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51 Cards in this Set

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A slective a1A blocker used in BPH
Tamulosin, selective a1A blocker used in ProstAte, -zosin (a1A & a1B blockers) used in BPH & HTN
Miscarriage, hyperkalemia, nephrotoxic [& cough with ACEs]
ACE/ARB indications
HTN, CHF/Post-MI, Diabetic Nephropathy
Adrenergic blocker used in Pheo & rarely BPH
Phenoxybenzamine, irreversible a1 & a2 antagonist, used in Pheo & rarely BPH (better agent)
Antihypertensives a/w 1st dose syncope
Prazosin (a1-antagonists) are a/w 1st dose syncope (usually give 50% dose 1st time)
CCB preference for heart muscle
CCB heart preference: verapamil > diltiazem > nifedipine
CCB preference for smooth muscle
CCB smooth muscle preference: nifedipine > diltiazem > verpamil
Dig, ACE/ARB, BB (DOC Carvedilol, 2nd: Metoprolol Succinate or Bisoprolol), Na+ reduction, Diuretics
DOC for intermittent claudication
Cilostazol, a PDE3 inhibitor, is DOC for intermittent claudication. Incr cAMP -> Vasodilation
DOC for ventricular arrhythmias post-MI
Lidocaine (class 1B) works only on ischemic tissue, DOC for ventricular arrhythmias post-MI
Decrease AP duration by shortening repolarization phase
Class 1B Anti-arrhythmics: Lidocaine/Mexiletine/Tocainide/Phenytoin (ventr arrhythmias, esp digitioxin-induced arrhythmias)
Digoxin MOA
Inhibits Na/K ATPase -> Decr Na/Ca exchanger -> Incr [Ca]
Digoxins MOA & Indication
Digoxins reversibly inhibit Na/KA ATPase, used in CHF & Atrial flutter/fib
Diuretic to use in Pulm Edema with sulfa allergy
Ethacrynic acid is nonsulfa loop diuretic. Thiazides & CAIs are sulfa drug.
Dopamine order of receptor preference
Dopamine: D1=D2 > beta > alpha
Ephedrine MOA & Indications
Releases catecholamiine (more alpha), used in Hypotension & asthma [same MOA as amphetamine, but less BBB penetration]
Gemfibrozil MOA
Fibrates work on PPARa
HTN med that blocks storage & release of catecholamines & serotonin from neurons
Reserprine blocks VMAT, which transports catecholamines & 5HT into vesicles, may cause depression
Heparin MOA
Decr AT3 -> Decr Factors 2 & 9-12 [IV only]
List anti-platelet drugs that block GP 2b/3a
Abciximab, EptiFIBAtide, TiroFIBAn
List the nonselective alpha blockers
Phenoxybenzamine (irrev) & Phentolamine (revers), both used in Pheo
Loop diuretics MOA
Loop diuretics inhibit Na/K/2Cl Symporter in thick loop [increase urinary excretion of all ions except HCO3-]
Propranolol MOA & S/E
Propranolol is nonselective Beta-blocker, may cause bronchospasm (CI in asthma & COPD)
Reserprine MOA & S/E
Reserprine blocks VMAT, which transports catecholamines & 5HT into vesicles, may cause depression
Spironolactone S/E
Spironolactone causes gynecomastia, agranulocytosis, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, tumors
Streptokinase MOA
Streptokinase activates plasminogen into plasmin
Thiazide diuretics MOA
Thiazides inhibit Na/Cl symporter in early DCT
What CV drug causes blurry yellow vision?
Digoxin causes xanthopsia, blurry yellowed vision
What reverses Heparin?
Heparin is reversed by Protamine Sulfate
Which BBs are approved for CHF?
Carvedilol (best) & Metoprolol Succinate (not as good) [maybe Bisoprolol (bi-SOUP-rolol), but not approved]
Which CCB is a Phenylalkylamine?
Verapamil is the only Phenylalkylamine CCB approved in the US
Which anticogulant is contraindicated in pregnancy?
Warfarin is CI in preg (X), crosses placenta, may cause abortion or fetal bleeding
Which hyperlipidemics cause hepatotoxicity?
Niacin & statins -> hepatotoxic
Zygris MOA & Indication
Activated Protein C, used as last resort in Septic Shock
Anaphylactic Shock Tx
Benadryl, Aminophylline, Steroids, Epinephrine (BASE)
Heparin MOA
Heparin is Antithrombin III inhibitor, IV only, used in clotting emergencies & as DVT prophylaxis
Heparin MOA
Decr AT3 -> Decr Factors 2 & 9-12
List anti-platelet drugs that block GP 2b/3a
Abciximab, EptiFIBAtide, TiroFIBAn
What reverses Heparin?
Heparin is reversed by Protamine Sulfate
Which anticogulant is contraindicated in pregnancy?
Warfarin is CI in preg (X), crosses placenta, may cause abortion or fetal bleeding
Minoxidil MOA
K channel activator
Gemfibrozil MOA
Fibrates work on PPAR
List anti-thrombolytics
Streptokinase/Urokinase, altepase (t-PA), retapalase, tenectaplase
Which anti-thrombolytic is considered the most active?
Tenectaplase has faster thrombolytic properties
Another name for Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Stem for plasminogen activators
-tepase (except Streptokinase/Urokinase)
Labetalol MOA
Nonselective alpha&beta blocker 1:3 ratio
Labetalol CIs
Asthma, heart block, & bradycardia [nonselective alpha/BETA BLOCKER]
A-fib Tx with no serious heart dz
Flecainide, Propafenone, Sotalol
A-fib Tx with concurrent heart dz
Amiodarone or Dofetilide
Serotonin Syndrome Tx
IVF, Cryptoheptadine, Benzos