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76 Cards in this Set

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Gonadal hormones are used therapeutically for ___
management of menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis, replacement therapy, contraception
Antagonists are effective in ___
What is the most potent estrogen, which is secreted by the ovary?
What type of estrogen is 1/10 the potency of estradiol, and formed in the liver and adrenals?
estrone / estriol
Gonadal hormones are used therapeutically for ___
management of menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis, replacement therapy, contraception
Antagonists are effective in ___
What is the most potent estrogen, which is secreted by the ovary?
What type of estrogen is 1/10 the potency of estradiol, and formed in the liver and adrenals?
estrone / estriol
What type of estrogen is synthetic?
ethinyl estradiol
Which estrogen has less first pass metabolism (it's effective when taken orally, at lower doses)?
ethinyl estradiol
MOA estrogen has 2 receptor subtypes-- what are they?
classic estrogen receptor -a (alpha)
and repressor domain -b (beta)
Estrogens are used in HRT for post-menopausal women. Risks outweigh benefits if prescribed:
lowest effective dose for the
shortest possible time
estrogen HRT is used to relieve which symptoms of menopause?
vaginal atrophy and vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes)
For women who have NOT undergone a hysterectomy, which hormone is included in combination therapy?
Which hormone, when used in combination therapy, reduces a woman's risk of endometrial cancer?
What is the recommended HRT for women who have had their uterus removed?
unopposed estrogen
Which has substantially more estrogen, HRT or oral contraception?
oral contraception
Treatment of osteoporosis includes:
Treatment of primary hypogonadism
estrogen therapy + progestins
(to develop secondary sex characteristics)
2 synthetic estrogen analogs
ethinyl estradiol
By administering estrogen transdermal, IV, or injection, we
reduce 1st pass metabolism
adverse effects of estrogen therapy include:
thromboembolic problems, MI, and breast & endometrial cancer
Most common adverse effect of estrogen therapy:
What do we call compounds that interact at estrogen receptors but have different effects on tissues?
Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)
a SERM antagonist in BREAST ca which competes with the natural hormone for binding to estrogen receptors
(effective tx for some breast tumors)
adverse effects of Tamoxifen
hot flashes, n/v,
*endometrial hyperplasias and malignancies*
Second generation SERM which decreases bone resorption --> increases bone density
SERM approved for preventative tx of osteoporosis, and has no effect on endometrium
SERM reduces incidence of breast cancer in post-menopausal women
adverse effects of Raloxifene
increased risk of DVT, PE, and retinal-vein thrombosis
SERM used to increase secretion of Gn-RH --> stimulate ovulation
Clomiphene is prescribed to treat
Which hormone promotes development of the secretory endometrium to accomodate implantation of an embryo?
High levels of this hormone released during the second half of the menstrual cycle inhibit gonadotropin and further ovulation.
Therapeutic uses of this hormone include controlling dysfunctional uterine bleeding and contraception (when used w/ estrogen).
Medroxyprogesterone acetate,
Hydroxyprogesterone acetate,
Norethindrone, and
Norgestrel are all examples of ___.
synthetic progesterones
(more stable to 1st pass metabolism.)
Norethindrone and Norgestrel are similar to adrogens, so we call them ___.
nortestosterone progestins
Edema, depression, increased LDL, hirsutism, and weight gain are adverse effects of ___.
This anti-progestin (or progestin antagonist) causes an abortion if administered early in pregnancy.
Mifepristone (RU486)
The most common intervention for preventing pregnancy
interference with ovulation
Combo of ___ + ___ over 3 wk period inhibits ovulation.
estrogen + progesterone
estrogen provides negative feedback on release of LH and FSH by which gland?
Which hormone promotes development of secretory endometrium, to accomodate implantation of an embryo?
High levels of this hormone released during the second half of the menstrual cycle inhibit gonadotropin and further ovulation?
Therapeutic uses of this hormone include
rectifying hormonal deficiency,
controlling dysfunctional uterine bleeding,
and contraception (when used in combo with estrogen).
Medroxyprogesterone acetate, Hydroxyprogesterone acetate, Norethindrone, Norgestrel are examples of ___.
synthetic progesterones
Norethindrone and Norgestrel are called ___ because they are similar to androgens.
nortestosterone progestins
Edema, depression, increased LDL, weight gain, and hirsutism are adverse effects of
This antiprogesterone (aka progestin-antagonist) is administered early in pregnancy to induce abortion.
Mifepristone (RU486)
Most common intervention for preventing pregnancy
interference with ovulation
Combination of ___ + ___ over 3 week period inhibits ovulation.
estrogen + progesterone
Estrogen provides negative feedback on release of LH and FSH by which gland?
Which hormone stimulates normal bleeding at the end of the menstrual cycle and thickens cervical mucus?
Cardiovascular complaints (including thromboembolism, htn, MI) are the most serious side effects of which group of drugs?
oral and implantable contraceptives
The patient with elevated serum cholesterol should NOT use ___, but would benefit from ___ contraceptives.
should NOT use progestins, benefit from estrogen-dominant
contradincations to oral birth control.
CV, thromboembolic disease, and estrogen-dependant neoplasms
Most common type of oral contraception contains
combo estrogen + progestin
Concurrant low but increasing progestin dose over 3 7-day periods, followed by 7 day withdrawl to induce menses is ___.
Mestranol contains ____
Norethindrone contains ____
subdermal progestin implants (Levonorgestrel) in the upper arm last about ___ years.
5. These subdermal are reliable and totally reversible.
Irregular menstrual bleeding and headaches are common side effects of this type of contraception.
subdermal (subQ) implants in the arm
Which group of steroids have anabolic or masculizing effects in males and females?
Synthetic modifications of the structure of androgens have changed solubility and susceptibility to enzymatic breakdown which
a.) shorten or b.) prolong half-life?
prolong half-life
Anabolic effects and growth are all therapeutic uses of ___.
Hypogonadism due to leydig cell dysfunction, or failure of hypothalamic-pituitary unit is treated with ___.
Treatment for senile osteoporosis, severe burns, pituitary dwarfism, or skeletal growth in prepubescent boys
Acne, facial hair, and a deepened voice are all adverse effects of ___.
This hormone can cause virilization of a female fetus in a pregnant mother
This hormone stimulates growth of prostate
DHEA, Nandrolone, and Stanozolol are examples of ___.
anaboloic (athletic) steroids
___ causes premature closing of the epiphysis of the long bones (stunting growth), reduction of testicular size, and aggression.
anabolic steroids
___ interfere with synthesis of androgens or block their receptors
Finasteride, cyproterone, flutamide, and bicalutamide are examples of ___
Treatment of BPH
An anti-androgen which can cause hirsutism in females
An anti-androgen used in treatment of prostate cancer
(*Bicalutamide used for prostate cancer METS)