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108 Cards in this Set

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diuretic given for mild HTN
diuretic given for moderate to severe HTN
loop diuretics
do diuretics induce a compensatory response
alpha-2 agonists: 2
clonidine, methyldopa
what is the compensatory response of alpha-2 agonists
salt & H2O retention
if clonidine is sudden stopped, what is a potential tox
severe rebound HTN
hematologic fx of methyldopa 2
RBC agglutination, hemolytic anemia
ganglion-blocking drugs? 2
hexamethonium, trimethaphan
2 CNS fx of ganglion-blocking drugs?
PNS blockade, SNS blockade
postganglionic SNS nerve terminal blockers 2
reserpine, guanethidine
compensatory response of postganglionic SNS blockers?
tox of reserpine? 4
diarrhea, stuffy nose, sedation, depression
tox of guanethidine? 2
orthostatic hypotension, sexual dysfxn
Compensatory response of alpha-1 blockers? 2
salt & H2O retention; slight tachycardia
worst tox of alpha blocker?
orthostatic hypotension (usu just initially)
do beta-blockers have a compensatory response?
tox of beta-blocker? 3
sedation, impotence, asthma exacerbation
common tox of vasodilators?
salt & H2O retention
why is hydralazine rarely used? 2
toxicity (lupus-like syndrome, tachycardia)
minoxidil is reserved for
severe HTN (due to severe compensatory response)
preferred vasodilators 3
CCB: nifedipin, verapamil, dilitazem
nitroprusside mech?
release NO -> inc cGMP -> relaxation
diazoxide mech?
opens K channel -> hyperpolarization -> relaxation
what odd tox is assoc w/ nitroprusside?
cyanide/thiocyanate accumulation
Fenoldopam is reserve for HTN emergencies. Why?
long duration of action but prompt response (D1 agonist)
do angiotensin antagonists have compensatory responses?
what are the common tox to angiotensin antagonists?
renal damage to fetus, hyperkalemia
ACE-I end in
ARBS end in
3 mech of ACE-I
block AII (vasoconstrictor), dec aldosterone (dec Na), inc kinins (vasodilators)
stepwise approach to HTN: 5
lifestyle change -> diuretic -> sympathoplegic -> ACE-I -> vasodilator
older pt respond better to
blacks respond better to which HTN medication? 2
diuretic, CCB
short acting nitrates 3
amyl nitrate (inhaled), sublingual nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate
intermediate acting nitrates 3
nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, mononitrate
long acting nitrate 1
transdermal nitroglycerin patch
first pass fx for nitroglycerin is
~ 90%
what route of nitroglycerin avoid the first-pass fx
nitrates mech
denitrate -> NO -> guanyl cyclase -> cGMP -> dephosphorylation of myosin light chain -> SM relaxation
tox of nitrates 4
tachycardia, hypotension, throbbing headache, metHb at high conc
which CCB work more on heart than vessel
diltiazem, verapamil
which CCB work more on vessel than heart
mech of CCB
block voltage-gated L-type channels
CCB can be used for which type of angina
stable, Prinzmetal's
CCB tox: 5
N/C, pretibial edema, flushing, dizziness
beta-blockers are only used for
stable angina prophylaxis (after AMI)
mech of cardiac glycosides
inh Na/K ATPase -> inc Na in cell -> less Ca removed from cell
cardiac mechanical fx of glycosides 3
dec HR, dec preload, dec afterload
Arrhythmias promoted by glycosides 7
Atrial tachycardia, Afib, AV block, AV tachycardia, premature beat, Vtach, Vfib
what anti-HTN can precipitate dig tox?
diuretics (promote hypokalemia, making tox worse)
3 steps for Tx dig tox
correct K def, antiarrhythmic, dig Ab
first line HF Rx 2 (not congestion)
diuretics, angiotensin antagonists
beta-blockers block progression of
CHF only
for acute severe failure with congestion, use
nitrates, nesiritide
class 1 antiarrhythmics
Na channel blockers
class 2 antiarrhythmics
class 3 antiarrhythmics
K channel blockers
class 4 antiarrhythmics
Ca channel blockers
prototype for class 1A
class 3 drug that has 1A fx
other class 1A drugs
quinidine, disopyramide
conduction fx of 1A
slow conduction in atria, AV, Purkinje, ventricles; inc AP & ERP
EKG fx of 1A
Inc QRS duration and QT
prototype for class 1B
other class 1B drugs 2
mexiletine, (phenytoin)
conduction fx of 1B 2
selectively affect ischemic/depolarized;
slows recovery of Na channels from inactivation
EKG fx of 1B
little fx seen but do shorten AP (selectively)
prototype for class 1C
other class 1C drugs 2
encainide, propafenone
conduction fx of 1C
slow conduction in atria, ventricles
EKG fx of 1C
Inc QRS duration but not QT
torsades is assoc with drugs that have what conduction fx?
prolong AP duration
cardiotox of class 1 drugs are exacerbated by
class 1 drug w/ antimuscarinic fx
class 1 drug that can cause lupus-like Sx
class 1 drug that caused greater mortality than placebo
beta-blockers are given mainly for
prophylaxis after MI (protective fx)
prototypes of class 3 drugs 2
sotalol, ibutilide
other class 3 drugs 2
dofetilide, amiodarone
Mech of class 3
block K channel -> dec repolarization rate -> AP prolongation
most important tox of class 3
torsades de pointes
class 4 are affective for
converting AV nodal reentry to norm sinus
quick acting drug given for AV nodal arrhythmia
prototype of carbonic anhydrase inh
carbonic anhydrase inh work at
PCT (prevent NaHCO3 absorption)
main use of carbonic anhydrase inh 2
glaucoma, high alt sickness
4 tox of carbonic anhydrase inh
drowsiness, paresthesias, urine alkalinization, plasma acidosis
prototype of loop diuretics
loop diuretics work at
loop of Henle (block Na/K/2Cl)
loop diuretics primarily used for 2
edematous states: HF, ascites, pulm edema; hypercalcemia
ototox is assoc w/ which group of diuretics
loop diuretics
prototype of thiazides
thiazides work at
NaCl transport in early distal tubule
primary use of thiazides 2
HTN, hypercalcemia
DM might develop hyperglycemia when on which diuretic
only diuretic group that does not cause sulfa allergy
prototype of K-sparing diuretics 3
Spironolactone, amiloride, triamterene
K-sparing diuretics work at
collecting tubules
Mech of spironolactone
block aldosterone receptor -> prevent synth of Na channel & Na/K ATPase
Mech of amiloride and triamterene
block epithelial Na channels
Uses of K-sparing diuretics 2
hypokalemia assoc w/ other diuretics; hyperaldosternism (spironolactone)
diuretics that promote acidosis 2
carbonic anhydrase inh, K-sparing diuretics
diuretics that promote alkalosis 2
loop & thiazides
prototype for osmotic diuretics
common tox of mannitol 2
headache, N/V
ADH agonists 2
desmopressin (vasopressin has short 1/2 life)
ADH antagonist 2
demeclocyline, conivaptan