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75 Cards in this Set

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What did we gain in perio guidelines in workshop 1999?
gingival component
pyogenic granuloma found in?
pregnant women
chronic perio is ____ induced
Localized aggressive perio
at least a molar and 2 permanent teeth. Usually 1st molar and incisors
Generalized aggressive perio
At least 3 teeth not 1st molar or incisors. Poor serum antibody response
T/F- Localized & generalized aggressive perio is plaque induced
What causes NUG?
stress, smoking, immunosuppression, bacteria
What usually is found in NUP?
HIV people 20 x more likely to have CD4 under 200
When do most people have gingivitis?
During puberty. 80% around 15 yrs old
T/F- Micro organisms are immune to antibiotics and host response. Inside biofilm there are gram + and gram - bacteria
What bacteria is usually present in localized aggressive perio?
In ginigvitis is prevotella intermedia and spirochetes present?
Red complex?
P.g, T.f. T.d
Smokers are alomost ___ times as likely to have perio?
3 times
Disease progression ___ when someone quits smoking compared to those who don't
slows. Specificity
Smokers do not respond well to therapy as non smokers
Effects on perio tissues on smokers?
more calculus, elevated GCF, less bleeding on probing
year 2000 Tomar and asma- smokers are 4 times as likely to have perio
just read
Does smoking alter micro flora
perhaps qualitative not quantitative. Different kinds not more of it
In perio infection neutrophils are first to come what happens in smoker?
Diminsihed chemotaxis, phagocytosis, killing. Decreased IgG (IgG2)production. Increased levels of inflammatory factors (MMP8, PGE2, TNF alpha)
Smokers effect on gingival crevecular fluid?
Lowers fluid levels, lowers OPG which protects bone. RANKL increased which increases bone loss
What happens to fibroblasts in smoker
Nicotine inhibits fibroblasts which then produces collogenase. Delayed wound healing
Smoking has more effects on perio than genetics
Which cytokine means you are going to have perio genetically
Smokers respond to non surgical perio therapy ___ as much as non smokers?
half 50%
Implants fail ___ times as much in smokers and usually more on the ___
twice, maxillary
Heavy smokers have more plaque than light smokers or non smokers?
T/F smoking decreases likelihood of root canal tx?
False it increases it
What is looked for to see if there is exposure to second hand smoke?
Elevated second hand smoke leads to more decay in primary but not permanent teeth?
What is ADA code for tobacco counseling?
What drugs help quit smoking?
Wellbutrin, chantix, nicotine patch
What drug used chronically helps reduce perio?
How long does Arestin help?
30 days local antibiotic
What does aspirin activate that helps destruction of inflammatory things?
resolvins (aspirin)
What does of aspirin helped perio
light amplification stimulated emission of radiation
What are two properties of light that are n laser
amplitude and wavelength
Lasers have how many wavelengths
All lasers are where is specturm?
What is soft tissue laser?
Co2 laser
Thermal relaxation time?
time the irritated tiisue takes to lose 50% of the incidental heat
What is energy density measured in ?
high energy density = ?
high efficiency
What lasers do we use for gingival hyperplasia?
Co2, Diode, Nd: Yag
what laser do we use for biopsy?
What laser opens tubules and creates porosities on cementum?
erblum laser
Laser with optical cable and short wavelength?
Nd:Yag and Diode
Laser with articulating arm and mirrors
What is wavelength of Diode laser, Nd:Yag and Co2
Diode- 800-1000
Nd:Yag- 1064
Co2- 10600
What laser has quartz or saphire tip
zone of thermal damage layers?
vaporization - necrosis- cogulation- edema and normal tissue
What temp does vaporization occur?
100 degrees
What lasers should not be used on implant?
diode and Nd:Yag
What makes pt a level 3 pt and needsw to be referred
furcation involvement, severe chronic perio, progressive gingival recession, aggressive perio
Probing depth greater than 5 would be what level?
Level 2 (dual tx with periodontist and dentist
Any pt with perio and has systemic condition (diabetes, prgnant, heart probs) are what level?
Level 1
What are indications for gingivectomy?
gingival craters, rolled blunted margins, excessive granulation tissue
Contraindications of osetectomy?
gingivitis, severe perio, deep bone defect, 3 walled defect
biological width has?
1mm connective tissue, 1mm junctional epi
Miller classification of recession
Class 1-
recession not to mucogingival junction and no bone loss
Miller classification of recession
recession to mucogingival junction and no bone loss
Miller classification of recession
class 3
recession to muco gin junc and bone loss
transfer of tissue from same species
tissue transfer bw 2 diff species
what local antibiotic is liquid and mixed with purple stripe?
What local antibiotic is no longer used?
Actisite 12.7 mg tetracycline
What is most common used antibiotic in dentistry?
T/F- scaling and root planing
give same results as s/c r/p with tetracycline
When should you give systemic antibiotics?
NUG, abcess, aggressive perio
When should you not give local antibiotics?
pregnant, probing greater than 7mm, furcation involvment
10% doxicycline gel
1mg minocycline
Perio chip
2.5mg chlorhexidine
12.7mg tetracycline (not available) non resorbable