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108 Cards in this Set

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What is gingival recession?
-Gingival margin apical to the CEJ
What does gingival recession implies?
-Loss of PDL, root cementum. and alveolar bone
What are the predisposing factors?
-Inadequate attached gingiva
-High frenum
-Tooth malposition
-Osseous dehiscence
What are the Precipitation factors?
-Vigorous tooth brushing
-Recurrent inflammation
-Iatrogenic factors
What the clinical variables in assessing the Probability of Successful Treatment?
-CEJ or surrogate (restorative margin)
-MGJ (Mucogingival junction)
-CBL (interproximal crestal bone levels)
Indications for Root Coverage?
-Root sensitivity
-Shallow root caries lesions
-Esthetic demands
-Young age
-Gingival augmentation prior to orthodontic tooth movement
Contraindications for Root coverage?
-Low chance of obtaining root coverage (Class III or Class IV)
-Anatomical restrictions
-Perceptible mismatch
-Lack of donor tissue
What is the problem with anatomical restrictions?
-XS MD root surface width + narrow interproximal tissue = problem with adequate blood supply
What is the recommended thickness of donor tissue?
-1.5 mm (Allograft available)
What are the Classification of Marginal Tissue Recession?
-Class I
-Class II
-Class III
-Class IV
What are the % of sucessful procedure depending on recession depths?
-96% root coverage < 3mm
-81% root coverage 4-5 mm
-77% root coverage >5mm
-Inverse relationship b/t the vertical extend of gingival recession amt of root coverage
For horizontal dimension, the degree of root coverage is better for ___ recessions (95%) than for ____ recessions (71%).
-Narrow (95%)
-Recessions (71%)
What is the relationship b/t width (Vertical dimension) of Keratinized Gingival & Gingival health
-80% of sites w/ >2mm keratinized gingiva had no inflammation
-All sites with <2 mm exhibited clinical inflammation and gingival exudate
Insufficient width of keratinized tissue determined by?
-Eruption pattern of permanent incisors
-Labiolingual width of alveolar process
-Labially displaced teeth, more likely to exhibit more keratinized tissue (T/F)
False: Less
Lingual movement of a labially prominent incisor does increase the labial keratinized tissue (T/F)
False: No increase in labial keratinized tissue
TX of mucogingival problems should be accompolished after completion of ortho, to ensure adequate attachment of keratinized tissue (T/F)
-False: Prior to ortho to reduce reduce of loss of keratnized tissue
What are the 5 surgical Methods to Correct Gingival Recession?
1. Epithelial Free gingical Autografts
2. Connective Tissue Autografts
3. Pedicle Grafts
4.Guided Tissue Regeneration w/ Membranes
5. Acellular Dermal Matrix Allograft (alloderm)
Describe the Recipient Bed Preparation?
-Incision at or above the mucogingival junction
-Butt joint margin
-Partial thickness flap
-Periosteal bed
-Excellent revascularization potential
Descrbe how to harvest in palatal Donor site?
-Away fro Greater Palatine foramen
-1.5-2.0 mm mm thick
-Surgicel & Stent necessary
How is the Graft Site treated?
-Immobilized with extra sutures
-Dressing optional
Describe the Wound healing cycle?
-2 days after: grat survival by diffusion: plasmatic circulation
-Day 3: capillary budding starts
-Day 4-6: Anastomosis of vessels
What is the fx of flap base in wound site?
-Provides nourishment to wound site
Describe the incision for a laterally Positioned graft?
-Externally beveled recipient incision
-Internal bevel edge
Describe the Coronally Positioned Graft?
-Partial thickness flap beyond MGJ
-Coronally advance
-Passive fit, suturing
Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft used for what tx?
-Cervical abrasion
-Esthetic concerns
Describe the incision of Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft?
-Partial thickness flap
-Sharp dissection beyond MGJ
Describe the CT harvest?
-sharp, new blade w or w/o vertical incisions
Intial Changes in Tissue after injury (1st 3 mins)
-Injury --> Vasoconstriction
--> Blood spill --> Mast cell degranulation --> Vasodialation --> Platelet adhesion --> Platelet aggregation --> Platelet plug
What are the phase of wound healing?
-Adapation phase: injury-Inflammation-Clotting
-Proliferation phase: Proliferation/mobilization of cells --Formation of granulation tissue
-Attachment phase: Repair
-Maturation phase: Remodeling
Benefits of Acellular Dermal Allograft-Alloderm?
-Unlimited supply
-Second surgical site unnecessary
Limiting factors of Acellular Dermal Allograft-Alloderm
-Existing sone of keratinized tissue
-Relatively thick "tissue"
-Potential problems if unable to completely cover graft with flap -infection, inflammation.
Objective of Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) in the TX of Facial Recession
-Formation of new CT attachment to a thoroughly debirded, previously diseased or denuded root surface, preferably with regrowth of alveolar bone
Which surgical method to correct gingival recession involve usage of resorbable or non-resorbable barrier membranes
-GTR in TX of Facial Recession
What is the indication of GTR in TX of Facial Recession
-Single tooth w/ wide deep, localized recession, 5 mm in width or depth or wider or deeper
-Repair of recessions ass. w/ failing Class V restorations/
What is the contraindication for GTR in TX of Facial Recession
-Multiple defects
-Limited by Height of interproximal bone
-Non-resorbable membrane needs 2nd surgery after 4-6 wks
When does a non-resorbable membrane needs a 2nd surgery after 4-6 wks.
-Newly formed tissue over root surface is very thin and increases adhesion and maturity over time; membrane removal disrupts and decreases regeneration
-Attachment of regenerated tissue to root surface is weak; regeneration tissue is damaged/ detached w/ removal of membrane
Advantages of GTR vs Mucogingival Surgery for Root Coverage Procedures
-Better coverage in cases of deep (>5mm) recessions
-Greater probing attachment gain
-Possibility of obtaining new CT attachment instead of long epithelium
-Can provide highly esthetic results
-No donor site surgery required
Disadvantages of GTR vs Mucogingival Surgery for Root Coverage Procedures
-Demanding surgical technique
-Additional costs
-Less predictable results in cases of pulling frena and shallow vestibule.
Guidelines for Successful Root Coverage
-No root sensitivity
-Gingival margin should be at the CEJ after TX of Class I or II defects
-Suclus depth of 2 mm or less
-No bleeding on probing
-Good color match
-Adequate dimension of gingiva
Factors Ass. w/ Incomplete Root Coverage
-Improper classification
-Inadequate root planning
-Failure to use root conditioning
-Improper preparation of the recipient site
-Inadequate size of the interdental papilla at the recipient site
-Improper preparation of donor tissue
-Dehydration of donor tissue
-Inadequate graft thickness
-Failure to stabilize the graft
-Inadequate adapation or suturing of graft
-XS or prolonged pressure
-Failure to reduce prior inflammation
-Trauma during healing
-Smoking of 10 or more cigarettes/day
Root coverage is a predictable outcome of mucogingival surgical in Miller Class __ and __
-Class I and II recessions
Shallow probing depths should be the results of ALL procedures (T/F)
What are some consideration for Pre and Post surgical?
-Med HX update
-Anxiety control
-Pre-op medication
-Post-op care/instructions
-Post-op medication
When an anxiety control occur?
-Bedtime prior to surgery
-Prior to the surgery
-During the surgery
-Post-surgical care
Example of Anxiety Control-Oral
-Ativan (Lorazepam): 2mg: 2h prior
-Valium (Diazepam): 5-10 mg: 1 h prior
-Vistaril (Hydroxyzine): 10-20 mg: 1 hr prior
Example of Anxiety Control-IV Sedation
-Versed (Midazolam)
-Demoral (Meperidine)
Example of Analgesics Pre-Surgical Medications?
-Ibuprofen 800 mg
-Acetaminophen 500-1000mg
Example of antibiotics
-Amoxicillin: 1000 mg
-Clindamycin: 300 mg
-Doxycycline: 100 mg
Post-Op instructions?
-Blood tinged saliva normal
-No rinsing or swishing (24 hrs)
-No drinking w/ a straw (48 hrs)
-Minimal physical activity (48hrs)
-Avoid hard, crunchy, sticky foods (~5d)
-Brush teeth normally except on affected area
-Take medication as directed
-Some swelling expected. Invasive procedures may require Medrol Dose Pack (Rx steroids)
Oral hygiene following surgery
-CHX rinse: startind day after surgery
-Usual oral hygiene in areas not treated surgically
One Week Post-Op Appt
-Evaulate pt comfort
-Evaulate healing
-Remove sutures (regenerative procedure remove at 2 weeks, Prerinse using CHX if pt usually given antibiotic cover
-OH instruction: CHX usage optimal for up to 6 weeks
What is the present of liver clot mean in Hemorrhage
-Gelatinous mass of fibrin
-Liver clots represents an unstable mass of fibrin
-Pt must be seen to remove it so clot can stablize
What is the meaning no liver clot in Hemorrhage?
-Try some-at-home treatments first
-Place moist tea bag in area of bleeding. Keep gentle but firm pressure for 5 mins and check the area and give care provider a call
-Place moist clean cloth with firm but gentle pressure for 5-10 minutes.
When is swelling normal
-Some swelling is normal in first 48 hrs
-After that think possible infection
What are the options if infection does happen after periodontal surgery?
-Rare with Aseptic Surgical Technique
-Establish Drainage
-Evaluate Etiology
-Change Antibiotic Coverage
Post-Surgical Problems: Pain steps
-Reassess previously prescribed medication
-Assess etiology of pain
-Aggressively deal with it
Options for After-Hours Bleedings?
-Aspirate Completely -ID source
-Firm pressure with a moist gauze
-Collagen Hemostat
-Blind Mattress Suture
-Observe about 15 min after control
Step on Controling Hemorrhage?
-Moist gauze pressure for 5 min
-Apply Monsel's soln (ferric subsulfate), light pressure, place gauze pack
-Apply surgicel, if under flap
-Apply avitene or other topical collagen hemostat (Hematex)
-Anesthetize the area and place a blind mattress suture (compromises blood supply)
-After control of bleeding, monitor the pt for at least 10-15 minutes.
What are some othe complications beside infection and hemorrhage?
-Bone Sequestration
-Herpetiform Lesions
What is bone sequestration?
-Most common at the lingual aspect of mandible
-Sequestrum= dead bone buff/ivory color and hard
-Follow closely (weekly) unit mobile
-Remove with cotton pliers
-Don't try to remove until mobile
Describe Flap Surgery- 48 hours later
-Epithelial cells begin apical migration over the borders of flap
-Regenerating epithelium migrates b/t necrotic and living CT under the surgical surface of flap
-Large # of active endothelial cells and fibroblasts at the surgical opening of PDL
-Some loss of osteocytes
-Cementoblasts deranged for about 1mm from wound surface
Flap Surgery-5 days later
-Epithelial cells proliferating and migrating in apical direction
-Granulation tissue from PDL and bone
-Some crestal bone resorption (osteoclastic activity seen)
-Cementoblasts apical to the bone crest missing for about 1mm.
Flap Surgery-14 days later
-New JE seen
-Young/Immature CT in apical parts
-New periosteum
-Few gingival groups of fiber seen
Flap Surgery-21 days later
-Fully epithelialized gingival crevice with well defined JE (No probing)
-Beginning functional arrangement
-Evidence of osteoblastic activity at the alveolar crest and on the periodontal surface of alveolar bone.
-Cementum line reestablished
Flap Surgery-72 days later
-JE and gingival sulcus well established
-Probing ONLY if necessary, better to wait another 10-12 weeks w/ good oral hygiene
-Some chronic inflammation at the base of the gingival crevice (sub-clinical inflammation)
-Gingival margin may be more stable at this point
What at point is it ok to prep tooth after crown lengthening
-72 days later
Factors Affecting Healing of Flaps
-Extend of Root Preparation
-Flap Adapation (space for granulation tissue)
-Extent of Surgical Trauma
-Plaque control
While healing may be complete by 21 days with good adapation, healing may be not be complete even after 72 days when flap adapation is POOR. (T/F)
What is the best management in dealing with emergencies?
-Take the necessary steps to prevent them.
What are the gingival biotype?
-Thick and thin
What does the presence of inflammation affect?
-crest bone levels
-periodontal disease
-furcation involvement
What affect does rough surfaces or overahngs have on oral tissue?
-Bacteria colonize and cause periodontal destruction
-Sub-gingival microfloa changes to more pathologic form
-Results: Deeper probing depth (inflammation, attachment loss, bone loss)
Deep sub-gingival restorative margins can cause
-Result in poor esthetics
-Chronic gingivitis
-Amalgam tattoo
-Tissue recession/attachment loss
ScRP and OH are not affected if overhangs and roughness is removed (T/F)
False: More effective
What are the steps in Decision Making process?
-Can tooth/teeth be restored
-Treatment planning (ant vs. post, surgery, restoration)
-Esthetic concerns
What are the indications for Surgical Flaps?
-Eliminate or reduce pockets
-To gain access to bony structures
-To correct mucogingival defects
-To lengthen clinical crowns
What are the Biological Principles for Surgical flaps?
-Maintain adequate blood supply
-Vertical incisions at line angles
-Flap extension for access
-Maintain adequate band of attached gingiva
-Placement of incision on sound bony base
-Good surgical handling
What blade is used for harvesting connective tissue?
What is the most commonly used surgical blade?
What blade is described as sharp pointed used to incise around the teeth or abscess drainage?
Special gingivectomy knives, sharpened on 3 sides?(KIRK like THIRD)
-Kirkland knives
Gingivectomy knives sharpended on two sides and have long blades? (2 Long O)
-Orban knives
Has a pointy end and a small paddle on the other end. (Be small)
Buser Elevator
Large rectangular end useful for retracting larger flaps (Pitch Pritchard)
-Pritchard Elevator
-Look like a flat bat
What is the most common retractor
-Minnesota retractor
Flap Management
-Minimize trauma
-Handle w/ tissue forceps
-Maintain moisture
-Passive suturing
Describe Straight Line incisions?
-A horizontal incision made on the same level as the base of the periodontal pocket
-Used along edentulous ridges, mucosa, palate or gingiva.
Describe Inverse bevel incisions?
-A scalloped incision made outside the sulcus in a beveled manner along the gingival line also called internal bevel incision.
-Imagine going into the sulcus.
External Bevel Incision?
-An incision made from apical to coronal aspect
-Typically used for gingivectomy
What is another name for Inverse Bevel incisions?
-Internal Bevel incision
What is the usage for the external bevel incisions?
What is a Scalloped incision?
-Follows the contours of the teeth
-May/maybe preserve the interdental papilla.
Incision into the gingival sulcus to the alveolar crest
-Sulcular Incision
Indications for crown lengthening (CL)
-Extensive caries
-Insufficient crown length
-Excessive gingival display
Considerations for crown lengthening
-After gross preparation and temporization
-Crestal bone levels
-Furcations/root trunk length
-Keratinized tissue
-Tooth sensitivity
After gross preparation and temporization, what should you evaluate?
-Evaluate margin/attachment
-Evaluate unsupported tooth structure
-Improve surgical access/evaluate anatomy
Orthodontic extrusion can sometimes be used as a tx alternative/adjunct to increase clinical crown length (T/F)
Problems of an edentulous space adjacent to an abutment tooth
-Plaque hard to control
-Effects of initial therapy may be suboptimal b/c of limited accessibility of instruments during scaling and root planing.
-Maxillary tuberosity and retromolar triangle tent to form deep perio. pocket due to thick gingiva.
-Abutment adj. to edentulous space at high risk for bone loss
Objectives for distal wedge?
-Eliminate periodontal pocket
-Maintain and preserve attached gingiva
-Make area accessible to instruments
-Lengthen clinical crown
-Lengthen clinical crown
-Create easily cleansable gingiva-alveolar form
Flap design: Triangular incision?
-Small wedge, deep periodontal pocket in edentulous side, easy access to osseous defect
Square incision?
-Large wedge, thick soft tissue, deep periodontal pocket in edentulous side
Linear incision?
-Narrow band of attached gingiva, thick soft tissue, easy access to osseous defect reliable wound closure, can be used for a regenerative procedure.
Objectives Gingivectomy?
-Complete eradication of pockets, establishment of a physiological gingival sulcus
-Access to treat root surface
Contraindications for Gingivectomy
-Lack of keratinized tissue
-Intraosseous defects (infrabony pockets)
-Inadequate attached gingiva
-Acute inflammation
-Etiologic factors not removed/ controlled
Indications for Gingivectomy?
-Adequate attached gingiva
-Suprabony pockets
-Gingival enlargement
-Gingival deformities