: Arrhythmias
Beta Adrenergic Agonist
-Stimulates B1>>B2

MOA: Increases cardiac contractility and CO.
Use: Decompensated congestive heart failure
SE: Arrhythmias

MOA: Causes release of endogenous NE after presynaptic uptake
SE: Restlessness, dependence

MOA: Stimulates release of NE from sympathetic neurons. Net effect is to increase HR and Co, and variably increase TPR to increase BP.
Use: Nasal decongestant
Indirect Agents Affecting Adrenergic NTs

MOA: Blocks reuptake of catecholamines (potentiates NE > Epi). CNS stimulation --> depression. CV (moderate doses) --> tachycardia, arrhythmia & MI.
SE: Myocardial ischemia
alpha1 Agonist

MOA: Reduces mucosal blood flow by causing vasoconstriction of superficial blood vessels, causing the fluid in the interstitial space draining through the veins, reducing edema.
Use: *Vasopressor, nasal decongestant
SE: Reflex bradycardia and *hypertension
alpha1 Agonist

MOA: Vasoconstriction of skin and splanchnic vessels. Increases TPR.
Use: Hypotension. Also used to treat tachycardia (due to reflex bradycardia)
SE: Reflex bradycardia via baroreceptors
Alpha Adrenergic Agonist
a1 >> B1

Use: Hypotension, particularly as a complication of anesthesia. Used for priapism.
alpha1 Agonist

MOA: Decreases redness by limiting blood flow to eye surface
alpha2 Agonist

MOA: Works to suppress sympathetic outflow.
Use: HTN and drug withdrawal
SE: Sedation, dry mouth, *rebound hypertension
Non-selective alpha blocker

MOA: IRREVERSIBLE antagonist. Alpha blockade causes dilation of vascular SM, decreases BP. Also inhibits neuronal extraneuronal NE reuptake.
Use: HTN, specifically pts with *pheochromocytoma
SE: Orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia
Alpha Antagonist

Used in vet medicine... -_-
Non-selective alpha blocker

MOA: Competitive antagonist. Alpha blockade causes dilation of vascular SM, decreases BP
Use: HTN, pheochromacytoma
SE: Orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia
Beta Agonist - B1-B2

MOA: Stimulates Beta R's - B1 increases HR & inotropy. B2 causes vascular SM relaxation. Net effect is increased HR and CO.
Use: Bradycardia, heart block and arrhythmias.
SE: Arrhythmias, flushing, angina
Beta Agonist - B2 >> B1

MOA: B2 activation causes increased cAMP and relaxation of SM and bronchodilation
Use: Bronchospasm in asthma, bronchitis, and COPD
SE: Tremor. Sinus tachycardia
Beta Agonist - B2 >> B1

MOA: B2 activation causes increased cAMP and relaxation of SM and bronchodilation
Use: IV for treatment of status asthmatics. Also used to suppress premature labor
B2 >> B1

MOA: B2 activation causes increased cAMP and relaxation of SM and bronchodilation
Use: Bronchospasm in asthma, bronchitis, and COPD
SE: Tremor. Sinus tachycardia
Beta Blocker

MOA: Selectively inhibits B1 R's. Decreases HR (acts as a Class II antiarrhythmic). Also decreases inotropy. Overall decreases O2 demand
Use: Ischemic heart disease, HTN, arrhythmias
SE: Bradycardia
Beta Blocker - Non-selective

MOA: Selectively inhibits B1 R's. Decreases HR (acts as a Class II antiarrhythmic). Also decreases inotropy. Overall decreases O2 demand
Use: Ischemic heart disease, HTN, arrhythmias, portal HTN, thyrotoxicosis, migraine prevention.
SE: Bradycardia, *bronchospasm
Beta Blocker - Non-selective

MOA: Decreases HR, SV, CO. Also decreases renin release and *aqueous humor production (can be used as eye drops)
Use: Glaucoma
Beta blocker (also alpha1) - Non-selective

MOA: Decreases HR, SV, CO & TPR. Vasodilatory due to alpha1 blockade.
Use: Compensated heart failure (Improves symptoms, ejection fraction and survival)
SE: Hypotension, bradychardia.
Beta blocker (also alpha1) - Non-selective

MOA: Decreases HR, SV, CO & TPR. Vasodilatory due to alpha1 blockade.
Use: HTN
Depolarizing Ganglionic Blocker

MOA: Agonist for nicotinic ACh R's. Nm causes skeletal muscle contract. Nn stimulates both SNS and PNS. Epinephrine release, increase HR, peripheral vasoconstriction, Increased gut motility and secretion, increased respiratory rate.
Use: Aid smoking cessation
SE: Dependence
Depolarizing Ganglionic Blocker

MOA: Competitive antagonist of Nn receptors at PNS and SNS ganglia.
Use: Hypertensive crises - no longer used because of the many side effects that result from loss of all autonomic tone.
Competitive Neuromuscular Blocker

Use: Muscle paralysis during surgery or intubation
MOA: Antagonize receptor at neuromuscular endplate, inhibiting muscle contraction
Competitive Neuromuscular Blocker

MOA: Nondepolarizing blockade causes skeletal muscle paralysis that can be overcome by stimulation or administration of cholinesterase inhibitor
Use: Induce paralysis (surgery)
SE: Histamine causes flushing, edema, erythema, hypotension, tachycardia. Increased HR and CO.
Competitive Neuromuscular Blocker

MOA: Nondepolarizing blockade causes skeletal muscle paralysis that can be overcome by stimulation or administration of cholinesterase inhibitor
Use: Induce paralysis (surgery)
SE: Histamine causes flushing, edema, erythema, hypotension, tachycardia. Increased HR and CO.
Depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocker

MOA: Binds nicotinic (Nm) Ach R's, causing depolarization of membrane. Drug is NOT inactivated by acetylcholinesterase - prolonged depolarization. Causes depolarizing blockade that cannot be overcome.
Use: Paralysis for surgical procedures
SE: Malignant hyperthermia
Competitive Ganglionic Blocker

Use: Muscle paralysis during surgery or intubation
MOA: Antagonize receptor at neuromuscular endplate, inhibiting muscle contraction