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36 Cards in this Set

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biological effects of estrogens?
- growth of genital structures and secondary sexual characteristics
- modifies serum protein levels
- dec bone resorption
- inc coagulability
- inc trig & dec LDL
- inhibits secretion of LH/FSH
risks associated with ERT?
- premature closure of epiphyses
- endometrial CA
- breast CA
- MI, stroke
- nausea, br tenderness, migraines, thromboses, gallbladder dz, hypertriglyceridemia, HTN
which synthetic hormone is assocd w infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and vaginal adenocarcinoma in daughters of women treated with it?
diethylsilbestrol (DES)
what was the clinical use of DES?
prevent recurrent spontaneous abortion
what reduces the risk of endometrial cancer in ERT?
combining it with progestin
biological effects of progestins?
- induces secretory chgs in endometrium and maintains pregnancy
- affect CHO metab
- inc fat deposition
- high doses suppress LH/FSH -> anovulation
adverse effects of progestins?
increase BP, dec HDLs
composition of hormonal contraceptives?
either combo estrogen and progestin, or a progestin alone
post-coital contraceptives?
pro alone (L-norgestrel, fewer side effects), est alone, or combo est and pro
MOA of hormonal contraceptives?
est/pro combos inhibit ovulation and affect cervical mucus, uterine tubes, and endometrium, decreasing likelihood of fertilization and implantation
beneficial side effects of hormonal contraceptives?
dec risk of ovarian cysts, ovarian and endometrial CA, benign breast dz and PID; dec incidence of ectopic pregnancy, iron deficiency anemia and RA
what factors increase the risk of thromboembolic events with hormonal contraceptives/ERT?
smoking, older age, personal/fam hx of problems, and genetic defects affecting production/fxn of clotting factors
estrogen antagonist used to treat ER/PR + breast cancer
side effects of tamoxifen?
agonist of endometrial receptors -> inc risk of endometrial CA
hot flushes
inc risk of venous thrombosis
dec risk of osteoporosis
estrogen partial agonist used for prevention and tx of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women?
difference between raloxifene and tamoxifen?
raloxifene has no effects on endometrial tissue
nonsteroidal pituitary estrogen receptor blocker used to stimulate ovulation?
pure estrogen receptor antagonist used to treat tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer?
what are anastrozole, letrozole and exemestane used for/MOA?
tx of breast cancer by inhibiting aromatase (dec est synthesis)
inhibitor of p450 enzyme gonadal steroid synthesis and weak partial agonist of progestin, androgen and glucocorticoid receptors; used to tx endometriosis and fibrocystic dz of the breast?
GnRH agonist used to inhibit est/pro synthesis and, combined with other drugs for ovarian hyperstimulation?
tx with leuprolide > 6 mo in premenopausal women can cause what?
dec bone density
orally active steroid antagonist of progesterone and glucocorticoids?
combination of what two drugs produces complete abortion in 95% of early pregnancies?
mifepristone (pro antagonist) and misoprostol (PGE analog)
from what is testosterone synthesized in the body?
progesterone and DHEA
synthetic androgens that increase the ratio of anabolic-androgenic action?
oxandrolone and stanozolol
effects of androgens by females?
hirsutism, enlarged clitoris, deepend voice, menstrual irregularity
can cause virilization of fetus
effect of large doses of androgens in males?
paradoxical feminization (feedback inhibition of pituitary and conversion of androgens to estrogens)
effect of large dose androgens in either sex?
cholestatic jaundice, elevated LFTs, possible hepatocellular carcinoma
uses of antiandrogens?
benign and malignant prostate dz, precocious puberty, hair loss, and hirsutism
androgen receptor inhibitors?
flutamide, spironolactone, cyproterone
what converts testosterone to DHT?
5-alpha-reductase inhibitor used for BPH and prevention of hair loss?
MOA of leuprolide?

clinical uses?
suppresses gonadotropin secretion (esp LH), reducing the production of testosterone

used in prostatic carcinoma
what must be administered with leuprolide for the first week of therapy against prostatic carcinoma?
androgen receptor antagonist (flutamide)

prevents tumor flare d/t initial surge in testosterone synthesis
antifungal that also inhibits gonadal and adrenal steroid synthesis for tx of steroid-responsive metastatic prostate cancer?