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54 Cards in this Set

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Thiazide diuretics are used for what kind of hypertension, and work in which portion of the kidney?
used to treat mild hypertension, work in the early portion of the distal convoluted tubules
Maximum hypertensive effects of thiazides are achieved at what dose levels?
due to compensatory effects, doses lower than diuretic doses are best
What are the loop diuretics, and how do they work?
furosemide. bumetanide, and torsemide. they work in the thick ascending loop of Heinle. more powerful antihypertensive effects, inhibit the Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransport mechanism
Toxic effects of loop diuretics:
hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, severe K+ wasting, hypovolemia, and ototoxicity
What are the toxic effects of thiazides?
can cause K+ wasting in chronic therapy, may cause significant hyperglycemia in diabetic patients
Sympathoplegic drugs interfere with the sympathetic (SANS) control of cardiovascular function, through reduction in at least one of the following:
venous tone, heart rate, cardiac output, contractility, and total peripheral resistance
These drugs cause a decrease in sympathetic outflow by activation of A2 receptors in the CNS
A 2 selective agonists: Clonidine and Methyldopa
Method of administration of both methyldopa and clonidine, that facilitate entry into CNS
Methods by which Clonidine and Methyldopa reduce blood pressure:
cardiac output, vascular resistance, or both
Methyldopa is a prodrug that is converted to what in the brain?
Major side effects/toxicities of Clonidine:
severe rebound hypertension if abruptly stopped,(treat with phentolamine) causes compensatory salt retention, and may cause sedation
Major side effects/toxicities of Methyldopa:
Causes CNS depression, hematologic immunotoxicity (+ coombs test) sedation
Ganglion acting drugs that are very efficacious but due to toxic effects are now obsolete
Nicotinic blockers: Hexamethonium and Trimethaphan
Major toxicities in Ganglion blocking drugs:
sympathetic blockade (sexual dysfunction, ortho HTN) and parasymp blockade (const, blurred vision, urinary hesitancy, sex dysfunction) effects, salt retention
Postganglionic sympathetic nerve terminal blockers act by what two mechanisms to lower blood pressure:
depleting adrenergic nerve terminal of its norepinephrine stores (respirine), and those that deplete or block release of the stores (guanethidine)
Major toxicities of Guanethidine, leading to its removal from the US Market
orthostatic hypotension and sexual dysfunction. Cocaine and TCA inhibited the norepinephrine pump, interfering with guanedithidine action
Most serious side effect of Respirine is what:
behavioral depression
Mechanism of action of MAOI's that led to their use in hypertension:
formed a false transmitter octopamine in sympathetic postganglionic neuron terminals. this transmitter had a much lower efficacy, leading to decreased exciting
Reason MAOI's are no longer used to treat hypertension:
large doses of indirect acting sympathomimetics (tyramine) cause release of high amounts of norepinephrine with the octopamine, resulting in a hypertensive crisis
Adrenoceptor blockers that reduce vascular resistance and venous return. Used in Hypertension
A1 receptor blockers: Prazosin, Doxazosin, Terazosin
Nonselective A blockers with no value in Hypertension due to excessive compensatory responses:
Phenoxybenzamine and Phentolamine
Common Side effect of A1 selective blockers:
orthostatic hypotension with first few doses
Side effect of some A1 selective blockers that makes them useful in BPH
smooth muscle relaxation. decreases urinary stasis, increases flow. (Tamsulosin)
Mechanism of action of B blockers in treatment of hypertension
Initially reduce cardiac output, but eventually reduce vascular resistance as well
What is a new B Blocker with a direct vasodilating effect?
B Blocker also used to treat migraine, tremor, and stagefright
B1 Specific blockers that have more effect on heart than lungs, and can be used in asthmatic patients
Metoprolol, atenolol, Acebutolol, and Esmolol
Side effects/ toxicities of B Blockers
elevated glucose, LDL, and triglycerides, and lower HDL in the blood. sexual dysfunction,
Four main mechanisms of vasodilators:
release of NO, opening of K+ channels (hyperpolarization), block of Ca++ channels, and activation of dopamine D2 receptors
Mechanism of Hydralazine:
causes epithelial cells to release nitric oxide, works more on arterioles than veins
Toxicity of Hydralazine
Drug induced SLE, compensatory salt and water retention
Prodrug who's metabolite is a K+ channel opener, that hyperpolarizes and relaxes vascular smooth muscle
Minoxidil. used only in hypertensive emergencies do to extreme efficacy.
Side effects and toxicities of minoxidil:
excessive hypotension, severe compensatory response, and hirsutism.
Oral acting, vasodilating drugs effective for hypertension of any severity:
Calcium Channel Blockers: Nifedipine, verapamil, diltiazam
Calcium channel blockers that reduce cardiac output and therefore are contraindicated in preexisting cardiac or renal disease
Verapamil and Diltiazam
Prototype Dihydropyridine, calcium channel blocker, and other analogs:
Nifedipine, amlodipine, felodipine, isradipine.
Toxicities of Calcium Channel Blockers:
constipation, pre tibial edema, nausea, flushing, and dizziness
Short acting IV infused vasodilator that release nitric oxide itself
Toxicity of nitroprusside:
hypotension and tachycardia. if infused for several days, could cause cyanide or thiocyanate in blood
Thiazide derivative without diuretic effects, given in IV bolus, or infused, to open K+ channels, hyperpolarizing and relaxing the smooth muscle cell
Diazoxide. also reduces insulin release, so can be used to treat hypoglycemia caused by insulin producing tumors
Toxicities of Diazoxide
hypotension, hyperglycemia, and salt and water retention
Dopamine D1 receptor activation by this IV infused drug causes prompt, marked, and short lived arteriolar vasodilation. Is used for hypertensive emergencies
Drugs that inhibit the action of angiotensin converting enzyme. Used in hypertension
Captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, and Benazopril
Side effects with ACE inhibitors:
dry cough, due to increase in bradykinin, and renal damage
ACE inhibitors are absolutely contraindicated in?
Drugs that have a protective effect of the kidney in Diabetes
ACE inhibitors
Drugs that block the Angiotensin II receptors, used in hypertension
Losartan, candesartan, irbesartan, and Valsartan
Toxicities and contraindications
cause fetal renal toxicity and are still contraindicated in pregnancy
Drug that inhibits renin's effect on angiotensin I, used to treat hypertension
Toxicity of Aliskiren:
causes headache and diarrhea. could cause marked K+ retention, especially in renal impairment.
In stepped care for patients with severe hypertension, what are the five steps?
1) reduce salt and weight 2) diuretics (thiazide) 3) sympathoplegics (B blocker) 4) ACE inhibitors 5) vasodilators (1st is CCB)
Combinations of drug therapy so that the effects of one drug can control the compensatory responses of the others, cite one example:
propanolol (B Blocker) would reduce the tachycardia caused by hadralazine (step 5), and the thiazide (step 2) would reduce the salt and water retention
Older patients respond better to which two classes of drugs than ACE inhibitors?
B Blockers and diuretics
In a case of malignant hypertensive emergency, what would be the best treatment?
powerful vasodilators (nitroprusside, fenoldopam, or diazoxide) combined with a powerful diuretic (furosemide), and B blockers to promptly lower pressure to the 140/90-160/110 range