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166 Cards in this Set

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Na channels
targets for local anesthetics, antiepileptic drugs, antidysrhymics
Gate Theory
ion channel exists in one of 3 states:
Resting, Active, Inactive
-state depends on membrane potential
Ca, Mg ATPase
-plasma membrane pump (Ca extrusion)
-sarcoplasmic reticulum pump (Ca sequestration)
-activated by Ca2+-calmodulin
-indirect activation by cGMP, cAMP
important protein in SR for Ca2+ pump activity
-phosphorylated by A-Kinase = dissoc from Ca pump = more Ca sequestered in SR = ↑ contract
examples of indirect activation of Ca, Mg ATPase pump
*phosphorylation of phospholamban by A-Kinase in cardiac SR
*nitrovasodilators ↑ cGMP = ↑ pump out of cell = ↓ contract
H, K-ATPase
target for gastric secretion inhibitors (ex. omeprazole)
-mediates acid secretion from parietal cell
-inactive at neutral pH
-at acid pH6 forms active species which covalently binds to pump
Ca Channels
target for: antihypertensives, antianginals, antidysrhymthmics
two types: L-type (long-lasting) channel and receptor-operated Ca2+ channel
L-type Ca2+ channel
drug receptor sites α1 subunit
-voltage-dependent, inactivates slowly in A state
-sites for phosphorylation (ex. NE inotropic via cAMP kinase)
prototype blockers of L-type channels
nifedipine (distinct binding site), verapamil, diltiazem
-either slows recovery or prev. Ca2+ entry during A state
receptor-operated Ca2+ channels
-unknown structure, allows Ca2+ entry with no change in MP
-?modif of L-typ by agonist
-?separate channel pop'n
ex. isolated blood vessel exp
isolated blood vessel experiment
studied mechanism of receptor-operated Ca2+ channel
-found that even after full depolarization, could further contract w/ NE
K+ channels
-diverse properties and reg.
-targets for oral hypoglycemics, class III antidysrhythmics, vasodilator K+ channel openers
-classified based on gating, conductance, pharmacology
voltage-gated K+ channel
ex. phase 3 of action potentials
ion-gated K+ channel
ex. Ca2+-activated K+ channels
-vary in conductance, function to terminate excitatory processes caused by ↑ Ca2+
Ligand-gated K+ channel
ex. atrial hyperpolarization by ACh
ex. ATP-dependent K+ channels (blocked by sunfonylurea-type drugs)
ATP-dependent K+ channels
ligand-gated K+ channel
close when internal [ATP] ↑ = depolarization, Ca2+ entry, ↑ insulin secretion from β cells
atrial hyperpolarization by ACh
ligand-gated K+ channel
ACh activ specific G protein = α subunit of Gpro activates K+ channel = ↑ K+ efflux
3 ion channels
Na+, K+, ,Ca2+
3 ion pumps
1. Na, K-ATPase
2. Ca, Mg-ATPase
3. H, K-ATPase
Na, K-ATPase
3 Na in = 2 K out
-target for: digitalis
-electrogenic (adds -5mV to resting MP, net charge leaving)
-activity varies during AP
3 ion exchangers
1. Na-Ca exchange
2. Na, K, 2Cl cotransport
3. Other Ion transporters in Kidney
Na-Ca Exchange
-electrogenic, 3 Na+ in = 1 Ca out, driving force: Na+ grad
-helps remove Ca from myocytes after card contract
-affected by card. glycosides
Na, K, 2Cl Cotransport
target for: loop diuretics
-mediates ion reabsorption in thick ascending limb of loop of Henle
Other Ion Transporters in Kidney
NaH CO3 cotransport
NaCl cotransport (inhib with thiazide diuretics)
NaH exchange (proximal tubule)
→ Na+ gradient driving force
local anesthesia
loss of sensation confined to a discrete area of the body
-block in sensory nerve conduction
methods of local anesthesia
*physical (trauma, hypothermia, anoxia)- potent. irreversible
*chemical (alcohol, phenol) potentially irreversible
*drugs (LA) reversible
classification of local anesthetics
*duration of action (short = 1 hour, long = 3 hours)
*structure: esters or amides
examples of local anesthetics
procain, lidocain, mepivacaine, bupivacaine, tetracaine, ropivacaine, cocaine
pKa of local anesthetics
*all salts of weak bases
pKa > physiol pH = mainly ioniz.
*non ionized crosses nerve memb., ionized binds to receptor
mechanisms of local anesthetics
bind to specific receptor in Na channels
-stabilize channel in "inactivated-closed" state
=no depol = no prop of AP
onset of action of local anesthetics
determined by pHa and tissue pH (ie. amount of drug that can cross membrane)
-can be increased by alkalinization
potency of local anesthetics
related to lipid solubility (how readily crosses membrane)
duration of action of local anesthetics
determined by protein binding (more bound = longer duration)
-affected by blood flow to area
-may be increased with vasoconstrictors
absorption of local anesthetics
-dep on mode of administration (topical vs injection)
-vasodilator activity (lidocaine vs cocaine = VC = arrhythmias)
-vasoconstrictor addition
distribution of local anesthetics
highest at site of application
-distributes to all tissues
-crosses BBB and placenta
metabolism of local anesthetics
amides: liver enzymatic metabolism
esters: hydrolyzed in plasma
toxicity of local anesthetics
related to: plasma concentration
-drugs (lidocaine vs bupivacine)
-pregnancy (lower safety margin, fetal acidosis = higher fetal:mother concentration)
types of toxicity for local anesthetics
*high plasma level (OD, inject)
*allergy: esters <rare amides, more b/c of preservatives
*site of injection (inadvertent spinal)
prevention of toxicity for local anesthetics
-limit dose
-minimize aborption (aspirate on syringe, vasoconstrictors)
-prophylaxis: benzodiazepine
clinical use of local anesthetics
*skin (EMLA cream), airway
*block: peripheral nerve, plexus, intravenous (Bier), central neural (spinal, epid.)
components of anaesthesia
1.hypnosis 2.analgesia 3.amnesia 4. blunted autonomic responses
5. +/- muscle relaxation
the ideal anethetic
rapid induction/recovery, changes in depth
relaxation of muscles, wide safety margin, no tox, cheap, non explosive
classification of general anesthetics
inhalational general anesthetics
-gases: N2O, cycloropane, xenon
-volatile liquids: halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, desfluran, ether, methoxyflurane, chloroform
intravenous general anesthetics
-barbituates (sodium propophol)
mechanisms of general anesthetics
*global depression of CNS and other tissues incl. RAS and macromolecules
reticular activating system
centre of consciousness, depressed by general anesthetics
central role of cell membranes in general anesthetics
*lipid solubil. (Meyer-Overton)
*critical volume
*pressure reversal
structure of volatile anesthetics
fluorinated hydrocarbons
potency of general anesthetics
Minimum Alveolar Concentration
-determined exp: conc = 50% mice don't react to tail clamp
-50% patients: 0.75% halothane, 105% NO
signs and stages of general anesthetics
1. loss of consciousness
2. delerium (↑ BP, HR, tone)
3. surgical (4 planes, ↑ resp depression, ↓ reflexes)
4. resp. paralysis
delivery of general anesthetics
inhale through anesthetic apparatus → airway, lungs → blood uptake → tissue blood flow
effects common to inhalational anesthetics
*alter breathing pattern, depress vent response to CO2
*vasodilation, myocardial depr.
*skeletal musc relaxation
*uterine relaxation
a general anesthetic
regular potency (in 50% patients) = 0.75%
*liver toxicity (hepatitis) from normal dose
inhalational general anesthetic
less cardiac depression than with others
inhalational general anesthetic
not used anymore
least soluble in blood (fast in/out)
inhalational general anesthetic
-smooth induction, less irritating to airways
-useful in children, rapid emergence
nitrous oxide
"laughing gas", a general anesth
Pros: good analgesic, allows ↓ other agents
Cons: weak (no induced unconsc), hypoxia, expands air spaces
common problems in general anesthesia
1. circulatory depression (fluids, vasopressors)
2. resp. depression (airway control, ventilation)
3. awareness (monitor EEGs)
malignant hyperthermia
*condition of hypermetabolism
-↑ intracel Ca2+, ↑↑temp
-b/c of inhal agents and succinylcholine; genetic
-↑ mortality; tx: dantrolene
intravenous general anesthetic-most common, good for induction and maintenance; wake up from pleasant/sexual dreams
sodium thiopental
barbituate; intravenous general anesthetic
-truth serum
intravenous general anesthetic
-dissociative, phencyclidine (PCP) = hallucinations
↑ BP and HR (only one), releases catecholamines
a benzodiazepine, intravenous general anesthetic
ideal general anesthetic agent
= combination of agents
-reduction of each dos
-reduction of toxic effects
angina pectoris
-sx of ischemic heart disease
-imbalance b/w myocardial oxygen demand (↑) and supply (↓)
= severe, sudden chest pain
-2 types: typical & variant
Typical Angina
aka Angina of Effort
-↑O2 demand (exercise, cold, emotion, eating) and ↓ supply (atherosclerotic coronary artery disease) = S-T depression (EKG)
Variant Angina
cx: vasospasm of coronary artery, w|w/o atherosclerosis
-chest pain develops at rest
Therapeutic Aim for Angina
*improve balance b/w O2 D and S
-typical: ↑ coronary blood flow, ↓myocardial workload
-variant: ↓/prev coronary vasospasm
organic nitrates
rx for angina = relax vasc. SM
esters of nitric acids
-can be short acting (nitroglycerine, GTN) or long acting (ISDN)
short acting organic nitrate
rx for angina pectoris
glyceryl trinitrate
GTN, short acting organic nitrate
rx for angina pectoris
isosorbine dinitrate
ISDN, long acting organic nitrate
rx for angina pectoris
mechanism of action for organic nitrates
RONO2 = organic nitrate
Decreased Myocardial Oxygen Requirement Action of ON's
*venodilation (↓ venous return = ↓ preload = ↓ work = ↓O2 nd)
*arteriolar dilation (↓ periph resist = ↓ afterload = ↓ work)
Improved Perfusion of Ischemic Myocardium Action of ON's
can dilate vasc to healthy areas to force blood to the blocked area (GTN) or divert towards healthy area (coronary steal, dipyridamole)
Absorption of ON's
*IV to heart suring failure/buccal/inhalation (rec)
sublingual absorption of ON's
-short duration
-nitroglycerine (GTN) main drug (effects for intense)
--peak effcts ~3 min, last for 20-30 min
oral absorption of ON's
common route for ISDN
-extensive first-pass metabolism by glutathione transferase
-higher doses than subling.
glutathione transferase
enzyme responsible for first pass metabolism of ISDN
skin absorption of ON's
2% GTN ointment = effective long lasting preparation ~4 hrs
-GTN discs/patches: allow gradual absorption over 24 hours (?tolerance problem)
adverse effects of ON's
b/c of vasodilation:
*headache (common and severe)
*flushing (head, neck)
*dizziness & weakness
*adverse effect of ON's
-oxidation of heme iron in RBC's by nitrite anion released during metabolism w high infusion rates
-tx for cyanide poisoning
nitrate tolerance
only seen with: *chronic oral ISDN: ↓antianginal and hemodynamic effect;
*transdermal GTN patches
prevention and mechanism of ON tolerance
prev by having drug-free period
mech: ↓ vasc biotransformation = altered guanyly cyclase = ↑ phosphodiesterase activity
therapeutic uses of organic nitrates
*termination or preention of individual angina attack (GTN sublingual)
*chronic prophylaxis of angina (ISDN ↓ freq of attacks)
Calcium Entry Blockers
block L-type Ca2+ channels
-mostly dihyropyrimidine compounds
-ex. nifedipine, verapamil, diltiazem
mechanism of action of Calcium Entry Blockers
block voltage-dependent calcium channels in vascular smooth muscle and cardiac tissue
Effects of Calcium Entry Blockers on cardiac function
*negative inotropic effect
*↓ pacemaker rate at SA node
*↓ conduction through AV node
Differential Actions of Calcium Entry Blockers (N vs D vs V)
Nifedipine blocks channels in vascular smooth muscle at much lower doses (card effects not observed) vs Verapamil and Diltiazem potent cardiac effect
Anti Anginal Effects of Calcium Entry Blockers
1. arteriolar dilation
2. Prevent/inhib coronary vasospasm *ideal for variant*
3. Cardiac effects of V and D
= ↓ work
pharmacokinetics of Calcium Entry Blockers
-all well absorbed orally
-bioavail 20-50% b/c first pass
-plasma protein binding >90% V and N; half-life 3-5 hours
-urine: N & V, feces: D
adverse effects of Calcium Entry Blockers
1. cardiac depression (V,D) - bradycardia, A-V block, CHF
2.excessive hypotension (N)
3. flushing, edema, dizziness, nausea
β-adrenergic antagonists
↓ severity/freq of attacks in typical, not useful in variant and may worsen (↑ coronary resistance); ex. propanolol
-negative ino and chronotrope
new antianginal; blocks pacemaker current in SA node (If channels) = ↓HR w/o iono change
inhibits fatty acid oxidation (req. more O2 to generate ATP than glucose) = ↑ gluc utiliz. for ATP prod = ↓ O2 consumption
chemistry of digitalis
-cardiac glycoside; unsaturated lactone ring is essential, angle of C and D ring is unique, pham act. resides in aglycone, sugars determine water and lipid sol
sources of digitalis
plants: foxglove (D. purpurea) = digitoxin, D. lananta = digitoxin, digoxin, deslanoside;
congestive heart failure: common causes and result
cx: coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension
= ↓contractility = ↓CO below phys requirements
intrinsic compensatory mechanisms of congestive heart failure
*pressure-volume relationship: ↓ ejection fraction = ↑ventricular V & P = ↑fibre stretch = ↑contractility
extrinsic compensatory mechanisms of congestive heart failure
*↑sympathetic activity
CV: ↑HR & contractility
renal: ↑renin/angiontensin/aldost
↑NaCl/H2O retention, BV
therapeutic modalities for congestive heart failure
*salt restriction
*positive inotropic agents (digitalis)
effects of digitalis on congestive heart failure
↑CO = ↓compensatory mechanisms
= ↓ heart size, symp act, HR, vasoconstrict, edema, renal perfusion, venous congestion
Mechanism of Action of digitalis
binds and inhibits Na/K ATPase in cardiac tissue leading to an increase in [Ca2+]
pharmacological actions of digitalis
mechanical: ↑contractility
electrical direct and indirect effects
direct electrical pharmacological effects of digitalis
↓RMP = ↓phase 0 slope & cond velocity
↓duration phase 2 = ↓APD & ERP
↑slope phase 4 = ↑ automaticity
indirect electrical pharmacological effects of digitalis
*↑ vagal act in CNS
*↑ baroreceptor sensitivity
*↓ response to NE at SA and AV nodes
=↓conduction vel &↑ERP
adverse effects of digitalis
*GI: anorexia, nausea, vom, dia
*neuro: headeach, fatigue
*vision: clurred, dist colour
*CV: (elec. eff) sinus brad, A-V block, ventric. dysrhythmia
treatment of adverse effects of digitalis
*GI/visual: withhold dose
*occ extra beat/bigeminy = oral K+ and drug withdrawal; more serious = IV K+ & antdysrhyth
*OD: digitalis antibodies
drug interactions with digitalis
*K+ competes for Na/K binding
*quinidine: displaces from tissues, double levels, ↓ clear
*antibiotics: inhib gut flora from inact dig = ↑ blood levels
pharmacokinetics of digoxin
absorption: 40-70%
PPB: 25% Peak Time: 3-6 hrs
Half-life: 1.6 days
therap []: 0.5-2 ng/mL
methods of digitalization
*rapid: loading + maintenance dose
*just maintenance dose: dep on renal fxn (1.6 days, 35%/day or 4.4 days, 14%/day)
resting membrane potential
~= E(K+)
Nernst equation
EK+ = -61*log[Ki]/[Ko]
pacemaker rate
depends on
1. maximum diastolic voltage
2. slope of phase 4
3. threshold voltage
effective refractory period
many antidysrhythmics lengthen it
maximum rate of depolarization in phase 0 (Vmax)
-depends on RMP at moment of depolarization, reflects recovery of Na channels
conduction velocity
depends on:
1. action potential amplitude
2. slope of phase 0
causes of dysrhymthias
ischemia, altered electrolytes, ↑ catecholamines, drugs (digitalis), diseased/scarred tissue = disturbed impulse generation or conduction
disturbed impulse generation
*altered normal automat = ectopic focus, changes in P4
*abnormal automat: delayed after depolarizations
ectopic focus
SA node slows down or latent pacemakers speed up
disturbed conductance
re-entrant dysrythmias
-need: obstacle to cond, unidirectional block, conduction time through damaged area > in other areas
mechanisms of antidysrhythmic drugs
*reduce pacemaker activity by ↓ P4 slope
*modify impaired conudction (Na or Ca channel block, β block, ↑ ERP)
Class I Na-Channel blockers (incl mechanism and examples)
↑affinity for A/I state, ↓ R
ex. quinidine, lidocaine
*use-dependent blockade
*↓# avail channels, ↑ R recovery time
Quinidine (class, etiology)
Class IA
1.uni → bidirectional block:
A state(↓cond v), I state(↑ ERP), K+block(↑APD)
2.↓ automaticity
uses of quinidine
-wide spectrum
-ventricular and supraventricular tachydysrhythmias
toxicities of quinidine
SA, AV block
GI upset
Cinchonism (tinnitus, blurred vision, headache)
Lidocaine (cardiac)
Class IB;short half-life (15 min) = IV; greater effect in ventric and Purkinje cells;
1.↓automaticity 2. ↓ cond v in depolarized tissue only (I>A)
uses of lidocaine (cardiac)
-ventricular dysrhythmias
-myocardial infarct
-open heart surgery
-digitalis toxicity
Class II Antidysrhythmics
β-blockers; ex. propanolol
-opp symp act, esp in AV node
=↑ REP, control ventric rate
-used for supraventricular dys
Class III
Amiodarone (lots o toxicities)
-blocks Na & K channels; I state block ↑ ERP, K block ↑ APD
-long half-life 13-100 days
-prophyl control of vent tachy
Class IV
Ca-Entry blockers; Verapamil, Diltiazem
= ↓A-V conduction
-used for supraventricular dys
Class V (Other)
↑K conduct = hyperpol membrane
= slowing AV conduction
-very short 1/2life (secs)
-use: paroxysmal surpavent tachy
primary/essential hypertension
systolic: > 140 (majority, rel to age)
diastolic: > 90
-majority don't have both
-no known cause
secondary hypertension
known cause
ex. renal artery stenosis
ex. adrenal tumours (medulla = pheochromocytoma, cortex = hyperaldosteronism)
factors controlling blood pressure
*cardiac output
*vasocontrictor tone (PVR)
*blood volume (kidney)
*vascular structure (contractility)
regulatory mechanism for cardiac output
baroreceptor reflex: ↓stretch = ↓BP = ↑symp outflow = ↑HR and contractility = CO (also vasoconstrict = ↑PVR)
*to maintain steady state
regulatory mechanisms for vasoconstrictor tone
local: EDRF = NO, EDCF, kinins, ET-1;
neural: sympathetic nervous system
humoral (NF, EPI, Ang II, etc)
regulatory mechanisms for blood volume
↓renal perfusion or ↑symp act
= ↑renin, Ang II, aldosterone = ↑H2O and [salt]
*kidney established set-point for long-term arterial P level
regulatory mechanisms for vascular structure
*structurally-based ↑ in vasc resistance by:
↑wall thickness
therapeutic targets for vasocontrictor tone
*sympathetic nervous system inhibitors
*??renin-angiotensin system blockers
inhib SNS: centrally acting (chlonidine), ganglionic blocking, α/β/mixed-receptor antagonists
vasodilation of constricted blood vessel as rx for hypertension
*vasodilators: hydralazine, minoxidil; *Ca channel clockers: verapamil, amlodipine; *K channel activators
-wide var of adverse effects
therapeutically targetting blood volum as rx for hypertension
1. diuretics
2. act on RAS system
targetting RAS system for tx of hypertension
*angiotensin convertin enzyme (ACE) inhibitors: ramipril etc
*angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs): losartan etc
-block AT1's; = fewer adv effect
disorders that need diuretics
-heart failure
-acute altitude sickness
increase in urine sodium, are also diuretics because water follows sodium (most important diuretics)
average extracellular fluid
12.5 L
average GFR
glomerular filtration rate
125 ml/min
average urine production
1 ml/min
glomerular filtration (and drugs that target)
affected by BP and flow
rx: inotropes (tx congestive heart failure), vascular agents
osmotic diuretics (prototype, mechanism, requirements)
mech: maintains osmotic strength in forming urine
req: freely filtered, not reabsorbed, pharm inert
osmotic diuretics (adverse effects)
-high osmotic load may shift too much fluid into intracellular space = pulm congestion, congestive heart failur
-dose used; 50-200g/day, 25%
osmotic diuretics (pharmcokinetics, uses)
p: not absorbed from GIT, excreted unchagned in urine
u: prevent renal failure, diuretic, ↓CSF and intraocular pressure
thiazides (prototype, mechanism)
m: ↓NaCl reabsorp at luminal surface = ↑ water excretion
thiazides (pharmakokinetics)
-absorbed orally
-actively transported into lumen, proximal convoluted tubule
-uric acid retention
thiazides (adverse effects)
-↓carbohydrate tolerance
-↑lipids, LDL
loop/high ceiling diuretics (prototype, action)
-acts on ascending limb
-↓ Na/K/Cl transport
-potency weak at low doses, but higher limit
loop diuretics (adverse effects)
-mainly hyopkalemia
-uric acid retention
-excessive fluid and electrolyte loss
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (prototype, mechanism)
-blocks bicarbonate conversion = retention in urine
-must have 90% of CA inhibited to produce effect
diuretic combinations
furosemide + HCT: may be supra-additive
HCT+amiloride: for hypokalemia, safest treatment is K+ supplementation
potassium sparing diuretics
*spironolactone and amiloride
-both may induce hypokalemia
inhibits K+ excretion
competitive aldosterone antagonist
-slow action, most useful in aldosterone excess conditions
acetazolamide action and adverse effects
-metabolic acidosis (tx alkalosis); effect wanes
-tx for acute altitud sickness (die of pulmonary and cerebral edema); AE: paresthesia, drows