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38 Cards in this Set

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structuralism: KP&Concepts
key person is titchener, breaks consciousness into elements- opposite of gestalt
Functionalism: KP&Concepts
James, Dewey- stream of consciousness, reaction to structuralism- study for mind functions to help people adapt to environment
Watson, Skinner- study of behavior, no introspection, attacked structuralism and functionalism
wertheimer, kohler, koffka. Whole is something other than sum of parts. attacked structuralism and behaviorism
chomsky- behaviorism is not adequate, humans think, beleive, are creative
freud, jung, adler- behavior is result of unconscious conflicts, repression, defense mecahnisms
Maslow, Rogers- Looks at people as wholes, psychologists should study healthy people too, not just mentally ill. Clinical v counseling distinction born
*Adler, A.
Psychodynamic theorist known for inferiority complex
*Allport, Gordon
trait theorist known for functional autonomy (
Adler, A.
psychodynamic theorist best known for inferiority complex. Striving towards superiority drives personality.
Gordon Allport
Trait theorist known for the concept of functional autonomy (something that begins as a goal-oriented task might turn into something to do just for itself like hunting), also distinguished between idiographic (case study) and nomothetic approaches to personality and preferred idiographic for personality.
Bandura, A
Behaviorist theorist known for his social learning theory- Bobo doll modeling aggression
Bem S
Suggested masculinity and femininity were two separate dimensions, also linked with androgeny
catell, R
Trait theorist that used factor analysis to study personality. ID'd 16 basic traits of personality.
Dollard and Miller
behavioral theorist studying personality
Erik Erikson
Ego psychologist- psychosocial stages but encompassed whole life span. Teen years was identity versus confusion
Hans Eysenck
Trait theorist who proposed two main dimensions on which human personalities differ- introversion v. extroversion, neuroticism v. emotional stability
Horney, K
Neurotic personality governed by 10 needs. psychodynamic theorist who suggested there were 2 ways to relate to others- moving towards, moving against, moving away from
Jung, Carl
psychodynamic theorist who broke with freud over libido; suggested that the unconscious could be divided into the personal and collective unconscious.
George Kelly
Individual as a scientist exploring world.
Kurt Lewin
saw personality as being highly dynamic and changing. Field dependent
Klein and Kernberg and Mahler
Object-relations theorists
Emile Kraepelin
published a textbook that was the precursor to the DSM
William Sheldon
Early theory defining personality as relating to physiology- endomorphy(soft and spherical), mesomorphy (strong), ectomorphy (lanky and brittle)
Maslow, A
Phenomenological personality theorist- heirarchy of needs and self-actualization
Need for acheivment. High nach avoid high risk and low risk
W Mischel
Situation determined personality- critic of stable personality and personality theories.
Carl Rogers
client-centered therapy- client seen as having agency to make decisions and take action, uses unconditional positive regard.
Rotter, Julian
Locus of control- internal v external. High self esteem attrib success to internal and failure to external.
Witkin, H.
Field dependence (people who do not distinguish where their ideas start and others' end) and field independence- using rod and frame test
Beck, A
CBT for depression
Coined schizophrenia
Dix D
asylum reform
ellis A
effect of being mentally ill- sane people into institutions
reformed asylums in france 18t century
Seligman, M
Learned helplessness theory of depression
the myth of mental illness- framed by society as mental illness