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28 Cards in this Set

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Chronic psychotic disorder involving impaired behavior and disturbances of thinking and effect
Used to treat schizophrenia and other psychoses
What do many phenothiazines have in common?
The ability to block dopamine (DA) receptors in the CNS
What is thought to contribute to:
1. Therapeutic Actions
2. Extrapyramidal Tract (EPT) side effects
3. Elevated prolactin levels
4. Antiemetic effects
DA receptors antagonism
Areas which coordinates muscle movement is known as
Extrapyramidal Tract (EPT)
This is due to a decrease in DA/ACh ratio
Parkinsons Disease
What is ironic about many antipsychotic drugs?
They reduce the ration producing side effects similar to parkinsons disease
Besides the effects similar to parkinsons, what other effects to antipsychotic drugs have (4 more)
What is the main classic antipsychotic drug that was first available and still referred to as a major tranquilizer?
Chloropromazine ((thorazine) prototype
What are some long term concerns for Atypical antipsychotics?
Hypergylcemia and hypercholesterolemia
What Atypical drug at higher does resemble older phenothiazines?
What atypical drug has a lower risk of EPT effects than b and may also be effective short term for mania
Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
What are the concerns of physical therapy and exercise for antipsychotic drugs
Thermoregulation and UV exposure problems
Depression is caused by what antihypertensive that deplete NE and %HT in the CNS?
This is due to a decrease in 5HT and NE activity in CNS
About what percent of the population experiences depression in their lifetime?
What are the Four antidepressant drug Classifications
1. Tricyclic antidepressants
2. 2nd and 3rd generations "atypical" drugs
3. SELECTIVE serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)
4. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors
Which of the antidepressant drugs inhibits the reputake of NE and 5 HT allowing them to accumulate in the synapse and tigger long-term changes. 2-3 weeks
Tricyclic antidepressants
Many of the drugs in the tricyclic antidepressants are converted to what?
Bupropion (Wellbutirn) and Venlafaxine (effexor) are part of which classification of antidepressant drug?
2nd and 3rd generation (Atypical) drugs
Which 2nd and 3rd generation atypical drug exhibits:

1. No effect on NE or 5 HT reuptake
2. Amphetamine-like effects(anxiety, restlessness, insomnia)
3. no sexual dysfunction
4. may improve smoking abstinence
Bupropion (wellbutrin)
Which 2nd and 3rd generation atypical drug exhibits:

1. Metabolized to an active metabolite
2. inhibits reputake of both NE and 5 HT
Fluoxetine (Prozac) /desmethylfluoxetine (active metabolite) are prototypes for which drug classification
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)
What are the advantages of SSRIs over TCA?
1. Usually have a higher TI
2. Most are tolerated better
3. Effective for some anxiety disorders
What are some disadvantages for SSRIs
1. Sexual Dysfunction
2. P450 inhibition
3. Suicidal behavior
4. Pregnancy
5. Seratonin syntrome
Phenelzine (nardil) and tranylcypromin (Parnate) are examples of which Anti-depressant classification?
MAO inhibitors
Many time MAOIs produce what type of effect?
Irriversible effect for a prolonged duration of action
What is reserved for depression unresponsive to other drugs?