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80 Cards in this Set

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Vasodilators promote blood flow to the extremities by
relaxing the smooth muscles of the blood vessels
Adverse reactions caused by nitroglycerin include
flushing and headaches
postural hypotension
dizziness and fainting
Drugs that interact with nitrates include
What symptoms or diseases are peripheral vasodilating agents used for
nocturnal leg cramps
Raynaud's disease
Vasodilator medications are used to treat pain in the legs because of their effect on
peripheral arterial system
Side effects produced by peripheral vasodilating agents include
severe hypotension
Cardiovascular drugs affect which systems
urinary system
cardiovascular system
Precautions needed to keep in mind when applying topical nitrates include
find a hairless spot to apply medication
The cardiovascular system is made up of the
heart and blood vessels
Precautions needed to keep in mind when administering nitrates include
take BP prior to administration
have the patient sitting or lying down prior to administration
wash hands after applying topical forms of nitrates
Mr, Stetson, age 69, experiences frequent attacks of angina pectoris. His BP is elevated, and he has glaucoma. He is also a heavy beer drinker. Mr Stetson should:
be started on a prophylactic therapy with long acting nitrates
Ms. Watson has been taking nitroglycerin to prevent anginal attacks. In assessing Ms. Watson before she leaves the hospital, you should instruct her on
watching for skin rash, itching, or irritation, at the patch site
avoid large amounts of foods that stimulate the heart
keeping a record of every anginal attack
Mr. Teldrin has been instructed to take nitroglycerin sublingually for anginal pain. What instruction would you give him
If pain is not relieved in 5 min. take a second dose. A third dose may be taken in another 5 min.If pain is not relieved with the 3 doses go to ER
If anginal pain is not relieved after taking 3 doses of nitro you might suspect
patient may be having a myocardial infraction
How often should nitro be changed
every 3 months
The usual path that an impulse from the normal pacemaker of the heart passes through is
SA node, Purkinje fibers,AV node, right and left bundle branches, bundle of his
Dysrhythmias that occur and affect the heart are caused by
increased sensitivity of the cells in the pacemaker of the heart and abnormal pathways
Class IV antidysrhythmic meds have effect of
blocking the ability of calcium to enter cells of the heart
What is the action of quinidine
slowing the fast inward current of sodium
The doctor orders a bolus of lidocaine
to be given stat. Why would this be used along with quinidine
Quinidine is a class I drug and lidocane is a class II drug, which can be used together
Very slow, irregular heart rate, and takes pranolol [Inderal] for migraine headaches. What has happened
Having bradycardia from antidysrhythmic
Atrial tachycardia of 160 beats/min. Which med would be ordered
dofetilide [Tikosyn]
Class II, beta blocker
Patients being discharged from hospital and who are taking antidysrhythmic meds should be taught
do not skip dose or take double dose
report sudden weight gain, trouble breathing, or increased coughing
use caution driving or doing tasks that require alertness
Toxic effects of quinidine are called cinchonism and symptoms include
ringing in the ears [tinnitus]
lightheadedness and vertigo
nausea and vomiting
An ECG [electocardiogram] is used to determine what
heart rhythm
Lipoproteins are
composed of different proportions of high density and low density lipids
4 types of lipoprotein complexes are
very low-density lipoproteins
low-density lipoproteins
high-density lipoproteins
Hyperlipoproteinemia refers to
defects in lipid transport and abnormal lipoprotein pattern
Abnormal elevations of lipids may produce
Bile acid sequestrants act by
forming insoluble complexes with bile salts, increasing bile loss through the feces
Antihyperlipidemic agents from the class of fibric acid derivatives are used to
lower triglycerides and increase HDL levels
Lovastatin is in which class of antihyperlipidemic agents
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
Treatment for hyperlipoproteinemia include
drug therapy
diet management
exercise and weight reduction
Niacin causes what uncomfotable side effect
facial flushing
Items to stress in teaching patients who are taking antihyperlipidemics are
notify doc if you develop any bleeding or other persistent problems involved with your digestion or bowels
The positive inotropic action of digoxin
refers to the ability to increase the
force of contraction
Cardiotonic drugs are used to treat chronic heart failure because they help in
slowing the heart rate
Symptoms of chronic heart failure include
excessive fatigue, lethargy
rapid weight gain, shortness of breath
edema of hands & feet
Symptoms of digitalis toxicity include
dysrhythmias, bradycardia, visual changes, headache, drowsiness,nausea, vomiting, diarreha
potassium-rich foods include
dried beans & lentils, bananas, citrus fruits, all bran cereals
digitalizing dose refers to the
initial loading dose
cardiotonic med used for short-term treatment of heart failure
signs of effective digitalis therapy are
edema decreased, urinary output has increased, weight has dropped, pulmonary congestion has decreased, and pulse rate is 80 beats/min
The ability of a drug to influence the velocity or speed of the electrical impulses through the heart is called
dromotropic action
Organs affected in target organ damage include
brain, heart, kidney
High BP resulting from a known disease or other problem is known as
secondary hypertension
Systolic BP is a reflection of
the highest amount of pressure in the arterial system in mm Hg
Diastolic BP is a reflection of
lowest amount of pressure in the arterial system measured in mm Hg
BP of 150/94 would be classified as
stage 1 hypertension
Treatment for hypertension should begin
as soon as it is detected
Diuretics are used in hypertension to
promote fluid loss from the body
Beta blockers are antihypertensive drugs that reduce BP through
stimulating the alpha & beta sites
ACE inhibitors are used for hypertension control because they will
inhibit the enzyme that converts angiotensin I to angiotension II
Vasodilators reduce both systolic and diastolic BP through
direct relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
Slow channel calcium entry blocking agents work through
inhibiting the passage of extracellular calcium ions through cardiac cell membrane, producing decreased
peripheral vascular resistance
therapeutic goal of hypertension therapy
decrease target organ damage, reduce BP to normal or near normal
Drug of choice to start for patients who need to add drug therapy to their plan to reduce their BP
Drugs to treat hypertension
beta blockers end in "lol"
ACE inhibitors end in "pril"
angiotensin II receptor antagonists end in "sartan"
Thiazide therapy adverse reactions
hypokalemia, hyperuricemia, glucose intolerance, impotence
Beta-adrenergic blockers adverse reactions
bradycardia,fatigue, bizarre dreams
First-dose syncope is associated with which antihypertensive class
alpha-adrenergic blockers
Which diuretic does not cause hypokalemia
Dosage related reaction to propranalol, a Beta-andrenergic blocker are
dizziness, shortness of breath,slow pulse
What do you need to teach a patient about taking prazosin for high BP
first dose must be taken in docs office or hospital and remain there so reaction can be evaluated. can pass out after taking first dose
Examples of electrolytes that circulate in the blood
potassium, phosphorus, chloride, sodium
Dehydration can occur due to what conditions
vomiting & diarrhea
sweating & hyperventilating
Symptoms of dehydration
dry skin, lack of sweat, decreased urinary output, hypotension, tachycardia
increase contraction strenghth of force
slow heart rate
antidysrhythmic class 1B
increase strength of electrical impulses
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
highly effective in lowering LDL levels
acute anginal attacks
reduce work load of heart
central adrenergic inhibitor
cause vascular relaxation & lower BP
ACE inhibitor
reduce BP
calcium channel blocker
lowered peripheral vascular resistence and a fall in systolic and diastolic BP
Thiazides & Sulfonamide
drug of choice to start with
urinary tract analgesic
beta blocker
calcium channel blocker
loop diuretic
potassium-sparing diuretic