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44 Cards in this Set

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What are the boundaries of the perineum?
Bounded by pubic symphisis anteriorly, the ischiopubic rami anteriorlaterally, the ischial tuberosities laterally, the sacrotuberous ligamnets posterolaterally, and the tip of the coccyx posteriorly. Floor-skin and fascia, and roof is the pelvic diaphram
Perineum is divided into two traingles?
the urogenital and anal triangle.
urogenitl triangle boundaries?
pubic symphisis and ischial tuberosities. Perineal body is also in this on the back
What are the layers of the urogenital triangle?
superficial perineal pouch and deep perineal pouch
What are the boundaries of the superficial perineal pouch?
superior-perineal mb. inferior-Colle's fascia (which is continuous as scarpa's fascia in abdomen and Dartos fascia in the scrotum)
What are the contents of the male and female superical perineal pouches?
Both-ischiocavernous (crura), bulbospongiosus (bulbs), superficial transverse perineal m.,
female only-Bartholin's glands
What are the boundaries of the male and female deep perineal pouches?
also urogenital diaphram, superiorly- superior fascia of the urogenital diaphram (bottom of plevic diaphram)
inferior-perineal membrane or inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphram.
contents of the deep pouches in males and females
Both - membranous urethra, urethral sphincter muscle, and depp transverse perineal m.
Male-Cowper's glands
Female-vagina pierces just posterior to the membranous urethra
Ishiorectal fossa-
Whats in it?
What do you hit if you place fingers in and push anteriorly, how about superiorly?
Ishiorectal fossa (allows anal canal to expand). Contains the inferior rectal nerves and branches of the femoral cutaneous.Contains the pudendal canal in its lateral wall. has an superior border the levator ani which make the pelvic diaphram. Push anterirly anf get the transverse perineum m.
ischiorectal fossa lateral wall
obterator internus
pudendal nerve path
from sacrum and passing between coccygeus and piriformis. Leaves pelvis through greater sciatic foramen. Crosses spine and re-enters through the lesser sciatic foramen.
pudendal artery path
It exits the pelvic cavity through the greater sciatic foramen to enter the gluteal region.
It then curves around the sacrospinous ligament to enter the perineum through the lesser sciatic foramen.
It travels through the pudendal canal with the internal pudendal veins and the pudendal nerve.
inf. layer of the urogenital diaphragm

What is found above this?
is the superior border of the superficial pouch. Also called the perineal membrane.
urethral sphincter and the deep transverse perineum. Inn. by pudendal perineal branches. Bascially all that is in the deep pouch. INcludes cowpers gland in the male. Not in female.
perineal body
is very important as females rupture during pregnancy pred. women to prolapse of the uterus. Serves as attachemnt for bulbospongius and the transeverse superficial perineum .
innervation of urogenital diaphragm muslces
deep branch of the perineal nerve
arterial supply to the deep pouch muslces
is the pudendal artery. Probably perineal branch
vestibular glands of female are located
in the superficial pouch (Bartholin's). They release lubrication into the vagina-vulva area.
Superior fascia of the urogenital diaphgram?
is the continuatio of the obturator facia and and is the superior facia of the deep pocuh. Pelvic diaphram is immediately superior this so levator ani muscles.
perineal membrane is the inferior border of the urogenitla diaphgram and provides attachemnt for the
bulb of the penis
thickening of the obturator fascia that forms the origin of the obturator internus
is the archus tendineus
pudendal nerve fibers
carries autonomic and sensory fibers, also carries autonomics to the pelvic plexus. s2 and s3, 4 innervate the levator ni and urethral sphincter. Perineal branch does sensory for posterior scrotum via posterior scrotal (or labial branch).
internal pudendal artery
inferior rectal
perineal -to transverse superficial
posterior labial and scrotal
artery to bulb of vestibule or bulb of penis
Dorsal artery of penis and clit
deep artery of clit or penis
internal pudendal vein
deep dorsal v. of the penis/clitoris, v. of the bulb, posterior labial/scrotal v., inferior rectal v.
dorsal veins of the penis and clitoris
drain into vesical or prostatic plexus
most of the venous plexus drain to the
internal illiac
false pelvis
The greater pelvis (or false pelvis) is the expanded portion of the cavity situated above and in front of the pelvic brim. Arcuate line is the lateral borders of pelvic brim or illium.
true pelvis
below pelvic brim.
Its bony walls are more complete than those of the greater pelvis.
For convenience of description, it is divided into a pelvic inlet bounded by the superior circumference, and pelvic outlet bounded by the inferior circumference, and a cavity of the lesser pelvis.
periteneum and pelvis
drapes over structures aboove the plevic diaphgram but does not reach the pelvic diaphragm.
recto vescile pouch
a part of the peritoneal cavity that drapes ofer the rectum and bladder making a pouch. Become the recto uterine pouch in females.
prostatic urethra
prostatic urethra begins at the internal urethral orifice at the anteroinferior angle of the vesical trigone;part of the male urethra passing through the prostate gland
seminal colliculus
on the urethral crest with a prominence called the seminal colliculus (veru montanum); seminal colliculus has a blind diverticulum called the prostatic utricle with orifices of ejaculatory ducts located below it
urethral crest
posterior wall of the urethra has an elevated ridge called the urethral crest with a prominence called the seminal colliculus
prostatic utricle
seminal colliculus has a blind diverticulum called the prostatic utricle with orifices of ejaculatory ducts located below a small blind diverticulum in the posterior wall of the prostatic urethra on the summit of the seminal colliculus prostatic utricle is a remnant of the fused lower ends of the paramesonephric ducts - the fused paramesonephric ducts form the uterine canal in the female
prostatic sinus
on the sides of the urethral crest
ampula of the vas
swelling of vas before empting into
At the level of the middle of the sacrum, the sigmoid colon loses its mesentery and gradually becomes the rectum. ends in anal canal or at end of the pelvic diaphragm.
anorectal junction
is held by the sling of the levator ani
rectal folds
are called ouston's valves that act as shelves for the poop.
parasympathetic innervation of the pelvis
pelvic para symp sacral,
where does the sympathetic chain end
sympathetic chain ends at the coccyx
superior hypogastric plexus
is the continuation of the aortic plexus below the aortic bifurication and recieves the two lower lumbar splanchnics. lies behind peritoneum and lies behind the fifth lumbar vertebra. Ends by bifurication into the left and right hypogastric nerves in front of the sacrum. Contains preganglionic postgang symps. visceral afferent fibers and some para fibers if any.
hypogastric nerve
lies lateral to the rectum in the extraperitonela tissue. Branches to the sigmoid. joined by pelvic splanchnics to the form the inferior hypogastric or pelvic plexus.
inferior hypogastric plexus
formed by the union of hypogastric, pelvic splanchnic, and saccral splanchnic nerves. lateral to rectum and vagina and base of the bladder.
Pelvic ganglia.
sacral splanchnic nerves
preganglionic sympathetic fibers that come off the chain and synapse in the inferior hypogastric plexus.