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46 Cards in this Set

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language and persuasion

words are the most powerful drug used by mankind

persuasion uses symbols to transmit meaning (cognitive), arouse feelings (affective), and move people to action(behavioral)

language carries a world view

functions of symbols







functions of language

informative, expressive, directive

form and understand identities, create relationships, organize social units, formulate ideologies, create social realities

General Semantics

the study of the relationships between language, thought and behavior

the word is not the thing, the map is not the territory

the relationship of how we talk, how we think, and how we act

audience members each individually will interpret the message differently based on their own maps and experiences
Terministic Screens (Burke)

direct people's attention away from some things and towards others

frames argument so logic seems utterly sound

ex. unborn child v. fetus v. parasite

Symbolic interactionism

looking glass self

particular and generalized others

people are motivated to act based on the meanings they assign to people, things, and ideas


-powerful, persuasive, artistic

-the vehicle(comparison) must be readily and repeatedly mapped back to the tenor(concept)

-frame argument, create reality

-colors the entire truth we create about the narrative

language and resistance

rename, re-envision, and reimagine the world

change through creative power

black is beautiful

Visual rhetoric

created methodology for acts of resistance beyond linguistic components


image events
public discourse beyond elites, beyond rational, propositional, linguistic roots
Examples of Visual Rhetoric

Vietnam Memorial: controversial, scar

Fergusson: laying down, handsupdontshoot

AIDs: cuts kill

analysis of visual rhetoric




NOT artists intent

the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist
characteristics of propaganda


circumvents reason/logic


seeks uniformity

conceals source/goal/ techniques/success

powerful effects

magic bullet/ hypodermic needle

media are a cancer

prop is a subtle instrument which has the power to weld the public into a solitary mass of hate, will, and hope

two step flow

established the importance of opinion leaders

media -> human -> audience

Yale Studies

lab experiments

studied effects, personality, order of arguments, fear appeals

limited effects

media functions in a social environment

reinforcement of pre-existing conditions

limited effects theories
ELM, cultivation, agenda-setting, uses and gratification
shortcomings of administrative research

larger context ignored

emphasis on context, not techniques

lab studies/experiments don't reflect reality

human interpretation is complicated and often contradictory

critical propaganda research


meanings are not in messages, but in people

investigate the production and exchange of meaning between a representation and the recipient

many meanings can be made by different viewers

Generalizations about Propaganda

greatest effects are simply reinforcements

change occurs as a result of multiple variables(social context, credibility, opinion leaders)

selective perception- make logic fit

people fake it- spiral of silence

those who control media maintain power

Analysis of Propaganda

1. ideology and purpose

2. historical context

3. identification of propagandist

4. structure of organization

5. target audience

6. media techniques

7. special techniques

8. audience reaction

9. counter propaganda

10. effects and evaluation

plain folks

common man, little man,

I am one of you


credibility by association

Got Milk ads

herd mentality


emphasize good, downplay bad


surrounding qualities will rub off

politicians speaking in front of flag with soldiers

glittering generalities

abstract values

hope, freedom, democracy, liberty

name calling

ad hominem attacks

tree hugger, feminazi

Interplay of influence

government influences us, but we also influence the government

political campaigns package and sell candidates

there is a interrelationship between media, politics, and people

Visual Rhetoric and Politics

biopic videos



attack ads


A New Beginning

presented the rhetorical myth of American rebirth

collage of all that is right in America

testimonials, interviews, news clips


Chinese: sun, obedient flowers, communist diversity

WWII America: Rosie the Riveter, Loose Lips, Recruitment

Jim Kerry and Hollywood directors meet to discuss ISIS counterpropaganda
Attack Ads

play on fear

Willie Horton- scary black man

Daisy Girl


keep an eye on the government for the people

adversarial to government

expose misdeeds

symbiotic relationship between gov and people

4th Estate

media are a fourth arm of the government to represent the people

symbiotic relationship between gov and media

Themes of Religious Discourse


Discernment (in/outgroup, differentiation)
Communion (unity amid diversity)

Exile (modernity hostile toward faith)

Praise (music, relics)

Apocalyptic rhetoric

-either/or, promise

- disillusionment leads to expectations

- extension of present, cause-effect, end of life as we know it'

Jim Jones KoolAid

Utopian rhetoric

believers have great faith that a new order will come and they will be transformed

Puritans- God will establish a new world order in the new land

Burke on Religious Discourse

guilt(sin) --> purification(process) --> redemption(change)

victimage and mortification

confession and forgiveness

ISIS case study
record # of convertssophisticated social mediavisual rhetoricEnglishTwitterviolence -> softer sideUtopian rhetoric, heroesproblem with refugees

four realms of language


1. natural, physiological

2. socio-political, right/wrong

3. logology, words about words

4. supernatural, ineffable