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129 Cards in this Set

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The word personality comes from "persona," which originally meant

theatrical mask

Psychologists are most likely to agree that


pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics thatgive both consistency and individuality to human behavior is called


theory can be defined as
set of related assumptions that generate testable hypotheses.

Which statement best reflects the relationship between theory andhypothesis?

A single theory may generate several hypotheses

A hypothesis is best defined as

an educated guess or prediction


systems for classifying data

What is the relationship among theory, hypothesis, and observation?

Theories generate hypotheses that lead to observations that may alter theoriginal theory.

The ultimate value of a theory is its


A theory should be open to disconfirmation. This refers to the theory'sability to

be falsified

A related set of if-then assumptions would constitute a


The subdiscipline of psychology that looks at the personal traits ofscientists is called

psychology of science.

Although scientists are influenced by their personal characteristics,the usefulness of their work is

judged by their scientific product.

A useful theory should


An internally consistent theory

includes operational definitions of its terms.

A theory that is as simple as possible is


An explanation of behavior in terms of future goals or purposes is

teleological .

A test that yields consistent results is said to be


A valid test

is also reliable.

The twin cornerstones of psychoanalytic motivation are

sex and aggression.

Freud began his self-analysis shortly after

his father died.

As a youth and young man, Freud was strongly motivated to

win fame by making a great discovery

What analogy did Freud use to illustrate the relationship between the egoand the id?

rider and horse

The id serves the __________ principle.


Which regions of the mind have no direct contact with the external world

id only

Which of these is a manifestation of both sex and aggression?


A masochist receives sexual pleasure from

receiving pain inflicted by others

Freud called the mouth, anus, and genitals

erogenous zones.

The guilt a person experiences after violating personal standards of conduct is called ________ anxiety.


According to Freud, anxiety is felt by the


Defense mechanisms protect the ego against


In Freudian theory, anxiety

triggers repression.

After a drive or image has been repressed, it

any of the above

With this defense mechanism, a repressed desire finds an opposite andexaggerated expression.

reaction formation

A completely weaned child goes back to the bottle after a younger sister isborn. This return to a more infantile pattern of behavior expresses a


Chad has great admiration for his history teacher. He attempts to imitatethis teacher's lifestyle and mannerisms. This is an example of


This defense mechanism, unlike the others, usually results in some benefitto society


To Freud, the most crucial stage of development is


. The anal triad consists of all these characteristics EXCEPT


Freud believed that differences between boys and girls inpsychosexual development are due to


For boys, the castration complex

causes the repression of sexual feelings towards mom.

For girls, the castration complex

takes the form of penis envy

For boys


Freud believed that, with few exceptions, the unconscious meaning ofdreams is an expression of


Psychoanalytic therapy is most likely to include this technique.

free association

During the past dozen or so years, psychoanalysis has received mostresearch support from


As a child, Adler had a somewhat competitive relationship with

an older brother named Sigmund

Adler was atypical in that many of his patients were

from the lower and middle classes
wealthy businessmen

Adler believed that

People are basically self determined

To Adler, the one dynamic force behind a person's activity is

the striving for success or superiority

According to Adler, a person's final goal is

a creation of the creative power.

Adler insisted that personality is shaped by

subjective perceptions.

According to Adler, ideas that have no real existence, yet influenceindividuals as if they really existed, are called


The doctrine that motivation should be considered according to its finalpurpose or aim is called


Alder believed that organ inferiorities

stimulate feelings of inferiority.

Gemeinschaftsgefühl is usually translated as

social interest

According to Adler the worth of a person can be judged by their

social interest.

A person's final goal is ultimately shaped by

the creative power .

Depreciation and accusation are types of the safeguarding tendency of


Adler held that people are continually pushed by the need to overcomeinferiority feelings and pulled by the desire for


To Adler, the core of maladjustment is

lack of social interest.

Early recollections are

keys to understanding one's present style of life.

According to Adler, neurotic people tend to


Adler believed that the goals of a pathological person

are exaggerated and unrealistic.

Pampered children

frequently feel unloved and neglected

Adlerian safeguarding tendencies are

largely or mostly conscious

Safeguarding tendencies protect exaggerated feelings of superiorityagainst


Compared with Freud, Adler

had a more positive view toward women.

Style of life is most reliably revealed by

early recollections.

According to Adler, dream

provide information for dealing with future problems

The ultimate goal of Adlerian therapy is to

increase social interest.

Research suggests that early recollections
may change during the course of psychotherapy

Jung's midlife crisis followed soon after his break with


. Jung divided the unconscious psyche into two parts—the personal and the


In analytical psychology, the self is

an important archetype

The contents of the personal unconscious are called


Archetypes are

components of the collective unconscious

The persona archetype

is the social role others see.

According to Jung, a person's first test of courage is to

realize her or his shadow

The anima is

the feminine side of me

Irrational moods in men are represented by the


The archetype of nourishment and destruction is the

great mother.

The great mother archetype is most likely to be symbolized by

a witch.

The wise old man archetype represents

meaning and wisdom

The hero archetype


The self is usually represented by this symbol.

the mandala

In Jungian psychology, the self


Many of Jung’s patients were in the second half of life and struggling with

loss of meaning, aimlessness and a fear of death

In Jungian psychology, introversion and extraversion are regarded as


According to Jung, extraversion is basically

orientation toward the objective

Introverted feeling type

rely on subjective evaluations rather than the opinions of others.

Jung regarded thinking and feeling as


n 1909, Jung told Freud about a dream in which he found two ancient humanskulls in an old cave. He told Freud that the skulls were those of his wife andsister-in-law. Later, however, Jung accepted the skulls as representing

the collective unconscious.

Jung believed that in middle life. At that time a person shoul

move from an extraverted attitude toward an introverted one

The process of becoming whole or complete—that is, actualizing the variouscomponents of personality—is called


According to Jung, what types of dreams originate from the collective unconscious of the dreamer?

big dreams

Most research on Jungian concepts has involved the notion of


Bowlby's theory assumes that

the mother-child bonding becomes a model for the child's futurefriendships.

According to Bowlby, protest is the first stage of

separation anxiety

Ainsworth found that secure infants will

approach their mother when she returns to a room.

Mahler based her theories on

natural interactions between mothers and children in her research space

Mahler believed that in the first months of life

there is no distinction made between self and other

Harlow showed that attachment behavior

was related to contact comfort

For object relations theorists the most important human motive is

to establish human relationships

During Mahler’s subphase one, (5 to ten months) which of the followingappear?


Dependence and independence are in sharp conflict during the period of

Rapproachement (16 to 24 months)

Winicott described attentive care, which allows a baby to act, rather thanreact, as

a holding environment

. Which of these statements most accurately reflects one of Horney'sneurotic needs?

I need an emotionally strong person to lean on."

Horney believed that most neuroses are the result of

unhealthy interpersonal relations

Horney felt _____________ toward her father


. Horney's early professional writings were strongly influenced by


Horney criticized psychoanalysis for its

concept of feminine psychology.

Horney believed that cultural and familyconditions are largelyresponsible for the development of

basic anxiety.

According to Horney, neurotic needs are based on

Needing to feel safe

Horney believed that a competitive and hostile society encourages


Horney believed that people overvalue love as a means of satisfying the need for ____


According to Horney, most neurotic individuals

seek love in a self-defeating fashion.

Horney defined basic anxiety as a feeling of being

isolated and helpless in a potentially hostile world.

Horney believed that modern society is too


According to Horney, neurotic behavior is a protection against

basic anxiety.

Which of these is NOT one of Horney's three neurotic trends?

moving with people

Compared to normal defenses, neurotic defenses are

More compulsive

The compliant person is most likely to adopt the neurotic trend of

moving toward people

Each neurotic trend has a normal, healthy analog. A friendly, loving

toward others

Horney regarded the idealized self-image and self-hatred as

intrapsychic conflicts

Contrary to Freud, Horney held that the Oedipus complex is

found only in some people

According to Horney, when it occurs, the oedipal complex is

an expression of the neurotic need for love

Ashley feels alienated from her femininity and wishes that she were aman. Horney would say that Ashley's desires originate from
her experiences with cultural privileges for men