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161 Cards in this Set

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Inflexible, enduring patterns of behavior that impair one's social functioning.
personality disorder
a disorder in which behavior is judged atypical, disturbing, maladaptive, and
psychological disorder
According to WHO some ________ million people world-wide suffer from psychological disorders.
Psychologists today gnerally consider all behavior , whether normal or disordered, to arise ffrom the interaction between ________ and _______,
nature (genetics/physiological), nurture (past and present experiences)
Links between disorder and culture provide evidence for ____________ effects since major disorders such as depression and schizophrenia are found globally.
psychological disorders characterized by distressing persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety
anxiety disorder
Three types of anxiety disorders include:

A. generalized anxiety
B. phobias
C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
D. all of these
D. all of these

generalized anxiety
OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorer) is considered to be an ________ disorder.
In obsessive-compulsive disorders, obsessive refers to ___________ and compulsive refers to _________.
repetitive thoughts, repetitive behaviors
One famous person that should spring to mind (via availability heuristic) when extreme OCD is mentioned is ________ ________.
Howard Hughes
The most common obsession (repetitive thought) in OCD concerns
dirt, germs, toxins
The most common compulsion (repetitive behavior) in OCD is
Three threories regarding the formation of anxiety disorders that have been proposeed are:

Freud's ________________ perspective views anxiety disorders as a result of discharging of repressed impulses. Today this has given way today to two other perspectives __________ and _____________.
learning and biological
The learning perspective of anxiety disorders views anxiety disorders as a result of

A. fear-conditioning
B. stimulus generalization
C. reinforcement
D. observational learning
E. all of these
E. all of these
The biological perspective of anxiety disorders views them as a result of which of the follwoing influences:

A. evolutionary
B. genetic
C. physiological
D. all of these.
D. all of these
From the Biological perspective compulsive behaviors are typically an exaggerated form of behavior that
contributed to the survival of the species
Most phobias focus on objects that presented occasional threats to our ____________.
Sarah is a baby chimp that compulsively twists the hair on her right temple and now has a bald spot. It is most likely that Sarah's compulsive behavior is an exaggerated grooming behavior according to the ___________ perspective
Phobias that focus on biological or evolutionary threats are easy / difficult to condition and difficult / easy to extinguish.
easy to condition
difficult to extinguish
Humans are biologically predisposed to fear
A. snakes and spiders
B., heights and storms
C. guns and bombs
D. A and B only
E. A, B, and C.
D. A and B only
Janie, who was afraid of heights, was pushed from the high dive when she was a child. Now, as an adult, she refuses to get on an airplane due to fear. Although she never related the childhood event to her current fear her therapist attributes it to __________ _______________
as a result of this childhood event.
stimulus generalization
Behaviors that allow one to avoid or escape the phobic stimulus may act to reinforce / negate the phobia.
The two principle mood disorders that represent emotional extremes are
Major Depressive Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
____________ has been termed "the common cold" of psychological disorders
Most people who commit suicide have had which mood disorder?
On average, men / women have higher rates of suicide throughout life.
Black people in the U.S. are two times less / more likely than whites to commit suicide.
Blacks in the U.S. have lower / higher levels of depression than whites.
Women are more / less likely to attempt suicide and less / more likely to succeed.
more , less
Which of the following countries have the highest suicide rates?

A. USA, Denmark, Finland, Austria
B. Canada
C. Spain, Italy, England
D. They are all roughly equal
A. USA, Denmark, Finland, Austria
How likely are alcoholics to to commit suicide than people without any disorder.

A. 100 times
B. 50 times
C. 25 times
D. 10 times
A. 100 times
Alcoholics are eventually more successful at committing suicide than non-alcoholics.. True or False
Jim watched a PBS special on suicide among college students. Two days later Jim, a college student, committed suicide. The PBS special on suicide may have played no role in Jim's suicide or it may have been the ___________ ____________ that triggered the final act.
social suggestion
The suicide rate increases most dramatically for

A. men 74-85 years old
B. teenagers 15-19 years old
C. girls 3-8 years old
D. none of these
A. men 74-85 years old
Suicide is often committed during a rebound stage when the person is happier and sees hope.
True or False
How many people commit suicide each year

A. 750,000
B. 250,000
C. 100,000
D. A bunch
Of the three-quarters of a million people that commit suicide annually how many have attempted before?
one-third or 250,000
According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, depression occurs when
significant losses evoke feelings of losses
experienced in childhood
Amy harbors anger and resentment toward her parents because she feels they always gave her brother preferential treatment as a child. Although she vowed to "show them" she was special as an adult she has been unable to overcome a deep state of depression since leaving home. Which perspective on depression is most likely to link her childhood experience with her current state of depression.
the psychoanalytic perspective
Depression is a ____________ disorder involving genetics, biochemical imbalances, negative thought processes and mood.

A. mental
B. whole-body
C. psychological
D. A and C only
E. any of these
B. whole-body
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which _________ and ________ are exhibited as emotional extremes at different times.
mania , depression
Mania may be characterized by

A. high energy states
B. grandiose self-esteem
C. poor judgement and reckless spending
D. increased creativity
E. all of these
E. all of these
Bipolar disorder is especially common among

A. engineers
B. teachers
C. creative artists
D. college students
E. none of these
c. creative artists.
Because depression is so common, the cause(s) must also be common.
True or False
Jana and Dana are identical twins. Tem and Theresa are fraternal twins. George and Lisa are non-twin siblings. Jana, Tem, and Lisa all suffer with bipolar disorder. Which sequence below shows the correct order for likelihood of non-affected siblings to become affected?

A. Dana > Theresa > George
B. George < Theresa < Dana
C. A and B
D. none of these
A. Dana > Theresa > George
Dana, who has a bipolar identical twin, has a _______% chance of becoming bipolar

A. 70%
B. 20%
C. more but unknown %
D. none of these
A. 70%
Theresa, who has a fraternal twin who is bipolar, has how much chance of becoming bipolar

A. roughly 20%
B. maybe 10%
C. 05%
D. none of these
A. roughly 20%
When identical twins are reared apart the tendency towards a greater likelihood for both to exhibit mood disorders remains / is decreased when compared to fraternal twins raised together
The chance of siblings developing major depressive disorders when one sibling already has been diagnosed is less / more likely than is the same case for bipolar disorder.
Jana is seeing a new psychiatrist who believes that her diagnosis should be major depressive disorder rather than bipolar disorder. When Dana, her identical twin, hears the news she is relieved / depressed because she has a 50% / 70% chance of being diagnosed with this disorder compared with bipolar disorder.
relieved, 50% (which is better than 70% chance of being bipolar )
____________ are biochemicals affect behavior by affecting neuronal communication.
Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that is scarce / abundant during depression and abundant / scarce during mania.
scarce, abundant
If the results support a diagnosis of bipolar disorder which PET scan(s) represent(s) Katy's depressed brain?

A. the first and last scan that do not contain any red
B. the middle scan that contains red, yellow, and orsange
A. the first and last PET scan that do not contain any red
The red and orange in the middle PET scan indicates an increase \ decrease in ________ and thus a more \ less active brain.

A. glucose consumption.
B. Norepinephrine and Serotonin
C. Dopamine
D. A or B
E. None of these
A. glucose consumption
Drugs that alleviate depression increase \\ decrease norepinephrine or serotonin while drugs that combat mania decrease \\ increase norephrine.
increase , decrease
Katy's psychologist explains that depression is often treated by drugs that block \ increase norepinephrine or serotonin reuptake.She further explains that this keeps these neurotransmitters in the synapse longer so they can be used again.She named three common drugs used for this purpose. Which, if any, of the following did she mention.

A. paxil
B. zoloft
C. Prozac
D. all of these.
E. none of these
D. all of these.
Aside from drugs the psychologist suggested that ___________ helps to increase serotonin which might help to mitigate depressive moods.

A. exercise
B. scream therapy
C. finding a boyfriend
D. buying some new clothes
A. exercise
Katy's sister Katherine decided to visit Dr. Marinski due to her long-term depression since Katy seemed to improve after her diagnosis and treatment. Unlike Katy, Katherine's PET scan did not reveal episodic differences in glucose consumption but was generally less active and her left frontal lobe was inactive which occurs in long-term depression. Dr. Marinski orders an MRI of Katherine's brain which reveals ____________ often seen in severely depressed patients.

A. A 7% decrease in the size of the frontal lobes
B. a small brain
C. dark spots throughout the brain
D. no abnormalities
A. A 7% decrease in the size of the frontal lobes
In some cases, there is no obvious source of depression. According to the ______________ perspective biological factors may be linked with psychological reactions to _______________.
bio-psycho-social, experience
According to the social-cognitive perspective _______ _________ may affect biochemical events that amplify depressing thoughts feeding into a vicious cycle of depression.
Negative thoughts
Negative ________ feed negative _________
thoughts, moods
According to the social-cogntive perspective It is likely that women are twice as likely, as men are, to be depressed due to self-defeating beliefs that arise from ______ _________.
learned helplessness
Terms frequently encountered in the social-cognitive perspective include

A. negative thoughts
B. learned helplessness
C. self-defeating beliefs
D. Negative attributions and aversive experiences
E. All of these.
E. All of these.
Men / women are more likely to suppress negative emotions with alcohol.
James failed his algebra test because, according to him, his teacher made a stupid test. Jeff failed his history exam because he did not have time to study while he was camping over the weekend. Jim is likely to be __________ while Jeff may be___________.

A. angry with his teacher; self-blaming and depressed
B. angry with himself; okay with it because he prefers camping
C. nonchalant; happy go lucky
D. none of these
A. angry with his teacher; self-blaming and depressed
One reason some people become depressed over the same situation handled well by others is due to

A. some people blame everyone
B. some people are stupid
C. some people do not care
D. attribution of blame
E. none of these
D. attribution of blame
Who do you blame?
Depression may result from anything that disrupts

A. your sense of who you are
B. why you are worthy of as a human being
C. good mood
D. A and B.
D. A and B.
Depression may be an ________ response that allows one to develop better strategies for interacting with the world.
___________ people respond to sad events in a self-focused, self-blaming way.
___________ fluctuates more rapidly in depression-prone people. When down, brooding amplifies negative thoughts which trigger ___________ and ______________ symptoms.
Self-esteem, cognitive and behavioral
John has just told his wife, Mona, that he lost his job two weeks ago. Mona thought John might be depressed because she noticed he was drinking more and spent more time alone in his workshop recently. Mona now feels a little depressed herself; she is more likely to exhibit her depression by being

A. anxious
B. sexually inhibited
C. less energetic
D. tearful
E. all of these
E. all of these
Two months after he lost his job John is still depressed. Although he has another job he is concerned because he knows" it was his fault he lost his last job even though many others were also laid off. He told Mona that this will "always" be a black mark against him and it is likely to affect their "whole" lifestyle. John's feelings illustrate how depressed people explain bad events in terms that are

A. stable
B. global
C. internal
D. all of these.
D. all of these
People that brood more over negative events are more likely to become depressed or suffer negative effects of those events.
True or False
According to Martin Seligman Westerner's are more prone to depression due to an epidemic of hoplessness caused by

A. individualism
B. decline in family and religious commitment
C. inappropriately self-focused rersonal responsibility
D. all of these.
D. all of these.
Withn close-knit relationships in non-western societies

A. depression is less common
B. there is less self-blame over personal failure
C. shame may be felt for letting others down
D. all of these.
D. all of these.
People in a temporarily sad or bad mood may suddenly experience more __________, thoughts, feelings, and expectations.

A. pessimistic.
B. elated
C. sexual
D. realistic
A. pessimistic.
Depressed individuals are at greater risk for divorce and job loss.
T or F
Depressed people often induce hostility, depression, and anxiety in others.
T or F
Jan has had an argument with her husband and is in a bad mood. She takes out her wedding video which always brings back such fun memories. As Jan watches the video she is surprised that she does not feel as happy as usual and in fact she now remembers that her wedding was not all that. Perhaps Jan's mood has affected her emotions and her memory. What type of memory may be operating in

this circumstance.

A. mood-congruent memory.
B. bad mood memory
C. pre-divorce memory
D. repressed memory
A. mood-congruent memory.
Which of the following is the correct sequence for the vicious cycle of depression:

A. stressful event > negative explanation > bad mood > cognitive and behavioral chnages.
B. stressful event > cognitive and behavioral changes > negative explanation > bad mood
C. bad mood > stressful event > negative explanation > cognitive and behavioral changes
D. A or B
.A. stressful event > negative explanation > bad mood > cognitive and behavioral chnages.
It is important to remember that suffering, such as depression, may serve ________ purposes that enhance ________. adaptive, survival
adaptive, survival
Suffering, such as depression, may also lead to ______________ in persons with a more negative outlook.
People who are alone and __________ most often feel lonely.

A. young
B. unmarried
C. unattached
D. all of the above.
D. all of the above.
Loneliness-provoking factors may include

A. need for individual fullfilment
B. move toward less stable relationships
C. less empahsis on committed relationships
D. in short, selfishness
E. all of these.
E. all of these.
Some commonalities between lonely people and depresseed people include

A. self-blame
B. self-deprecaton, low self-esteem
C. socially inadequate
D. negative outlook restricts self-improvement
E. all of these.
E. all of these.
Amplification of negative feelings due to rumination over negative events may be an one explanation for the _______ risk of depresssion in women.
Mary Adelaide, who has just turned 20, has experienced a complete break with reality. She hears voices, is very irrational, and has grossly distorted perceptions, emotions, and actions. She has also begun to hallucinate and is very delusional. Her brother, Thomas, has brought her to Dr. Marinski for evaluation. What is Dr. Marinski's likely diagnosis considering MA's symptoms?

A. schizophrenia
B. epilepsy
C. large bowel obstruction
D. a common cold
A. schizophrenia
Delusions are better known as ________ ____________.
false beliefs
One in _____ persons will develop schizophrenia.
What common physical disease has schizophrenia been compared to with regard to commonality?

A. cancer
B. lupus
C. crohn's
D. jock-itch
A. cancer
The literal translation of schizophrenia is

A. split mind
B. split peas
C. two minds
D. never mind
A. split mind
Unlike depression, schizophrenia occurs in males and females at similar \ disimilar rates
Schizophrenia occurs globally \ in specifc countries.
The disorganized thoughts that occur in schizophrenia may represent a breakdwon in __________ _________.
selective attention
Sensory experiences without sensory stimulation are known as ______________.
The most frequent type of hallucinations in schizophrenia are ___________.

A. visual
B. audio-visual
C. auditory
D. 3-D
E. all of these
C. auditory
Disorganization, delusion, and inappropriate laughter, tears, or rage are positive / negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
Toneless voices, expressionless faces, and mute rigid bodies are negative / positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia may develop slowly, this type is called __________ or ___________ schizophrenia and recovery is doubtful / likely.
chronic, or process, doubtful
Schizophrenia may also develp rapidly to particular life stresses, this is called __________ or __________ schizophrenia and the outlook for recovery is likely \ doubtful.
reactive or acute, likely
Chronic schizophrenia usually involves negative / positive symptoms and is less amenable to drug therapy.
Schizophrenia associated with positive symptoms has a better outlook since these individuals often have a __________condition
more responsive to drug therapy.
Most of the latest research links schizophrenia with brain ___________ and ___________ predispositions
abnormalities, genetic
Name and briefly describe the four types of schizophrenia
paranoid - delusions, halluciantions
disorganized - disorganized speech and behavior, flat or inappropriate emotions
catatonic - motionless or purposeless motion, parrotlike repetition of anothers speech or movement undifferentiated or residual - schizo symptoms that do not fit the above
Research indicates that schizo may be related to overactivity of what neurotransmitter?
What evidence has been found in the brains of deceased schizophrenic patients that supports the excess dopamine theory

A. a six-fold increase in the dopamine D4 receptor
B. high levels of dopamine
C. Excess norepinephrine
D. all of these
A. a six-fold increase in the dopamine D4 receptor
High levels of dopamine in the brain is thought to create schizophrenia's positive / negative symptoms.
Drugs that block dopamine receptors would be expected to lessen \ increase schizophrenia.
Amphetamines and cocaine increase dopamine levels therefore they might be expected to increase \ decrease schizophrenia.
Over reactivity to irrelevant internal and external stimuli may be accounted for by increase \ decrease in dopamine
Studies on ______ induced hallucinations hint that schizophrenia may have a biochemical key.
As in severely depressed patients, some schizophrenic patients have decreased activity in the ________ lobes.
Hallucinating individuals show increased brain activity in several areas including the ___________ which acts as the
brains switchboard for sensory input.
The characteristic schizophrenic brain has ______________ cavities and _______________ cerebral tissue.
large fluid-filled, shrunken
The ________ in the brain of schizophrenics is also smaller which may explain difficulty in filtering sensory information.
Infection with what microorganism during fetal development is related to schizophrenia later in life?
Sally is schizophrenic, her identical twin Beth has a roughly ____________ chance of also becoming schizophrenic.
If Beth was raised in a different enviroment from her schizophrenic identical twin, Sally, how would this affect her chance of becoming schizophrenic?

A. remain 50%
B. increase
C. decrease
D. unknown
A. remain 50%
Joe has a brother with schizophrenia, he fears that he is beginning to have some of the same symptoms; what would you tell
Joe regarding the chance that he will also become schizophrenic.

A. Don't worry Joe only a 10% chance, but more likely than winning the lottery
B. Don't worry Joe you have a better chance of being abducted by aliens
C. Don't worry Joe, not a chance
D. do I look like a psychologist
A. Don't worry Joe only a 10% chance, but more likely than winning the lottery
Sally, who is schizophrenic, is married to a schizophrenic, how likely is it that their young daughter, Audrey, will
be schizophrenic?

A. roughly 45%
B. slightly less than identical twins
C. hardly any chance
D. A and B.
E. none of these
D. A and B.
Beth has just learned that although she and Sally are identical twins they did not share the same placenta as 60% of identical twins
normally do. Should she be happier or more depressed by this news? Why?

A. happier, less likely to have shared viruses
B. happier, it was less crowded
C. depressed, they did not share viruses
D. depressed, she no longer feels as close to her sister
A. happier, less likely to have shared viruses
Ultimately, in identical twins, schizophrennia may be the result in sharing of

A. jeans
B. genes
C. germs
D. B and C
D. B and C
Genetic predisposition to schizophrenia, alone, is not \ is sufficient to develop the disease.
It is likely \ unlikely that a single gene abnormality will prove predictive for schizophrenia.
Which of the following have not been shown to produce schizophrenia in the absence of a relative with the disorder?

A. environmental causes
B. genetic abnormalities
C. brain abnormalities
D. A and C only
A. environmental causes
Schizophrenic withdrawal coincides with stresses of

A. becoming independent
B. asserting oneself
C. achieving social intimacy
D. all of these
E. none of these
D. all of these
Warining signs of schizophrenia include

A. birth complications and low birth weight
B. A mother with severe, long-lasting schizophrenia
C. Separation from parents
D. withdrawal behavior
E. all of these
E. all of these
Personality disorders are not \ are predomiantly characterized by anxiety, depression, or delusions
are not
Personality disorders include which of the following

A. histrionic
B. narcissistic
C. Boderline
D. anti-social
E. all of these.
E. all of these.
Associate the specifc personality disorder with the charactersitics given

A. goes to great lengths to gain praise and reassurance
B. exaggerate their own importance utilizing fantasies
C. defined by a markedly unstable sense of self
D. lacks conscience - male 15 yr old, aggressive, ruthless
A. Borderline
B. anti-social
C. histrionic
D. narcissistic
Most criminals do not / do fit the description of anti-social personality disorder.
do not
________ and ________ studies indicate there is some genetic predispositon towards criminality.
Twin and adoption
Testing has revealed that levels of autonomic nervous system arousal and stress hormones is sometimes lower / higher under stress in criminals even as children, before they have committed a crime.
Boys who became aggressive or anti-social adolescents displayed which characteristics as young children

A. impulsive
B. unconcerned with social reward
C. low in anxiety
D. smart
E. Not D
E. Not D
____ to ___ percent of criminals commit 50-60% of crimes.
5 , 6
The extreme rise in violent crime in the last two decades cannot be explained by genetics alone. ______________ factors account for some of the increase.
The most prevalent psychological disorder in the U.S. is

A. phobias
B. alcohol abuse
C. mood disorder
D. generalized anxiety
A. phobias
The symptoms of anti-social behavior appear by median age

A. 8
B. 5
C. 3
D. 1
A. 8
The symptoms of phobias appear by median age

A. 4
B. 9
C. 10
D. prenatally
By age 20 symptoms of which of the following usually appear

A. alcohol abuse
C. bipolar disorder
D. schizophrenia
E. all of these.
E. all of these.
Major depressive disorder usually appears around age

A. 25
B. 20
C. 18
D. 16
E. any age
A. 25
__________ personality disorder is the one that occurs most frequently.
Virginia seeks attention where ever she goes. She has an incessant need to be praised and uses shallow attention-getting emotions to manipulate people. This describes whieh personality disordre.
Kim, an aspiring actor, tells his friends stories of parties he has attended with famous "friends" such as rocks stars and actors. When a friends asks to meet one of these famous people Kim becomes very irate and belittles his friend. Kim's most likely personality disorder is
narcissistic personality disorder
Eldeen has alwas been flighty. It seems she changes boyfriends and persona on a weekly basis and her freinds never knows what mood to expect when they meet her. Eldeen has recently been diagnosed with
borderline personality disorder
Persons with antisocial personality disorder were formerly known as
sociopaths or psychopaths
The __________ model assumes that mental illnesses can be diagnosed on the basis of their symptoms and cured through therapy, which may include treatment in a psychiatric hospital.
________ is the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition), a widely used system for classifying psychological disorders
an anxiety disorder in which a person is continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal
generalized anxiety disorder
an anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable brief episodes of intense dread and terror with accompanying chest pain, choking, or other frightening sensations
panic disorder
an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety, social withdrawal and haunting memories, and nightmares punctuated by extended insomnia after a traumatic event; the
post-traumatic stress disorder
dissociative disorders disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings
disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings
dissociative identity disorder (DID) is also known as
multiple personality disorder
a rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities
dissociative identity disorder
Amnesia in which selective forgetting usually in response to stress
dissociative amnesia
dissociative amnesia with flight from home
dissociative fugue
the effect mood has on one’s perceptions at a particular time
mood effect
Schizophrenia is a group of disorders that categorized as ___________ disorders.
the painful awareness that one’s social relationships are deficient.
blaming persons or things for your failures
Attributions of blame
A functional psychological disorder with no organic causes
whose origins in emotional conflict can often be understood and
dealt with by PSYCHOTHERAPY