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32 Cards in this Set

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Six principles of Influence
Commitment and Consistency
Social Proof
Provide example of Reciprocy is used in business context
Give and take rule
-The christmas card and thank you card example
Know what would happen if you send random people holiday cards and how this is tied to the principle of reciprociy?
People will send back the card even though they are strangers
Be familiar with a study by Dennis Regan of Cornell University or Joe given participant cokes
People are more likely to buy the ticket from joe when they recieved the coke beverage from him than the one not
Example of commitment and consistency
A woman who could go back to her ex-bf even though she got mistreated.
How does commitment and consistency influence confidence when better at a horse track?
got more confident after making the bet compare to before
How does commitment and consistency influence toy purchasing behavior in February?
Toy company will under produce the toys around christmas season (star track, ...................................) make parent feel guilty for not getting the toy their kids want and will buy more to make up for it
How was commitment and consistency used to obtain information out of american soldiers?
speaking the same language
Who was researcher who studied how to decrease fear of dog?
albert Bardura
Be able to explain and give multiple examples of social proof in sales context?
Marketing use advertisment to inform us which product is the "faster growing" as the largest selling.
Once buying begins, each purchase builds the dieas that other, similar people want the product, so it must be good
Be able to describe how social proof might be applied to training employees?
New employees seeing someone their own age performing the job so they have the believe they can learn them too.
Describe how liking can evoke purchasing behavior in business context
The friendly thief: more likely to say "yes" to the request from someone we know or like.
Less people turn off friend/ family request in Asia
4 Principles of influence used in Tupperware, pampered chief and candle parties
Liking: Sayinng "yes to request from people we know and like
Reciprocity: take and give rule, when someone recieve gift someone before buying begin
Commitment and Consistency: each person is urged pubically to describe the use and benefit of the tupperware has already
Social Proof: everybody buying it, it must be good
These method will help increase sales
What factor influence liking? (4 factors)
Physical attractiveness- "hallo Effect"
Similarity ^ liking
Compliment ^ liking
Familiarity ^ liking
Be familiar with how scarity can change people's view of how valuable something
Opportunity seem more valuable when availabilities is limited
business used the most: "limited # tactic"
If the item is rare or become rare it become more valuable
Peple more motivated if they know they about to lose something
Common ways to evoke scarity principle in advertisement
Saying there is a limited # left
Be able to define and explain Just-in-Time inventory system
Inventory system where inventory arrive just in time if needed
What country first used J.I.T system
What are some advantage of J.I.T. system?
Save space= save $$
won't over stock product
Japan word for "card" or "sign"
Be able to describe the 3 keys components of re-engineering
1.Organization distinct competencies: things that make your company unique, better than the other
2. Assess care processes: concern transforming material, capital, information and labor into part of services a customer values.
3. Process value analysis: uncovers a whole lots of activities that add a little value whose only justication is "we've always done it this way"
The capacity for group pressure to damages the mental effeciency, reality testing and moral judgement of decision making groups.
Some examples of situation in which group think occur in this country
Hawaii -pearl harbor
Iran Hostage Rescue
Bay of pig
vietnam war
Know multiple characteristics that occur in organizations that make groupthink more likely to occur
1. members may rationalize away any ristance to assumptions they have made
2. Members pressure any doubter to support the majority decision
3. Doubters keep silient
4. Group can interpret silence as agreement with majority
Four causes of groupthink
1. cohesiveness
2. Isolation
3. Leadership
4. decisional stress
Know 7 problem groupthink can cause
1. Incomplete assessment of a problem
2. A poor or trumcated information search
3. selected bias in processing available info
4.Limited development of alternatives
5. Incomplete assessment of alternatives
6. Failure to consider risks involved with the preffered choices
7. Failure to reappraise rejected alternatives
Several ways that as manager you can discourage groupthink
1. Strive for open leadership style
2. Downplay time constrints
3. Encourage methological decision mking procedures
Define Group
2 or more people INTERACTING and INTERDEPENDENT who have come together to achieve particular objectives
7 Things you can do to increase cohsiveness as a manager
1. make your group smaller
2. encourage agreement with group goals
3. increase the time members spend togethers
4. increase the status of the group & perceived difficulty of attaining member in that group
5. stimulate competition with other groups
6. give reward/ reinforcers to the group, rather than individual.
7. physically isolate the group
7 characteristics that capture essence of an organization's cultures
1. innovation
2. attention to detail
3. outcome organizational
4. people orientation
5. team orientation
6. agressiveness
7. stability
the degree to which members are attracted to each other and are motivated to stay in the group
Difference between a dominat culture and subculture
Dominant Culture: Express core values shared by a majority of the organization members
Subculture: tened to develop in large organizations to reflect common problems, situations or experiences member face.