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45 Cards in this Set

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pressure in the aorta that the left ventricle must overcome.




left ventricle must stretch more to pump blood harder through constricted arteries lefcausing.....

left side-heart failure

blood backs up in the left sides, and lungs become congested

s/s= fatigue weakness and crackles

right sided heart failure

blood backs up into the vascular system causing edema

s/s: JVD, enlarged liver, enlarged spleen, ankle swelling.

angiotensin ll

powerful vasoconstrictor


sodium saver


this occurs when the heart works too hard and outgrows blood supply and stiffens.


dialate arteries, lower bp, and decrease workload of the heart.

ex. hydralazine, nitrates (isosorbide, preparations, NTG)


increase vasodilation of arteries.

side effect=tachycardia and salt retention

NTG and isosorbide

increase venous vasodilation


increase venous vasodilation and increase blood flow to coronary arteries.

wear gloves for ointment bcuz it can cause headach if absorbed through the skin

nitrates (NTG, preparations, isosorbide)

side effects; hypotension, headache, dizziness, tachycardia,

adverse effects are rare


this nitrate is safe for pregos and is used to treat pregnancy induce hypertension

Cardiac Glycosides (Digoxin)

slow heart rate and strengthen the heart beat.

improve cardiac output.

intended response: increase contractility and cardiac output, decreased heartrate.

side effects: fatigue, bradycardia, anorexia, n&v

very low therapeutic range (0.8-2mg/ml)

if toxicity is suspected draw for blood

before giving check apical pulse for 1 min.

after check heart rythm changes, potassium levels,

spirolactones (aldactone)

commonly used potassium-sparing diurectic

Human B- Type Natriuretic Peptides

ex. nesiritide (Natrecor)

intended responses: eliminate excess sodium and water, increase urine output, vasodilation, lower blood pressure, decrease SOA, and swelling.

side effects: hypotension, dizziness, light-headedness, frequent urination, N&V, nervousness, confusion, palpitations,

adverse effects=apnea,

before check bp and resp rate.

Positive Intropes

Heart pump drugs.

given intravenously for severe heart failure

ex. inamrinone, dobutamine, dopamine, milrinone

intended response: increase contractility, cardiac output, blood vessel dilation, decrease preloasd and afterload, increase heart funciton and circulation, lower bp.

side effects: hypertension, increased heart rate, premature ventricular contractions, other dysrythmias.

adverse effects: ventricular dysrythmias(with milrinone)

potassium and magnesium

these are given are replacement therapy to maintain normal levels.

side effects: n&v, diarrhea, gas, abdominal discomfort

anticoagulants (heparin and warfarin)

prevent blood clots.

antidysrythmic drugs.

amidarone, treat ventricular dysrhythmias, which can be life threatening.

drugs that can be given down an ET tube in an emergency







for opiod reversal






adrenaline for asystole


for ventricular drugs.


blocks the vagus nerve of the heart; for symptomatic bradycardia

intended responses to increase hr. and bp

side effects: drowsiness, anticholenergic effects, tachy, blurred vision,

adverese: dry mouth, urinary retention, rare= v. fib, increase o2 demands on the heart.


increase contractility of heart and decrease conduction through AV node.

Really good for A. FIB

watch potassium levels.

no effect on ventricular system

decreases hr to allow for filling time and increase output and increase contractility.

really potent, small doses, monitor blood levels.


decreases automaticity in the SA node

slow conduction through the AV node

prolongation of PR interval.

therapeutic uses= termination of paraoxysmal SVT.

could see their asystole, pause, normal sinus rhythm.

***not good for Afib, Aflutter, or Vtach

half life of 10sec. given rapidly.

max dose=12mg

side effects=usually pt. are awake and tell them they make feel like they hav been kicked in the chest, pain, and flushing, other transient dys, always have a crash cart available, metallic tasted in mouth, heaviness in chest and arms.

Adverse effects: cardiac arrest, MI, Vtach.

mag sulfate

torsades de pointes

intended response: decrease excitability of heart muscle.

side effects: bradycardia, hypotension, drowsiness.

adverse (rare): severe brady, resp. arrests, heart block.

drugs for tachydysrhythmias

work one of three ways:

reduce automaticity of heart muscle

slow down conduction of electrical impulses through the heart.

prolong refractory period of heart cells.

goal of treatment=prevent, relive, and prolong life.

Class 1a Sodium channel blockers

decreased use due to side effects.

decrease heart muscle excitability , slow conduction of electrical impulses through the heart

side effects: hypotension, loss of appetitses, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, nausea

adverse effects:

-quinadine: hypertension, torsades de pointes

-procainamide: seizures, heart block, asystole, decreased WBC (used when other drugs fail or refractory dys.)

-disopyramide: heart failure.

class 1b sodium channel blockers

inhibit ability of ventricle to contract prematurely.

ex. Lidocaine: numbs the cardiac cells and increases mortality rate.

side effects: toxicity, confusion, drowsiness, numbness with lidocainse.

adverse effects:

lidocaine: cause cardiac arrest

Mexiletine, tocainide: dys. may worsen.

class 1c sodium channel blockers

slow heart's electrical impulse conduction

side effects: dizziness, conduction system abnormalities leading to heart blocks, altered sense of tate, constipation, n&v

adverse effects: supraventricular and ventricular dys. (heart blocks, ventricular tachy

before giving check for hx of bronchospasms. (propafenone contraindication)

teach=visual disturbances, fever, sore throat, chills, unusual bleeding/brusing, chest pain, SOA, excessive sweating.

Class 11 beta blockers

treat SVT, rapid a. fib or flutter.

block effects of epinepherine (adrenaline) on the heart.

only 4 approved:





adverse effects: brady, heart block (know bp, can block Beta 2 in lungs so watch for bronchospams)

class 111 potasium channel blockers.

uses: for life-threatening ventricular dys., recurrent ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachy, convert a. fib/flutter to normal sinus rythym.

ex. Amnidarone and dofetilide (tikosyn)

side effects: dizziness, fatigue, malaise, brady, hypotension, lost appetite, constipation, n&v, ataxia, involuntary movement, numbness and tingling, poor coordination, tremor.

adverse effectrs (mainly amnidarone)

ARDs, pulmonary fibrosis, heart failure, worsening heart dys, decrase liver functino, toxic epidermal necrosis, skin reactions.


slowing of the heart

this potassium channel blocker: 1st line drug for ventricular and aterial dys. after epinephorine.

improves QT interval

can be PO or IV

side effects: photosensitivity, hypothyroidism, peripheral neuropathy, microdeposits on cornea.

levels can be increased by grapefruit juice.

combining this with beta-blocker, verapamil, or diltiazem can lead to excessive....

levels can be reduced by cholestryamine which will decrease the absorption.

dofetilide (tikosyn)

this potassium channel blocker: given to maintain normal sinus rythym in ppl with refractory (recurrent) a. fib., hard to dose and pt. must be compliant, need to be one continuous monitoring and to recieve you have to be inpatient and increase risk for torsades.

potassium channel blockers

check before: signs of pulmonary probs or hypothryroidism, follow up labs(liver, thyroid funciton, ECG)

teach: sided effects may not appear for several days/weeks. (particulary pulmonary)

eye exams needed every 6 months to 1 years. (microdeposits on cornea)

classlV calcium channel blockers

uses: slow ventriculat rate (a.fib, a. flutter) slow SA node conduction

terminate SVT caused by an AV node reentrant circuit.

decrase workload of heart.

side effects=constipation, decreasebp, flushing, rash, edema in lower extremites, men=gynomastia

adverse= brady, worning heart failure, (monitor pulmonary edema, weight gain, steven johnson syndrome.

mag sulfate

safe in pregos.

heparin and warfarin

treat a. fib in pt at increased risk for blood clots.

implantable cardioverter-defibrillators AICD

whole body will jerk from being shocked

radiofrequncy catheter ablation

dys. occur bcuz of abnormal pathways. go in and find abnormal pathway and burn it.