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76 Cards in this Set

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What is personality?
Enduring patterns or traits that determine how individual perceive, relate to and think about the environment and ourselves
When/how does personality develop?
As individuals adjust to physical, emotional, social and spiritual environments
What aspects of our lives does personality help determine?
How we cope, views of self, our response to surrounding and the meaning we have in relationships
What is the definition of a personality disorder?
Inflexible, enduring, pervasive, maladaptive personality pattern or traits that cause significant functional impairment or subjective distress.
What is egosytonic?
A reaction to a personality disorder that indicates that the individuals self perception is not impacted by the disorder
Describe egodystonic
The individuals personality/self perception is a problem for them.

Usually the individuals that seek treatment
What are the areas that personality disorders manifest?
1. Cognition
2. Affect
3. Interpersonal functioning
4. Impulse control
What is the main aspect of the DSM criteria for personality disorder?
That it is an enduring pattern. Not a one time event
What are the 4 areas of functioning that maladaptive patterns of personality disorders occur?
1. Behavioral
2. Affective
3. Cognitive
4. Sociocultural
What maladaptive behavioral pattern is seen in PD?
poor impulse control patterns of response
What areas of affect are affected in PD?
If an individual has unrealistic perceptual patterns of response, they are thought to have a maladaptive function in which area of functionality?
Where are Personality disorders coded in terms of the Axes?
Axis II
Which disorders are categorized under the WEIRD cluster?
Borderline PD, Antisocial PD, Histrionic and Narcissistic PD are categorized under what cluster?
Which diagnoses are considered the WIMPS cluster?
What medications are commonly prescribed to Cluster A (weird) PDs
antidepressants and low-dose antipsychotics
Anticonvulsants, mood stabilizers and MAOIs are often prescribed for which cluster of PDs?
Cluster B: Wilds
Antianxiety agents are often given to individuals in Cluster ____.
C: wimps
What % of the US population has PDs?
What aspect of treatment is key in approaching any patient with PD?
Which PDs are more common in men?
Antisocial and OCPD
Women are more likely to have which PDs?
Borderline, Dependent and Histrionic
When do personality disorders start? When are they Dx?
They start in adolescents, but aren't Dx until after age 18
Which cluster is often highly linked to substance abuse?
Cluster B: Wild
What biological factors have been seen in pts with PDs?
They have poor regulation of brain circuits that control emotion
What are the social theories behind PDs?
Responses learned through reinforcement, modeling, aversive stimuli
Deficiencies in ego and superego development are characteristic of which theories of PDs?
What are the characteristics of Paranoid PD?
Characterized by distrust and suspiciousness toward others based on unfounded beliefs that others want to harm, exploit or deceive the person
Describe the relationships of an individual with paranoid PD?
The person neither desires nor enjoys close relationships
What is the mood often like for a person with paranoid PD?
Hostile, irritable and angry
What approach should the nurse take with a paranoid patient?
Always take straight approach. Limit excuses or explanations
What type of therapeutic activity is recommended for patients with paranoid PD?
Role playing and individual psychotherapy
Describe the affect of a pt with schizoid PD.
Flat, cold and aloof
What characterized schizoid PD?
emotional detachment, disinterest in close relationships and indifference to praise or criticism.

-often uncooperative

-picture the computer programmer
WHich PD is characterized by having magical thinking and eccentric appearance?
What type of affect is seen in schizotypal pd?
inappropriate or constricted
How many relationships/friendships are seen in schizotypal pd? What are their feelings in social situations?
They have few to no friends.

Often have excessive social anxiety
Which personality disorder is characteristic of Sociopaths?
Describe the initial meeting of a person with antisocial PD.
They are initially charming, bright, intellectual, glib, unrestrained and will tell you what you want to hear
What are people with antisocial PD very good at doing?
Finding a person's vulnerability
How do antisocial pd's feel about others or themselves after doing something mean?
They lack remorse, indifferent to the feelings of others

-reckless disregard for the welfare of others
What lengths will a person with antisocial PD go to to get what they want?
Engage in deceitfulness, lying and use of aliases for profit or pleasure
Describe the impulse control of a person with antisocial PD.
They are chronically impulsive and fail to plan for the future
What type of therapy is recommended for patients with antisocial PD?
Group therapy with other antisocial PDs

-THey only have respect for other sociopaths
What type of meds are given for antisocial pd?
antipsychotics for aggression. Stimulant therapy for impulsivity
Describe a person with borderline PD.
-Chronically bored
-In constant crisis, soap opera
-extremely emotionally reactive
-extreme mood swings
What are persons with borderline disorder often frantic to prevent?
Real or perceived abandonment
What often accompanies the impulsivity of borderline pd?
Self-damaging behavior

-often suicidal
T/F: Borderline PD is associated with inappropriate, intensified affective anger responses?
T/F: Psychotic symptoms are not seen in Borderline PD?
Actually have transient psychotic symptoms of paranoia and dissociation
What is the name of the treatment used for Borderline PD?
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
What are the 4 modules involved in DBT for borderline PD?
1. Core mindfulness
2. Emotion regulation
3. interpersonal effectiveness
4. Stress tolerance
What meds are commonly given for borderline PD?
Antispychotics, benzos and mood stabilizers
What PD is characterized by emotional attention-seeking behavior, in which the person needs to be the center of attention?
Describe the interactions of a person with Histrionic PD.
Characterized by inappropriate seductive/ sexualized/provocative behavior, rapid shifting and shallow emotional responses
Describe the speech of a person with histrionic PD>?
Often impressionistic
How would on with histrionic PD describe their relationship with an acquaintance?
Much more intimate than it is
List the characteristics of Narcissistic PD.
-Arrogance, grandiose sense of self-importance
-need for consistent admiration
-consider themselves special and expect special treatment
-lack of empathy for others that strains their relationships
-often sensitive to criticism
Which PD is characterized by social inhibition and avoidance of all situations that require interpersonal contact, despite wanting close relationships?
What are patients with avoidant PD constantly seeking?
Require unusually strong guarantees of uncritical acceptance.

Have extreme fear of rejection
Which PD is characterized by having extreme dependency in a close relationship with an urgent search to find a replacement when one relationship ends?
Describe the Dependent PD in terms of their relationships?
-Clinging, demanding, submissive
What would a dependent PD do in a work situation?
Avoid responsibility due to low self-esteem

Have hypersensitivity to rejection, decision making.
What personality disorder is the most frequently seen in clinical treatment?
What type of role playing would be used with dependent patients?
Assertive role playing
What must the clinician be careful of with Dependent patients?>
What type of medications are often Rx'ed for dependent personality disorder?
Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety
What characterizes OCPD?
Perfectionism with a focus on orderliness and control to the extent that the individual may not be able to accomplish a given task
How does OCPD differ from OCD?
No obsessions/compulsions
What is a common comorbidity with OCPD?
eating disorders
What is a possible nursing diagnosis for paranoid PD?
Disturbed thought processes
What are the possible nursing diagnoses for Schizoid PD?
-Impaired social interactions
-Chronic low self-esteem
The nursing Dx's dysfunctional family processes, disturbed thought processes, risk for other directed violence and ineffective role performance are characteristic of which PD?
Insomnia and risk for self-mutilation are common nursing diagnoses related to which PD?
Anxiety and decisional conflict are common nursing Dx's related to which PD?