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27 Cards in this Set

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frequent MC =
infrequent MC =
high volume of menstrual flow =
prolonged menstrual flow =
polymenorrhea, cycles less than
21 days
therapy of polymenorrhea
- Progestines during luteal phase of cycle (normoestrogenic disorders)
- Progestines+estrogenes (hypoestrogenic disorders)
oligomenorrhea, cycles over
35 days
therapy of oligomenorrhea
- No therapy (normoestrogenic disorders)
- Progestines during luteal phase of cycle (normoestrogenic disorders)
- Progestines+estrogenes (hypoestrogenic disorders)
- Induction of ovulation (infertility)
causal therapy of primary amenorrhea
Progestines+estrogenes (hypoestrogenic disorders)
therapy of secondary amenorrhea
Therapy – normoprolactinemic and normoestrogenic
Ovulation induction
dysfunctional uterine bleeding
hormonal therapy of DUB
Estrogens (E)
Progestins (P)
GnRh - a
non-hormonal therapy of DUB
Nonsteroidal antirevmatics
Mefenamic acid
Tranexamic acid
surgical therapy of DUB - Endometrial ablation – hysteroscopical
Roller ball ablation (25-60%)
Transcervical resection (26-40%)
Laser ablation (37%)
surgical therapy of DUB - Endometrial ablation – non-hysteroscopical
RFEA – Radio Frequency Endometrial Ablation (41%)
TBEA – Thermal Balloon Endometrial Ablation (48%)
MWEA – MPicrowave Endometrial Ablation (61%)
posttraumatuc hypomenorrhea
Aschermanns syndrome
therapy of Aschermanns syndrome
Hysteroskopy – lysis of adhaesions – IUD - estrogens
theray alternatives for dysmenorrhea
Secondary dysmenorrhoea – causative
Primary dysmenorrhoea – combined hormonal contraception effectivity – 90%
Progestogens contraception – long acting
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- 2-3 days before menstrual bleeding
- Continue to the 2.day of bleeding
premenstrual syndrome - therapy
Diet regime – restriction of coffein, alcohol, salt, glycids
Aerobic exercise
Psychological consultation
Symptomatic treatment according to prevailing syndrome
Combined oral contraception (drospirenon)
Agnus castus
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
SIRS - fluoxetin
estrogen therapy of DUB
CEE - 2.5 mg p.o. a 6 h. or 25 mg i.v. a 4 h. for 48 h.
progestin therapy of DUB
- MPA 10 mg/d for 10-12 d.
- NES 10-15 mg/d 10 d.
E/P therapy of DUB
Combined orla contraception
- Acute DUB - 70-140 μg/d
- Prevention – usual pattern, long cycle pattern, continual

Adolescent gynecology
- acute DUB
- Progesterone 10 mg/ Estradioldipropionate 2 mg i.m.
GnRH agonists as pharmacotherapy of DUB
- goserelin (Zoladex Depot 3,75 mg)
- tryptorelin (Decapeptyl Depot 4,12 mg, Dipherelin 4,39 mg)
- leuprorelin (Lucrin Depot 3,75 mg)
pharma therapy of DUB - Nonsteroidal antirevmatics
Naproxen (Aleve tbl.220 mg, Apo-naproxen tbl. 250 mg, Nalgesin tbl. 270 mg)
Mefenamic acid (Nimesulid tbl. 100 mg)
pharma therapy of DUB - antifibrinolytics
Tranexamic acid (Exacyl p.o. tbl. 500 mg , oral solution 10ml/1000 mg a venous injection 5 ml/500mg)
effectiveness of pharmacotherapy of DUB
Progestins - 21 day cycle 30-90%
Combined oral contraception 43%
Danazol 50-80%
LNG IUS 74-97%
DMPA 50-66%
GnRH agonists >90%
non-hormonal pharmacotherapy of DUB
Non-steroidal antirevmatics 20-50% ?
Tranexamic acid 47-54%
Etamsylate 13%?