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53 Cards in this Set

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Fundamental attribution error
the tendency to attribute too much of others' behavior to their personalities an not enough to the situations they confront
relatively enduring predispositions that influence our behavior across many situations
Nomothetic aaproach
approach to personality that focuses on indentifying general laws that govern the behavior of all individuals
Idiographic approach
approach to personality that focuses on identifying the unique configuration of characteristics and life history experiences within a person
Shared environmental factors
experiences that make individuals within the same family more alike
Nonshared environmental factors
experiences that make individuals within the same family less alike
Adoption studies
examines children who were separated at an early age from their biological families
physiologically caused mental disorders
false pregnancies
a feeling of relief following a dramatic outpouring of emotion
psychologically caused mental disorders
Psychic determinism
the assumption that all psychological events have a cause
Unconscious motivation
we rarely understand what we do, even tho we can give explanations after our actions
reservior of our most primitive impulses, including sex and aggression
Pleasure principle
tendency of the id to strive for immediate gratification
psyche's executive and principle decision maker
Reality principle
tendency of our ego to postpone gratification until it can find an appropriate outlet
our sense of morality
expressions of id's impulses, in all dreams
Defense mechanisms
unconscious maneuvers intended to minimize anxiety
motivated forgetting of emotionally threatening memories or impulses
motivated forgetting of distressing external experiences
the act of returning psychologically to a younger, and typically simpler and safer, age
transformation of an anxiety-provoking emotion into its opposite
unconscious attribution of our negative characteristics to others
directing impulse from a socially acceptable target onto a safer and more socially acceptable target
providing reasonable-sounding explanation for unreasonable behaviors or failures
avoiding emotions associated with anxiety-provoking experiences by focusing on abstract and impersonal thoughts
Identification with the aggresor
process of adopting the characteristics of individuals we find threatening
transforming a socially unacceptable impulse to an admired goal
Erogenous zone
sexually arousing zone of the body
Oral Srage
psychosexual stage that focuses on the mouth
Anal Stage
Psychossexual stage that focuses on toilet training
Phallic stage
Psychosexual stage that focuses on the genitals
Oedipus complex
conflict during the phallic stage in which boys supposedly love their mothers romantically and want to eliminate their fathers as rivals
conflict during phallic stage in which girls supposedly love their fathers romantically and want to eliminate their mothers as rivals
Penis envy
supposed desire of girls to possess a penis
Latency stage
psychosexual stage in which sexual impulses are submerged into the unconscious
Genital stage
psychosexual stage in which sexual impulses awaken and typically begin to mature into romantic attraction toward others
Factor analysis
statistical technique that analyzes the correlations among responses on personality inventories and other measures
Big Five
five traits that have surfaced repeatedly in factor analyses of personality measures
Lexical approach
approach proposing that the most crucial features of personality are embedded in our language
tend to be intellectually curious and unconventional
tend to be social and lively
tend to be careful and responsible
tend to be friendly and easy to get along with
tend to be tense and moody
Implicit personality theories
intuitive ideas concerning personality traits and their associations with behavior
unintentionallyimposing their implicit personality theories on chimpanzees
Structured personality tests
paper-and-pencil tests consisting of questions that respondents answer in one of a few fixed ways
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
widely used structured test designed to assess symptoms of mental disorders
Empirical method of test construction
approach to building tests in which researchers begin with two or more criterion groups, and examine which items best distinguish them
Face validity
extent to whcih respondents can tell what the items are measuring