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37 Cards in this Set

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Why to classify the periodontal diseases ?
Frameworks to study the etiology and

Help establish diagnosis, determine prognosis,
and facilitate treatment planning

*Way of communicating in a common language
Look at the picture in slide 5
look at it
List the charactrstics common to gingival diseases
Signs and symptoms are confined to the gingiva

No attachment loss or on a periodontium with
attachment loss that is not progressing

The presence of dental plaque to initiate and /or
exacerbate the severity of lesion

Reversibility of the disease by removing the
Gingivitis is classifed based on the extent ... to ?
Localiazed and generalized gingivitis
gingivitis is classied based on the distribution .... to ?
Marginal and diffused gingivits
gingivitis is bsed on the severitey ...to ?
mild ---> moderate ---> severe
look at the image in slide 10
look at it
look at the image in slide 11
look at it
Define " Chronic Peridontits "
An infectious disease resulting in inflammation
within the supporting tissues of the teeth,
progressive attachment and bone loss.
Chronic peridontis replaced an older term , what was it ?
”adult periodontitis”
or “chronic adult periodontitis”
Talk about Chronic Peridontits
* Localized <30% of sites affected
* Generalized >30% of sites affected

* Mild: 1-2 mm CAL
* Moderate: 3-4 mm CAL
* Severe: ≥5 mm CAL
how do we write the diagnosis treatment ?
Extent + Severity + Name of the disease
Define " Aggressive peridontits "
A specific type of periodontitis with clearly
identifiable clinical and laboratory findings
that make it sufficiently different from
Chronic Periodontitis
Aggersvie peridontits is classified into : Localized aggersive and generalized aggersive , talk about these two types .
Localiazed Aggersive : Attachment loss on at least two
permanent teeth, one of which
is a first molar and involving no
more than two teeth other than
first molars and incisors

Generalized aggersive : Generalized proximal
attachment loss affecting at
least three teeth other than first
molars and incisors
List the characterstics of a healthy peridomntium
Pink, firm gingiva, with a knife edge gingival
margin, no signs of redness or edema.
• Intact periodontal ligament with no attachment
• Cementum covering the root surface with
inserting sharpey’s fibers.
• No alveolar bone loss with the level of alveolar
bone crest 0.75-1.49mm below the cemento-enamel
List the methods of peridontal screening examaniton
Demographic information: Name, Date of Birth, Gender,
Occupation …..


=== History==== :
▫ Medical history
▫ Dental History
▫ Family History
▫ Smoking
▫ Oral hygiene measures

▫ Visual vs. Instrumentation
What does the extra oral examnation consists of ?
Inspection, palpation
• Face and Lips.
• Muscles of Mastication.
• Lymph Nodes.
What does the intra-oral examnation consists of ?
Examination of lining mucosa

Examination of the teeth:
- Caries, restorations, crowns and bridges.
- Overhanging restorations, open contacts.
- Plaque and calculus.
- Staining.
- Assessment of occlusion.
what are the things that make up for the comprehensive periodontal assemesnet
Oral Hygiene
• Gingival Inflammation
• Probing Depth
• Attachment level
• Bleeding on Probing
• Presence of Exudate
• Level of the free gingival
• Mucogingival Junction
• Tooth Mobility
• Furcation Involvement
• Occlusion
• Radiographic evidence of
Alveolar Bone Loss
• Presence of Local
Contributing Factors
Talk about the plaque index
was coined by Silness and Loe

0 --> No plaque

1--> Thin film at the gingival margin , viable ONLY when scraped with an explorer

2 --> moderate amount of plaque along the gingval margin : interdental space free of plaque ; plaque viable with the naked eye

3---> heavy plaque accumulation at the gingval margin ; intradental space filled with plaque
Talk about the gingival index
was coined by Silness and Loe

0 --> normal gingiva , no inflmmation , no discoloration and no bleeding

1--> mild inflmmation , slight color change , mild alterantion of gingival surface NO bleeding

2 --> moderate inflmmation , erthmya , swelling and BLEEDING on probing

3--> severe inflmmation , severe erthyma , severe swelling , some ulceration and tedency toward spotenous hemorrphage ( bleeding )
Talk about " bleeding on probing "
• Insertion of probe to the bottom
of pocket elicits bleeding in
inflamed gingiva
• Non – inflamed sited rarely bleed
• Absence of bleeding an excellent
predictor of periodontal stability
when does the " purulent exudate " appears ?
appear at the gingival margin after
digital pressure on the lateral aspect
of the gingival margin.
Define " probing depth "
Distance between the free gingival margin and the
base of the gingival crevice/pocket.
talk about the basic princples of probing
Basic Principles
• Keep parallel to long axis of tooth
• Walk the probe
• If calculus is present – go around it
• Apply no more than 20g of pressure
• Round to the nearest high millimeter
▫ E.g. 3.5 mm will be 4 mm
When do you record all the reading ?
Record readings greater then 3mm except when recession
is present (record all readings)

y3ni when having a recession == all , no recession only greater than 3
what's the six point charting ?
disto-buccal ==== mid buccal === mesio buccal
diso lingual ==== mid lingual === mesio lingual
talk about gingival recession
• Apical migration of the gingival margin.
• Measured as the distance between CEJ and GM ( gingival margin )
Talk about Millers gingival recession classifcation
class 1 ---> no loss of interdental paplilla , no extent to the GM

class 2 --> no loss of interdetnal paplilla , extend to MGJ )

class 3 --> loss of interdental papilla extend to MGJ

class 4 --> loss of bone , loss of soft tissue around the entire tooth with open interdetnal area .
define attachment level
Is expressed as the distance from the cemento-enamel
junction to the bottom of the pocket.
How do we calcualte the attachment loss ?
A) normal : CAL = PD

B) Overgrowth : CAL = PD - Overgrowth

C) Recession : CAL = PD + Recession
Talk about width of attached gingiva
Attached gingiva (AG) = Keratinized
gingiva(KG) – free gingiva (PD)
define tooth modility and talk about miller tooth mobility classifcation
it's Movement of tooth in a facial to lingual direction

class 1 : slight mobility , up to 1 mm of horizontal displacement in a facial-lingual direction

class 2 : moderate mobility >1 mm but < 2 mm of a horizontal displacment in a facial-lingual direction

class 3 : severe mobility >2 mm , of displacment in a facial-lingual direction or vertical ( tooth dpression in socket )
Define "Fremitus"
is a palpable or visble movemnet of a tooth when in fuction
define furcation invlovment and talk about the classifcation
Extension of bone loss between
roots of teeth
• broad term
▫ bifurcation of the mandibular
molars or maxillary premolars
▫ trifurcation of the maxillary molars

• The site and extent must be recorded
• Degree 1: probe enters the furcation up to 1/3 the width of the
• Degree 2: probe enters the furcation > than 1/3 but not the total
width of the tooth
• Degree 3: a horizontal “through and through” destruction

the classifcation was coined by hamp
how do we record the extent of the invlovment ?
via Naber's probe
Write your name on top of sheet.
• Start with PI and GI. If an indexed tooth is missing either choose an adjacent
one or the opposite side of same arch.
• PD at deepest site, PD > 3mm , except when recession or if KG < 3mm.
• Use color code.
• For BOP, place a red dot at bleeding site where PD is documented.
• For recession, draw it with a red line
• Calculate the CAL
• Mobility value (I-III) is printed on occlusal surfaces of mobile teeth.
• For furcation involvement use a red pencil and the following codes:
▫ Grade I: مثلث نايم لتحت
▫ Grade II: مثلت نايم لتحت كامل
▫ Grade III and IV:مثلث نايم لتحت غامق
• KG < 3 mm: draw an “” at root involved (Facial usually).