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32 Cards in this Set

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Humanistic Psychology
Study in the potential for growth and development.
Phenomenological theory
Reflects an emphasis on individual personal experiences.
The tendency to develop capabilities in ways that maintain or enhance the organism.
-Carl Rogers
Maintenance or enhancement of the self.
-Carl Rogers
Organismic Valuing Process
Where the organism automatically evaluates its experiences to tell whether they are enhancing actualization.
Fully Functioning Person
someone who is self actualizing. In other words moving towards experience their own feelings fully and always in order to always move towards meaning and fulfillment.
People have a need for acceptance, love, friendship and affection of others - particularly of those who matter.

This is called?
Positive Regard
Affection with "no strings" attached:
Unconditional positive Regard
Affection when given only on certain conditional ground, that given only if criteria is met:
Conditional Positive Regard
Conditions of Worth
Conditions under which people are judged worth of positive regard.
Conditional Self-regard
When conditions of worth applied by others unto ourselves, become the criteria by which we criticize the self.
A reason for why individuals hinder self-actualization
Compliance to Conditional Regard and Conditions of Worth.
What is the difference between a Condition of worth and a true desire for something
The precondition for acceptance is what dictate a condition of worth, either imposed by others or the self.
Contingent Self Worth
Where the performance of some area in life is seen as a necessary condition towards self acceptance.
(this can be positive, but is vulnerable to negative interpersonal feedback, and freely moving from the condition)
Who proposed the Self Determination Theory?
Ed Deci and Richard Ryan
What are the three needs for growth, well being and integrity, according to Deci and Ryan?
Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness
Two drivers for behavior/action in self-determination theory?
Self-determined Action
Controlled Action
Motivation, what are two forms of reward which effect Motivation in Self-determination theory?
Control aspect, where reward implies conditions of worth or implies actions are directed for rewards only

Informational aspect, where the reward informs the individual of competence, thus increasing motivation.
Name the five aspects in Maslow's hierarchy of needs
2.Safer and physical security
3.Love and Belonging (acceptance)
4.Esteem (Arising from feeling of mastery, control of self and appreciation from others, appreciation)
5.Self-Actualization (becoming what the individual intends to become)
Name two implications of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, where attendance of lower lever needs is more important than higher level needs.
1. If lower level needs are ignored and higher level needs are attended to, inevitably, the individual will have to satisfy (more urgently) the baser needs before continuing with the higher level needs.
2. By satisfying the lower and baser needs can the individual better perceive the higher level needs.
What are deficiency based motives and growth based motives and where do they stand on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
Deficiency based motives are those needs that exist at the bottom of the hierarchy and can not be avoided. Doing so creates a deficiency in living, survival, creating unpleasant conditions.

Growth-based motives is found at the top, though not a priority for survival, meeting these needs will lead to further growth and satisfaction with life.
What is Rogers motives of self actualization?
Self-actualizing tendency and positive regard from others.
Name some of the characteristics of self actualizers
Efficient and Sharp Perception of Reality
Accepting of self and others
Mental Spontaneity (Fresh Appreciation of Reality)
Problem Centered (Philosophcal and Ethical ones)
Peak Experience (Self actualization)
Moment of Intense Self-Actualization
Where there is flow in action and self immersion
Define "Desein"
German word for "being-in-the-world" where the individual and the society are one. A totality of self in the collective.
The individual is seen as an autonomous, separate and evolving entity.
Feeling that arises from being directed away from ones own values. The feeling that happens when active "being" becomes passive. No sense of control over ones own actions.
Content Analysis of interview
Where the information about the individual is divided into categories, such as self approval, self disapproval and ambivalent, thus allowing for inferences in personality.
Where an assortment of self evaluative cards are given to individual to sort from most like me to least like me creating a gradation of personality.

The process is refined from general to very specific.
POI personal orientation inventory tests for?
Time competence (ability to link and flow the past and future effectively with the now)
Inner directedness, (how much an individual considers inner values and meaning)
Name two ways person centered therapist can conduct his interview (two techniques)
Clarification of feelings (to make aware of the feelings of patient)

Restatement of Feelings (restatement of feelings in a more cognitive way)
Name three arguments against Self actualizing theory?
Too optimistic,
Too Vague
Possible Anarchy from too much freedom
Two defenses against disorganization in self actualization theory
Distort reality
Prevent event from entering awareness