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73 Cards in this Set

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Male Chromosomes
Xy (46,Xy)
Female Chromosomes
XX (46,XX)
Chromosome Make-Up
44 Autosomes
2 Sex Chromosomes
Effect of extra X chromosome
Increase Chance of mental retardation
Twenty-two of the twenty-three pairs. They are the same in males and females. Do not significantly influence sex differentiation
Gamete that has too few or too many chromosomes
Shettle's Theory
Sex Selection
- Timing
- Intercourse position
- 3 or more days before ovulation (girl)
- 2 days before or one day after (boy)
Creates Gametes (Sex Cells, Sperm and Eggs)
Body cells replicate and multiply, creates daughter cells
When chromosomes "swap spit" and leave pieces behind on the other chromosome
Paired chromosomes do not separate either during meiosis 1 or meiosis 2
Sex-linked Recessive
Diseases on the X chromosome that the y chromosome cannot make better
Body has some tissue with one sex chromosome and some with the other.
- occurs when non-disjunction occurs during mitosis
Physical expression of your genes
- Examination of your genes
- Number and type of genes you have
Turner's Syndrome Chromosome Configuration
- 45,X (45,X)
- 45,X/46XX
Turner's Syndrome Symptoms
- Webbed Neck
- Cardiac Problems
- Ear Infections
- Short Stature
- Problems with visuospatal tasks, memory and attention
Turner's Syndrome Management
- May be diagnosed in childhood when growth slows. Can begin growth hormone treatment at 2-5 yrs in this case.
- May not be diagnosed until puberty when menstruation does not occur. Then, provide female hormones. Regular menstruation. Continued indefinitely to maintain physical & psychological femininity.
Klinefelter's Syndrome Chromosome Configuration
- 47,XXy
Klinefelter's Syndrome Symptoms at Birth
- Lower birth weight
- Shorter
- Smaller hear circumference
- 3 xs more likely to have cryptorchidism
- Testes normal (but, do not grow)
- Minority born with small penises
Klinefelter's Syndrome Symptoms during childhood
- Growth spurt 5-8, disproportionate leg length
- Reading & language problems, delayed speech development
- Increased risk for developmental delays, ADHD
- Psychosocial problems, impaired interaction with peers, shy, passive, quiet, immature, dependent
Klinefelter's Syndrome Symptoms during puberty
- Gynecomastic 30-90% (increased risk of breast CA)
- Delayed psychosexual development
Klinefelter's Sydrome Symptoms during adulthood
- Diminished body & facial hair
- Female pubic hair pattern
- Small phallus
- Small testes
- Poor muscular development
- Feminine fat distribution, hips & abdomen
- Taller than average
- Lower libido
Xyy Syndrome Symptoms
- Taller than average, increased risk of learning disabilities, delayed speech & language skills. Impulsivity.
Condition where testes fail to descend from the abdominal cavity to the scrotal sac
Gender Identity
How one psychologically perceives oneself as either male or female
Sex assignment
What the baby is sent home to be raised as
Wolffian Ducts
In presence of testosterone, become male internal reproductive organs: vas deferens, seminal vesicles, epididymis, ejaculatory ducts
Mullerian Ducts
become female internal reproductive glands: Fallopian tubes, uterus & upper vagina.
M.I.S. - Mullerian Inhibiting Substance
- System to shrink and disappear in males
Sex/Gender Factors
- Chromosomes
- Gonads
- Hormones
- Internal Reproductive Organs
- External Genitals
- Sex of Assignment
- Gender Identity
- Gender Role
Distal, towards the end of penis
typically there is a downward curve
Downward curve of the penis
SRY Gene
Tells the gonads to become testes
True Hermaphroditism
- AKA Gonadal Intersexuality
- Both testicular and ovarian tissue in same body
- 20% bilateral ovotestes
Androgen Insensitivity Sydrome
Cause of AIS
- X-linked recessive. Caused by mutation in gene for the androgen receptor.
- Literally hundreds of such mutations exist.
- Can diagnose prenatally.
- Can also occur spontaneously. In 1/3 of females
AIS Prevalence
At Birth
- ambiguous genitalia
- testes trying to settle into labia in 80-90% of girls, from birth to adolescence

- no menses
- testes in inquinal position creates pain during sexual intercourse & sports
Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS) Symptoms
At birth:
- phenotype is normal or near-normal female. Vagina only 2.5-3.0 cm, 2/3’s normal.

At puberty:
- develop breasts & female fat distribution.
- underdeveloped or pale nipples.
- voice remains feminine.
- pubic & axillary hair scant or absent.
- no menses.
- tend to be taller than average women as height
- gene is on Y chromosome.
- will need hormone management.
CAIS Diagnosis
- not usually made at birth as look normal. May explore if prenatal testing indicated Xy chromosomes
CAIS Management
- Remove testes after puberty
- may need vaginoplasty, but dilation & i.c. are usually sufficient to extend vagina
Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (PAIS) Sex of Assignment
Tough call. No criteria can be used to educate the decision re sex of assignment. Unlike CAIS, 9.1% of this sample will change genders in later life.
PAIS Symptoms
- some feminization & virilization.
- Some start off responsive to testosterone & then lose that.
- various degrees of gynecomastia.
- decreased ejaculate volume.
- impaired spermatogenesis.
- high-pitched voice.
- subnormal skeletal muscularity.
- erectile disorder.
- facial, axillary, body or pubic hair in female distribution
Mild Androgen Insensitivity Sydrome (MAIS) Symptoms
At birth:
- phenotype is normal or near-normal male.
- penis & scrotum may be small.
- may be coronal hypospadias.
- testes usually undescended
- Small penis.
- Sometimes infertility is only sign of MAIS
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
CAH Gender Indentity
Usually female. A few cases where they changed to male.
CAH Cause
due to enzyme deficiency
- Autosomal recessive disorder (#6)
CAH Diagnosis
Most likely prenatal
Three types of CAH
1. Salt-Wasting (SW)
2. Non-Salt Wasting (Simple Virilizing) (SV)
3. Non-Classical (NC)
- Near total enzyme deficiency. 75% of CAH are these.
- Both cortisol & aldosterone is fully blocked or markedly inhibited
Non-Salt Wasting/Simple Virilizing
- partial enzyme deficiency.
- synthesis of cortisol more markedly affected than synthesis of aldosterone
- Mild enzyme deficiency
- aka late onset
Prader Scale
Measure of Masculinization
5 - Alpha Reductase Deficiency Sydrome
Cause of 5-ARD
- Autosomal Recessive
- results in inability to convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
- DHT is responsible for completion of formation of male external genitalia & prostate.
Prevalence of 5-ARD
- Unknown
- In GAZA strip
5-ARD at puberty
- Infertile
- Virilization occurs instead of femininization
5-ARD when XX's are homozygous
- No problem because there is no need to DHT in women
Testicular Dysgenesis Disorder
Caused by abnormal testicular development in utero
- hypospadias
- Cryptorchidism
- Testicular cancer
- Reduced sperm quality
- First observed in lab animals - called “phthalate syndrome
Bisphenol A (BPA)
Used as building block for hard plastic goods like bottles (hikers, babies) & as resin to line food & drink cans. Dental sealants, dyes. (#7 recycling).
Been used for 50 yrs.
Over 50% of canned goods on US market
shelves are lined with BPA. Can’t tell by visual
Agricultural pesticide.
80 million lbs spread in US each yr.
2006: men from Columbia MO had significant reductions in sperm concentration, motility & total motile sperm when compared to men from Minneapolis, NY & LA
Sex Ratios in Canada
2 girls for every boy born. Percentage of boys now approaches 30%.
process where genes are turned on or off
Both Urethra and Uterus
Attracted to males
Attracted to females
Attracted to both males and females
Gender Dysphoria
Feeling trapped in a body of the wrong sex
an abnormal enlargement of the clitoris
Surgery to move an undescended testicle into the scrotum
abnormal development of large mammary glands in males resulting in breast development
Anogenital Distance
Distance between the anus and the base of the penis or vagina
Labioscrotal Swelling
paired primordial elevations flanking the genital tubercle and the urogenital orifice of the embryo; they develop into the labioscrotal folds, which become the labia majora in the female and unite to form the scrotum of the male.