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34 Cards in this Set

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What are the oldes known anticholinergic drugs?
Belladonna alkaloids
What are the belladonna alkaloids?
Atropine & Scopolamine
What is the chemistry of atropine & scoploamine?
Tertiary amines which contain an ester linkage. Levo isomers are active
What are the synthetic anticholinergics?
Homatropine & ipratropium
What is the chemistry of synthetic anticholinergics (homatropine & ipratropium)?
Related to belladonnas & most are tert or quad amines
Describe the absorption, distribution, & elimin of natural & tertiary synthetic antichol.
Well absorbed in GI, Scopolamine through the skin, widely distributed, cross BBB & placenta
Describe the absorption & distribution of quad amine synthetic antichol.
Poorly absorbed, doessn't cross BBB (no CNS effects)
How are antichol metabolized & excreted?
Metabolized in liver by CYP450 & excreted into urine
What is the mech of action for antichol?
Competitive antag; binds to mAChR. mAChR>nAChR
Generally, how does atropine affect organ systems?
Not equally sensitive to all systems. Salivary is highly sensitive & gastric is relatively insensitive
How does atropine affect the CNS?
Minimal effect @ therapeutic doses. Intermed=drowsiness, impaired memory. Higher=confusion, excitement, hallucination, convulsions. Way higher=paralysis, coma, respiratory fail, & heart fail
How does scopolamine affect the CNS?
More CNS effects. Similar to atropine but w/ reduced REM sleep. Used to prevent motion sickness
How does atropine affect the Pupillary sphincter?
Mydriasis (pupil dilation)
How does atropine affect lacrimal glands?
Dec tear secretion
How does atropine affect the Ciliary m?
Cycloplegia (lens fixed for far vision), photophobia, blurred vision, inc resistance to aq outflow
How does atropine affect the heart?
Transient dec in HR w/ low dose. Tachycardia w/ no change on BP w/ higher doses
How does atropine affect the vasculature?
No affect w/ therapuetic doses. Cutaneous vasodilation w/ toxic doses; atropine flush
How does atropine affect the respiratory system?
Bronchodilation (M3)- greater in COPD , reduced secretions (M2)
How does atropine affect the digestive system?
Inhibits salivation, reduces gastric, pancreatic, intestinal, biliarysecretion @ larger doses. Also reduces GI tone
How does atropine affect the urinary tract?
Dec tone & amplitude of bladder & ureter contractions-> retention
How does atropine affect sweat glands?
Lose dose=anhidrosis (hot dry skin). High dose=inc body temp (children sensitive).
What are the clinical uses of anticholinergics in opthalmology?
Local application. Atropine/scopolamine have long duration of action (~10d). *Tropicamide lasts ~6hrs. Produces cycloplegia, mydriasis
What are the clinical uses of anticholinergics in respiratory disorders?
Ipratropium= combined w/ b2 agonist to use as aerosol for COPD & asthma. Tiotropium=COPD. Longer duration
What are the clinical uses of anticholinergics in urology?
Used to treat overactive bladder. Oxybutin, tolterodine, solifenacin. May cause *dry mouth, cognitive impairment, tachy, &urinary retention. Contraindicated for closed angle glaucoma. Tert amines
What are the clinical uses of anticholinergics in digestive tract?
Used as adjunct therapy for peptic ulcers, irritable bowel, acute pancreatitis. Methscopolamine & *Pirenzepine
What are the clinical uses of anticholinergics in CNS system?
Parkinson's (benztropine) & motion sickness (scopolamine)
What are the clinical uses of anticholinergics in CV system?
Limited use. Acute MI- inc HR, BP, CO. Treat bradycardia & syncope
What are the clinical uses of anticholinergics in anesthesiology?
Premedication before induction; reduce saliva & respiratory
What are the clinical uses of anticholinergics as an antidote?
For anticholinesterase (insecticide, nerve gas) & mushroom poisoning.
What are the effects of Dicyclomine?
Dec GI spasm, replaced by oxybutynin
What are the effects of Glycopyrrolate?
Oral, dec GI motility. Parenteral, used during surgery
What are the effects of Propantheline?
Widely used for ulcer & sometimes bladder. Ganglionic blocker. NMJ blockade
What are the contraindications & drug interactions for anticholinergics?
Close angled glaucoma, GI obstruction. Caution w/ open-angled glaucoma, cardiac disease or prostatic hypertrophy. Antihistaminics, phenothiazines, & antidepressants can amplify effects
What are the adverse effects of anticholinergics?
From plants of Solanaceae family (Jimson weed, stinkweed, nightshade)-> blind, mad, red, dry, hot