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75 Cards in this Set

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Psychological triad
behavior, thoughts, feelings
An abstract concept that cannot be directly observed but can be used to understand a series of related phenomena.
The role of theories is to
organize and
guide to help understand complex structures
A good theory is
Heuristically valuable
working hard to make sure others treat you in a way that confirms your self-conception
face validity
intended to measure what they seem to measure
Advantages of S-Data
definitional truth, face validity, unlimited, easy, cheap, efficient, internal states, large amount of info.
Disadvantages of S-Data
response distortion (being unwilling or unable to answer)
intentional(defensiveness/social desirability, manipulation,concealment)
unintentional (memory failure, repression, blind spots/lack of insight, data overload)
fish and water effect
not truly recognizing your own behavior because you’re so used to it
Expectancy effect/behavioral confirmation
people become what others expect them to be
Advantages of I-Data
multiple sources, variety of contexts, no self report bias, access to info not otherwise available (ex. temperament), real world basis, average of several judgments
Disadvantages of I-Data
inherently judgmental and subjective,limited situations, no internal states, quality of judgement (random errors like remembering most extreme behavior or systematic bias)
Advantages of L-Data
real life, specific, objective, verifiable, relevant
Disadvantages of L-Data
multi-determinations (difficult to link to specific personality trait), limited quantity, limited type
Different types of B-Data
experimental, naturalistic, physiological, some types of psych. tests (TAT, Rorschach)
Different B-Data settings
naturalistic vs artificial
B-data in lab: experiments, MMPI, physiological measures
Different B-Data reporters
professional, lay, self
Advantages of B-Data
multiple comparisons, objective scoring, increased stimulus control
Disadvantages of B-Data
behavior-personality relationships, demand characteristics-subtle cue of experimenter's expectations, researcher influence, faulty assumptions, needs interpretation
The scientific evaluation of psychological assessment/measurement techniques, tools, and instruments
Evaluate a psychological assessment based on these properties
standardization, reliability, validity, generalizability
Personality tests should have uniform instructions, procedures, materials/stimuli, and scoring
degree to which an instrument takes consistent measurements: over time, across judges, across instruments, across individual measurements
Degree to which an instrument takes accurate measurements: construct validity. Reliability necessary for validity.
The degree to which a measurement can be found under diverse circumstances such as time, context, participant population, etc. Combination of reliability and validity.
Response Bias
provision of info in a manner discrepant with the given instuctions. 2 broad types.
Non-content based response bias
completed questionnaire but can't read, random responding
Content-based response bias
overreporting/exaggerating and underreporting/defensiveness
more stable
Things that undermine reliability
low precision, the state of the participant, the state of the experimenter, the environment in which the study is done
Things that enhance reliability
proofread, standardization, measure something important to participants, aggregation
Averaging. The Spearman-Brown formula: the more error-filled your measurements are, the more of them you need
Cohort Effects
tendency for group of people living at a particular time to be unique
Advantages of Case Studies
+: lots of info, variety of info,early insight, rare phenomena, ecologically valid, great for illustrating constructs
Disadvantages of case Studies
poor generalizability, can't test causality
Advantages of Correlational Studies (whether or not variables are related/covary
easy to examine a wide range and large # of variables, decreased methodological concerns, fewer ethical constraints, often less resource intensive, ecological validity possible
Disadvantages of Corr. Studies
no causal claims possible, illusory correlations, 3rd variable problem or both variables cause each other
How change in A impacts a change in B. Requires (1)manipulation of a variable (2) control of all non-manipulated variables
Adv. of Experiments
examines causality, controls unwanted sources of variability
Disadv. of Experiments
no ecological validity, resource intensive, many methodological constraints, numerous ethical concerns, never sure exactly what was manipulated
Brunswick's representative Design
sample all domains to which you want to generalize
Determining which research method to use
What question do I want to answer? How could i answer this question? What is ethical for me to do?
Significance testing
how probable the results are/the phenomenon exists, Null hypothesis testing. Experiments
Type 1 error
seeing a relationship where there is none. Addressed by p-level
Type 2 error
missing a relationship where there is one. not addressed by p-level
Effect size
magnitude of the result, correlational studies/correlation co.
Binomial Effect Size Display
method for evaluating the size of correlations to help understand the strength and/or usefulness of result
Features of Allport's Trait Theory
Traits are not merely descriptive, more than habit, causal influence on behavior, can be studied empirically, only relatively independent of each other, not evaluative (unlike Saucier), nomothetic or idiographic, behavioral inconsistency does not disprove traits
Nomothetic Traits
any characteristic that is universial (or nearly universal) such that it is present in every person to a greater or lesser extent. Quantitative
Idiographic traits
xists solely in the individual. No other person has the same trait
Cardinal disposition
most salient trait
central disposition
Big 5, domain traits, broad band traits
Secondary dispositions
facet traits, narrow band, only present in some situations, more specific
Rank order stability
in comparison to others, your relative standing on a trait is unchanged
Mean level
do group averages of a trait change systematically over time?
Individual differences
how have I changed over time in comparison with myself?
structural consistency
does the hierarchy of personality remain consistent over time? whether or not the same components make up a trait at time 'X' as did at time 'A.' For example, imagine that we collect some data on introversion in 10 year-olds and using factor analysis determine it is comprised of shyness, low threshold for arousability, and preference for solitary activities. If we collect data from the same participants when they are 18 and find the same three component traits, then we can say that introversion has strong structural consistency.
Factor Analysis
a statistical procedure that clusters like things together into groups based on shared variance. Often used to find most important traits and to create personality tests
The Big Five/Five Factor Model
Extraversion (surgency), Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism (emotional stability), Opennes to Experience (Intellect, Culture)
Criticisms of the FFM
Why no evaluative traits?, same lexical source used (GIGO problem), lay language is limited and only describes common behavior
3 Assumptions of those measuring personality traits
hese are 3 assumptions that (almost) anyone interested in measuring personality makes without even acknowledging it. (1) There are meaningful differences between individuals on the aspect of personality being measured. (2) Personality is consistent over time. Because personality is relatively stable, we can measure it and then try to investigate how it is related to other things of interest. (3) Personality is consistent across situations.
Arguments for situationalism
The personality coefficient is .3-.4, this is a small correlation, therefore, situations are more powerful determinants of behavior and everyday perceptions of behavior are erroneous
Genuine personality change
is enduring and has an internal quality
Personality coherence
behavior manifestations of traits are expected to change over time in a socioculturally appropriate manner
Counterarguments to Situationalism
Personality correlations may be greater than .3-.4, A C of .3-.4 is not small, The effect of situations is in the .3-.4 range or smaller, Belief in personality is not fundamentally erroneous
traits are useful for predicting and understanding important life outcomes
Situations are more important than personality traits in determining behavior
Personality and situations constantly interact with each other to produce behavior together
Basis for evaluating personality assessments
agreement with other judges and prediction of behavior or life outcomes
Methods for construction of objective tests
Rational, Factor Analytic, and Empirical
Objections to Personality Tests
Unfair, institutions control by rewarding and punishing, traits invented by tests
Rational Method
S-data gathered, Questions have face validity
Limitations of Factor Analytic Method
GIGO problem, subjective interpretation by human required, sometimes groupings emerge that don't make much sense
Empirical Method
sample participants already divided into groups, administer items, compare answers given by diff. groups without caring about item content
4 Implications of lack of concern w/ item content
absurd items, responses difficult to fake, especially vulnerable to GIGO problem (specific to 1 place, time, and group), PR problems and problems with law (lack of content validity)