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86 Cards in this Set

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"Much of the sport and exercise medicine and the management of musculoskeletal injury has developed emotionally with little research evidence" True or False?
When do you refer a sports injury to a physician?
1) All traumatic joint injuries

2) Severe Pain

3) Pain in a joint/bone that lasts >2 weeks

4) Neck Injuries (Paralysis, Tingling, Numbness)

5) Any eye injury which results in blurred vision, loss of vision, mod-severe eye discomfort or pain

What is the current controversy for Cryotherapy and RICE for sports injuries?
It appears that both ICE and complete Rest may delay healing, instead of helping
What is now recommended instead of RICE?
Now we recommend MCE (Move Safely when you can, Compress, Elevate)
What is the current evidence of efficacy for RICE for sports injuries?
1 RCT shows evidence for cooling gel,

1 RCT showed NSS,

4 animal studies showed that modest cooling reduced OEDEMA but excessive or prolonged cooling is damaging,

Some evidence that it will inhibit function to athletes after applying ice

What is the current recommendation in regards to RICE?
Untill better evidence is available, practioners should use short cooling applications (<10mins) and/or undertake a progressive warm up prior to returning to play
What is the evidence of NSAIDs for Inflammation associated with Sports Injuries?
There is no evidence that NSAIDs will decrease inflammation
What is the evidence of NSAIDs when compared to other analgesics for Sports Injuries??
There is generally low/very quality but consistent evidence of no clinically important difference between NSAIDs and other analgesics for pain relief
What is the evidence of NSAIDs when compared to other Opioids for Sports Injuries?
Low evidence of better function and fewer ADRs with NSAIDs compared to Opioids
What is the evidence comparing NSAIDs with Paracetamol for pain associated with Sports Injuries?
Lack of clinical important differences between the two in pain at <24hrs, 1 day, 3 days and >7 days
What is the evidence comparing NSAIDs with Paracetamol for Swelling associated with Sports Injuries?
Lack of difference between the two groups for swelling at Days 3 and Day 7 and over
What is the evidence comparing NSAIDs with Paracetamol for Return to functionality after a Sports Injuries?
Little difference between the two groups in return to function at Days 7 or over
What is the evidence comparing NSAIDs with Paracetamol for GI adverse events?
Low evidence of a lower risk of GI adverse events in the paracetamol group
What is the evidence comparing Topical NSAIDs and Oral NSAIDs for Sports Injuries?
Topical NSAIDs provided good levels of pain relief in Sprains, Strains and Overuse injuries similar to that provided by Oral NSAIDs
What is the evidence for Diclofenac/Ketoprofen gels for the treatment of Sports Injuries?
7 or 8 people out of 10 with a painful strain, sprain or muscle pull had more reduced pain after seven days compared with only 2 or 3 out of 10 with placebo.

"1 in 20 in people had redness at the application site"

What is the evidence for Salicylate containing Rubefacients for acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain in adults?
Evidence does not support the use of topical rubefactants containing Salicylates for acute injuries or chronic condition
What is the evidence for Sports Drinks and Water for enhancing performance?
Lack of evidence to support the use for enhanced performance of recovery, including drinks, supplements and footwear.

A MA from cyclists concluded that relying on thirst to gauge the need for fluid replacement was the best strategy and there is NO evidence for pre-hydrating

How can you determine if someone has a concussion?
Ask the questions from the sideline concussion assessment;

i) At what venue are we today?

ii) Which half is it now?

iii) Who scored last this match?

iv) What did you play this weekend?

v) Did your team win the last game?

How often do False negatives happen with Sideline concussion assessments?
How often do False positives happen with Sideline concussion assessments?
What are the Physical signs and symptoms of a Concussion?
1) Headache 2) Nausea

3) Vomitting 4) Balance Problems

5) Dizziness 6) Visual Problems

7) Fatigue 8) Sensitivity to Light and Noise

9) Numbness/Tingling 10) Dazed 11) Stunned

What are the Cognitive signs and symptoms of a Concussion?
1) Feeling mentally "foggy"

2) Feeling slowed down

3) Difficulty concentrating

4) Difficulty remembering

5) Forgetful of recent informations and conversations

6) Confused about recent events

7) Answers questions slowly

8) Repeats questions slowly

What are the Emotional signs and symptoms of a Concussion?
1) Irritable

2) Sadness

3) More emotional

4) Nervousness

What are the "Sleep" signs and symptoms of a Concussion?
1) Drowsiness

2) Sleep more than usual

3) Sleep less than usual

4) Difficulty falling asleep

When do Sore Muscles usually develop?
Usually starts 8-24 hours after exercise, can develop even if in good shape
What are the treatments available for Sore Muscles?
No treatments are available for Sore muscles
Does muscle stretching before exercise reduce muscle soreness?
What is a pulled muscle?
An acute tear of the muscle fibers with sudden, localized and persistent pain
What are the benefits of warming up before exercising?
1) Prevents injuring in sports

2) Improves performances in experiences

What is the benefit for stretching before exercising?
1) Reduces the risk of experiencing bothersome soreness
What is the NNT for Stretching?
1 injury to muscle, ligament or tendon was prevented for every 20 people who stretch for 12 weeks (i.e. 3 months)
What are the drawbacks of Static Stretching?
Strength/Power/Explosive performance are ALL REDUCED by static stretching
What is a Charley Horse?
A muscle contusion where blood vessels are broken and the muscle is crushed
What is the recommended treatment for a Charley Horse?
MCE ± NSAIDs/Acetaminophen

(During MCE; muscles should be stretched and the knee should be flexed untill minimal discomfort)

What is a Muscle Cramp?
A painful sustained contraction of all fibers in a muscle
What is the recommended prevention methods for Muscle Cramps?
Increasing K+ intake via fruits & veggies might help
What is the recommended treatment for Muscle Cramps?
Stretch AND Squeeze the muscle
"Salt Tablets are RECOMMENDED for the treatment of Muscle Cramps" True or False?
What are "Stitches"?
A muscle injury due to a cramp of the diaphragm which is caused by a decrease in blood supply to the muscle. It may also be caused by gas distending the colon
What is the recommended prevention methods for Stitches?
1) Don't eat for 3-5 hours before exercise

2) Strengthen diaphragm (sit up)

3) If gas is a problem increase bulk in diet

What is the recommended treatment for Stitches?
Slow down and push your fingers deep into the site of the pain
What is Tendonitis?
An inflammation(?) of the tendon -shoulder, elbow, knee and wrist usually caused by Tight muscles.
What is wrong with using the term of Tendonitis?
Inflammation is not necessarily always present and sometimes has a non-inflammatory pathology
"There is insufficient evidence for the routine use of Injection therapy for Achilles tendinopathy" True or False?
What are the types of Tennis elbow exercises?
Medial: For forehand tennis elbow

Lateral: For backhand tennis elbow

What is the evidence for the use of Steroid Injections for Tennis Elbow?
Steroid injections are more effective than Physio in the short term (6 weeks) while it is much less effective in the long term (52 weeks)
What is the evidence for the use of Nitrates for Tennis Elbow?
Appears to provide benefit with about 20-30% more people reporting being asymptomatic at 3 weeks to 6months than those receiving placebo
What is the evidence for the use of Tennis Elbow Orthotics?
Multiple systematic reviews have been unable to provide conclusions about the benefits of orthoses for lateral epicondylitis
What is the recommended treatment for Rotator Cuff Disease?
Topical Glyceryl Trinitrate
What is the evidence for the use of Topical Glyceryl Trinitrate for Rotator Cuff Disease?
Some evidence (with high bias) that it is more effective than placebo among patients with acute symptoms (<7 days duration) , but no evidence for long term benefits
What are the types of Ligament damage?
Ankle, Knee, Shoulder
What are the types of Ankle Sprains?
1) Anterior talofibular ligament

2) Calcaneofibular ligament

3) Posterior talofibular ligament

4) Deltoid ligament

5) Syndesmotic Ligament Complex

Which of the types of Ankle Sprains is most common?
Anterior Talofibular Ligament Sprain
What is the recommended treatment for ALL Sprains?
MCE ± NSAIDs/Acetaminophen and Rehabilitation (stretching and exercising)
What is the evidence for RICE in the treatment of Ankle Sprains?
1) RICE is mostly based on anecdotal evidence

2) Controlled mobilisation and weight bearing challenges popular advice on protection and rest (exercise group increased ankle function and increased weight bearing)

How does Functional treatments compare to Immobilization for the treatment of Ankle Sprains?
Functional treatments appears to be the favourable strategy for treating acute ankle sprains when compared with immobilization (NSS after exclusion of low quality trials)
Is their evidence for the use of Ultrasound in the treatment of Acute Ankle Sprains?
Evidence does not support the use of ultrasound in the treatment of acute ankle sprains. The potential treatment effects of ultrasound appear to be generally small and limited clinical importance
What is the evidence for the use of Semi-rigid orthoses/air-cast braces for reducing the risk of ankle ligament injuries?
Good evidence for beneficial effect to prevent ankle sprains during high risk sporting activities (e.g. soccer, basketball)
What is the evidence for the use of Elastic bandage for preventing acute lateral ankle ligaments injuries in adults?
Has fewer complications than taping, but appears to be associated with a slower return to work and sport and more reported instability than a semi rigid ankle support
What hampers definite conclusions on the use of physical protectors for reducing the risk of sports injuries?
By the variety of treatments used and the inconsistency of reported follow up times
What is the evidence for Prophylactic Ankle braces in reducing incidence of Acute ankle injuries?
Two studies determined that ~29 football athletes and 15 basketball athletes need to be braced during an entire season to prevent 1 ankle injury.


What is the evidence for Prophylactic Knee bracing in American Football?
Has NOT consistently reduced MCL injuries. Therefore there is a lack of evidence to support routine use of knee braces
"Bias and confounding variables limit the current evidence of Prophylactic Knee Bracing" True or False?
What is the evidence for the use of Knee braces AFTER ACL reconstruction ?
No evidence to support the routine use of functional or rehabilitative bracing in patients with a reconstructive ACL

[No clinical improvement in ROM, No decreasing PAIN, No improved Graft stability, No decreased complications]

What is the evidence for the use of Steroid & Local anesthetic injections for Bursitis?
Effective for Trochanteric Bursitis (mean improvement of 2.8 on a 10 point VAS)
When does Ultrasound guided corticosteroid injections for Bursitis show benefit?
Subaromial-subdeltoid bursa injections in adults with shoulder pain leads to statistically significant improvement better than placebo
"There is benefit of Steroid injections for the treatment Olecranon Bursitis" True or False?
False; there is NO benefit with Olecranon Bursitis (behind elbow)
What is the evidence of using Patellofemoral braces for preventing Knee Pain?
Appears to be effective for preventing Anterior knee pain
What is the evidence for using Biomechanical insoles for reducing shin splits?
Custom made biomechanical insoles may be more effective than no insoles for reducing shin splints IN MILITARY RECRUITS (NNT=5)
What is Chondromalacia Patella/Patellofemoral Syndrome?
Retropatellar or peripatellar pain resulting from physical and biochemical changes in the patellofemoral joint.

Anterior knee pain that typically occurs with activity and often worsens when they are descending steps or hills

What is the evidence for using Knee braces/Sleeves/Straps for treating anterior knee pain?
Lack of evidence to inform in the use of knee orthoses for treating PFPS. There is, however low quality evidence that using knee orthoses DID NOT reduce knee pain or improve knee function in the short term (<3 months) in adults who were also undergoing an exercise programme for treating PFPS.
What is the evidence for the use of Foot Orthoses for Patellofemoral pain in adults?
Available evidence does NOT reveal any clear advantages of foot orthoses over simple insoles or physiotherapy for Patellofemoral pain
What is Iliotibal band syndrome?
Inflammation of the illiotibial band, a thick band of fibrous tissue that runs down the outside of the leg
What is the recommended treatment for Iliobital band syndrome?
Rest and Stretching
What is the cremaster muscle?
A thin layer of skeletal muscle found in the inguinal canal and scrotum between the external and internal layers of spermatic fascia, surrounding the testis and spermatic cord
What is a Blister?
The result of persistent or repeated rubbing against the skin which causes a separation of skin layers and allows fluid to accumulate between the layers
What are the causes of Blisters?
Improperly fitting shoes and/or abnormal foot function
What are the preventative measures for Blisters?
1) Ensures shoe fits like a glove (thick socks just prevent a glove like fit, best to use two socks)

2) Rub Vaseline into shoe at sites where it rubs

3) Put adhesive tape or Spenco Second Skin over blister site

What are the treatment options for Blisters?
1) Clean blister site with alcohol

2) Sterilize a needle with a flame

3) Pierce the blister at its edge and drain the blister

4) Do not remove roof of blister

5) Apply plain adhesive tape over blister site and resume exercising

6) Some people put Vaseline or Spenco 2nd Skin on adhesive tape then cover with another layer of tape

"Blisters definitely heal better when drained" True or False?
What are the preventative measures for Skin Abrasions?
Sliding Pads
What are the treatment measures for Skin Abrasions?
1) Clean with soap and water (or Hydrogen Peroxide)

2) Can use Tap water (NSS with Irrigation)

3) Can apply Spenco 2nd Skin (an occlusive hydrophilic dressing which provides an optimal healing environment)

4) No reason for Antibiotic Ointment?

What is the evidence of efficacy for Kinesiology Tape?
1) Limited potential to reduce pain in individuals with musculoskeletal injury (but potentially NSS)

2) Did NOT reduce specific pain measures related to musculoskeletal injury above and beyond other modalities compared in the context of included articles

3) The tape may be used in conjunction with or in place of more traditional therapies

"Both Acetaminophen and NSAIDs (including) Topical are likely similar in their efficacy and toxicity for short term (1-3 days) use in acute sports injuries" True or False?
"ALL prophylactic braces are of little value" True or False?
False; Ankle prophylactic braces has potential benefit
What Is the preferred treatment options for Skin Abrasions?
Irrigation by tap water and soap. If further protection is required an occlusive hydrophilic dressing seems reasonable at least for comfort