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48 Cards in this Set

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What is Ganzfeld/whole field?
light falling on retina with no visual structure: eventually, perception is of a uniform dark gray field
What is involuntary eye movement?
spontaneous, unconscious unavoidable movements
What is stabilized retinal image
image presented through computer goggles such that image moves in such a way as to cancel out involuntary movenments
whose experiment is Stabilized retinal image
What happens when a stablized retinal image is produced
a ganzfeld-like experience: the light is still there and visual edges are present but temp blindness still results
What is version movement?
looking back and forth
what is saccades
rapid movement from one fixation point to the next
what is vergence movements
crossing your eyes, very slow, double vision can result if theres a problem
can be a distance cue.
What are the 4 different types of vision movements?
smooth pursuit
What is lateral?
side view of the eye
what is lateral inhibition
A)high intensity lots of lines
B)moderate medium lines
c)low little amount of lines
what happens if moderate and low amount of lines?
As B gets brighter A looks darker in comparison
What is mach bands
when illumination changes rapidly, a faint dark band can be seen on the dark side of the edge, and a faint light band can be seen on the light side of the edge.
What is Scotoma
blind spot due to damage to the visual system
What is Krauskopf's color circel experiment
green ring,red circle inside. Red ring stablized green reing not stable on retina. red circle disappeared. People saw a solid green disc.
What is albedo?
propartion of light reflected back from a surface
are surfaces generally black and white?
no, they just have albedo
What is albedo
reflects alot of light
or alittle
What is lightness constancy
generally you're pretty good at ignoring the fact that the lightness reflected by and oject is constantly changing
What is the four different light factors?
Gelb's exper
Ration principle
Wallach's exper
What is Gelbs exper?
he secretly shined a lot of light on a black ( on a dark background) he made the black disk appear white
by turning off the hidden light resulted in people saying no I wrong its black then questioning themselves.
What is ratio principle
lightness perceived depends not on amount of light reaching your eye, but rather on the ration of light from different areas.
Wallach disk eperiment

outside disk 200 then 500
Inside disk 100 then 100? 250
shown two rings with a circle in the middle
Goal is to match the other
Do correctly match is to
change the middle circle to reflect the 100 units
Instead: people changed the middle to reflect the 250 units of light preserving the ration of light, rather than absolute amount.
What are the 3 kinds of visual acuity ( focus )
Emmetropic vision
cornea and lens work well, eyeball is the right shape
nearsighted: bends light too much
farsighted: bends light too little
psychological reaction to different wavelengths
one color
black white gray
substractive rule?
obey color mixture rule yellow and blue make green
yellow light and blue light make white
intensity of a given hue
highly unsaturation is?
very light or and grey or dark
highly saturated is?
vivid and strong
lightness refers too?
overall amount of reflectance from and object something that reflects a lot of light is light, that doesn't is dark
three different cones ( cones contain color)
What are the three diff cones
s small wavelengths of light blue and violet
m medium green and yellow
l long yellow orange red
trichromatic theory
a single wave length of light will activate all 3 types of cones in diff amounts and
color sensation are produced by proportional contributions of the three cones
Opponent process theory
some colors activate some cells an inhibit others
ex) stare then blink
What are the 3 types of opponents
red present decrease when green present
yellow blue
increase with yellow, decrease with blue
black -white
same for light intensity not color
color blindness
most of ten occurs when one tyoe of cone is not working
3 types of colorblindness
protanopia no L cone cells
Deuteranopia no M cone cells
Tritanopia No S cone cells (rare)
lack of 2 kinds of cone receptors (or all 3)
Doubleopponent process cell
see the color and sends it to the brain to transolate
color constancy
when the wavelength of the illumination source changes
Land' Mondrian
illuminating the color patches with different wavelengths changes the light coming back to the eye