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27 Cards in this Set

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-bronchoconstriction due to hyperresponsiveness of the airways to physical, chemical and pharmacological stimuli
asthma pathology
-dec airway caliber
-bronchiolar edema
-inc airway smooth muscle contractility
-inc bronchial mucous secretion
-airway epith damage
-airway inflamm

dec in FEV1
smooth muscle in asthma
-muscarinic cholinergic receptors (ACh--> vasconstrict)
-adrenoreceptors, mainly B2 (epi from adrenal medulla --> relaxation)
-receptors for arach acid metabolites, histamine, adenosine
airway epithelium
-creates a permeability barrier; removes inhaled particulate matter through ciliated cells
-secrete mucus which is reg by muscarinic rec on parasymp ganglia and in submucosal glands
vascular endothelium in lungs
-barrier to fluid flux of blood into tissue
-pulm edema caused by leaky capillaries (can compromise gas exchange)
-barrier to extravasation of inflamm cells into lungs
mast cells
-degranulate on binding allergen to its IgE on membrane
-granules contain bronchoconstrictors, chemotactic factors, leukotrienes, PGs
Mediators released from mast cells, infiltrating eosinophils and mac's
-cause bronchoconstriction
-lead to inflamm--> inc mucus secretion, shedding of epithelial cells, inc capillary permeability
mediators of bronchoconstriction
mediators of inflamm
-various cytokines
what does the inflammation in the ariway from an allergen cause?
-a hyperresponsive constrictor response of airway smooth muscle
-to repeated exposures to allergens and other stimuli
treatment of asthma
-bronchodilators to dec bronchoconstriction (primary symptom)
-anti-inflamm agents to dec the level of airway smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness resulting from inflamm
b2 agonists
-albuterol and salmeterol (long acting)
-directly stimulates smooth muscle relaxation and mucociliary transport
-acts on GPCR--> inc cAMP
prolonged action of salmeterol
-long lipophilic tail binds to extrareceptor in the vicinity of the adrenoreceptor
-anchors it better in cell membrane
b2 agonist toxicity
-overreliance on these drugs with delay in seeking medical care
-HTN in asthmatics--> DON'T use b-blockers
-theophylline, caffeine
-relaxes smooth m in airway
theophylline mech and s/e
-phosphodiesterase inhibitor
-adenosine antagonist
-narrow ther window dt stimulant effects on CNS and CV (convulsions)
anticholinergic uses in asthma
-ipratropium bromide and tiotropium (long acting)
-relax airway smooth muscle and dec mucus secretion
who are anticholinergics ineffective in?
-asthmatics who have sympathetic dominated tone
-more effective to use B2 agonists for them
ipratropium pharmacokinetics
-high dose delivery to airways
-poorly absorbed, limiting access to CNS
anti-inflamm agents used in asthma
-beclomethasone (a glucocorticoid)
-treat the chronic inflamm underlying asthma
-inhibit production of PGs, leukotrienes, cytokines
-bind to GC receptor and are transported to nucleus
beclomethasone effects in nucleus
-inc txn of lipocortin-1: phospholipase A2 inhibitor (dec PGs and LTs)
-dec txn of inflamm mediators
-inc txn of B2 receptor protein (inc responsiveness to B2 agonists)
beclomethasone use
-not effective in acute attack
-must used over an extended period
-can cause oropharyngeal candidiasis and horseness
cromolyn sodium use
-prevents bronchoconstriction and inflamm due to mast cell activation
-prevents transmembrane incflux of Ca2+ --> prevents degranulation
-must be used BEFORE exposure to known stimulant
leukotriene blocking drugs
-zafirlukast and zileuton
-blocks bronchoconstriction and inflamm caused by LTs
-particularly effective in aspirin-induced asthma
-use bronchodilators and corticosteroids
-add antibiotics (azithromycin) to treat acute exacerbationgs, acute bronchitis, as prophylaxis
cystic fibrosis
-A/R mutation for CFTR
-abnormal mucus that causes tissue destruction and affects mucociliary clearance
-treat with inhaled bronchodilators, azithromycin, rhDNAase, dornase alpha
recombinant human deoxyribonuclease
-rhDNAase, dornase alpha
-dec sputum viscosity
-cleaves extracell DNA that has been released from infiltration neutrophils (DNA is very viscous)