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23 Cards in this Set

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Slow adapting
Encodes magnitude
Constantly firing AP's, but increase rate when stimulus is activated
Rapidly adapting
Encode rate of change of stimulus
Only fire a burst of AP's when stimulus changes
Meissner's Corpuscle
Glaberous skin at dermal/epidermal border
A(b) afferent, RA
Deep touch - transmitted via Ant. Spinothalamic
Merkel Disk
Glaberous skin at dermal/epidermal border
A(b) afferent, SA
Light crude touch and 2-point discrimination
Hair Skin Receptor
A(b) afferent, RA
Ruffini Endings
All skin in dermis
Maintained pressure
Pacinian Corpuscles
All skin in dermis - especially in fingertips
Very RA
High frequency vibration/flutter/textures
Free Nerve endings
In dermis of all skin
A(s) and C fibers
Deep touch, thermo, nociceptors, 2-point discrimination
Thermal are Ca2+ dependent TRP channels that sense change in temp (not absolute value)
Ventral Trigeminal
touch, pain, temp on face
Dorsal Trigeminal
fine touch, pressure on face
Motor Pool
all neurons that innervate one muscle
Arrange in Ventral horn as so: Flexor=Dorsal, Proximal=Medial, Extensors=Ventral, Distal=lateral
Fast motor Unit
Unit for a large/fast neuron that innervates MANY fibers that fatigue quickly. Activated 2nd.
EX: Gastrocnemius
Slow Motor Unit
Unit for a small/slow neuron that innervates FEW fibers that fatigue slowly. Activated 1st.
EX: Soleus
Muscle Spindles
Detect muscle stretch/length that increase AP firing rate when streched (not contracting)
Ia afferent
Spindle afferent that excites Alpha motor neurons for homolous mm and inhibitory internerons for anatagonist.
Phasic - carry info about rapid change in length
II Afferent
Spindle afferent that are found in postural mm.
Tonic - carry info about maintained length and modulate tone.
Golgi Tendons
Detect tension in muscle and increase AP firing rate when contracted (ie increased tension)
Ib afferents
Golgi afferents that activate interneuron to inhibit spindle's muscle to decrease tension during reflex.
Phasic (only firing when muscle is contracted)
Gamma Motor Efferent
Spindle efferent that fires at the same time as Alpha motor neurons for skeletal muscle when they sense a decrease in Ia afferent activity.
Cause spindle to contract to re-establish spindle's sensitivity.
Renshaw Cells
Excited by motor neurons to inhibit motor neurons in the same pool.
Use Glycine
Midbrain Tracts
locus coerulus and Raphe Nucleus
signal levels of responsiveness
Tegmental Pons Tracts
Rubrospinal and Pontine reticulospinal
excite distal muscles in automated movement
Pons and Medulla Tracts
Vestibulospinal and Reticulospinal
act on proximal muscles using GABA (inhibitory)